Pretty Boy || Niall Horan

By JeanChanty

83.2K 1.6K 915

It was junior year and Ashley Johnson was moving to London. She was used to being the new girl since she move... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two || (1/2)
Chapter Twenty-Two || (2/2)
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Six

3.5K 73 29
By JeanChanty

Last edited: 4/17/17


I turn off the TV and stretch, I have fallen asleep on the couch while watching old Disney movies with Zayn. You can never be too old for Disney movies. Thank god, it was the weekend, I didn't want to rush to get back to my house and get ready for school like last time. I look at Zayn sleeping on the couch, soft snores escaped his lips. I wanted to talk to him, but I'm not really the type of person that wakes up people unless I need to. I walk into the kitchen to look for something to eat, I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple and bit into it. I walk out into the balcony and enjoyed the view, the cold morning air breezing through. I run my fingers through my tangled hair, trying to fix it, I gave up and put it up into the bun. I went back into his house and tried to find something to do. I decided to be a nice friend and make breakfast, but since I was 5'3" I was fairly short; cooking food was kind of like a sport to me. Turning into a ninja and getting up into the counter to grab something up in the cabinets. I jumped up into the counter and looked for the things I needed.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I shriek and jump in fright, hitting my head on the ceiling. I whimpered and rubbed my head to try to relive it of it's pain. I look over at Zayn, who was laughing.

"I was going to make breakfast," I whined.

"What were you doing up in the counters?"

"I couldn't reach the top drawers," I pouted.

The door bell rang and I jump off of the counters, "I'll get it!" I run towards the door and open it. I look at Niall and Louis in disgust and close the door at their face.

"Who was it?" Zayn asked, walking into the living room.

"Uhh.. Jehovah's witness," I said, quickly, trying not to make it look like I just closed the door on his best mates.


I fell on my bum, laughing my life out. Well, that was unexpected. I look over at Niall who was also on the floor laughing. I stood up on my feet and looked at Zayn and Louis who were whispering loudly.

"Did you see that?"

"They were doing the exact same thing."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"They're perfect for each other."

"We can hear you," Niall and I say in unison.

"They did it again."

"They're meant to be."

I threw my apple at Zayn and roll my eyes as he dodged it

"Wait, what is Ashley doing here?" Niall asked, turning towards Zayn.

"We were watching movies last night and fell asleep," Zayn said, "Hey, is Harry and Liam with you guys?"

"No, they're going to be late," Louis answered.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you guys." I said, nodding. I didn't want to get in the way of their little bonding time.

"No!" Niall said, abruptly. We stared at him, his actions seeming a little weird,"I mean stay with us," He added, smiling, "It'll be fun. Lads, aye?"

"Lads, lads, lads, lads, lads, lads!" They chanted in unison. I chuckled at the 'lads'.

"Five boys and one girl? I'd rather not," I retorted, smiling at them.

"Then invite your friends."

"They're going to break every single bone in Louis' body."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know, how about you ask him?" I turn and give Louis a little glare.

Niall looks at him for an answer, but Louis just stares down at his feet and shifts uncomfortably.

"Yeah, so I'm going to go home," I said and grabbed my stuff.

"You want me to drive you there or?" Zayn asked.

"Well, I don't really know how to get to my house from here. I'll just text my brother your address and he'll come pick me up. Well, you're going to text him, because I absolutely have no idea what your address is," I unlock my phone and hand it to Zayn. I plop on the sofa and turned on he T.V. I scroll through the shows, trying to find something to watch.

"I love Doctor Who!"

Hold on, that sounded a bit like.. Harry? I turn around and saw Harry and Liam, "When did you two here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Couple of seconds ago, now go play Doctor Who," Harry said and sits down next to me. I sigh and play it. Zayn hands back my phone and I gave him a small smile as I took it back. After an episode and a half I realized it was taking forever for my brother to come pick me up.

"God, what is taking my brother so long?" I groaned, I turned towards Zayn "Did you give him the right address?"

"Yeah, about that," Zayn said, "I ma―"

The door bell rang and interrupted Zayn, "Finally," I got up and opened the door "What the― Lizzy?" And then I realized basically everyone was here.

