Lost Soldiers (Avengers Fan F...

By TAngel96

17.2K 871 399

Retreat. That word was not in my vocabulary, but it was the only thing we could do. If not, the Avengers wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

376 21 8
By TAngel96

AN: Dedicated to @-XoXoHarryGirl- for voting so much! Hope you like the story :D I had to cut this part in half because it was WAY too long! 

Everything played out in slow motion.

Steve fought Ira valiantly. Tony watched from the sidelines, his armor critically broken into pieces. Storm let go of her death grip on Loki. The Hulk transformed back into Bruce, and fell to the ground next to Juggernaut's unconscious body. Peter cried out in agony for his fallen brethren. Deadpool shot and stabbed Dr. Soul multiple times to make sure he was deader than dead. Clint suffered an excruciating death. I stood frozen for a moment, drenched in Scott's warm blood.

Venom had witnessed what had happened with Peter and Jake. Something ached inside of him, and singed his heart. He took a moment to look around at everything they had done. They had killed innocents. Soldiers. Tore them to shreds. But this? Killing an innocent child? Was this really the thing these villains were going to resort to?

It seemed insane to feel this way. A part of Brock felt sympathy for children, and Venom leeched off of that emotion. Together, they became a villain, yet there was a clear line. Children weren't supposed to be harmed. He had seen too much of that during his childhood. He couldn't stomach to see it happen again.

Seeing Jake die? Dr. Soul didn't even bat an eye. Did it without even being told. He did it of his own free will. If that was the kind of behavior Loki didn't intervene to correct, then Venom shouldn't be there. Working with them seemed to be complying with the lowest low life trash one could find.

Venom watched as Carnage advanced towards Lilly Parker, ready to attack her as she stood there frozen from shock. Venom took initiative and barreled towards his son. He tackled him to the snow covered ground and held him there. They snarled at each other, and bickered in their own growling way. Carnage wanted to fight. Venom wanted to save his son, no matter how much he couldn't tolerate him. They wrestled for a while, until Venom got enough strength to throw him far away from the battlefield. He ran towards the same direction to drag Carnage away from DC.

Logan's veins bulged in his arms and he clenched his fists together. He felt the adamantium move in his skin, causing him to crinkle his nose as he grit his teeth. Scott died right in front of him. Frustration and rage coursed through his system; he snarled lowly under his breath. How could he go back home now? How could he ride his motorcycle, when he knew he stole it from Scott just to piss him off? He had to tell the kids. God...what would Jean think? He had to be the one to tell her. She would be devastated.

He focused on the battle and went over to me. Logan tried to talk me out of my frozen state, but realized I was processing the moment. I wasn't responsive to anything he said or did. I was in shock. He took initiative to aid Natasha in her endeavors.

Natasha screamed and slowly became angry with every fiber of her being. The rage forged a new fire inside of her that she hadn't felt in ages, not since she became the Black Widow. All of it was coming back to her. The numbness. The pain. The internal suffering she had set up for herself. Clint had rescued her from all of that, and now, he was gone.

His last words were of his love for his team.

She forced herself to walk through the pain in her leg. Blood dripped down and splattered onto the snow in a trail. Nat had half a clip left in her magazine and a switchblade. She wanted to carve into this woman and take her down. Make her suffer inch by inch until she was nothing. Natasha hadn't done something like that in forever. Her barbaric tactics ended once she joined S.H.I.E.L.D..

Wolverine ran up behind Saturna and fought with her, hand-to-hand. Saturna aimed to hit him in the face, but failed. Logan blocked and scratched her with his adamantium claws. He couldn't get close enough to dig in deep, but he had to keep trying.

Natasha gripped her pistol in her hand and scowled menacingly. Her other hand tightened around the small switchblade she had. Her last resort. She would make it useful. Her short blonde hair stuck to her face in a sweaty mess. Her breath met the cold air, and fogged over. Tears formed in her eyes, but she forced them back. There was no room for weakness right now.

Only rage.

Now, Saturna was defenseless. Her blades were strewn about close to Clint's lifeless body. She fought Wolverine valiantly, dodging most of his deadly attacks. Her armor crushed under each slash from the claws, causing her to back away in fear. She never met someone who could damage the metal she wore, and she found that terrifying. Her eyes widened and she turned to look for her blades.

Natasha came up and shot her in her vulnerable spots. Now that the enemy wasn't paying attention enough to block them, the bullets wedged themselves within her body. Saturna cried out and turned to Black Widow in shock.

Then, it was all over.

