The Elemental Sisters (Ninjag...

By DimensionGun

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Three sisters from one world. Two girls from another. Add them and five brothers into a giant mixing bowl... More

Character Information
Appearance #2
Appearance #3
Episode: 1 Rise of the Snakes
Episode: 2 Home
Episode 4: Never trust a Snake
Human Counterparts
Episode 5: Can of Worms
Episode 6: The Snake King
A/n: It's about to go down!

Episode 3: Snakebit

141 2 1
By DimensionGun

A/n: It's been about 5 weeks since the last 'episode' (in the series), so Eden is mostly healed. Sorry if this messes things up for you but I need Eden healed in this.

Ireland's P.O.V.

"Ireland.... Ireland.... ANGRY-LAND WAKE UP" I heard someone yell in my ear. I slapped their face away from me and rolled over, putting my pillow over my head. I felt something hit me and realized they were attacking me with pillows again. I curled into a ball and just let them, not wanting to get up.... then I felt someone grab my leg and I grabbed onto the headboard not letting them pull me off.

"UGH... Just get up!" Liz yelled "NO I don't wanna" I whined in return. She sighed and had someone else grab my leg and they pulled while the last person kept hitting me. "ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'M UP! SHEESH!" They let go finally and I fell flat onto the floor. I glared at them as I got up and got dressed. "You guys are meanies" I whined childishly.

They just shrugged. "So what's on the agenda today?" Eden asks 'making her bed', really all our beds are a lumpy mattress and fairly thin sheet. "Well me and Sensei are going into town for groceries and better blankets and pillows" We let out a sigh of relief at the mention of a better bed. Nya suddenly perked up in excitement "Oh come on, Sensei's waking up the boys and it's really fun to watch, not as fun as waking you up though Ireland." They chuckled as I pouted and we ran to the boys's room. Sensei was just about to walk in with a gong. Our eyes widened and we hide behind the wall peeking our heads out, like in the cartoon way. Me at the bottom, then Liz, then Eden, and Nya on the top.

Sensei walked in slowly banging the gong saying "Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you". The boys bury their heads in their pillows and blankets grumbling as Sensei continues "You wanted to reach your full potential. We must treat each day as an opportunity." He finally stops the banging when Kai jumps off his bed "Okay, okay we're up" he says grudgingly "but if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we at least get a goodnight's rest?" he continues, walking over to open the blinds, which fall off at his touch. Liz giggled and he looked over at us annoyed. We walked out from behind the wall and stood by Sensei.

"Ugh. You call that rest? I think my back has more lumps then the mattress." Cole complained stretching. Jay started speaking from the bathroom while getting ready to brush his teeth. "We were up so late last night, talking about how cool it is to have our own headquarters" I leaned over to Eden as Jay turned on the faucet "should we tell him about the water?" She shook her head smirking and I smirked back as Jay went into a coughing fit not realizing that the water on his toothbrush was sand. We girls laughed and Jay blushed a bit from embarrassing himself in front of Nya.

We left for the kitchen still chuckling a bit as Zane asked what they were learning today. Eden and Liz peeked there head back inside just in time to see Zane fall through the floor. They laughed at the predicament and followed Nya and I. Nya went to the bridge to try and get the systems up and running, Liz and Eden going with her seeing as they're the smart ones of all of us. I trudged to the kitchen, still a bit tired and... maybe... possibly... a little.... just a tiny bit... jealous.

*Sigh* Well can you blame me? Their all, like, super smart, and I'm just... me. I sighed again and said to myself "Ireland, you have no reason to be jealous, sure they're smart, but so are you, just not as smart. You're good at plenty of other things as well, so no. I will NOT be jealous of my best friend and little sister. They deserve those brains of theirs and I don't need them" I grinned as I realized I was right. I have nothing to be jealous of.

I snooped... 'snooped, snupped, snoopeded? Are those even correct in this sentence? Oh well'. I snooped through the kitchen and found out we had stuff to make griddle cakes. Basically pancakes, except they're made on a griddle. So I made those up along with some bacon and about half an hour later breakfast is done.

