Lightning Strikes Twice ›› Ba...

By SHIELD-Avenger

154K 3.1K 648

❝Run, Barry, RUN!❞ ❝Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when... More

Extended Summary
1- Central City Is Chaos Central
2- The Thunder and The Lightning
3- Carrying The Weight of The World
4- Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite
5- Setting Fire to the Sky
6- No Pulling Punches
7- To The End Of Time
8- Dominators (pt. 1)
9- Dominators (pt. 2)
10- Dominators (pt. 3 final)
11- The Wrath of Savitar
12- What The Future Holds
13- Stone Cold Truth
14- Back To The Future
15- Trial By Combat
16- Dead Girl Walking
17- Welcome To The Jungle
18- The Killer Gorilla Invasion
19- Savitar Strikes Back
20- Reality Check
21- Trio (special extended pt.)
22- Magic Tricks
23- Origins
25- The End Of A Chapter
Time After Time (New Flash Story)

24- Bone Chilling

1.9K 43 0
By SHIELD-Avenger


"Caitlin, stop!" I shout, teleporting after my nearly white haired friend. Killer Frost whirls around.
"THAT IS NOT MY NAME!" Caitlin roars, her once brown, now an icy pale blue, eyes flash with anger. The she smiles a terrifyingly evil grin. "How about you chill out?" Her hands start to give off a misty look, resembling what snow does when it melts.

"Sorry, but I'll pass. I don't really appreciate being a Sky-sicle," I tell her.
Killer Frost shoots off a shard of ice at me.
I teleport out of the way. When I reappear in the hallway to The Cortex, Caitlin is gone.
No. She's Killer Frost-- I can't think like that. Caitlin's still there. Even if  she did try to hurt Julian, HR and Cisco. I thought, trying to keep back my denial of her actually being a killer.

I run out the door, and hold out my hands as they ignite into crackling electricity. "Last warning."

Killer Frost sighs, and turns to look at me. "Will you ever give up?"
"No, because the Caitlin I know is in there somewhere," I tell her.
"Not anymore, she's not." The woman who once was my friend hurls a blizzard of snow and ice at me.

I hold up my arms, in an effort to block the frozen water knives from penetrating my skin.
When I stop shielding myself, Caitlin's gone again, and Barry's staring down at me.
"She left," I breathe out, letting my upset expression show.

"C'mon, lets get inside," Barry says, helping me up.
"I just hope Savitar doesn't find her. Whoever Savitar might be," I mumble.

TWO DAYS LATER. . .  (spoilers)

"You're Savitar in the future?" I ask in disbelief.
Barry nods with a miserable look on his face. "My Time Remnant is."

Cisco gets an expression that says he's solving a puzzle. "So the message The Legends got was from future you, who was talking about Savitar. This is all coming together in the worst way." He acts almost as if he's excited with a very nervous twist to it. He walks over to a the clear board and starts making a model with his marker. "Four years from now, future Flash creates Savitar using a Time Remnant, and then that Remnant later becomes Savitar to later fight himself."

"Which came first?" Joe asks.

"That," Cisco says drawing an infinity symbol or sideways figure-eight, "is a closed time loop."

"No beginning or end," I cross my arms and furrow my eyebrows. "It just happens again and again."

"That is right, my sparkly friend," Cisco puts the marker down. "Unless I come up with something to change that."

"How are you going to do that?" I question.

"Uh, give me some time, shouldn't take long." Cisco walks out.


Barry and I sit in the Speed Lab. After being in silence for a few long minutes, I rest my head on his shoulder.
He moves away a little.
I sit up straight and look at him. "Why?"
"Why what?"
"Are you afraid that your future self is going to kill me?"
"Yes. Of course I am."

I place my hand on his knee, "don't be. He's you, Barry. And if you truly do love me, then he will too."
Barry kisses me on my temple, "I hope so. I just... When I fought him, he was absent of all the things that made him human. He didn't care who he hurt."

"We'll fix this like we always do. I promise you," I cup his face in my hands. "I will stand by you."

"I don't want you getting hurt, or killed," Barry says quietly, his green eyes staring into my brown eyes.