"I hear Doctor Who!" Venus screamed and pushed through everyone to get inside, "Wait, Harry, you watch Doctor who?"

"I do. I fucking love it." Harry answered, nodding. Venus' eyes seemed to twinkle as she sat down on the couch, though, she sat away from Harry. Soon, everyone just settled in front of the T.V. with popcorn, watching Doctor Who.


After a couple of episodes, Venus and Emily got up and went to the backyard. I followed them outside. Venus crouched down in front of the swimming pool, drawing circles into the water, Emily was sitting down, her legs in the pool. They were talking about random things as I creep up behind Venus and push her into the water. Before she fell in, she let out a loud scream. I look over at Emily, who looked a bit disappointed. She looked at me with semi-glare, but she looked nonchalant at the same time.

"What?" I asked, trying to act innocent. I knew exactly 'what'.

"You know," Emily said, "Venus can't swim, right?"

"Fuck," I groaned. I took my fedora and my shirt off and dove in. She was flailing around in the water as I grabbed her waist and she squirmed in my grasp. I went back up at the surface and she gasped for air.

"Harry, you stupid idiot!" She screamed. I laughed and sat her down in the edge. I swam out of the pool and fixed my hair out of my face. I look at Venus as she eyed me up and down, she realized I had caught her staring and blushed and hid her face.

I chuckle, "It's okay to stare, I know you can't help it," I say.

"I-It's not that!" She yellled, defensively, "It's just that, I didn't know you had so much tattoos."

"Okay, whatever you say," I said. I run inside and grab towels and wrapped one around her.

"I'm soaked and I have nothing to change into," She whined, "Did I mention I fucking hate you?"

I chuckled, "You can wear my shirt if you want. I have extra clothes here anyways."

She nods and stands up. She grabs my shirt and walks inside, I follow closely behind her. Lizzy turns around and snickers.

"Nice bra, Venus, Victoria's Secret?" She teased. I just realized her white T-Shirt became see through because of the water.

"Shut up! And those are my words, you unoriginal bitch," Venus defensively said before scurrying towards the bathroom. I chuckle and run upstairs to the guest room where I stored my sweats for whenever I went to Zayn's house.

I change into them and walk back downstairs "Has anyone seen my fedora?" I asked.

Ally turns towards Emily, who was trying too hard to make it seem less obvious that she took it. "Emily, give it back to him," Ally scolded.

"Never!" Emily yelled, running away with my fedora in her hand. I groan and chase after her.

"Give it back!" I shout, she only responded with a giggle.

About a minute or two later, Emily ran out of energy and I grabbed my fedora from her and put it on my head. The door to the bathroom opens and out comes a little troll. Oh wait, that's Venus. Her hair was frizzy and puffy, her make up completely off. It was a bit weird seeing her without make up, I've never seen her without it. She tugs down my shirt and squirms.

"It's so short," She whined about the shirt.

"It goes down to the middle of your thighs, what the hell are you talking about?" I laughed.

"I'm not used to wearing guy's shirts with no pants."

"Really? Girl's usually steal their boyfriend's shirts and wear it without pants."

"Well, I'm not any other girl."

"And why is that?"

"Because, I am a mermaid!" She said, giggling.

I laugh and shake my head, "You can't even swim for shit, Venus."

She stuck her tongue out at me as she puts her hair up into a ponytail and grabs something from her bag and runs back into the bathroom. Since she left the door open, I guessed it's fine if I follow along. I leaned my shoulder on the door framed and watched her put on make up.

"No need for that," I stated.

She shrieked and looked at me, panting with her hand on her chest, "You fucking scared me!" She smacks my arm and I laugh, "I'm not putting on that much, my face just feels naked without at least mascara."

"You look so cute and tiny in my shirt," I smiled.

"Shut up," She blushed "But, thanks. Don't get too used to this, I still hate you and I still had a boyfriend." My blood boiled at the reminder that someone else had her heart.

"Why?" I asked and walk up behind her. Wrapping my arms loosely around her neck, since I was too tall to wrap it around her waist.