"BREAKFAST!!" They all came running into the kitchen and I said to go ahead and serve themselves. After that Nya and Sensei left and the boys started their chores. They picked up, fixed up some old stuff we found, and cleaned. Eden and Liz went to work on the bridge and I went to the 'basement' to see if I could fix the plumbing.

We got everything we could sorted and went to what the boys dubbed the 'game room'. We watched them play for a bit when Nya and Sensei walked in. "What took you so long?" Kai asks turning from his game. "Wow. This place looks amazing... you guys did all this?" "Who else would've done it? The cleaning fairy?" I asked sarcastically. The black haired girl shook her head at my comment as Cole spoke up "Ninja don't just fight Nya. We clean" "Oh you have exceeded my expectations." Sensei stated impressed. "But can you keep it up?" "We'll try Sensei" Liz says.

Suddenly a honk was heard from outside causing us to look out the window. "Looks like we're about to have some visitors" Nya tells us "And loud ones at that" Eden said. It's true we can hear their car rattling from here. "Oh, it's my parents. Please, if they start yappin' just don't get them going okay? They don't know when to quit. And if you start talking, then they'll start talking. And suddenly half the day is gone and you don't even know it. And it's--" I ran behind Jay and put a hand over his mouth. "We get it. They talk a lot" Kai says exasperated "Yeah remind you of anyone?" I said sarcastically looking at the blabber mouth, who in return glares at me.

We walk out of the game room to greet Jay's parents. To be honest, I've always wanted to meet Ed and Edna, even when they were just in a TV show, they seem like such fun people. "-what was that? Did you write the note?" Ed said leaning over to his wife. She sighed "I'm writing it down Ed" she answered writing something down. Jay down the ramp with an annoyed smile. "Mom, dad, what are you doing here?" he said with fake enthusiasm for his parents presence. His mom however looked genuinely happy and excited to see her son. "Oh look, it's my baby boy, it's been so long since we've heard from you" Mr. and Mrs. Walker smiled happily at their son where as said son just looked really annoyed.

"I just called you two days ago" he said irritated. I secretly pinched him really hard on the arm as I walked by as a warning. I don't like it when people treat their parents disrespectfully. "ow" he whispered glaring at me. I stood by my sisters and Nya as the Walkers talked. "Well it's not soon enough son.. haha, when are ya comin' out to the junkyard? y-ya say say you're comin' an-and ya don't." Ed said happily but you can see he misses Jay and wants him to visit more. "Daaad! Do we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends" the blue clad ninja asks embarrassed. Ah typical parent-embarrassing-child moment, I love watching these.

His mom speaks up "He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard". Eden leans over to me "I actually think that's kind of cool" I nod in agreement. Edna starts cooing "and who are you? Oh you are so cute. You're just my son's type." She says to Nya as her and Ed walk over. "Mmoooom" Jay mumbles annoyed. "Oh and you three are so pretty, oh you boys are very lucky to have these girls around" Edna says looking at us and then the other boys and assuming stuff. "It's a pleasure to meet you" Nya says kind of awkwardly. My sisters and I nod "It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Walker, but it's not like that, with the boys and us I mean." I couldn't see behind me but I'm pretty sure some of the boys are blushing along with Liz, Eden, and I.

"Oh please, just Ed and Edna are fine." Ed said. Liz spoke up "If you want Jay can give you a tour, he's worked very hard on it." Jay glared lightly at her as his parents yelled "WE'D LOVE A TOUR!" Jay just sighed, but lead the way.

After a while of embarrassing baby/young teenage Jay stories and a tour of the Bounty we got to the bridge and Jay seemed to be in a better mood now, sort of. "And this is the bridge. This extends into a para scope, this tells us what's going on in Ninjago." He jumps over to the cappuccino machine "and this.. if a Serpentine's not giving us the answers we want, and we're up late at night-" he's cut off by his parents spewing out random stuff about mind reading and auto appliances. Jay, being the hypocrite he is, looks a little weirded out and puts a cup under the tube and turns in on. "No, it's a cappuccino machine". "AMAZING SON, we're so proud of you".

