Reaper: Redemption

By Kuroya

868 177 4

It's my third and final year at the Millennium Academy, and I have to say that most of my questions have been... More

Chapter 2: Meet the Contestants
Chapter 3: Caution
Chapter 4: Tourney Trouble
Chapter 5: Waiting
Chapter 6: It Begins
Chapter 7: To Save the Sky
Chapter 8: Clear Skies
Chapter 9: Sky Rose
Chapter 10: Final Year
Chapter 11: Everdawn
Chapter 12: Re-Intro
Chapter 13: Tournament of Fate, 1
Chapter 14: Tournament of Fate, 2
Chapter 15: Tournament of Fate, 3
Chapter 16: Rose in Autumn
Chapter 17: The Army
Chapter 18: Immediate Effect
Chapter 19: Help from Shadows
Chapter 20: Operation Homunculi
Chapter 21: Homunculi
Chapter 22: Cool Off Period
Chapter 23: Welcome to the Docks
Chapter 24: Titan
Chapter 25: Safe and Sound
Chapter 26: Info
Chapter 27: Homunculi Hunt
Chapter 28: Confusion
Chapter 29: Academy
Chapter 30: Take Action
Chapter 31: Kei's Idea
Chapter 32: Vega's Heart (1)
Chapter 33: Vega's Heart (2)
Chapter 34: Vega's Heart (3)
Chapter 35: Calm
Chapter 36: Get Go
Chapter 37: Approach
Chapter 38: Visitor
Chapter 39: Wither
Chapter 40: Wilt
Chapter 41: Petals
Chapter 42: Uncertainty
Chapter 43: Black Rose
Chapter 44: Altered Dawn
Chapter 45: Static (1)
Chapter 46: Static (2)
Chapter 47: Progression
Chapter 48: Tears
Chapter 49: Fears
Chapter 50: Pieces
Chapter 51: Rekindle
Chapter 52: Seed
Chapter 53: Bud
Chapter 54: Bloom
Chapter 55: Blossom
Chapter 56: Plans
Chapter 57: Darker
Chapter 58: Flaming Rose
Chapter 59: Mistakes
Chapter 60: Finale!
Chapter 61: Life
Chapter 62: Life (2)
Chapter 63: Epilogue

Chapter 1: Sky Clan

46 4 0
By Kuroya

"So... Raan... we're finally here at the Sky Clan, where do you live?"

"It's... a 4 hour trip by cart. We'll get there soon."

"Um... why am I dressed up as a guy again?"

"I'll explain later. But you have to stay as Lotus, not Rosaria until we meet my father. Keep your beret on, people here are... kinda sceptical towards... well..."

"Of course... Enictians," I sighed.

"D-Don't let that pull you down! Let's go meet my parents, they seem excited to meet you!"

After the events of the year, it was finally the winter break. Students all went home and well, I came here. Violetta went back to Drathe with a super excited look. I was reluctant to come here at first, but she made me go nonetheless, so now I was currently in the outskirts of the Sky Clan.

For some reason, Raan avoided all contact with the townsfolk and told me to get in a cart with a load of hay in it. It was almost as though she was trying to smuggle me.

"Young man?"

"Um... hello?"

"May I ask who you are?"

"Um... L-Lotus. Lotus Wintersong," I replied, nervous using my false name. It's been a while since I last used that name, and that time wasn't exactly the best of times...

"Lotus is it? Are you a suitor of the High Princess?"

"W-What?!" I jumped. "I... um..."

"Leave us," Raan said gently as she pulled me away. The man bowed instantly and left. "Sorry, Rosaria... the situation is kinda complicated now in the Clan," she smiled at me as we got onto the cart.

A man with a straw hat threw a tarp over the cart and smiled.

"It might get a little bumpy at the back, will that be alright?"

"Yes, it will. Thank you."

As the cart began moving she started explaining about the current situation. The Sky Clan was booming with festivity and decorative banners were hung around. I couldn't really read what was written there since I wasn't familiar with Auturic. I couldn't really understand what locals were saying either. The language barrier is pretty mean at times.

"It's okay Rosaria, many Autumn Leaves can speak Altrean. Both parties know each other's languages, which makes it easier to communicate. You don't have to worry about the language barrier."


She began explaining that the King was holding an event to find the suitor for the High Princess of the Sky Clan, the entire Clan's largest event. For the princesses, tournaments were held for their hand; for princes, they would search for other princesses for marriage. It was a complicated system.

It was the reason behind all the celebrations in the local areas. Many people were getting ready to leave towards the city to watch the tournament too. Raan said it was nice to show me the tournament as a way to show me the local culture.

Nobles and princes of other clans as well as local ones were joining this event, all to win her hand. But Raan said it was kinda stupid. She told me that most of them didn't truly love the princess, and that they only wanted the fame and fortune that came with it.

I was never the person who understood political things, so I didn't have much to say. Raan said she was rather anxious about it, saying the the Clan was in trouble if the princess is married with the wrong person. It was also worrying that someone evil might try something funny, but still get the princess's hand.

The ride to the city was bumpy, but I managed to fall asleep during the ride. Years sleeping on various places must've done this to me. Raan fell asleep on my shoulder, which was cute. It was rather strange that I well... liked her. We were both girls... but still...

