Saving Knight: A New Generati...

By -amber_king-

1.2K 53 114

Eleven years after Frank Poncherello proposed and married Liberty, they finally got a place of their own, hap... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 12

34 3 7
By -amber_king-

KITT did as Liberty had asked. He called Michael and Bonnie and told them everything that happened. But they were still missing a very important detail; who was helping him. Nobody knew except for Felicity. And she was to exhausted too care. Sure she remembered KARR. But she couldn't remember Garthe or the man with the gun. They were just fuzzy memories at the time. All she could think of was getting into a car that looked like KITT and sounded like KITT, but it wasn't him. She couldn't say what else happened. That's what worried them most. It wasn't just KARR coming back for the young girl. What KITT didn't know, is that protecting Liberty, Ponch, and Felicity, would only hurt them more.

It was 9:30 in the morning, and it was business as usual at Central. An alert had been sent out to every unit on patrol to watch for a black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am that matched KARR's description. While she was on patrol, Liberty could not get the thought out of her mind. How could he be back? He was destroyed! We should've just stayed in Sacramento! she said to herself. Her mind was clouded up with the memories from when she was eleven years old. KARR, Garthe, Goliath, and Durant. Durant. Just the thought of the name sent chills racing down her spine. She could never forgive the things he had done to her or her family. He had left a hole in her family. One that could not be glued or stitched back together. He had shot Michael, Stevie, hit Ponch with a car, shot her and killed Devon. She could never forgive him for that. Just as she was about to speak, something caught her eye. A black Trans Am in an alley way below. "Hey Ponch!" Liberty shouted over the roaring of the vehicles around them. "What?" he responded, glancing over at her. She pointed to the alley. "There's a Trans Am down there!" she stated. Ponch shrugged. "It's probably just KITT." he said as he pulled over to the side of the highway. Liberty followed and they both cut their engines. "I don't think so, Ponch. KITT is with Bonnie today, remember?" she interrogated. Ponch paused. "W-Well I guess we could check it out." Ponch sighed nervously. The duo started the engines and drove to the alley. They were extremely careful not to make any sounds. "Are you sure this is a good idea? You said it yourself, KARR is a lethal weapon. We really should wait for backup." Ponch whispered as he walked next to Liberty. "I just want to make sure it's him first. Just trust me." she replied as she slowed down and ducked behind an apartment building. She poked her head around the corner just enough so she could read the license plate. After she read the plate, she quickly and quietly pulled her head back and backed up. Liberty nodded to Ponch and the two headed back to their bikes and Ponch called it in. Liberty just stood there and stared, making sure the car didn't leave. If the engine started, she could hear it. Ponch looked over at her, his heads tilted slightly. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm waiting to hear KARR's engine start." she stated under her breath. "How are you supposed to hear that? He's a block or so away!" he exclaimed. Liberty turned around. "I have very sensitive ears. Actually, I can hear things that are a quarter of a mile away." she explained with a slight blush. "Well that would've been nice to know!" Ponch chuckled. "I've never really told anyone before. Even if I did, nobody would ever believe me." she sighed. Ponch got onto his bike. "I believe you." he said proudly. Liberty looked up and blushed. "Thank you..." her voice trailed off. "Liberty?" he asked, but she put up a hand to silence him. She could hear a high pitched humming coming from down the street. It was too high pitched to be a normal car. It had the same frequency as KITT's engine. Without saying a word, Liberty hopped onto her bike and motioned Ponch to follow. She could hear the car slowly driving away. She quickly caught up to it, being careful to stay out of sight. KARR slowed to a stop every few meters. "I don't know if this is a good idea." Ponch whispered to himself.

Felicity finally awoke in the hospital bed. She whimpered a bit until she remembered where she was and what happened. "Felicity? Are you awake?" a voice asked. She looked down at the black watch on her wrist. "KITT?" she asked, her voice still tired from the rest. "How are you feeling?" he asked again, a little more cheerfully this time. Felicity smiled slightly. "Tired." she yawned. "I'm so sorry we couldn't find you sooner." KITT sighed. "I-It's not your fault KITT." she admitted as she pushed herself up so she could sit upright in the bed. "Do you remember what happened?" he asked gently. There was a long pause. Felicity closed her eyes as her mind flashed back to the alley. She nodded. "Yeah. I remember. It was at a garage." she stated. "Alright. Now think. Was there anybody in that garage other than you and KARR?" he asked. She remained silent for a moment before speaking up. "He... He said his name was Garthe Knight. He told me that was my step uncle." she sighed shakily. KITT went silent. How could Garthe be back?! he panicked. "Felicity, are you sure that's what his name was?!" he asked as a subtle but obvious tone of fear rising in his voice. "Of course I am! He said it right to my face!" she exclaimed. KITT raced for ideas. He would be looking for her, and that's what he was afraid of. "Do you think you are strong enough to get out of that bed?" he asked, trying to gather himself. "I... I think so." she replied as she swung her legs out from under the covers and her feet hit the floor. The tiles were cold to the touch, and the second her skin touched them, it sent a shock up through her back, and she wanted to recoil and pull the covers over herself. But she didn't. She could hear the panic and urgency in KITT's voice. "Yeah I can, pal." Felicity added with slight shiver. "Alright. I need you to get dressed and don't leave your room, okay?" he demanded. "Um... okay?" she replied skeptically.

