Out Of Sight, Always In Mind!

By DoctorWhoWrites

166K 5.1K 1.1K

Keya Sharma was orphaned at ten, but her life only shattered after the death of her brother. She was brought... More

Chapter 1
SAM's Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 : The Party Begins
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 : Part 1
Chapter 20 : Part 2
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 : The Facebook Freud
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 : Part 1
Chapter 24 : Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 : ..and they said It! <3
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 : Simran Speaks
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Teaser :: Chapter 36
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 : Part 1
Chapter 42 : Part 2
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 : Part 1
Chapter 45 : Part 2
Chapter 46 :: The Bachelors
Chapter 46 :: Aanya and Raj
Chapter 46 :: Tanya and Krish
Chapter 46 :: Keya and Vivan
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chpt 50 : 100k reads Special!
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55 :: Raj's Reality
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 - Only If..
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 54

1.1K 55 22
By DoctorWhoWrites

Vivan woke up with a heavy head the next morning. He looked for his cell phone which was plugged to a charger and he didn't remember doing that.

Next to his phone was a glass of water and a tablet on a piece of paper with something written on it.

Take the tablet.
Had to run to the hospital.
Shall see you post work.
Last night was fun! You were such a sport.!

Vivan smiled as he read his girlfriend leaving him a message the old fashioned way.

He put the tablet in his mouth and gulped it down with water. He then realized that he wasn't wearing his own clothes. Who even changed them for him?

He got up from his bed and could hear the television so he went out.

Krish was there on the sofa with a newspaper in his hand.

"Good morning," Vivan took a seat next to him.

"Oh, you're up! Good morning!," Krish said, "You feel good?"

"Yeah. Better. Just hungry!," he said.

"Breakfast is ready. Was just waiting for you," Krish said and pointed to a bag, "Varun dropped by and brought your clothes. He left just five minutes ago."

They moved to the breakfast table and Vivan saw there were more than two items.

"Who made all this?," He asked.

"Who do you think?" Krish said.

"What?? How can she even manage to do all this!," Vivan was astonished.

Krish simply laughed.

"What?," He asked.

"Was just kidding. Shalaka made it," he laughed again, "Keya like got up 15 minutes before she had to leave and hurried to work. Tanya left with her too"

"Yea she left me a note," Vivan said.

"Man sorry if I made you drink more than you should have," Krish apologized.

"It's okay man! I enjoyed myself!," Vivan winked.

"You sure did! We should do this know. A bit of a guy time! Once Aarav is back. Let's go out," Krish said.

"We totally should. Ever since I've come to India. I haven't had a boys night out! God knows when will Aarav be back though," Vivan said.

"Someday next week," Krish told him, "He spoke to Keya last night."

"He did?," Vivan was surprised, "Didn't he like want to be away from her?"

"Apparently. But it's Keya and Aarav! They've always gotten through shit together. Sometimes it took a day or two, weeks and once it took 4 years! But yea they do!"

Vivan smirked and looked away.

"What?," Krish asked him.

"It's always Keya and someone, right? Keya and Aarav, Keya and Krish! I wonder where Keya and Vivan stand amongst all these," Vivan said.

Krish really appreciated Vivan sharing his feeling. This was the guy who he had witnessed confess yesterday. This was the guy who would keep Keya happy forever. Who would look after her when Krish won't be able to any longer. He deserved to feel better too.

Krish told him, "Well after what you said last night. Keya and Vivan stand way above everyone else and I've never seen her so much in love. Honestly, I don't think anyone would keep her happier than you would,"

"Well thanks, man," Vivan said, "It means a great deal coming from you since no one knows her better than you do."

"Someday, you will," said Krish.

"Sooo... What did I say exactly last night?," He asked.

Krish laughed, "That you should ask Keya. And we need to go get ready now!"

"Fine!," said Vivan and they headed to their respective rooms.


Vansh and Simran were on their way to the hospital.

"What's on your mind?," Simran asked Vansh who was staring out of the window.

