Forever Dead (Completed)

By ShatteredLibra

506 28 35

"Freedom..." She spoke,"All I wanted was freedom, and what did I get? Nothing... Nothing in return! All I got... More

Chapter 1 {Confusion}
Chapter 2 {Unnerving}
Chapter 3 {Memory}
Chapter 4 {Peace}
Chapter 5 {Recollection}
Chapter 7 {Overwhelmed}
Chapter 8- Part 1 {Despair}
Chapter 8- Part 2 {Disapproving}
Chapter 9 {Coincidence}
Chapter 10 {Insane}
Chapter 11 {Aggression}
Chapter 12 {Knowing}
Chapter 13 {Concern}
Chapter 14 {Idiocy}
Chapter 15 {Betrayal}
Chapter 16 {Revenge}
Chapter 17 {Innocence}
Chapter 18 {Speechless}
Chapter 19 {Alone}
Chapter 20- Part 1 {Faith}
Chapter 20 Part 2- {Untrustworthy}
Chapter 21- {Blank}
Chapter 22- {Unknown}
Little Picture
Chapter 23 {Ill-Judged}
Chapter 24 {Pain}
Chapter 25 {Fear}
Chapter 26 {Hollow}
Chapter 27 {Oblivious}
Chapter 28 {Trickery}
Chapter 29 {Mastery}
Chapter 30 {Surprise}
Chapter 31 {Happiness}

Chapter 6 {Exhaustion}

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By ShatteredLibra

     Olivia woke to the sound of her breathing in an enclosed space... She blinked slowly, before she jolted upright and looked around. She squinted her eyes as a bright color stung her eyes, as they adjusted, she noticed she was in a white canvas of nothing... She stood up before feeling her whole body tense in confusion and fear.

     'What's going on...? Where am I?' She thought, a frown appearing on her face as her emotion suddenly turned into aggravated. She wanted answers... Now... Taking a step forward, the whole room echoed with her small sound, she sighed before walking, her arms swinging back and forth. 

     'It doesn't seem like there's an end, or possibly even a beginning...' Olivia huffed annoyingly before feeling her entire left shoulder go numb, then a searing pain erupted and she clenched onto her shoulder, trying to bite back a yelp. She closed her eyes as the pain was unbearable for her to tolerate, slowly letting her hand unclench her shoulder, she looked at her palm to see... blood...

     She started feeling nauseous as the blood started dripping onto the white floor, creating color to the scene, but then... the whole room that was once white, was now crimson red, almost as if anything that happened to her was canvased on her own behalf. She kept walking, though her blood still kept running, soon soaking her clothes and staining her hand.

     After a few steps into nothingness, she stopped and sighed, completely annoyed with herself that she was this determined to find an exit....

Giving up so soon?

     Olivia's head jolted up and she looked around,"Hello?" She answered, her tone tense and confused. She couldn't see anything, yet she could hear something

We had faith in you, and you're just giving up because of your mind playing tricks?

     Olivia frowned and then she stood up, retorting,"No! And what're you saying 'my mind?' If this is my mind, then it's pretty blank!" She then felt a presence behind her, and she whirled around to see a shadow with a smile on its face.

That's because your memory was erased. By us...

     Her fists clenched in anger, a vein popping out as it trembled, Olivia gritted her teeth and she screeched,"I DON'T UNDERSTAND! WHY DID YOU TAKE ME HERE, WHY DID YOU TAKE MY FRIENDS, WHY ARE YOU TORTURING US!?" Then the shadow appeared in front of her face and grabbed her by the neck, holding onto it pretty tight. Olivia struggled out of its grasp, gasping for breath every now and then as the shadow looked down, before it looked at her with a symbol in its eye... It seemed familiar to her, but she didn't dare question it.

You talk too much, and you're lucky I'm not going to kill you on the spot... The reason being is that you deserve to live longer than anyone else in your pathetic group... You have a purpose to us, and I hope you use that purpose soon...

