Secrets (TVD)

By Ana_Idou

247K 5.4K 791

||"Wounds heal, but they will always leave a scar."|| . . . Natalia Lucifson. That name holds many secrets. ... More

Secrets (Kol Mikaelson FanFic)
Natalia Lucifson
An Original
What Is Wrong With Me
Mikaelson Ball
On the road
The Beginning
Miss Natalia
Crescent City
Long Way Back From Hell
Le Grand Guignol
Mystic Falls
Moon over Bourbon Street
The Big Uneasy
An Unblinking Death
A Closer Walk With Thee
Battle of New Orleans (Part 1)
Battle Of New Orleans (Part 2)
From a Cradle to a Grave (Part 1)
From a Cradle To a Grave (Part 2)
Alive and Kicking (Part 1)
Alive and Kicking (Part 2)
Every Mother's Son

Dance Back From The Grave

9.3K 191 42
By Ana_Idou

Natalia's P.O.V

"So basically you are kind of like Klaus's adoptive son that he left when he ran from his father in New Orleans, leaving you to be king and after about a century he returns and you fight over the rightful throne which you eventually decided to share, the witches attempted to kill Haley but were unsuccessful and speaking of witches, you had one called Davina whom klaus also wanted because she was powerful but was dying due to something called the harvest which wasn't completed and restores powers to the coven and she escaped, staying with you until she started coughing up dirt so she finally completed the harvest and Sophie was wrecked because it didn't work because her niece which was also sacrificed is still dead, Klaus also has a crush on a human you used to like named Cami who knows of the supernatural, you and Rebekah had a fling and maybe still do but she feels you betrayed her, and now your in a vampire depression state over, mostly Davina."

I finish talking and looked at Marcel. He had shown me around New Orleans and told me his stories, he also brought me to the clothing shop. I got myself a pair of back shirt, pants, and shoes. Perhaps I should try a more colorful wardrobe one day. Ha, no.

He stares at me with slightly wide eyed before knitting his eyebrows in appreciation "You listen well, but yeah that's the sum of it and this" he says motioning in front of him "is the French Quarter, the heart of New Orleans."

I smile and and look round "It's beautiful, better at night I guess."

He nods "yeah, gorgeous, now is there anything I can know about you?" theres curiosity in his voice, he wants to see if I'll open up since he did.

"No, not a lot really, as you are aware I'm an original, I'm not a story teller so all you need to know is that I was a close family friend, Kol and I had something but I believe he betrayed me, which is funny because it sounds like you and Bekah in reverse, I was locked in a coffin for a couple of months due to Klaus's anger because Iannia which I'm sure you met is my niece and Elijah's daughter but I never said anything about her so a hissy fit was thrown, and now I'm here becoming your friend, I don't know why since I don't make friends at all, but I am."

Marcel laughs before looking at me "Bulgarian?"


"Bulgarian" he repeats "I'm pretty sure that's what you spoke before, are you from there?"

I raise a brow "Again, Marcellus with the questions, stop them, it's annoying." He nods and looked almost wounded before I realized this guy has been taking hits all week.

I sigh "No I'm not from there. Long ago I spent some time there. That's all"

He smiles before hearing a beep, he looks at me and holds up a finger as if telling me to wait, checking his phone he stares at it and puts it in his back pocket "Well thank you, now as much as I know you might not like to let's go back to the 'base' "

I scrunch my eyebrows "The base?"

"Oh sorry, the place we were at before all the vampires hang there at times and we live there, now we gotta go back, Klaus wants something"

"He always does" I mumbled and flashed out of the street with him and to the home.

We entered from upstairs which I was not sure as to why until Marcel grabbed a bottle of whiskey "Do you people realize the time of day?"

"Yeah well, as lovely as it was meeting you, I'm not exactly happy."

I then understood "Ah yes that girl...Davina."

He looked at me when I said her name with a somber expression and sighed "yeah...anyway c'mon we gotta go Klaus ordered this meeting for all the vampires" he says and starts walking out the room and down the stairs.

When we got to the bottom a vampire with dark skin walked towards dear Marcellus "Hey Marcel, maybe you know what's going on, Klaus ordered us to meet here and now he's a no show."

"What do you want from me? It's a new regime. Get used to it." Marcel replied as he took a sip of his whiskey and sat down.