She shivers and pushes me away, "Don't touch me," She said, sternly.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Primary school." She simply stated before pushing pass me to go outside.

"Oh." I said to myself, quietly, "Primary school."


"You're so ugly, Venus," I tease, shoving her lightly.

"Shut up!" She screamed, throwing down her arms.

"You know you think I'm cute," I smirked.

"No, I don't!"


"Shut up," She said quietly before looking down at the ground and started to cry at the spot.

I laugh, "You're such a cry baby." I walk past her, purposely making my shoulder hit her shoulder with so much force that she fell to the ground.

She looked at me, a hurt look on her face. She then stood up and shoved me "You're such a.. doo-doo head!"

"Venus!" The teacher called. Her expression changed as the teacher scolded her. She ended up getting suspended and ever since then, she hated me with all her might.

*Flashback ends*

I follow after her and sigh. Is she serious? She hates me for that? She walks outside again, in the backyard, and sat down at one of the chairs.

"Venus, I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"You can say that a million times, but that still wouldn't change the person you turned me into." She said, it was already sunset.

"I was just being stupid, I didn't really mean everything I said and did. I made a vow as a child to never fall in love with someone and I don't know why because it was stupid, but you had to come along with your cutesy little face and I hated you for making me like you. Even though none of it was your fault," I confessed.

She looked at me with a shocked face, "You liked me?"

"Well, I still do, but that's not changing anything. You hate me and you're with Dean," I sighed. We kept quiet for a minute or two. Venus gave me a quick little hug and walked back inside. Everyone was sitting in a circle, laughing, music playing, just having a great time.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, my, God," Venus said, "You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear!" She sang along with the song that was playing when we walked in, well it was more like yelling.

We sat down along with them and turns out they were playing a game of truth or dare and talking about other things. Typical, honestly; Truth or dare.

"Niall apparently likes 5 Seconds of Summer," Emily said.

Venus turned towards Niall, surprised and excitement was written all across her face, "Hell yeah!"

"I have all of their songs. One day, I'm going to be in 5 Seconds of Summer," He said, sounding so sure of himself. We all burst out laughing, Ashley seemed to get more comfortable around Niall.

"Okay," Niall said, clasping his hands and turning to Louis, "Truth or dare?"

"Uhh.. Truth" Louis said, nodding. A man wussing out at his own game, what a shame.

"Why does every girl in here seem to be glaring at you?" Niall asked.

Louis bit his lip and fidgeted around with his thumbs, "Well, uhh.." Louis trailed off.

Venus' eyes gleamed off mischief "Go on Louis," She taunted "Tell them."

He sighs, "I've been, accidentally, flirting with Eleanor and she thought I liked her. So, she kissed me and Emily saw it."

"How does one 'accidentally flirt' with someone?" Lizzy asked, rolling her eyes.

"Sometimes it just happens with girls. I really didn't mean to." He said, frowning "Look, Emily I'm really sorry. I j―"

Emily laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling and sighed, "I really don't want to hear it."

He closed his eyes, "Can I please talk to you outside about it?"

"Fine, whatever," Emilly mumbles and both of them walk outside to the backyard.


I smile as Niall laughs at my joke. He's so adorable. I hate this. I have absolutely have no chance with him and he's a total player. On top of that, he obviously has a thing for Ashley! Everyone was having a great time, talking to each other. I felt like a wallflower. I walk outside to the front porch as the sun finally went down. I laid down on the grass and looked at the stars while texting people.

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

I jumped and looked behind me, finding Zayn standing a couple of yards away. I smile and pat the space next to me, he laid down next to me and we both stared at the stars and talked about random things.

"Do you ever just think to yourself 'why am I friends with these people?'" Zayn asked, chuckling.

"All the time," I smile.

"Like wh―" Zayn was cut off by his phone ringing, "Hello?" He answered. He was quiet for a very long time, "I-I'm on my way," He quickly stood up and put his phone away, "S-Sorry. I have to go. Can you tell everyone. that I had to go somewhere important?" He stammered, he looked a bit tense and wanted to ask him what was wrong, but decided against it.

I nod, "Just go," I said and he smiled before hurrying towards his car. I sighed and walked back inside the house. I took a seat in the circle again as they continued to play truth or dare.