     The shadow then disappeared and Olivia fell to the ground with a thud, rubbing her neck and coughing as the air scorched her throat when she inhaled... She laid there on the ground, her knees hugging her chest and her hair spread out on the floor. She sighed and closed her eyes, waiting for the sweet embrace of darkness once more.


     "Olivia?! Olivia! Wake up!" A voice erupted, Olivia then felt something sting her face and her eyes widened and she touched the side of her face.

     "Freaking OW! Who the hell slapped me?!" Olivia growled, sitting upright as she still felt the burn, she looked at her group who was now standing in front of her. Lily looked away guiltily and Olivia huffed, Jaylyn walked up to her and extended her arm, Olivia grabbed onto it and hoisted herself up on her feet.

     "You have got some explaining to do..." Jaylyn growled, looking at her with fire in her eyes. Olivia frowned and then she backed away.

     "What do you mean I have some explaining to do?! Did I do something wrong instead of sleeping on the floor?! Because that's what normal people do, don't they?!" Olivia exclaimed, trying to hold back her tongue. Jaylyn narrowed her eyes before looking at the rest, she gave them a curt nod before they all extended their arms... Bandages were wrapped around them, as well as the legs... Even little band-aids were on their faces.

     "We just met your little friend when you were sleeping peacefully in the dirt!" Larin retorted, walking to her and stopping a few inches from her face. Olivia's eyes widened and then they narrowed.

     "Well you're all lucky that you survived, so why even blame me for something I didn't do?" Olivia huffed, pointing her thumb to herself and pressing her nose into Larin's.

     Whitney cut the two off before anything rash could start, she sighed and looked at Olivia,"You mentioned something about the 4th killer... Could you care to explain what it looks like so we can confirm that you were right?" She crossed her arms while she stood next to Larin.

     Olivia looked down at the ground once more, conjuring up the memories of what he looked like. She raised her head before listing off the things,"A blue jumpsuit... Black combat boots, white mask, black entity of a face, spiky hair... And a kitchen knife..." Whitney nodded before she turned back to the group.

     "That's not our killer..." Whitney whispered, Olivia froze and her whole body felt hot, her blood boiling.

     "What. Do. You. Mean?" She answered through clenched teeth, Whitney walked next to her and motioned for her to sit down on one of the logs, she did... Though her temper was still hot...

     Eliana joined the conversation,"The killer we encountered is beyond your description... In fact... I believe the killer is a 'she' for once..." She muttered, sinking her shoes into the dirt... Olivia felt her brain melt inside of her skull...

     'You're kidding... Another killer? Don't we already have enough?' She thought, feeling her eyes stare at Eliana, who suddenly felt uncomfortable at the long wait. Olivia excused herself before she looked at Jaylyn, who was huddled around Lily, Kaylyn, and Larin.

     Olivia stood up,"Did you learn anything about the new one?" She muttered, Lily looked up from the huddle and broke it up, before it glued itself together again. Lily blinked before she motioned for her to sit down farthest away from them, Olivia sighed before walking over and sitting down.

     Lily sat down as well next to her, before she looked at her,"All we know is that the killer lives in an abandoned asylum and that she keeps her face in a bag while she hovers off of the ground. Eliana suspects that she's a nurse considering the rusted and dry-blooded bonesaw she holds in her hand." Olivia gave her a dissatisfied face, before Lily shrugged in agreement with her and stood up again to walk to the little huddle. 

     'A nurse huh...?' Olivia thought,'I wonder what she does... Instead of floating off of the ground...' Her own sarcastic remark put a smile on her face. She looked up at the sky, seeing the moon and its shining rays. The shadow was reminded of the moon and she quickly looked away, hoping no one saw her little breakdown. She inhaled deeply and exhaled with a hum and she stared at the forever-burning fire.

     She closed one of her eyes as she rested her hand on her cheek and kept staring at the fire...


(Little Author's Note: For those of you who're wondering what the symbol the shadow had in its eye, it's the symbol for Energy. It's in a Cherokee language, and the 'energy' the shadow has is that it wants the survivors to keep going until they die... He doesn't care if they're exhausted, he just wants to see them suffer. You can Google Image this if you want to see what it looks like.)

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