At the same moment I see Klaus walking in with a man "Dearest brethren, your attention please, no doubt your all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure who's suppose to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own, and I personally decided to issue him with a pardon, I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry" there was some clapping and cheering before Klaus added "Welcome home, mate" Thierry smiled and was given a welcome by who I assumed were his friends.

The bastard walked over and caught my eye, smiling "Ah Natalia how lovely of you to join us."

"You're in a good mood" Marcel directs towards Klaus "You should visit mystical falls more often."

"Well as much as I might like to I have pressing responsibilities here." Klaus replies and turns to the other vamps.

"Now, as you all know the witch Davina is no longer with us" I glance at Marcel and see him obviously affected before turning my head back to Klaus "Without Davina we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However since their harvest failed, their magic will soon be gone forever, until then I say we keep them on their toes, Diego I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron."

Diego of course accepts and with a cheer sets off with the rest of the vamps while Klaus approaches Marcel.

"I was hoping you would go with Diego."

"Nah, I'm going to take a me day." Marcel replies standing up and walks off. Leaving me and the wicked hybrid of the west.

"Well" I say as I begin walking towards Klaus "You really know how to ruin someone's life."

He smiles but before he gets to reply the voice of my current nightmares speaks out from behind me "Marcel is over reacting."

I turn to Kol, Elijah walking beside him. "Oh let him be, all of you, he is grieving" Elijah scolds with something of a scowl on his face, like we're children doing something wrong.

"Yes Natalia, let him be." Kol says with a tight smile and I can feel my eye twitch.

"Why is it any of your business what I do?" I ask him raising my brow.

"Oh don't be so rude Natalia" Iannia says to me coming towards us with Finn. What is it with this family and sidekicks.

"Enough, this is all pathetic" Klaus says in boredom and I turn to him with a smile.

"Just like you."

His eyes darken in anger and his lips form a tight line, he's angry, but before he attempts to crack my skull Finn plays the father figure. "Stop it Niklaus you said it yourself, this is pathetic."

My smile brightens further more "I completely agree." is all I say before flashing away.


I had been exploring the compound for quite some time now I was about to walk into another room when I heard two voices.

"Don't push me right now!" Marcel.

"I am sorry Davina is dead! Okay I am sorry but this mournful attitude is unworthy of you, and it's boring to me." Klaus.

At that moment I burst in and raise my hand like I'm a child in the class room "Me too!" Klaus gestures to me with an exasperated look as if this proves that he's not the only bored one.

Before anyone says anything else about our situation young Diego walks in "Hey guys, we got a problem."


All three of us were currently walking and looking towards a circle with symbols along with two dead vampires inside as a sacrifice, blood magic obviously.

"We came to mess with the witches, just like you said, and these two, they went missing, found them like this. Not even staked, just dead." Diego explains as we get closer to the circle and stop in front of it, as soon as he was here Marcel turns and stalks off.

"Where are you going? Someone has to account for this!" Klaus calls out.

"You want revenge, get it yourself. That Mark is tied to some bad mojo. Any of y'all got any brains, you'll head back to the compound and stay the hell out of this!" Marcel replies before leaving.

I stare at Klaus's face and the doubtful vampires before adding "We're gonna find whoever did this, and we will show them what suffering is." Klaus nods and I look over them again, hoping they have the balls to help.


"Somebody will die for this!" Klaus hissed as we found another sacrifice crime area.

"Remarkably I agree with you for once" I reply.

"I would like to know where they learned such dark magic." Elijah adds "I had hoped never to see that symbol again."

"I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us." Klaus says to Elijah.

"Clearly, some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks. I'll do for him as I did the other, Diego, when night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the quarter.....Get me the head of whoever did this-" he starts while I end.

"And put it on a stick"

"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem. Everyone is freaked out, man. We haven't had witches killing vampires in a long time....Marcel made sure of that." Diego says.

"Marcel has run off like a scared child. You lot are left with me." Klaus replies "Now, who of you will fight to defend our home?"

Nobody volunteered and I could tell he was getting frustrated "Not a single one of you will stand with me, so afraid are you of this new threat? You should know better."

I decide in that moment even if I want to rip his insides out, to help the only real friend I've ever had. I go and stand right by him nodding in confirmation, he doesn't do much but I could see in his eyes he is appreciative. He looks towards the rest of them who still haven't moved.

