His painful rejection

By rodriguezperla

776K 19.2K 3.7K

Kristen Matthews is a sweet and shy she-wolf who has been through a lot. Losing her parents at a young age an... More

Chapter 2 A new pack
Chapter 3 the pack
chapter 4 what a perfect reunion. not!
Chapter 5 who said girls aren't strong!
Chapter 6 Why?!
chapter 7 / Pain from the past
Chapter 8 So what now?
author note
chapter 9/ A date gone wrong
Chapter 10 lost and alone
Authors note
Chapter 11/ War has been declared!
Chapter 12/ Learning new things
Chapter 13 A night to forget
Chapter 14 The aftermath
Chapter 15 A little hope
Chapter 16 bad moment
Chapter 17 A little problem
Chapter 18 Facing them
Chapter 19 Never thought to see you again
Chapter 20 Breakout
Chapter 21 Rescue plan
Chapter 22 making me understand
Chapter 23 before the chaos
Chapter 24 Battle field
Chapter 25 blood spilled
Chapter 26 face to face

Chapter 1 rejection.

63.4K 1.4K 654
By rodriguezperla

Kristen Matthews

I wake up to another day of torture. Another day of misery. Why you ask? Well let me tell you. I am the pack's omega. In fact the only omega for that matter. It's funny actually considering that my brother is the beta. Sadly that is what was chosen for me.  It all began the moment my parents. I was 10 at the time of the accident. They were trying to protect me, but sadly died because of a rogue attack. Everyone blames me for it. They tell me that I should have died instead of them. Sometimes I think they're right. Who am I kidding I know they are right.

People treat me like dirt, like a slave, a punching bag. I'm not kidding. Whenever they're mad or frustrated guess who they come to? Yes me, and no not for advice, but instead for their own personal use. They punch me until they feel satisfied. Which can last from five minutes to a couple of hours. You would expect me to be use to it by now, but they always find a new way to hurt me. The abuse isn't just physical, it's mental and emotional too.

Well enough of the sad talk let us go into something more exciting. Today......wait for it....... is my 16 birthday!! I am so happy today I find my mate and shift. Hopefully my mate will love me and take care of me, but most of all save me from this hell hole I call a home. I dream everyday of how my mate will be tall and handsome but most of all he'll love me to the moon and back. I dream of my mate picking up all the pieces of my broken heart and put them all back together.

I would like to tell you a little about myself. I have jet black hair that falls to my waist and electric blue eyes, a slim figure but everyone seems to say I'm fat, but I think it's fine. I have curves in the right places I won't call myself beautiful, but I'm okay I guess. Most of the pack members make it their business to remind me I will never be good enough to be loved. That my mate will reject me the moment he sees me but I try to see the good side of everything. The way I dress doesn't really help my situation. With the baggy clothes I wear everyone thinks I'm fat, but at least the men in the pack won't try to take advantage of me.

Another fun fact about me is that I must wake up earlier than the rest of my pack to make the food and clean the house. I tend to wake up at the crack of dawn to have everything prepared. Sometimes even earlier if the soon to be alpha demand's it. The usual breakfast consists of pancakes, eggs and bacon and either juice or coffee, for most of the pack and a fruit salad for the snobs.

I can tell you I'm amazed I have not died of exhaustion. My routine is based on waking up early to clean. Going to school on time. Coming here to make lunch. Cleaning before everyone arrives once more, and preparing for dinner later on in the day. And when all the cooking and cleaning is done, I still have to do my homework. I fall asleep around twelve or one and wake up once more to the same thing. It's a never ending cycle of misery for me.

So I drag myself out of bed and head to the restroom to get ready. Striping down to nothing I let the hot water hit my body relaxing me a bit. If only I could stay here forever but I have to head back to the real world I don't want to get beaten up again. The cold water hits my body making me jump. The footsteps and the laugher disappear into the distance. Seems like someone woke up early just to screw with me.

I wash my hair with my strawberry shampoo and scrub my body with my berry body wash. Turning off the shower I head to my small closet of a room. Putting on some underwear and putting on my baggy shirt and sweat pant on I head up to the kitchen. I still have an hour before anybody is awake so I begin preparing the food it isn't easy considering there are 200 members to this pack but you get used to it.

After about 45 minutes I'm done with 15 minutes to spare thank the goddess. As I begin to wash the used dishes when a smell captures me it smells of chocolate and woods. I follow the smell that's so fascinating to me. Yes it's a strange combination but yet it's luring

I stop in my tracks as I see who is the one with the mouthwatering scent. There standing before me is Roy Weston soon to be Alpha of the blood moon pack.

"MATE," the word rolls off my tongue before I can stop it. My heart pounds in my chest I beg that he didn't hear me but he did. I curse the wolf hearing.