Natasha swept her leg underneath Saturna's, and knocked her down to the ground. A cry of fear left her lips as Natasha got on top of her and emptied her clip into her skin. The bullets caused electric shocks of pain to run through Saturna's body, but there was nothing she could do about it. Natasha had the upper hand, and once she was done with the gun, she stabbed her over and over with the switchblade.

Logan watched in slight horror of what anger can do to a person. He knew it all too well. Seeing it happen to someone else...well, it was new. Little Natalia all grown up and...straight up murdering an alien with a switchblade. It would have made for a badass story if she wasn't enraged and heartbroken.

Natasha stabbed Saturna, even after her screams had faded and she had passed on. The switchblade dug into the body, allowing blood to spill out slowly. Some of it splattered onto Nat's face, as if she were painting furiously on a blank canvas. She yelled and screamed until she didn't have a voice left, filling the air with the sounds of her grief.

After a few more moments of agony, Logan aided Natasha in getting off of the battlefield. Tony helped her as much as he could with wrapping up her leg. She barely even winced, her green eyes glassy and staring forward at nothing in particular. She swayed back and forth a bit, but didn't say anything, almost as if she was completely lost in her mind.

Blood. Sweat. Tears of pain. Shadowcat was so tired. Exhausted. She had never used her powers so much in her life until this point.

Nothing seemed to work. Her and Iceman would double team Omega Red, but he seemed to always be one step ahead. His adamantium tentacles didn't help. Kitty phased through one tentacle when it came at her, and quickly grabbed onto it. She tried to hold it in place as she figured out if she could cut it off somehow, but Omega Red quickly jerked it back towards him. She fell, but quickly picked herself back up.

Iceman circled around the villain, launching ice at him any time he could. Omega Red got his hand caught, and frozen in ice. He yelled out and cursed at Bobby. The villain smashed his fist against the ice trail Iceman had left behind, shattering both.

Bobby threw down some ice below the villain's feet as Omega Red threw his tentacles down, enraged that the heroes were getting the upper hand. Bobby almost laughed, until he saw the state Kitty was in. "You okay, Kit?" he called out to her.

She simply nodded and made her way towards the villain. She slid on the ice and used it to her advantage. When her and Bobby used to skate, he taught her a thing or two on how to fight on it. It was difficult at first, but eventually, she got the hang of it. Putting it into action felt great. "I'm okay. Focus on him, not me."

"We won't need to focus on him much longer. Seems like everyone else has won the fight," he pointed out as he whirled around for another strike. He smiled as he passed Kitty. "We'll be heading home soon. Tonight's date night. Don't forget."

Shadowcat blushed slightly, her cheeks burning red from the cold and emotion. She would never forget that. Their date nights were always memorable. "Last time I checked, you were the one who forgot." She phased through Omega Red and held her breath until she was completely on the other side. He swayed forward a little bit, disoriented from the sudden shock Kitty sent off in his body. When she phases through living organisms, her abilities interfere with the electrical systems. This caused Omega Red's brain to be confused, and his metal robotic parts to become stiff for a moment. Kitty ran a bit farther, wishing she could do more. She ran out of gun ammo a couple minutes ago. Not like that helped much anyway.

"Hey, wait a...No, you're totally right. As always," Bobby teased her a bit. He threw some ice onto Omega Red's tentacles and tried to get closer to encase him.

It almost worked.

Omega Red released a deadly pheromone from his body. With the way he was made in the experiment, this pheromone would build up in his body, and if he didn't release it every once in a while, he himself would die. Now, it got lunged into Bobby's lungs.

Iceman fell on the ground next to Omega Red and tried to crawl away. He clawed at his throat and coughed wildly, trying to get the pheromone out of his system. His eyes burned with a fiery intensity, and his ice skin felt as if it were melting. He reached out towards Kitty, attempting to call her name and motion her to stay back as she ran towards him. She stopped immediately, and watched in horror as Omega Red reached down to touch Bobby's head.

There was a special ability that Kitty had never seen with her own eyes. The ability to take one's life force. She stood there in shock, watching the deadly pheromones swallow Bobby up whole. Omega Red used his powers to drain Iceman's life force to fuel his own strength. Iceman's lifeless body fell into the snow. The villain smiled at Shadowcat devilishly, but the quickly faltered when he noticed only Loki and Ira remained.

There was no point to be in battle anymore. He was going to lose if he tried. Living to see another day and fight his own battle was worth it. Trying to save this train wreck? It wasn't on Omega Red's agenda anymore. He was promised free reign of the world. If he fought back now, all he'd get was a prison cell.

Omega Red retreated, leaving Kitty Pryde alone in the cold, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall.

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