Unforgettable Memories

By WriteforLifeAK

57 7 6

I remember that day. That day that will never be forgotten. That day where everything went wrong. I still rem... More

Chapter 1- The Gossip starts

Chapter 2- When things go wrong?

22 3 2
By WriteforLifeAK

The paralyzing hurt spread through my body like icy, liquid metal. I clenched my fists as I hesitantly took each step away from him. I noticed my feet tremble. My bones clattered together and my heart began to race as if it was a competition to see how much pain everyone could cause to me?

"Jade... What are you doing here? And why are you crying". Yeah it was my boyfriend sorry ex. HE WAS ASKING ME WHY I WAS CRYING!
I was full of anger and stress and let it all out. I basically screamed the cupboard down as everyone was listening to my shouting.

Shay went silent. He couldn't look me in the eye. Good he feels bad, hope he knows I will never ever forgive him. He's destroyed me and my reputation, not that it was highly great before. I mean he's made it worse. Shay started to comfort me by apologising a lot and hugging me so I could calm down.

Was he saying sorry for dumping me over text... Or for hurting me... Or letting other people gossip about me... Or for sharing the messages with everyone... ?

What do I do?

I blanked him as soon as he was bout to explain why this all had happen. I ran out of the cupboard towards the front of the college entrance. I ran and ran until I literally broke and shattered into tiny pieces that scattered on the floor. I started to think I needed a drink, so I went to the Pub. When I got there this man asked if I wanted a drink and I accepted his offer without even thinking what could go wrong... I sipped the wine down and asked for some vodka. After several glasses I was drunk alright. My head kept spinning and then that's when he asked to drop me off home. I wasn't thinking straight and I wanted to go home. He took me in his arms and drove me. He didn't ask where I lived but took me somewhere else.

I remained hidden within the darkness of nightfall, amongst the trees. My heart throbbing in fear as I stood up against the cold wet wood. The sky was hidden above the canopy of the trees, with only one sound to be heard; the sound of my own pulse throbbing in her ears. I felt as if i was a mouse. A mouse that is about to get trapped and discarded. Suddenly, the silence surrendered to the haunting scream of footsteps, the footsteps got louder and closer. A narrow stream of moon light filled little areas of the ground as it spotlights, a shadow quickly followed avoiding the light watching me. I saw it standing there, looking at me with its vicious but gorgeous eyes...

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