He turns to me looking happy but when he sees who I am his smile fades and is replaced with a scowl. And the love in his eyes turns into anger. My heart breaks into a million pieces when I see his disgust.

"You can't be my mate. You're not attractive, or strong you're an omega and I an alpha I need a strong and beautiful mate to be my Luna not a thing like you," he spat making me flinched

I felt my heart shatter into pieces this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life the day my mate came as my knight and shining armor to save me I guess I was wrong. I knew this would happen but I had hope. And now that hope is gone buried under six feet of dirt with the rest of my hopes and dreams that had gone before it.  

But as if it weren't enough for Roy he kicked and punched the life out of me. These hits were worse they were full of anger and rejection.  But for some reason the pain in my heart was worse much worse.  

When he finished he spit in my face and walked away leaving me on the floor with a pool of my own blood surrounding me. I stood up wiping the tears of my cheeks and headed to get a towel to clean up the mess.

As I kneeled down to clean I felt a sharp pain on my back at first I thought I was shifting but then I saw it wasn't it, the slut of the pack named Megan had her high heel on my back. She pressed down pushing me to the floor causing more pain I knew she had stabbed me with her heel as soon as I felt a warm sticky liquid run down my back.

She let out a horrible high pitched laugh and walked away with her clones right behind her. I can do this anymore I can't keep letting them treat me like this I know what I must do. It was something I had been wanting to do for so long but needed a little push to help me decide. And it finally came this was the last straw.

When all had finished eating and left for school I pretended to be focused on my cleaning duties. Today I was going to ditch school but for a good reason. I am going to escape this hell hole I don't care about my brother Dan he treats me the same as everybody else so it wouldn't hurt leaving him.

When I was sure everybody had left I went to my room grabbed the little belongings I had and put them in a small bag. I grabbed my mothers bracelet she gave me that day she died.

And a small teddy bear my father gave me when I was five. Grabbing the little nice clothes I had I was about to leave when I remembered I had to leave a note. They might not read it or even care but If someone finds it I want to make sure that they never go looking for me.

To who ever reads this shit of a letter,

I am sick and tired of all the abuse in this house. I thought a pack should take care of one another but I see I was wrong.

To My brother Dan or should I still call you a brother when we were little you said you would never let anybody hurt me but now I see you didn't mean it. I didn't really care if others hurt me but what hurt me the most was when you would hit me mom and dad would have been very disappointed in you.

To Ass hole AKA Roy I always thought my mate would save me from all this and would protect me but I see that I was wrong. The moon goddess must have done a mistake you will never be my mate. I hate you actually I hate all of you go to hell!

I will never return to this shit of a pack or to you Roy I will be free and happy maybe I will find my true mate and a pack that will love me and care for me a pack that will love me for who I am and treat me as part of a family.

I hate you all and I hope you all die.


Kristen Matthews.

It felt good to express my feelings having everything in order I ran to the small window of my room. Throw the bag outside and jumped through the window. Not taking a second glance at the horrible place I once called home I began my escape.

I am free I am finally free! Tears of joy ran down my cheeks. I saw the border of the territory and jumped over it with joy. I felt the small bond rip and vanish the farther I went.

I knew if I stopped they would find me so I kept on running like my life depended on it which it did.

After what seemed like forever I hoped I put a long distance between me and my old pack I took a rest. I sat under a tree and closed my eyes and before you knew it I drifted of to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of a branch breaking. I stood up fast ready to fight if anything came at me. I saw two figures come out of the shadows of the forest. I was scared what if they were rogues or hunters or worse what if they were from my old pack.

"W-Who's there?" I asked.

"We won't harm you. Who are you?"

I could see them now one of them stood at 6'2 with blond hair and nice green eyes he wore shorts and no shirt exposing his six pack.

The other had black hair like mine he was 6'3 he also wore shorts and no shirt exposing his eight pack with the same green eyes as the other. These guys were fit and to tell you the truth they were hotter than Roy.

"Excuse me will you answer the question please?" blonde asked.

"Oh sorry my name is Kristen Matthews," I said as I looked down trying to hide the embarrassment of getting caught drooling over them.

"Why are you alone?" The guy that I think was the beta asked.

"I ran away from my pack"

"Why?" they both asked.

I didn't want to say why it will hurt to much. I looked down not meeting their gaze. A rustle in the leaves made me look up and a guy came out. He had dark brown hair, green grey eyes and wore jeans with a black v-neck shirt that showed his perfected eight pack underneath. I hadn't noticed I was staring at him until someone cleared their throat.

"What?" I asked again trying to hide the tint of red that rushed to my cheeks.

"We asked why did you escape your pack?"

"Oh it's a long sad story that you won't want to hear," I wouldn't like to talk about it either but if they ask I must say. I want to enjoy my new life rather than die by them.