"I won't. You have all of us, Barry. You're not alone." I let go of him, as I hear footsteps enter the room.

Cisco gives us a look that I can't tell if he has a good idea or bad. "Okay, I did come up with something. It could be good and or it could be the worst idea ever."

"I just hope its not the worst," I said getting up.

"Hey, at least its an idea," Cisco responds, pointing a finger at me.

"I want you to stop making new memories," Cisco tells Barry. "So Savitar can't tell what we're up to."

"You're messing with his brain?" Joe asks.

"Oh, that's going to be bad," I say to Vibe. "What happens to us if we need The Flash, and Barry doesn't remember anything?"

"He will remember... I think. Just trust me Sky," Cisco replies.

"I'm going to try, Crisco."

"What'd I tell you about-- Ugh, never mind. We're just block a few things from his cortex."

"So Savitar can't remember if we come up with a new strategy to defeat him," Iris realizes.

"Yes," Cisco said. "Cause and effect. He's a step behind."

"What if it backfires?" I flick my eyes to Julian and Cisco.

"It will not backfire. Now we're ready to zap, uh, activate," Cisco presses a button.
We all wait and watch Barry.
When he gets up he glances around the medical room.
"Where am I? Who are you?" Barry asks.
My eyes widen, "Cisco, what did you do to him?"

"Are you experimenting on me?" Barry asks, panicking.
"No, no, we're not," Julian said.
"Barry, calm down," Iris said, her gaze filled with worry.
"Who's Barry?" Barry questions. "I'm... Why can't I remember?"

"Its okay, I promise you," I step forward and look him in the eyes. "You can trust us. Please. We're trying to help you. Okay? We would never want to hurt you, ever."

Barry looks at me, and he seems to become less stressed. "You're actually here to help me?"

"Yes, cross my heart, I promise."

"Joe," Cisco says, "can I talk to you?"
"Yeah," Joe responds.
"We'll be right back," Iris tells Barry. "Wally, you and Sky stay with him."
"Me?" Wally gives her a look. Staying with a mind-wiped Barry is not on his to-do list.

The others leave, and Wally and I are standing there with Barry.
"Who are you?" Barry asks Wally.
"I'm your brother," Wally says with a nervous smile.
Barry glances at his hand and then at Wally. Not really the same type of brother Wally meant.
"And you, who are you? That woman says your name is Skye, right?" Barry looks at me.

"Yes, I'm Sky. Your girlfriend, Barry. I also have superpowers."
"That's cool," Barry smiles.
"," I murmur.

The door to the other room opens, and Cisco peeks out. "Hey Barry catch," Cisco tosses Barry an object. Barry does not catch it. He doesn't have super speed.
Cisco then closes the door.

I look at Wally. "I'm, uh, going to go. Okay?"
"You can't leave now," Wally says grabbing my arm. "We need Barry to remember."

I pull my arm away from him.
"Relax Kid Flash, I've got to do somethings for my boss. I'll be back as soon as I can." I glance at Barry, "I'm coming back to see you."

"Okay Angel Eyes," Barry said.
That's a new nickname, I thought.
I smile a little and teleport off to my work.

"I'm back," I announce. My hair might give the illusion that I got hit by a tornado, but other than that I made it back to STAR Labs.
Cisco gives me an exhausted look.
"What'd I miss?" I glance at him and Julian.

"Well, for starters, Barry bombed his trial," Cisco said. "The cool glasses I spent awhile working on are fried."

"Sorry," Barry sinks down into the office chair.
My heart must have failed on me, because it cracked in two at how innocent he looks.
"That's okay, Bar. I'm sure you did as best you could. Your memory is temporarily gone..." Then I get an idea. "You could come with me to my place. I've got to pick up a few things there."

"Okay," Barry seems to perk up. "Sounds great."

"And while you're doing that," Cisco says walking by me, "we are going to figure out on how to get his memories back."

I hold out my hand for Barry to take. "Hold on tight."
"What's going to happen if I do?" Barry questions.

"I'm going to teleport us to my apartment," I tell him.
"You mean that cool thing you did earlier?" Barry gently grips my hand.
I grin, "yep."