Cole walks over to a pedestal with a red button on it "Why don't you tell them about the button." Oh my flippin' goodness. That tone of voice he used sound like a little kid casually asking for something, it was SO CUTE! *Clears throat* Sorry, inner fangirl moment. You heard nothing. "Haha, it's not ready yet" the brown eyed boy growled at the earth ninja.

"Ooo what's the button?" Edna asks curious "he's working on a special defense system" Zane tells them. "Something every ninja headquarters need" Kai added. Liz gave him a look "and you've been to how many 'ninja headquarters', Kai?" he grumbled "that's besides the point"

Ed walked over looking eager to examine it. "Really? What does it do? Can I help?" Jay pushed his father back and said "No, it's okay, I don't need your help dad. Let's just leave it alone." He pats the machine/pedestal and looks at his wrist, where there is apparently an invisible watch. 'Way to be discrete Jay' I though sarcastically.

"Woah, hey look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? I told you there's dangerous Serpentine out there." Jay's parents look down in disappointment "Ah well.. I suppose we could head back.." Cole walks over trying to make them feel better "Edna, it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time" you could hear he was trying to hold in a laugh as were the rest of us. Said boy just gave him an 'are you serious?' look. Edna perked up a bit, but Ed was still down.

"Ooo if you thought that was good, wait until you hear the story about the time I caught him kissing his pillow" she started cooing at her son before he threw his hands up. "Snakes Ma, snakes!" "Okay, we're going, we're going". We all followed them out and I went up to Ed who still seemed sad. "He'll come around Ed" I comforted he sighed "ya really think so." I smiled "I know so. All teens go through a phase of not wanting their parents around. Even though they still love them. Jay loves you and Edna, he always has and he always will. He's just at that stage where he is able to make his own life choices and he just doesn't want to be babied. No teenager does. But it is good for him to know that you still love him, even if he doesn't seem like he wants you around".

He breathes in a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear, thank you Ireland." He smiles thankfully and I give him a 'you're welcome'. He walks over to his car and gets in with Edna. "So you promise to come to the junkyard and visit your mother and father" Edna asks quickly. Jay sighs angrily "Yes, I promise but only if you leave." Eden walks up to him and slaps him across the head "stop being mean to your parents" he sighs again only this time in a little guilt "I don't want you to get hurt, it's getting dark, you're headlights are working right?"

After he asks Ed flips their headlights on which are POWERFUL. DANG THOSE THINGS ARE BRIGHT! Everyone is covering their eyes and Ed asks "Like 'em? I used a little extra juice" he switched them off again. "Yep, bye son! Couldn't be more proud". And right before they were out of earshot Edna turns around "and bring Nya with ya, will ya. I can't see why you like her." Ed shouts out "and thanks for the advice Ireland, it really helped" as Jay grumbled at his mom again. "NO PROBLEM, HAPPY TO HELP!" I screamed before they were out of range. But the sudden scream scared Liz, who bumped into Zane.

"Oh s-sorry Zane" she said blushing a tad, luckily Zane didn't notice. "It is alright Liz, it was an accident" He gave her a charming smile which caused her blush to deepen a bit. He still didn't notice, but me, Kai, Cole, and Eden did. We smirked at each other. "Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us the art of.. kissing pillows" Sensei says chuckling before the rest of us join in with laughter. Jay stomped off embarrassed, and Sensei, Nya, and Zane followed them inside. The rest of us were about to but as Liz started walking, Kai, Cole, me, and Eden chorused "Zane and Lizzy sittin' in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G." Liz groaned and ran ahead as we laughed.

Me and Eden ran after her singing the next part "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage" she groaned again as we pass the kitchen, which had the white ninja in it. He walked out asking what was going on. We were about to say something, but Liz saw us stop and ran up to us, covering our mouths, me having to bend down a bit from being a little over half a foot taller. "Nothing" she answers him and drags us to our room.

*Time Skip to next morning*

The boys and us are now working on cleaning up the bridge some more and Kai and Cole are teasing Jay about yesterday. "Sure got a lot of JUNK piling up, if only there was a place we could get rid of it" Kai said walking by Jay with Zane. "If you don't mind I'm trying to focus" Jay says turning back to his work with Eden.