"Well we have a lot of time," the guy that had came said I could tell he was the alpha because of the power that radiated off of him.

"Well it started when I was little my parents died because of a rogue attack they were protecting me. But everybody in the pack thought it was all my fault so they treated me like crap and put me as an omega. They would use me as their personal punching bag. And they didn't care how much it hurt. Worst of all today was supposed to be a happy day for me because I turned 16. I thought I would find my mate and live happy ever after. But sadly it didn't happen because my mate rejected me he told me I wasn't pretty enough and he wanted a strong Luna. But as if it wasn't enough for him he beat me up and left me on the floor with a pool of my own blood surrounding me. That was the last straw so I packed up my things and ran away. And that's how I ended here. Please don't kill me I mean no harm. I just want to be away from them please," I was practically in tears right now because of remembering everything and the fear of me getting killed.

"Please don't cry we won't hurt you we promise what's your name," The alpha said.

“I'm Kristen Matthews," I said with a sad smile.

“I'm Hunter Collins the Alpha, and this is Jace Lewis, and Jake Lewis my beta"

I got them right Jace is the blond and Jake is the black haired one. They were obviously twin the only difference was the hair color.

Before I could say anything I started to feel pain, and the sound of bones breaking was heard. I had no idea what was happening until I felt the pain consume me.

I closed my eyes as I clutched my stomach. The pain was excruciating like if someone was piercing me with silver knives all around my body.

"She's Shifting," I heard Hunter say.

"Make it stop!" I screamed out in pain as a sob escaped my lips.

"Don't worry it won't last long" I have no idea who said it but when they did the pain stopped and when I opened my eyes everything seemed different.

I looked at them and they stared back at me.

"She's beautiful," Hunter said.

If I had been in my human form I would have blushed like crazy. I wanted to know what he was talking about so I trotted to the small lake near by.

There was an all white wolf looking back at me with electric blue eyes like mine. She was the most beautiful wolf I had seen all my life.

'Hello Kristen'

‘Who said that,’ I asked

'Don't worry my name is Luna your wolf'

'Oh okay how do I change back to my human form?'

'Just imagine you're back in it'


When I was about to change back she stopped me.

'what is it?'

'If you change back you do know you will be naked in front of those guys'

'Oh right thanks'

I trotted back and grabbed my small bag with my mouth. I hid behind a tree and shifted back to my human form. I changed into baggy clothes.

I could tell they were still waiting for me so I went to them making that my gaze stayed on the floor.


"Y- yes," I said

"How would you like to be part of my pack," Hunter asked.

I looked at him confused. Waiting for him to yell gotcha and walk away while high-five the guys. But he didn't he just stared back at me wanting for my answer. I couldn't help but grin I nodded my head yes and ran to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and was smiling from ear to ear.

I felt him stiffen at first but then his arms wrapped around my waist. I couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation were his arms were. I felt safe, it felt like home.

I pulled away and looked into his green grey eyes. I felt this pull to kiss him but I didn't know why. And I didn't care because of him I won't die in the wilderness.

"I'm......um......will get my stuff," I said letting go.

"Um yeah sure," he said as he let go of me.

I walked with them to my new pack house when I saw  it, it was breathtaking. A six story house, all white, with a black door this house had two more stories than my old pack house.

"Welcome to your new home," they all said in unison as Jace opened the door. And made a gesture a magician would do at a show. Earning a chuckle from us.

A crystal chandelier hanged up on the sealing which was painted with different wolves and the night sky. I could tell the wolf next to the moon was the moon goddess herself. The silver hair that glistened in the moonlight must have taken hours to perfect.

"Here I'll take you to your room," Hunter said, picking up my things. I nodded and followed him up the stairs in silence.

"Here you go," he opened a door to the most beautiful room I have ever seen. The walls were black with white flowers painted on them.

The covers of the bed were black and white, and there was a red desk at the side a walk in closet and my own bathroom with everything in order.

"How is everything ready!" I asked.

"I mind linked some of the girls to fix your room," he said with a small smile.

"Thank you," I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He turned to me and I could see a little lust in them but he blinked it away.

"Well rest now I will introduce you to the pack tomorrow"


"Well see you later," he said closing the door.

"Hey Hunter," I called out.

"Yes," he asked as he opened the door.

"Thank you"

"For what?" he asked.

"For giving me a chance and letting me be part of your pack," I said with a smile.

"Our pack you mean,” he corrected me.

I gave him a small smile and closed the door when he left. This has been a very interesting day for me. It started up horrible but now I might finally have a new start.

I layed in my comfortable bed and before I  knew it I drifted off to sleep.

* * * * *

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until next time lovely people

:-) xoxoxoxo

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