"I was thinking how everything has just been about my father and me. How we've been trying to get his approval. But you didn't even once tell me what are your plans for yourself."

"There is no myself.. there hasn't been since ten months.. it's us.. the baby and me. And now of course you," said Simran.

"Look I know you really love us but you need to love yourself too. Keya told me. You got placed with one of Australia's banks! Why didn't you tell me," asked Vansh.

"Well, that appointment letter had come the same day I took the pregnancy test. I never took the job," Simran said, "and I do not regret it. I took up a job in my hometown and it gave me as much satisfaction. I had my parents with me."

"But you are on a maternity leave now. Aren't they expecting you back?," He asked.

"Vansh let's not talk about it now. Let's just sort out the thing at hand first," Simran told him.

"I just don't want you to give up on anything anymore. You've done enough already," he said leaning on her shoulder and holding Karan's little hand.

"I didn't know I would have to deal with two babies," Simran smiled, "Darling listen. Once we know where you plan to settle, I'll take the next step. What if your father wants you to not stay back in India. We'll have to go back right. If not, then I'll quit and look for a job here itself."

"You won't need to. You can come work with me," Vansh said.

"No way," Simran said.

"Simmy we can have a long argument on this so let's just not talk about this now. Please think about it," Vansh said.

"How typical of you! Start a discussion and drop it midway when you can't deal with it," she scolded him.

It was just then that Karan started making noise and crying.

"See even he is scared of you. Calm down woman!," Vansh tried to tease her.

"Grab me the feeding apron and stay put the entire ride!," Simran said. Karan kept quiet the moment Simran embraced him.

When Vansh tried to talk to him, he smiled, "My boy agrees."

"As he grows up you two are going to be a handful my god!," Simran said.

They continued the journey in silence as they let the baby sleep.

Keya came to receive them once they were at the hospital.

The appointment went by smoothly and Vansh dropped Simran at the shopping mall before leaving for office.

"Hey," Varun who was with Aanya, greeted her and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

"Doctor said that our little baby is very brave and healthy," Simran smiled, "We can leave after he gets his shots."

"It's time to pack then," said Aanya, "Damn I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Once things here are done, I'll come there too," said Varun.

There were so many things Aanya wanted to say to him but she decided to wait.

"Let's go now," Simran told them, "Vansh has warned me not to keep Karan out for long."

"Let's go then," Varun said and they went to the baby shop.

They picked up clothes, toys, and other traveling essentials and we're putting it into the car.

"Hey," Aanya spoke to Varun once Simran was in the car, "Care for a coffee after we drop Simran off?"

"Sure why not," he told her.

They were about to reach when Vansh called. Simran spoke to him and then told Varun, "We are flying in two days."

"Well that escalated quickly!," Varun said.

"Hey if you want any help with the packing, we'll wait today," Aanya offered.

"That would be great," Simran said, "I'll just call up Mom and Dad."

"I'll inform the others," Aanya told her.

So it was decided then. Aanya and Varun went home with Simran to help her pack.

"Hey," Varun said while they packed the baby's clothes.

"Yeah?," said Aanya.

"You wanted to talk about something important?"

"No. Just casual stuff. By the way, the thing you said about going back to England," Aanya asked, "How serious were you about that?"

"Well, I love it here. You know that! But I love my family much more. And especially after all this if Dad wants us there, I might as well go," Varun answered her.

Varun noticed that Aanya didn't seem a bit off on hearing that so he spoke, "I don't think that would happen though. Vivan has just started it out here and Dad knows I learn better when with him so, I wont be going back for a really long time."

"But it is a possibiltity," Aanya said.

"Yeah it is," Varun said and tried to change the subject, "So hows it going with Raj?"

"Pretty good actually. Things are actually going pretty fast. Sometimes I feel like I wanna take a step back," Aanya said.

"I would say go with your gut," Varun said, "Coz I know you and your instincts will nevr be incorrect."

"What if that isnt true," Aanya said, "What if my instincts go wrong. I am only human after all."