Within seconds, we're in my living room. I let go of his hand, and walk over to the kitchen counter.
"You have a nice place," Barry comments, looking around.
"You came here several times, and its kind of like you live here now," I said.

"Do we live together?" Barry asks, petting my dog Oliver as the golden retriever runs out.
"Um, no. Not yet anyway."
"Why didn't I ever ask you to come stay with me?"
"I don't know. We've been dating for at least five months. Maybe more. I haven't really ben thinking too much about that stuff, with all the death threats."

"Who would want to threaten you? You're too beautiful, like the night sky."
My face starts to heat up, "thank you Barry." I rummage through the drawers until I find what I'm looking for. I give Barry a look over my shoulder.

"Is something wrong?" he asks.
"It's... just been a long time since I've seen you this happy... I miss it." I pause, and continue searching. "I've got it. Now we can..." I stop and find myself looking into Barry's face.
I lean into him, and kiss the Flash on the lips. Barry smiles and takes a step back.

A few seconds later, a blur of yellow and orange lightning fills the room.
Barry looks at me, coming to a halt. "What's happening to me?"
I beam, "did I mention you're also a superhero?"
Barry grins again, "awesome."

Barry and I walk back into STAR Labs. I freeze up as I spot Killer Frost standing there.
"Caitlin?" I look at her in shock. "You came back."

"Only because they need the help," she said. Her unnatural ice blue eyes look over me like she's wants to turn me into a mountain of snow.

"Help with what?" Iris questions.
"I lost my powers," Wally explains.

"Are you like a super villain?" Barry asks Killer Frost.
Caitlin raises an eyebrow at him without answering.
I stifle a laugh.
"Barry, can you leave for a couple minutes?" Iris glances at him briefly.

"Savitar can't remember anything," Caitlin says. "So I help you, and I get to help Savitar."

"But if I get my speed back," Wally said. "Then Savitar would have to remember who he is. Barry becomes The Flash again, and Iris dies."

"Life is full of difficult choices," Killer Frost walks over to the Flash suit. "There are still villains running around, and no Flash to stop them."

"That's not entirely true. Central City still has me," I point out.

"Wow, that was amazing," Barry says, charging out of the speedster track. "I love running."

"And I love watching you run," I tell him, walking in from helping Cisco, Julian, and Killer Frost.

"How's the experiment thingy going?" Barry wipes his face with a towel.

"I, um... had to remind Caitlin about the fun times we had so she's less frosty."

"That's a good pun."

"Yeah... I reminded her about the time she insisted that we went to Karaoke Night.
She got drunk and she had me sing first, then pulled you up on stage too." I trail off, as the memory goes away. "But things change don't they?"  

"I'm sure its for the best," Barry says patting my shoulder.
I give him a faint grin.
"Do you mind if I go for another run?" he asks, happiness returning to his once serious face.

"Have at it, Flash."
Barry takes off in a sprint, with a smile I wish he had more often.

"There's a fire," Cisco says looking at the TV.
"I've got it," I said, snatching my suit off the spare manikin.
I quickly place my mask on my face, and teleport.

It only takes a couple minutes for me to get out a six workers. I teleport back down to the ground, and then get hit by the terrible realization that there are too many workers for me to save, and not enough time.

I hear a yell, and turn to see Barry clutching his helmet.
I touch my coms, "Cisco what did you--"

"Trying to get back his memory," Cisco says.
"It's not working," Barry said.

I look at The Scarlett Speedster sympathetically. Then a blast of heat sends me back into the burning building. Team Flash can figure everything out until I finish saving these people.
I dodge falling debris, and while I'm taking civilians away from danger, I can hear Iris tell the heart-wrenching story of Barry's loosing his parents.

As soon Barry says, "I remember who I am," a giant wave of fire causes me to fall from a broken window.

I tumble through cool air, with my senses scrambled, I find it difficult to teleport.
I'm caught off the side of the building by Barry.

When he places me on the ground, I look up at him and smile.
We have our Flash back.

Author's Note:
Wow. That was a lot of words. I tried to cover three episodes, but that did not work out too well. Only a few episodes left of The Flash, and I cannot wait. Gee I ran out of things to say fast.
Don't forget to vote if you liked this. Byeeeee!
             ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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