
By Smiles1370

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Cousins Danielle and Mel lose the entire family in an explosion, things are looking up when they're rescued b... More

Meeting Them
Meeting Them Part 2
The House
A date and shopping
Harry the little sh*t +Shopping
What we needed to do
Do I ?
Don't want the children to starve
Don't piss her off
Desperate times call for desperate measures
What the actual hell
I don't need your stupid clichès about love
You jump i jump
I want him to come back
Move On
Louis is my alarm clock
I thought he was creepy
What century does he live in?
Get out Harry!
Never in your wildest dreams
You've got the wrong man
Kiss the cook
Anything else you want to confess?
The bomb diggity
It's not creepy
She isn't apalled by the sight of you
Harry Styles just hit on me
Oh yeah, that
Liam. Liam. Liam. Liam. Liam.
That's my girl!
No personal displays of affection in the library!
The Chips!
Wedding bells?
Found Mom and Dad
Her tail is hidden in her miniskirt
I was trying something new...
But he's, Jake
Just a scratch.
Burger boy
Well isn't that just adorable
You will love this chapter Brooklyn! !
Isn't that from the princess bride?
Sorry Brooklyn *not*
A sweet release
I don't have a title
Don't do this to me
Where the streets have no name
Is that yours?
Oh nothing really, I'm just getting married
Is my surprise here too?
Thought we could use one
Maybe she's a superhero
Butt heads
Ignorant git
What did I miss?
Would you-
Wedding Bells! Part 1/4
Part 2/4
Part 3/4
Part 4/4
The Wedding!
The Reception
Shut up for two seconds
Earth to Mel?
The End
Special Thanks

I longed for the light

21 3 1
By Smiles1370

Dani's POV

They've all turned towards Abby, this is my chance. I slowly get up. What can I hit them with? I look around until I find my target. The desk lamp.

"Stop?" asks Rachel "You dare tell me to stop!" She screams

"Um" Abby pauses, knowing her word could end her life. "Yes?" she asks weakly.

Here's the moment Danielle. Her neck is completely exposed. I grab the lamp and smack! I hit her in the back of her head. There's a metal clink and she falls to the floor. Her brother turns towards me and so does her Dad.

I start to back away and they follow me. Abby gets up and screams. Rachel's dad looks at her and goes for her. Abby screams and he tackles her to the ground.

She flips him over and punches him.

Rachel's brother turns towards me and I swing the lamp by the cord. He runs for me, I swing the lamp and it hits him on the side of his head. Mel's coming over when I hear Abby scream.

Rachel's up and has stabbed her in the the thigh with her switchblade.Abby screams out in pain, blood is spilling everywhere. Rachel's Dad gets up and goes for Mel when her brother gets up too. They're headed straight for us, I'm backing up but there's no where to go. I trip and fall. Rachel's brother has the blade held to my throat and is pushing me against the ground. I don't dare try to get up. He's about to slice my throat when I hear the door get kicked open.

Her brother's attention is switched to the guys at the door. It's Liam, Louis and Niall,

He's about to slice my throat when a pair of hands pull the blade from his hands. It's Mel

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" one of them screams. Rachel's dad and brother go for them. I run to Mel.

Liam punches her brother in the face and he falls to the ground. Blood is coming out of his nose and he clutches it. I walk over and kick him in the groin for good measure. I spit on him too.

Louis goes straight for Abby when Rachel's Dad gets there first and he has the chain they bought. He swings but Louis grabs his arm takes the chain and swings it back at him. Louis rips the lower half of his shirt and ties it to Abby's leg to stop the bleeding. There's a hell of a lot of blood.

I hear a groan, Rachel's up and coming for me. Liam punches her while she try's to get up and she falls over again.

Then her Dad gets up and heads for Mel, he can't even do anything before Niall punches him out.

I cry and Liam grabs me. I'm crying into his shirt when the door is flung open by the police and a bunch of men run in. The police run in accompanied by Harry, Jake, and Zayn.

They're here. We're okay. We're safe. It's over. I sob on Liam when the fatigue hits me. Everything is spinning and I feel myself fall. I can feel Liam catch me but my eyes grow heavy and close.

"Liam!" I call out into nothingness.


Mel's POV

I'm crying and Niall's holding me when the police come in.