"Well then you shall learn," Varun told her, "And what are friends for?"

"To laugh at your bad decisions?," Aanya smiled at him.

"Wow you know me so well," he winked at her and they continued to work.

By evening, everyoe had gathered at the Rathod House.

Reema went to Keya and said, "Listen I do not know when would I come back to India. Please watch out for my kids."

"Come on Aunty. You dont really have to say that," Keya said, "We all are familu now arent we?"

"You are exactly like your mother," Reema smiled, "Always caring about everyone around you. Why dont you come and visit us someday."

Vivan who had overheard the conversatuin spoke, "Yes Yes. After Vansh Bhaiyya and Simran, it is us in line anyway."

That sent everyone laughing.

"Hope you wont be gone for long though. We shall miss this little one," Varun said.

"And he will miss all of you," said Vansh.

That night all of them had dinner together. Everyone was nervous and anxious but they chose not show it.

Vansh and Simran looked at each other and smiled knowingly. They knew come what may, these were the people who would never change and always be by their side.

Two days passed by in the blink of an eye. It was 4 am and the entire gang was at the airport to drop them.

"Both of you! I don't want any headache okay? Stay careful and look out for each other! Do not trouble Krish's mom or Keya or any girl out here! Marc shall keep me updated. You hear me?," Reema told her two sons.

"Yes Mom!," Vivan and Varun said in unison.

"Krish look after your parents and these kids too. Keya will surely need your help!," She told him.

"Mom we aren't five," Vivan said.

"I very well remember why I came here in the first place," Reema said referring to Vivan's accident.

"Okay Mom. We've got to go now," Vansh cut in.

Simran hugged her parents and said, "Do not worry about us. Drop me a message when you guys reach okay."

Her parents were leaving for their hometown in India.

"Uncle Aunty, please trust me. I'll make everything alright," Vansh said to them.

"We do my child," her father said.

"Have a safe flight," her mother said, "And take care of Karan."

"I'll stay in touch," Reema told them, "You guys take care too."

This way, the goodbyes were said and they left to board their flight.

"So! What's next?," Vivan asked.

"I've got an afternoon shift! So I'm going to go catch up on my sleep!"

"Me too," Varun said.

"Well I won't wake up if I sleep now," Vivan said.

"Let's go have chai then," Tanya suggested.

"Stole my words," Keya said, "Let's go!"

So the four of them went to their regular tea vendor while Varun headed home with Aanya.

"I can't believe it's just two weeks left now," Varun said, "This thing was fun! Thank you for signing me up for this," he told her.

"Oh come on. That was the least I could do for you to get over things," Aanya said, "Remember why I signed you up?"

They both laughed over it.

"Why do I always fall for the wrong person?," He said.


"Umm I mean yea. Back in the UK, I didn't have many successful relationships either. The girls there didn't really understand why I wanted them to meet my mother."

Aanya laughed, "You are crazy!"

"Am I?"

"There will be this amazing girl for you somewhere. Don't you worry! Anyway how was your date with Ritika the other night," she asked.

"It was good," Varun said.

"We're here. I'll see you in the evening at the cafe?," Aanya asked.

"Yes. Raj and I will come as soon as we are done," he told her and went home.

Only Varun knew what the date with Ritika had been about.

"Ritika I think Vicky might bother us again," Varun had told her.

"What makes you think so?," she asked.

"He's been clashing with Raj a couple of times," he said.

"Why didn't Raj tell us?"

"He told me. And we didn't want to tell Aanya. You know how can she get right?"

"But we need to help Raj!"

"Exactly. He is also quite hot headed. We don't want a major scene to happen."

"Let me see what I can find out about this situation. I'll try to get some information," Ritika said.

"No! I don't want you anywhere near that guy," Varun told her.

She placed her hand on his cheek and said, "I'll be okay. I have mutual friends who may help me, don't worry!"

"I'll trust you on this," Varun had told her, "But no need to take any extra step okay."

So thus they had decided to take things into their hands.

