The Dragon in the Cave

By DevinBear224

89.2K 2.6K 639

Lucy slowly becomes attached to the dragon in the cave. The dragon has secrets and someone finds out about Lu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Final Chapter

Chapter 11

4K 141 118
By DevinBear224

(I'm back under extremely high demand! Please do not rush me. This story will have slow updates and please respect that. You can remind me. I'm excited you guys really care about this story but the pressure to update is suffocating. Not to insult anyone but maybe a 'keep going!' or 'Don't give up please!' or 'Its been a month, can you update when possible?' Would be nice. I have NINE EXTREMELY LONG one shots in the making, a new multichapter story on the way and multiple requests. Please respect that. Plus I don't know why but I just suddenly lost inspiration for this. I had really high hopes but I don't know. I'll try to update this once a month but I may forget. So please, just...calm down? Maybe a little? I really do try my best to please you guys. I highly doubt any of you is going to read this but if you are, thanks for listening to my rant. Just getting random comments saying "PLZ UPDATE!" or "UPDATE!" just pisses me off sometimes. I want you guys happy, not impatient. I have stuff to do too you know. If you only care about the stories and not about the person writing them, fine. But I will not always be here. I have decided that I will stop writing multichapter fics a few months to a year after I graduate, which is only one year away. Whether my stories are finished or not. So enjoy my stories while you can. Try respecting that the author has stuff to do. Just...encourage me, suggest things, stupid things that you can point out, maybe something that makes me feel good. Not depressed and thinking 'I'm letting my fans down because I don't have inspiration to write this story. I pretty much have 24/7 depression and lately its gotten on a whole new level. The last thing I need is more pressure on my chest. Thanks for either reading or ignoring. If you read this, good for you and thanks for listening. If you don't, I don't fucking care because I don't blame you, I don't fucking read author notes either. )

Natsu's POV

I feel a pressure on my arm. I slowly open my eyes, squinting at the bright light. I turn my head to the right and see Lucy sleeping on my bandaged arm. I slowly rub my eyes with my free arm. My tail twitches. I blink. My tail was wrapped around Lucy's wrist. It must have a mind of its own. Then, Lucy's head shoots up. I flinch when she opens her eyes to reveal some different colors. A reddish to blackish. "Natsu!" "Gah!" I fall back to the bed when she hugs me, crying. "Idiot! You had me so worried! Its been a whole week and you haven't even flinched!" I wrap an arm around her. "Sorry Lucy. But I have a question" "What is it?" She mumbles into my shoulder. "What's going on with your eyes? They aren't brown" I say into her hair. She sits up and rubs her eyes. "What color?" "Reddish brown." "Well... Different colors mean different things. Blue means defensive. Red means angry and high levels of magic, so like you're threatening someone. Black is pissed off and almost want to murder someone. And there is another color." "Another color?" "Uh huh. White. If you ever see me with white eyes, run. Don't ask. I don't know the effects but white means immediate death." I flinch. "Thanks for the warning but what sets off the white?" "I wouldn't know." She shrugs. Then my stomach growls. Lucy giggles. "Lets get you some food."

After some food, Lucy walks on the edge of the canal, with me holding her hand for some reason. "Why were your eyes that color anyways?" I ask. Lucy flinches. "I was, uh, on a mission for master and this guy I was hunting said somethings that pissed me off." "Totally Legit~" I say sarcastically. "Its tru-" "I'll let it slide for now" I interrupt. Lucy sighs in relief. I follow Lucy into her apartment. I instantly collapse on the bed. "Ugh. The bed at the guild was so stiff and uncomfortable" I mumble into the pillow. "Want me to massage your back?" I hear Lucy say, hearing the blush in her voice. "If you want." I mumble. "Ok. Just uh, stay like that. It'll be a bit of a challenge with your wings" Lucy mumbles the rest. I roll my eyes and make my wings stand up straight. "Thanks I guess. You're not even wearing a shirt so this'll make things easy." Lucy grabs a lotion bottle and straddles my back.

I jump when Lucy pours some lotion on my shoulders then sigh when she rubs it in. "You have so many knots in your back." Lucy says, a tad bit concerned. I roll my eyes. "Living in a cave for four hundred years takes its toll ya know." I say. "You sure woke up sassy" Lucy says. I groan when I hear a bone crack, feeling the tension leave my spine. "You can put your wings down. Want me to massage them too?" "Uh. If you want but how will that work?" Lucy ignores me and gently massages my wing joints. I let a moan slip on accident. "C-careful with the thin skin b-between the joints." I warn. "Kay" She says. Nothing sexual about a best friend giving her best friend an awesome massage. Totally.

(Here. Remind me to update on may second. I'll update again then or a day after. Here's another rant, the same one from above to really drill it in.)

(I'm back under extremely high demand! Please do not rush me. This story will have slow updates and please respect that. You can remind me. I'm excited you guys really care about this story but the pressure to update is suffocating. Not to insult anyone but maybe a 'keep going!' or 'Don't give up please!' or 'Its been a month, can you update when possible?' Would be nice. I have NINE EXTREMELY LONG one shots in the making, a new multichapter story on the way and multiple requests. Please respect that. Plus I don't know why but I just suddenly lost inspiration for this. I had really high hopes but I don't know. I'll try to update this once a month but I may forget. So please, just...calm down? Maybe a little? I really do try my best to please you guys. I highly doubt any of you is going to read this but if you are, thanks for listening to my rant. Just getting random comments saying "PLZ UPDATE!" or "UPDATE!" just pisses me off sometimes. I want you guys happy, not impatient. I have stuff to do too you know. If you only care about the stories and not about the person writing them, fine. But I will not always be here. I have decided that I will stop writing multichapter fics a few months to a year after I graduate, which is only one year away. Whether my stories are finished or not. So enjoy my stories while you can. Try respecting that the author has stuff to do. Just...encourage me, suggest things, stupid things that you can point out, maybe something that makes me feel good. Not depressed and thinking 'I'm letting my fans down because I don't have inspiration to write this story. I pretty much have 24/7 depression and lately its gotten on a whole new level. The last thing I need is more pressure on my chest. Thanks for either reading or ignoring. If you read this, good for you and thanks for listening. If you don't, I don't fucking care because I don't blame you, I don't fucking read author notes either. )

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