"Where's Zayn?" Liam asked me.

"He had to go somewhere," I shrug.

"Okay, Ashley, your turn," Louis said, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," She answered, instantly. Wrong move.

"You're doomed," Niall said, "Everyone knows not to do a dare when it's with Louis."

Louis pondered for a second then a smirk appeared on his face, "7 minutes in heaven, with Niall."


"No," The word came out so quick, I didn't even think about it.

"You can't say no, it's a dare," Louis said.

"Seriously. No. He's probably kissed, like, 7 girls before!" I threw my hands up.

"Hey!" Niall shouts.

"He's actually had 11 girlfriends before," Liam said.

"Man-whore," Venus said, through fake coughs.

"Not helping!" Louis shouts.

I laugh and smile, "Nothing is going to consider me to do 7 minutes in heaven."

"Even if I give you 50 quid(80 US dollars)?" Louis asked.

I shake my head, "Nope."

"Then you're going to sleep outside on a air bed in the pool," Louis said, sticking his tongue out at me, referring to the forfeit we made earlier if someone backed out.

"I'll have to go home later."

"Then you'll have to take a dip in the pool later before you leave."



"No deal."

His smirk falls into a frown, "I won't watch."


"You're no fun," He pouts.

"Not going to do it Louis," I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"You know exactly why not."

"Is it because you're scared?"

"Scared of what?"

"Niall is very experienced."

"Only you would know that," I tease, "Nouis."

"I ship it!" Venus exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air.

"Hey!" Emily yells, shoving Venus playfully.

You get the point. We kind of argued for a really long time. For Juniors, we acted extremely immature. Soon, I gave up an found myself stuck in a cramped closet with Niall. I tried to distance away from him, which didn't really work since there were stuff everywhere. I cross my arms and glare at Louis.

"I am not letting you two out until I hear something," Louis coo'd before closing the closet. Voyeurism at it's finest.

I sensed Niall trying to get close, "Don't you touch me, Pretty Boy," I said, sternly.

"Well, we're going to have to do someth―"


"Well, looks like we're going to be stuck in this closet. Louis is not letting us out on all costs."

"It's better than letting you touch me."

"It was your fault for picking dare."

"Blaming me won't really help," I said, shoving him lightly. He then took advantage of how close I was and grabbed my waist. I shriek, "What the hell do you think you're―!" My eyes grew wide as he shut me up by kissing me. I just stood there for a second, completely stunned. Not knowing what to do, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back.

I felt..


You didn't expect that, did you? You probably expected something cliché like 'my heart beat raced and sparks flew. And then I realized, I loved him.' Nope. None of that. I don't even know what love is for crying out loud. I pull back and the door opened. Everyone was around us, curiously looking at us.

"Did anything happen?" Harry asked.


Niall turns to me, a confused look on his face. I had said 'No' as the as the same time he's said 'Yes'.

"What's the real answer?" Emily asked.

"No, nothing happened," I insisted.

"Yeah," Niall said quietly, "Nothing."

Niall and I exited the closet and the rest of the night we didn't acknowledge each other presence.

Author's Note[2/24/2014]: Ugh. Hate myself. I wrote this whole section and I was like 'No, that's horrible!' and deleted it and lost like 400 words. So. Much. Work. Lost. GVRSJA;PEWOLJK This chapter. Much drama. Very work. It's a little bit of most things. Bit scattered, but I'll try to keep the focus on Ashley more because after all that was my idea when I started this fan fic.

On the bright side I finally got my iPod back c: And holy shit I'm so proud of myself, this chapter is over 3,000 words. The longest chapter I've ever written my whole life. Oh my glob I deserve a Starbucks gift card or some ish like that.

Also I'm really getting 5SOS, this is bad, not another band. She Looks So Perfect though omg. I had monster at midnight and it's currently 3 am in the morning and it's a school day. Isn't that lovely.

These 'Author's Notes' are getting longer, ugh.

Okay, bye bye now. I'm going to try to go to sleep even though I had a monster energy drink earlier.

If you leave a vote or a nice comment that would make my day c: xx

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