Cole walks by with a phone to his ear "Hi mom and dad. Of course, I'd love to visit. What kind of a son would I be if I didn-" his over exaggerated speaking was cut off by Jay's sarcastic laugh. "I know what you're trying to do. O-okay look, I might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate." I raise a brow at him "Sure you do Jay, sure you do" I say as the door opens "and cue Nya" I whispered.

The lightning ninja laughs nervously as she walks in "h-h-hi Nya" she turns to him "you gonna visit your parents today?" she asks "uh, y-yeah sure am. Just about to leave" he lied pointing to the door "well tell 'em I said hi" she responds throwing me the towel I asked for and leaving. We all glared at Jay for lying and he just stuttered that he 'wasn't that busy'.

Jay walked out to the dragon pens grumbling to himself. I walked out with him after finishing cleaning the window. "You know they love you right?" I ask him. He just grumbled again. I sighed "Jay you should be happy that you're parents are still near you." I told him tired of his attitude towards his parents. He laughed sarcastically "Oh yeah and what about you? Huh? Where are your parents?" I internally panicked. What I'm I supposed to say? 'Oh you know just in a different world, possibly a different dimension'. No, that's not something you say normally. "Dead" I lie in a slightly panicked voice, then I added a sad tone to my voice "I don't want to talk about it".

His annoyed expression changed to a sad one "Oh, I'm sorry". I brushed him off "It's fine, just try and appreciate your parents a bit more, 'kay?" I walk in front of him a little faster 'hiding a tear that escaped'. Man, I didn't even know I was this good at acting.

Out at the dragon pens I go over to Rocky as Jay tries to get Wisp to move. "Hey bud" I say petting him. Me and Rocky have gotten pretty close over the few weeks we've been with the ninja. I'm actually really surprised it's been that long, I feel like it's only been a few days. I see Sensei walking over to Jay with a thermometer type thingy. Probably telling him about the migration thing.

I only remember some things from the TV show but it's been such a long time since I saw the first-fourth seasons. So I don't remember the details from those ones and therefor I can't help by telling the guys what happens, sadly. But I do remember some stuff, just not a lot.

Suddenly, Cole comes over. "Say it ain't so Rocky" he says hugging the Earth Dragon. I look around to see the boys hugging their dragons. 'They're heading east.' I think as I pet Rocky "I'm gonna miss you boy. You take care of yourself and the others, okay?" he rubs his head against me in agreement. Then he looks at Cole, then back to me, and rubs my side again, but harder than normal and I get shoved into Cole's arms. He wraps an arm around me to stop my fall and presses me to his chest.

"You okay?" he asks looking down at me in concern. I fought a blush and said "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine" 'dang it, I stuttered' I scolded myself not realizing that the boy in black smirked and leaned in really close to my face. I snapped back to reality and saw his face not even two inches away from mine. "Are you sure, because you don't sound fine" I fought the blush even harder and tried to remain casual. I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away, but his arm wrapped around my waist keeping me close. "I'm fine, ya doofus" I say pushing on his chest to get away.

"You blushed. Why?" he asked smirking. I rolled my eyes again "because I don't ever get super close to boys like this and it's a natural reaction for a girl, so leave me alone". Still attempting to push him away I randomly say "I now know why you're the ninja of Earth." "Why?" "because this" I hit his chest "is as hard as a rock" he continues smirking as he leans in "and is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I lean in with him and get even closer than before. He closes his eyes and waits as I lean up to his ear "Right now, bad thing". Then I take this distraction and grab his arm flipping him over my shoulder.

"Sorry Cole, but i'm not kissing someone I just met a month ago." I smirked and pet Rocky who was laughing at Cole's pain. He shook his head and I helped him up. As we walked over to Flame, Kai, and Nya, he recovered slowly. "Well guess I gotta go on this looong walk all by myself. Sure would be nice to have company." I jumped onto Jay's back and noogie'd him as Nya nodded "You couldn't have been anymore obvious Jay-boy" I whispered and got a blush as a result. Kai, completely oblivious Kai, said "Of course we'll go buddy", then Cole "I could use a break", then Zane "All you had to do was ask." Liz and Eden came over and smirked at Jay's predicament. "Why don't we all go?" Liz said mischievously. "That is a good idea, Lizzy" Sensei said. And we're off.