Varun caught up on a nice nap before he left for work.

It was their last day there and Varun was surely gonna miss the kids. He could make out that Raj felt the same way.

"Tough to let them go yeah?," Varun asked Raj.

"Yep. You know I joined this only coz I had time to kill before my post graduation started. But I'm soo glad now that I did."

"I feel you bro," Varun told him.

They finished their jobs and went to their usual hang out cafe where they met Aanya and Ritika.

"I cannot believe it's been over a month since we started," Ritika said.

"I know right? And so much has happened since then!," Varun said looking at Aanya and Raj.

"I still remember the day we first met. Someone was too much of a pussy to fight off some goons and my boyfriend had come to the rescue," Aanya teased Varun.

"Listen!," Varun smiled and emphasised.

"Ho gaye shuru," Raj and Ritika sighed at each other.

"You need a combination of strength and brains to get you out of things," Varun defended.

"Shut up men," Aanya said, "Don't even get me started there you ass!"

"Every girl should be able to defend herself. Out of everyone I thought you would atleast follow it. Why do you need a guy to rescue you?," Varun smirked as he was not gonna let it go.

"I can defend myself," Aanya stared him down.

"I might not be violent. But I can totally take you down," Varun folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.


"Woah. No one is going anywhere! I am hungry and we will eat!," Raj said and they didn't move.

"You can't speak up to your boyfriend! And you said you can defend yourself!"

Aanya got up and was gonna leave when Varun pulled her back and put his arms around her shoulder, "Kidding sweety!!!"

"Aren't you two adorable?," Raj said.

"Why? Are you jealous?," Aanya teased him.

"Yeah Right!," Raj snorted, "You guys are best friend material for each other. If you would have tried dating. It would never work out."

Varun only stared at Raj.

"Maybe you are right," Aanya said.

Was he?, Varun thought and said, "Yea absolutely. I want my girlfriend to be less bossy and way more gentle anyway."

"Do you?," Aanya asked and looked at Ritika.

"My house is empty tonight. You guys wanna come hang around?," Raj asked to change the subject.

"I have to be home sorry," Ritika said.

"And I'm way too tired," Varun said.

They knowingly looked at each other and Aanya assumed they had some plan together.

"Okay. Just you and me then," she told Raj.

They ate and came out to leave.

Raj and Aanya left first.

"Should I drop you?," Varun asked.

"No. You'll have to take an opposite route. You go take rest. I'm anyway going to meet an old friend. Like I had told you," she said.

"Well call me if there's anything alright?," Varun told her.

"I will," Ritika said and they left.

Varun met Vivan when he reached home.

"Hey heard from Mom?," Varun asked.

"Yeah they took the connecting flight a while ago. The baby is doing good," Vivan informed.

"That's great," Varun said, "I'm gonna be in my room. I'm full so won't have dinner."

"Okay," Vivan told him and continued to do whatever he was.

Varun fell asleep the moment he hit the bed and woke up a few hours later.

It was eleven in the night when Varun woke up from his sleep. He glanced at the clock and decided to go back to sleep but his phone lit up.

He grabbed and unlocked it. There were several missed calls from Ritika so he called her immediately.

"Hey!," she answered immediately.

"What happened?," Varun asked.

"The friend I was supposed to meet. Couldn't make it back then. He told me he did have some information but I'd have to go down to the club for that," Ritika told him.

"Why a club?," Varun asked while simultaneously getting up from the bed.

"No idea but this is where Vicky usually hangs out! So I was calling you if you could come," Ritika said.

"Don't go alone. Good you called. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just send me the address."

"Yes. I'll wait for you nearby," she told him and hung up.

Varun got ready as quickly as he could and left for the club.


Raj and Aanya got home and went to the living room.

"Let's watch a movie!," Aanya said.

"It would be like our first movie together," he said.

"That makes it exciting," she said, "Which all do you have?"

"The USBs next to the TV. Check it out," he said.

Aanya sat on the couch and turned it on.