"It'll be okay" he whispers. "It'll be okay"

"Abby" I whisper with my breath shaking.

"It'll be okay" he whispers and runs his fingers through my hair.

I wonder what the police were thinking when they burst through the door. Think about the scene. Three very dirty girls, two are bleeding. One is passed out on the floor and blood is pouring out of her thigh. Louis ripped his sweater to tie it around her leg and stop the bleeding And there's even more people passed out. And Liam's holding Dani who's also out cold.

Rachel's dad starts to stir and one of the officers holds him down. "Stay there!" He commands.

He does as he's told. They're arrested, and I feel a weight be released from my chest.

They nod and get the others up. One looks at Abby and tells one of the others to get the paramedics.

The paramedics come in and carry out Abby on a stretcher. They take Dani on a stretcher too. She's starting to wake up and Liam follows me.

The police are shoving Rachel and her physco family in the backseat of the cruiser when she screams "This isn't the end! I'll get you!"

"Have fun in prison!" yells Niall as Rachel gives him a particularly rude gesture. The cruiser drives away and one of the cops turns to me while they're loading Dani and Abby into an ambulance.

Dani suddenly sits up before they can get her in. "I don't need this stretcher I'm fine"

One paramedic looks at the other "You should still come in the ambulance" she nods, reaches for Liam's hand and follows them inside.

Danielle's POV

When I first went outside, the sun burned my eyes. It was weird, to have light after being in the dark for so long. After I longed for it, I longed to feel its warmth again and for it to guide me to freedom. Instead of the cold in darkness and shadows.

I followed them inside the ambulance. Liam took the car and Abby was laying there. The car started and the paramedics began to work on Abby.

Louis is silent and holding her hand. Liam's on one side of me and Louis is on the other. His face is fallen .

The paramedics remove the tie on Abby's leg. "Did you do this?" She asks Louis. He nods .

"This was very smart" she says "You stopped a lot of blood". They continue to work on her leg. When one of the paramedics asks to examine the blood stained on the inside of my arm. I lift the sleeve.

He gasps. I don't understand why. All I know is Rachel cut into my skin, not like they haven't seen before. It felt like a different kind of cut though, I couldn't place it at the time. Liam and Louis's eyes go wide when they look.

I turn my arm over. The blood is everywhere but I can still clearly see what it looks like. It spells out "D-I-S-G-R-A-C-E". The words look like they've been etched in blood, and the scar almost feels unreal. Like this doesn't actually happen to people. Or does it? I don't know what to believe anymore.

I know I should be just as shocked as they are but I'm not. They wrap up my arm and I roll down my sleeve

I'm silent for most of the way until I notice Louis. He's crying. Of course he is, his girlfriend could be dead. He only let one tear fall before he looks at me and wipes his eyes.

I can see everything he's feeling, the pain and the worry. I reach out for his hand, and give it a squeeze.

"It'll be alright" I assure him, even if I don't fully believe it.

"How do you know?" He whispers

"I don't" I continue. "But we've come this far. If there's a God out there he won't take her away now. He already saved our lives"

"I never believed in God" says Louis.

"Maybe it's time you did" I say

We arrive at the hospital. It's all one big blur.

I'm sent to a hospital room and they take Abby in for surgery right away.

We get in the room and don't say anything. There are no words needed. Mel's in the bed across from me with Niall, Harry and Zayn by her side. Louis and Liam are with me.

First they have to give me stitches on my arm but it doesn't phase me. There is no way that they can cover up the word. The hatred in seven letters. That's all it took.

They give Mel small things to eat. She has to be eased into it. Same with me. They give me some ice for my bruises.

We all sit in silence. No one says anything. Dr Martin comes in the room and takes a seat beside my bed.

"How's she doing?" I ask him

"Well she's in critical condition, and if the operation doesn't go smoothly there's a chance of paralysis. We don't have enough blood to cover her loss. Would any of you be willing to donate?"

"What blood type is she?" I ask

"B positive"

"So am I" I stick out my arm.

He leaves and returns with a needle.

Once the blood is gone. Louis looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I'm fine"

"I'm not" he says "I'm scared Danielle"

"I'm scared too. All we can do is pray that she'll be okay"

I extend my hand to him and he takes it. We bow our heads and close our eyes.

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