Easy On My Heart (Pokeshippin...

By 1hr2minsAhead

20.3K 471 239

I felt a stab of something unfamiliar. Was it anger? Hurt? Sorrow? I felt it stab again as I listened to Ash... More

>Chapter 1<
>Chapter 2<
>Chapter 3<
>Chapter 4<
>Chapter 5<
>Chapter 6<
>Chapter 7<
>Chapter 8<
>Chapter 9<
>Chapter 10<
>Chapter 11<
>Chapter 12<
>Chapter 14<
>Chapter 15<
>Chapter 16<
>Chapter 17<
>Chapter 18<
>Chapter 19< (Part 1/2)
>Chapter 19< (Part 2/2)
>Chapter 20<
>Thank You!<

>Chapter 13<

616 19 6
By 1hr2minsAhead

&@& The Next Morning &@&

I walked into the school with a sort of new confidence. Striding down the hallways, I catch Ash's eye. One more thing, my mind chimed.
Help Ash with his crush.

Waving to Miette and Shauna, I unlock my locker and drop my backpack into it. Unlatching my bag, I neatly stack my textbooks into it for my morning classes.

"Serena!" Without turning around, I could tell it was Dawn. Latching my bag together, I hook it around my shoulder and twirl around to see her.

"Hey, Dawn," I returned the greeting back to her. "Where's May?" Usually in the morning, Dawn and May stuck together.

"She got caught up into an argument with Drew. I left because I was having an overload fangirl call. So cute!" She got dreamy eyed. Probably daydreaming scenarios of Drew and May together.

   "They really are adorable together," I laughed, agreeing.

   "Who's adorable together?" Both Dawn and I turn around to see May.

   "Drew and you, of course!" Dawn squealed, clearly on her 'fangirl-mode-switch.' May fake barfed and sighed at Dawn, shaking her head.

   "Drew and I," May gestured to herself. "We are never. Ever. Getting together." After that, Dawn suddenly was the one shaking her head.

   "May, May, May. You don't understand," Dawn took a deep breath here. "You guys will get together if it's the last thing I do. Don't worry, you'll thank me one day. Plus, I've been shipping you guys together ever since you've had your first argument!"

   "Who've had their first argument together?" I jumped as May and Dawn turned around to see who it was.

   "May and--" Dawn tried to answer before May cut her off.

   "No one. I repeat, no. One," May answered instead, staring at Dawn as if challenging her to say something.

   "May and Drew!" She squealed again and seem immune to May's withering glare. Her glare is pretty strong, but I've seen worse from Misty. Speaking of which...

   "I am so, very sorry from running away from you," I apologized to my best friend in forever and nearly fell to my knees. Misty is awesome, but she's kind of sensitive sometimes.

   "It's okay, Serena. I wasn't mad, just disappointed," Misty smiled at me. "But the way, where did you--"

   "Hey, Mist?" A voice cut her off from behind us. What is it with people coming out from behind? Ash was looking kind of nervous for some odd reason.

   What was stranger was the fact that Gary, Drew, and Kenny were several feet away, hollering encouragements like: "Shoot it, Ashy-boy!" "Just ask her!" "Stop looking so nervous!"

   "Will-- can-- come-- you-- can you tell me the math homework that Mrs. Kore handed out?" Ash stuttered in a light shade of pink.

   "Weren't you paying attention in class?" Misty rolled her cerulean eyes.

   "... probably not?"

    Then Misty whacked him in the arm with her book.

   "Owww!" Ash dramatically faked his injury. Misty crossed her arms with a slight smile. "The homework's problems are 15-25 by the way."

  "Thanks," Ash murmured as he walked away, clutching his arm. When he got to his friends, they started yelling at him. Well, Gary did all the yelling enough for them.

   "ASHY-BOY! What in Arceus were you thinking?!" Gary yelled at him while Drew and Kenny were trying to calm him down. Their efforts did very little though.

   "I've been shipping you guys together ever since you've told me that you liked--"

   "Hey, Serena! There's the other girls!" Misty pointed out from the crowded hall and dragged me over.

   "Wait, Misty!" My voice got lost in the surrounding chatters and the boys were drowned into the crowd. That might've been my only chance to find out Ash's crush!

"What are you guys doing over here?" Misty questioned before I got onto my feet.

"Dawn was about to have the 'fangirl attack," Iris did the finger quotations around fangirl attack. "So May and I dragged her to the sidelines before she could do any of her special plans."

"Yeah! Dawn was going crazy, saying things like: "But I want to see them!" "My plan will work this time, don't worry!" "The adorableness! Just let me see it!" Now, she's currently not talking to us since we held her back," May gestured to Dawn, sulking nearby.

"I'll go talk to her," Misty laughed and sprinted to the sulking bluenette.

Looking at Misty tell Dawn about the 'homework' talk between her and Ash, I wondered about what Ash was about to say.

   "Will-- can-- come-- you-- can you tell me the math homework that Mrs. Kore handed out?"

It was pretty much obvious that Ash was going to ask about something else, but got too nervous to say so.

Why though? The voice in my head questioned.

I don't know. I admitted to the voice.

812 words

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