"Why do you have so many romantic movies on here? Being too many girls home or what?," she asked loudly as Raj had gone to the kitchen.

He came back with some chips and soft drinks, "Courtesy of my mother and sister."

"We aren't watching this," Aanya said.

"Why not? That's​ what a normal couple would do. Snuggle up in a blanket and watch a romantic movie," he said and jumped next to her.

"You seriously wanna do this?," Aanya asked as she laughed.

"Totally," he looked her in the eye.

"Okay. Come on then. Go grab a blanket. Let's do this!," she said.

They dimmed the lights, turned up the air conditioner, pulled over the blanket and began to watch the movie.

Aanya had her legs on Raj's lap and her back in rested on the armrest.

Raj massaged her legs as they watch the movie.

"You are good at this," Aanya told him.

"I'm good at many other things too," he smirked.

Raj then pulled her hand and made her sit cuddled up to him.

"I like this," Aanya said, "A first for me"

"I like this too," he said and kissed her cheek.

"But I don't understand one thing," Aanya said.

"What would that be?," Raj asked eager to know what new has Aanya come up with.

"These romantic movie dates. They end up in only one thing. When both the guy and the girl want it then why not get to it directly. Why sit through two hours of emotions?"

"I don't want it," Raj said.

"Yea right! You don't wanna kiss me right now?," Aanya whispered in his ear.

"I wanna do much more than a kiss sweety," he whispered back and Aanya blushed.

"Why wait then?," she but his ear.

"Coz that's what a normal couple would do. But then I forgot. You aren't a normal girl. You are just so much extraordinary," Raj said and lifted her to make her sit on his lap facing him.

He placed kisses all over her face, "The reason they go through all the shit is so that they can enjoy the smallest detail."

He kissed her neck and she put her head back giving her access to her entire neck area.

They had been kissing for a long time when Raj stopped. Aanya tried to look at him but he was looking away.

"What happened baby?," She asked.

"I never thought I could ever get a girl like you," he said, "You've captured my heart like no one could. I feel so vulnerable with you right now. I'm so scared to lose you."

"Why would you lose me?," Aanya laughed, "This is why we should skip the movie. They make guys emotional. Now shut up and get back to the good part."

Raj was lovestruck by this girl. He wanted to kiss every inch of her body.

"You are so hot," he said as they made out on the couch.

"What? You didn't know it before?," Aanya said dramatically, "I thought that was why you are dating me."

They laughed and Raj said, "This mouth of yours needs to be shut. Wanna go to my room?"

"Yeah. This couch is highly uncomfortable!," Aanya said.

"Just some normal couple things," he said as he lifted her bridal style and carried to his room.


Varun reached the club and spotted Ritika.

"Where is the friend?," He asked.

"Inside. I saw Vicky's car which means he is here too," Ritika said, "We can't let him get suspicious of us."

Varun and Ritika went inside and looked around.

"There he is," said Ritika, "At the bar."

Varun and Ritika were walking towards him when they saw Vicky approach him.

They stopped where they were and tried to hide. The club was double storied. The entrance being at the level one and bar being downstairs.

Vicky and the guy were talking very animatedly. When they were done Vicky slipped something into his pocket.

Ritika and Varun went down the stairs.

"Jerry," Ritika greeted him, "Meet Varun."

They shook hands.

"Can we talk outside. It's too loud in here!," She said.

They moved to the lounge area where people were smoking hookahs. The music was light there.

"Okay so yes Vicky has been trying to get to Raj a couple of times. But that's only coz he wants to get to Aanya," Jerry came to the point.

"Get to Raj how?," Varun asked.

"I don't know," he said, "But he's been threatening him."

Ritika spoke, "Is this all you wanted to tell us?"


"Come on. You called me down just for this?," Ritika asked.


"I think we should leave," Varun said.

Ritika didn't ask any more questions and followed Varun out.

"Something is fishy," she said once they were out in fresh air.

"Vicky did something to change his mind," Varun said, "I didn't think it would be something this important but now it definitely is. I am worried for Aanya. I can't let Vicky hurt her."