Liberty continued to follow the black car as it went down a maze of streets and intersections. After about five minutes, distant sirens could be heard from multiple patrol cruisers and bikes. "No no no! Turn them off!" she yelled to herself. Just as she had expected, the Trans Am began to speed up. Liberty and Ponch finally turned on their lights and sirens and raced to catch up. "This is exactly what I didn't want!" she growled. A patrol raced passed them and pulled in front of KARR. He sped up as if he wanted to hit the cruiser, but then slowed down a split second later. "What is he doing?" she asked herself. After a ten minute chase, KARR stopped at the end of a dead end alley. Liberty parked her bike then quickly got off after she made sure the end of the alley was barricaded completely. A tall man with brown curled hair stepped out of the car. Liberty gulped when she seen his face. "Garthe." she growled under her breath. "Liberty. Did you really think I was gone?" he smirked. "Uh, yeah! Kinda!" she exclaimed. He chuckled. "Surprise Ms. Knight." he said, almost cheerfully. "Joke's on you, Garthe! It's not Ms. Knight anymore. It's Mrs. Poncherello." she stated firmly and proudly. Garthe raised an eyebrow and held back a laugh. "You? Getting married to that?" he questioned, gesturing towards Ponch. Liberty let out a low and quiet growl. "No wonder why Felicity is so ugly." he added. Liberty looked at him as if he had more to say. "How do you know what Felicity looks like?" Ponch demanded. Garthe shrugged. "We had each other's company for a while. Until the little brat ran away, anyways." he grinned. Liberty put her hand down by her gun, ready to draw. Ponch noticed and gently brushed her hand away from it. She looked over at him, confusion in her eyes. He subtly shook his head. Liberty looked back at Garthe. "You have a sick mind, Garthe. I hope you are going to h€ll because of it." she stated firmly. Before any of the officers could say anything else, Garthe pulled a gun from his pocket. He pointed it at Liberty and Ponch. "I can kill you right now 'Mrs. Poncherello'. And there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me. Now, tell your CHP buddies over there to move their cars. If not, I'll just drive through them." he firmly demanded. Liberty looked up the barrel of the pistol and into his eyes.

Felicity quickly got dressed and sat back down on the bed. She didn't know what to think. She had never heard that much urgency in KITT's voice before. A short time later, Bonnie walked into the room. "Grandma!" Felicity cheered as she raced over to her. Bonnie gathered her granddaughter in her arms and hugged her tight. She couldn't find anything say. She just hugged Felicity, not wanting to let go. "Come on, Fel. We have to go." she finally said as she stood up. Felicity nodded and grabbed her hand. Bonnie led the young girl out of the hospital to the parking lot. A black Trans Am pulled out of a parking space and pulled up to them. Felicity stopped and backed up a bit. Bonnie looked down at her worryingly. "Fel? Are you okay?" she asked. Felicity just looked at KITT, then at Bonnie. "Don't worry. It's KITT." Bonnie smiled. Felicity nodded and began walking towards the Trans Am. KITT opened the door and she hesitantly sat down in the seat. "It's alright, Fel. Nobody is going to hurt you." he said, trying his best to reassure the young girl. She looked over at the voice module. It was not like KARR's. Felicity took a deep breath and let out a small sigh a she sank down in the seat. She allowed her eyes to close for a brief moment, allowing herself to relax. "I'm glad to see that you're okay, Fel. You had us all worried about what happened!" KITT said gently. She looked between Bonnie and the voice module. "I'm sorry." Felicity apologized, her voice just above a whisper. Bonnie placed a hand on Felicity's shoulder. "What happened?" she insisted. Felicity shook her head. "I-I don't want to talk about it. Sorry." she stated. Bonnie smiled sadly, but nodded. "It's alright. I understand. To be honest, I wouldn't want to talk about it either." she replied. Felicity looked over at her. "Thanks." she sighed.

Fear clouded her thoughts. Liberty met an icy cold stare from the man. She wanted to run, but her body did not move. Eventually she blinked, breaking the stare. Liberty looked back up at him, blinking. "Garthe, you are not going to win this." she growled as she clinched her fists. "Oh I'm sure I will. I always get my way someway or another. And besides, you are too old and weak to stop me now. Face it, Liberty. You failed." he snarled. "A lot younger than you." Liberty muttered loudly. Garthe chuckled and sat down in the car. "Well I hate to break up this reunion, but I have more important matters to attend to." he said as he backed up, plowing through the barricade of cruisers. "Do I kill him now or later." Liberty hissed. "You okay?" Ponch asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Liberty nodded. "I'm fine." she stated. Ponch looked at her skeptically. "Really? You don't sound fine." he asked. Her head shot up and she scowls at him. "What do you want me to say?! That everything is all sunshine and rainbows?! That guy has been after my family for years! Now he is after Felicity, Ponch! I'm not going to take it anymore! And nobody including you, is going to stop me from giving Garthe Knight what he deserves!" Liberty fumed.

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