"I'll handle this my self then" is all he says before grabbing me and leaving.


As we were walking to where I thought was to find a witch Klaus grabs my elbow, stopping us.

"What the hell!" I hiss ripping my elbow from his grasp.

"I want you to go home and stay there."

I scrunch my eyebrows "What? Why? I'm itching to kill something."

He smiles "This isn't that simple, please go home, you may be an Original but he is getting stronger and stronger and I don't need you getting hurt, go, please."

I stare at him before wrapping my arms around his torso, his hands immediately find my waist and he held me tight.

"I'm not a child, and your treating me as such and I am angry but I still like talking to you." I mumble and he laughs.

"I know." I look up at him.

"But I still love you."

He smiles "I know that to, now go." I nod and walk out of the embrace and flash away, going home.


When I arrived home I realized how bored I was. After drinking a little I explored the compound and caught up with Haley who was the only source of entertainment. She told me about her family and how she was adopted. I have never been one to give sympathy but in this case I happen to like the girl so I gave my condolences. Currently we were on the second floor of the compound looking out into the crowd of vampires, Klaus wanted to give another one of his speeches. I spot Elijah and see him staring deeply at something while following his gaze, it lands next to me, on Hayley. My eyes widen and when I look back my gaze locks with his, I could tell he is silently asking me to keep quiet to which I give a curt nod before averting my attention to Klaus who walked out.

"Not long ago you all united against me" I raise my eyebrow in amusement at this but continue listening.

"You failed" no shit "Since then, in my benevolence, I have wiped the slate clean, yet it seems clear you think that I am the one who needs to earn your respect, your loyalty......You're mistaken. It is you who must prove yourselves to me. Our community is under attack.....I require soldiers.I need warriors, not cowards. Each of you has a decision to make, You either fight alongside me or you leave now."

I look out into the crowd and Thierry steps up "We don't owe you anything, if staying in the Quarter means living under your rule, I'd just as soon get the hell out." He says and begins to walk out, slowly some others joining him.

Before they reach the door my voice booms out "You really are all cowards!" I then look towards Thierry "Maybe not you I think your just stupid.......everything you see around you, all of this you owe to Klaus!" I say and begin walking towards Nik until I'm standing right next to him.

"It's okay though, peasants were never useful to kings" and with that I see them all considering my words before continuing to walk out, me and Klaus look at the pretty good number of vamps we have left, then back at each other and smirk

"Good choice"


I was in a pair of red silk shorts and a black tank top getting ready to go to bed, after a long day I was just bored and had nothing better to do.

"Silk looks nice on you." a voice said from the door way and I stiffened.

"What do you want" I ask bluntly.

"You and Nik?"

I scrunch my eyebrows before turning to him "What?"

"You and Nik."

"Kol what are you going on about? I want to sleep, Nik is my best friend you already know that." I say and shrug.

"Well you seemed very....cozy, before when you were walking."

My face contorts to one of pure disbelief "You were watching!" I hissed.

"Yes, and you seemed very close."

"What about you and Angelica?"

He smirks "Jealous?"

I narrow my eyes and flash a tight lip grin while I grab his hand swiftly, showing him a memory of mine.

Flashback (1305)

"For an Original vampire who can have anything, you live like a peasant." Nik says as he looks around my small cottage.

I gape "Niklaus! Mind your manners, besides you know if I purchased anything that had to do with riches your family would find out about me out of pure curiosity about who the new wealthy girl is." I say and give a teasing little smile at the end.

He smiled "Yes I know that love, quiet a scandal we both are." he said almost suggestively.

I laughed "Be gentleman Niklaus."

"I am."

"You most certainly are not!"

He smirks before slowly walking over to where I was sitting at the edge of my bed in my night wear, he stood right in front of me blocking my view and bent down.

"I am a gentleman." he whiskers huskily into my ear.

"You are also a tease." I breathe out.

He stares at me "Really?" is all he said before crashing his lips to mine I paused for a second before kissing back as well, soon his trousers were on the floor along with my clothing.


Kol stares at me in shock then his face contorts to one of anger and then to an unreadable expression. "You did not have to do that." He says and it's almost a whisper, I expected a speech or a curse out or something but as soon as he opened it he closed it, giving a slight nod, and flashed out.

What the hell?


Okay so I'm following some story line here plus next chapter you'll find out why Kol didn't confront her.






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