"Guess we need to find out then. And this time we talk to the one person who knows it all," Ritika sternly said.

They went back inside and made a beeline to the one person he wanted to confront.

They knew Jerry was lying.

Vicky had definitely paid him off to stay put.

They couldn't find Jerry where they had left him.

They went around the club and finally went to the smoking area.

Varun stoped at the door and signalled Ritika to not make a noise.

"Vicky I swear we are done," Jerry was talking to Vicky, "We are even now! Don't expect me to do any of your filthy works for you anymore!"

It was then that Varun went it.

"I knew it," Varun said, "What the heck are you up to!"

"You lied to me," Ritika screamed at Jerry.

"Look who's here," Vicky smiled, "My darling ex girlfriend with her new toy."

"Vicky shut up and tell me what is your problem!"

"Problem? Love, why will I have any problem?"

"I am the reason why everything's happening. Then deal with me! Leave my friends alone!"

"Did they leave us alone?," Vicky came towards her and Varun stepped in between.

"Stay away from her," he said.

"This. This is exactly why I hate you people. Always trying to interfere!," Vicky said and went and sat on a chair.

"Everyone. Move out!!!," Ritika shouted.

It was a weekday so there was less crowd thankfully.

Apart from Vicky, his goons, Varun and Ritika, others made their way inside.

"You've still got it huh babe? Guess these people still think we are a thing," Vicky joked.

"Vicky I'll do whatever​ you want," Ritika was saying but Varun stopped her, "No! You hell won't! This asshole is just trying to mess with our heads!"

"Your friend insulted me in front of the entire college," Vicky said.

"You deserved it!," Varun said.

"Ritika did you really think I would let it go?," He asked.

"If you haven't. It's high time you should. Coz Aanya isn't alone anymore. She single handedly took you down. Just imagine what the four of us can do together!," She said.

"Four?," Vicky laughed.

Varun and Ritika looked at each other.

"You were always helpless. Aanya was always overconfident. This rich brat here is good for nothing. And Raj," Vicky devilishly smiled, "has been on my side all the time."

Varun and Aanya turned pale.

What had Vicky just said?

"You are joking! You can't try and divide us Vicky," Ritika told him while Varun stared into space.

"You think it was a coincidence that he was there right in time to protect you girls from the guys I had sent the day you guys first met Raj?," Vicky spoke.

Varun had seen Raj with Vicky in the mall.

"You think he enrolled for that course willingly?," Vicky continued.

Those phone calls Raj had made while in Punjab, Varun tried to remember.

"He came Mumbai for a reason," Vicky said.

Varun had seen him with Vicky more than once and everytime he has had the right excuse.

"Vicky. Don't even dare to lie to me again," Ritika was furious. She couldn't trust him at all.

Varun yet was trying to make sense out of it. Raj had shared his heart out with him and how could he be lying all the time?

Stop overthink Varun, he thought to himself, "Don't let Vicky get to you."

Vicky took out his huge phone and opened his gallery.

"Does this room look familiar to you?," Vicky showed them the a video.

Ritika looked at Jerry and asked, "Jerry for old times sake! Please tell us the truth."

"He won't say anything. He owes me that. Just like Raj does. I'm paying him a fortune!"

The video went on. It was Raj who appeared on the video. It was Raj's bedroom.

Ritika tried to grab his phone but he took it away.

This video has nothing. It's an old one.

Varun clenched his fists.

Ritika didn't want to but Varun didn't think twice before confirming that Raj had indeed been a cheat.

"Ritika," Varun managed to say, "Aanya is there right now."

"I always liked you, you know? You might be the only smart guy amongst them," Vicky told Varun.

"You son of a bitch," Varun was fuming with anger.

Ritika was devastated. She was scared.

"I must get home now," Vicky said, "My laptop must be recording your best friend's end! Soon the entire city will be able to see how much of a woman Aanya is!"

Varun stormed out of the door. Red with Anger.