The dragons took us about halfway down the road since it was on their way, but then left us to walk as they turned east. Sensei started playing his snake flute as Jay complained "Of all the days to lose our ride". I rolled my eyes... it's not that I'm not sad to see the dragons go, it's that all that blue is thinking about is his 'ride'. I saw Cole looking sadly at the dragons and I walk back to him. "You're gonna miss him, huh?" "I already do." I wrapped an arm around his shoulders comfortingly. "Hey, think about it like this... Rocky is growing up, he needs to go on in life, 'move out on his own' you could say. I know you miss him and probably will for the next few days. I know I will. But it's for the best. He needs to migrate and you.." I paused poking him in the stomach "..need to learn how to walk again" I comfort/tease him.

He gently slapped my hand away smiling. We look up to see Sensei playing the flute into Jay's ear. Said blue ninja starts babbling on about how he gets it, that he needs to respect his elders. "What'd we miss?" Cole asks Eden. She looks back about to answer, but looks at my arm and nudges Liz, who also looks. They start giggling "What?" I ask confused. Lizzy points to my arm and I look. It's still around Cole's shoulders. I quickly, but subtly remove it and re-ask Cole's question. "Sensei was telling us about the history of his flute. That it's the last one, because people 'have forgotten their ancestors wisdom' or something like that. And they were able to drive the Serpentine underground. Somehow."

'UGH, history' I think as Eden finishes 'well I guess that's pretty good information seeing as we're dealing with a Serpentine problem'. Suddenly Jay stops in front of his home. A junkyard, as stated by Edna the other day, with a sign saying 'Ed & Edna's Scrap & Junk'. "What is it?"

"It's quiet, my family's never quiet" Jay states slightly alarmed, but also calm. He throws on his hood and runs in, the rest of us following example. "Jay over there" I tells him pointing to where I heard muffled noise. He runs over and opens a fridge looking thing and there are his parents. Tied up with duct tape over their mouths. "What happened?" Jay asked panicked, taking the tape off "Who did this?" "Oh ssweethart, you came" Edna stated relieved. Hissing and fangs. "You gotta get outta here, you shouldn't have come, it'ss the sssnakess" Ed panicked for his son.

"The bite of the Fangpyre" Sensei, Liz, Eden, and I chorused. "Yes, once they sink their teeth, they can turn anything into a serpent." Sensei continued. "It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete" I don't think I've ever heard Sensei this panicked before. Granted it's not like full on panic, but still.

Suddenly, hissing comes from all around us. The Fangpyres surround us and their now 'turned' machines are waiting. Cole, being the dummy he is, says "Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?" Then it's attack of the snakes. The green pumpkin-looking ball comes at us and we jump out of the way, except for me. I jump on top of the wrecking ball and blurt out "I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEECKING BALL! I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOVE!" I use the momentum of the ball and jump off, landing on a group of very confused snakes.

Liz and Eden laughed as they joined me. "Lloyd!" I heard Sensei yell so we ran over to him to make sure everyone's okay. "Hello, Uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion." Lloyd said as the Fangpyre general slithered up behind him. "I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash" Then he started his 'maniacal' laughter. "We need that staff if we're gonna turn your parents back" Liz pointed out to Jay. I ran up to Lloyd and the general as the wrecking ball came around again.

I heard the song again only louder as Eden jumped on and directed it towards a pile of junk to get stuck then she joined me and Lizzy in fighting a pathway through the Fangpyres. We get closer and Lloyd starts playing an instrumental/ auto-tuned version of I'm Bad by Michael Jackson. "Oh, I love this song!" I yell before I hear Sensei scolding his nephew about something. "Sorry Uncle. Can't hear you!"

I signal Eden and Liz to break off and help the ninja. Then I quietly run up behind the pile that Lloyd and the general are on, and scale it as quietly as I can, but I encounter some Fangpyres on the way. From the corner of my eye I can see my sisters and the boys running from a giant robot, that kinda resembles Jay. But it was green. And covered in snakes. And trying to kill people.