When I woke up, the cart was still moving, but the noises from outside were significantly louder. There was music being played from some places... it sounded... welcoming. Traditional music was always beautiful.

After a while, the cart stopped, and the man came to the back and lifted the tarp.

"Enjoyed the ride, young man?"

"Y-Yes. Thank you good sir," I smiled at him. I woke Raan up and we both got off after she gave the man a few coins.

Raan looked around and sighed as she stretched. "Well, Rosaria. Welcome to the city."

I was amazed at what I could see. The city had buildings that were built onto the edges of mountain faces, some built into them.  But at the centre stood a large, grand piece of land, the royal palace.

Raan was wearing a large straw hat for some reason, and was hiding her face a little.

"So.. Raan, where do you live? Is it that small one over there? How about that large one there?" I asked, pointing at houses here and there.

"Actually, Rosaria..," she said softly, taking off the straw hat while grabbing my hand. She pulled it and pointed at the palace. "That's where I live."

As she took off her hat, people around her noticed and immediately knelt down to greet her.

I didn't know what they were saying, but I was pretty sure it meant 'the princess has returned' or something like that.

"Lotus, let's go meet my pare- Lotus? Lotus?"

I stood there, stunned. Raan Tian, my best friend of these two years... was the royal princess of the Sky Clan...? Holy heck... talk about overwhelming...

"Lotus? You okay?" She shook me.

"Y-Yes! I-I'm fine, your Highness!" I quickly knelt down.

"Y-You don't have to kneel, Lotus!" She giggled happily at my sudden confusion. "You look cute when you're confused." She laughed.
Being greeted as one of Raan's 'suitors' was honestly a little confusing, there were times where I forgot I was pretending to be a guy, so I end up not knowing that they were greeting me.

At least... I finally knew why Raan wanted me to come here in the first place. Dress up as a guy... I was to join this fight to get Raan's hand in marriage...

Marriage?! You're getting married?! You two haven't even started dating!! Which is like... important?!

I uh... guess so.

Well. That explains a lot. No wonder dad let us here. I think he knew.


"Lotus, come on, you should meet my family," Raan said and led me to the palace.

The moment we arrived, people greeted us immediately and led the both of us in. There were other people with noticeably different clothes in the courtyard... were they from the other Clans? Some were in red, some were in black, some wore white...

"Lotus? Something wrong?"

"Who are they?" I asked.

"The people that accompanied the other suitors. The ones in red are from the Fire Clan, those in black are of the Night Clan, and the ones in white are the Light Clan. There's quite a number of people participating in this event."


As we walked through the huge corridors of the palace, I was taken in by the grandeur of everything. This place was so much larger than the Academy... heck it was even larger than the entire campus and Rubirus combined...

We arrived at a room with large ornate doors, and the servants opened the doors.

"Big Sister~!!!!!" A voiced exclaimed.

"Qing, Yu... hello," Raan smiled, hugging the two kids who ran towards her. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes! I'm so happy to see you again Big Sister!"

"Your siblings?"

"Yeah, this is Qing Tian, and this is Yu Tian. Come on, say hello to R- Lotus."

"Hello Lotus~!!" Qing hopped towards me with a beaming smile. She looked a lot like a younger Raan, she was adorable.

"Hello." Yu nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"Hello Qing, Yu," I smiled and knelt a little, had to show a little courtesy.

You suck at this.

Shut up.

No, you really do. They may be your girlfriend's younger siblings, but they're still royalty, hello?

Right... You have a point there.

I always do.

"Um... should I... bow or something?" I asked.

"Nah, we don't mind." Qing waved. "If Big Sis doesn't, we don't."

"Ditto," Yu uttered. "Have you met our parents?"

"No, I'm afraid not..." I said. "Could you bring me to them?"

"Okay! Follow me!" Qing beamed.

"She always like this?" I turned to Raan.

"Yep. She's a lively one. Her name itself means 'sunny day'. Yu is 'rainy day', I guess you can see it now right?" She smiled.

"Guess so." I grinned.
"Ah, another suitor for my daughter! I assume you must be the one she brought back!" A voiced boomed from behind me, almost making me jump.

I turned around, and a man fashionably dressed along with another similarly dressed woman stood before me. And I realised, that I was standing before the King and Queen of the Sky Clan. More importantly, Raan's parents.

I quickly got on all fours and bowed. Didn't know why, just felt compelled to do so.

"G-Greetings um... Your Majesty..?"

"Ahahaha! Shy one are you? Wonder why my daughter brought you back. Not going to be a very good man that way my boy!"

That's because we're girls? Hello?!

He doesn't know.

Right... but still!

"What is your name, young man? You also look unusually adorable, I must say."

"Mom!!" Raan voiced, blushing.

"I am only kidding." She smiled.

"Um... my name is Lotus. Lotus Wintersong." I swallowed. I was feeling unusually nervous.

"A shy young man... how good are-"

"Father, Lotus is more than strong enough for me. He can easily take on a hundred men," Raan stopped him, making me blush more.

"Is that so? Then I believe we're in for a good show this time! Show me your strength in the contest and entertain me eh?"

"Um.. of course, your Majesty."

What did I get myself into...?

Other than a contest for Raan's hand in marriage?


A lot. Good luck fighting. Then again, these guys are gonna be pretty weak, it'll be child's play!

Guess so.

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