Ritika who was in tears and shock, followed him but not before slapping Vicky.

Varun and she ran to the car.

Varun drove in full speed.

Ritika tried calling Aanya but she wouldn't answer.

She saw Varun and got super scared. She had never seen him like this. He wasn't speaking a single word and neither was he slowing down a bit.

Ritika called Keya and Krish. Both of them didn't answer either.

It was Vivan who she could finally get hold of and in her crying voice told him to reach at Raj's house.

Varun braked harshly infront of his house and got down without bothering to switch off the ignition.

He went and banged on the door but there came no response.

Ritika was calling out Aanya's name loudly.

Varun got so frustrated that he did the unexpected. He went around and managed to find a window. But it was also shut from the inside.

Varun couldn't think about anyone but Aanya at that moment. He took ten steps behind and went running at the window and crashed through it right inside. Thank god for french windows.

Ritika was aghasted. She thought she would faint.

Inside Raj's room, Aanya and he were oblivious to the noise outside. The door was closed and the air conditioner was old enough to make a lot of noise.

It was only when Varun had broken into the house and was calling out their names that they could hear some commotion.

Before they could process it the door flew open.

It killed Varun to see Aanya in a state of half undress. He threw her jacket at her and pushed Raj who was coming to him out of his way.

"What the fuck Varun?," Aanya screamed.

Varun went around looking through Raj's stuff.

"Varun what are you doing?," Raj asked and tried to stop him, "Listen to me Varun."

"What is going on??," Aanya put on his jacket for her top was in the living room.

Raj pulled on his tshirt.

It was when Varun found a small stuffed dog which had a hidden camera that hell broke loose!

Varun threw it at the wall with full force and it broke into peices.

Ritika had come in too and went over to a shocked Aanya.

They saw the camera flew out of the dog. Aanya couldn't make sense of anything.

Ritika hugged her and cried, "It's all my fault."

Varun then grabbed Raj by the collar.

"Let me explain," Raj opened his mouth to speak when the unexpected happened.

Varun threw a full blown punch right at his face.

Ritika and Aanya's eyes widened with surprise.

"You bastard," Varun shouted and threw another punch.

With every hit Raj went backwards.

"Varun listen to me," he said but Varun pinned him to the wall and punched his stomach.

"Ritika stop him," Aanya said, "What is he doing."

"Let him Aanya," Ritika cried, "Raj... Raj was.."

"What!," Aanya exclaimed as she saw Varun hit him even more.

"He's bleeding!," She got up and went to him.

"Aanya No!," Raj told her to stay away.

"Don't even take her name!!!!," Varun pushed Raj down the stairs.

Now Ritika was worried. Even she thought Varun needed to stop. Both Aanya and she went down behind them.

Varun was grabbing Raj and throwing him around.

"You cannot even fight back!," Varun told him, "You've made the biggest mistake of your life."

Varun's hand was bleeding too.

"I did it for a reason," Raj screamed back and threw back a punch.

"Raj!," Aanya was in tears now.

"Please stop them," she told Ritika was holding her with all her strength.

"Varun stop!," Ritika said.

But Varun's eyes were filled with revenge. They had a killer instinct in them.

Raj was limping but Varun wouldn't stopped.

The guy who wouldn't kill an ant was blood thirsty right now.

Varun placed himself on top for Raj and kept throwing punches.

There was banging on the door. Ritika went to open the door while Aanya collapsed on the floor.

Vivan and Krish came in and grabbed Varun. They took him away with all their power. Varun was trying hard to get away.

Tanya and Keya ran to Aanya and grabbed her.

Ritika called the ambulance.

Raj was vincing in pain. He couldn't move and was curled up on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth.

Vivan came in front of Varun and held his face.

"Calm down! Varun calm the fuck down," he was telling him but to no use.

It was what Keya said that Varun finally came out of his trance.

"Aanya's fainting!," Keya shouted.

What had just happened?




NEXT CHAPTER : Raj's Reality!

Thank you for your patience!

Love you all!!!

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