Third person P.O.V.

As Ireland was battling her way up to Lloyd. Jay had gotten a hold of the wrecking ball machine and knocked the robot look alike of him into a pile of junk. Which shut it down. "RETREAT!" Lloyd screamed and all the snakes and reptile like objects ran/hopped out of the junkyard.

"He's getting away with the staff" Nya yells running over to the boys. Cole sighs and Jay speaks up "Now would be a good time to have those dragons". Ed walks over and puts a hand on the blue ninja's shoulder comfortingly "It'ssss okay ssson" he says worn out. Liz and Eden walk over as Sensei says that there is still a way to get the staff.

"How?" Jay asks hopelessly "Part of reaching your own potential is understanding your weapons potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart. It's secrets and powers can be unlocked" Jay stutters unbelieving "Now is not the time to be criptick" "He's saying the weapons are vehicles themselves" Zane and Lizzy chorus causing Liz to blush. "Hey has anyone seen Ireland?" Eden asked noticing her sister wasn't there. Zane, Liz, and Cole looked around as Kai made a comment on riding his sword like a broom. "Jay. Concentrate on unlocking your Golden Weapon. Let your heart guide you. Imagine you're taking flight."

Jay did as told and his nunchucks turned into a jet. "WOAH! Did I just do that?" He exclaimed excited. Kai and Zane did the same and got motorcycles. Cole did it and got a dune buggy looking car. "Woah, I hate to hurt Rocky's feelings but I think he's just been replaced." Eden twirled her Sai and they transformed into a white and yellow drone car. Liz stabbed her bo staff into the ground and it transformed into a dark green motorcycle covered in vine designs. They all drove off in excitement and followed the Serpentine.

"Does your flute turn into anything?" Nya asks Sensei as they, Ed, and Edna head to the Walker's car. "I wish" was his reply.

"I'm gonna call Ireland, see where she is" Liz yelled over the wind driving next to Eden. "Okay, but be careful. If we left her at the junkyard, she'll be so fricken' ticked off that she'll lock us in a dark room full of bugs and ... coccinellidae" Eden shudders at the idea of being locked in a dark room full of those hideous insects.

Liz rolled her eyes and dialed her friends number. "Liz... now is not a good.. *pant* time." Lizzy raised her brow at her friends choppy sentence. "What is going on? Where are you?" "I'm *pant* with Lloyd and... the Serpentine general... give me a sec" Liz heard a yelp from the other end of the phone and the whooshing of wind. "Okay. I'm *pants* back. Sorry... 'bout that, but I was trying to... get the staff... I'm on the 'copter that Lloyd and the general took off on and tried taking out the pilot, but they.. put up a good fight and I ran out of breathe. Now I'm on the trying to get to Ll- oh! I see you guys! Where'd you get the rides?"

Liz chuckled at her best friend and replied "They're our Golden Weapons, turns out we can turn them into vehicles" "Cool. I'll have to try that later, but now I need to get the staff to Jaaaaaay.." She dragged off as the blue jet speed past them "..or not. No.. wait he's coming back, okay, we're good" she jumped down and twirled down on the rope to the platform with the 12 year old and Fangtom (the Fangpyre general). She kicked the staff out of Fangtom's hand while he ducked to 'avoid' being hit by Jay's jet.

The staff landed in Jay's lap as he passed by again and Ireland hid under the platform and held on. "THE STAFF!" the general yells. "I got it? I GOT IT!" While Jay was celebrating his victory, he lost concentration on his jet and it disappeared "Uh oh" Jay said squeakily and started screaming as he fell. "Jay concentrate!" Kai yelled "I can't". The boys start to argue on 'who's got him' and they all lose their concentration and face plant into the sand.

Nya, Sensei, and Jay's parents drive up and catch Jay before he falls. Jay moans weakly "haha nice catch". "Ohh I knew I liked thisss girl". Liz and Eden drive up next to them as they go to the boys. "Why isn't it working?" Kai said panicking "Your weapon is merely an extension of your mind, if your mind is immobile so is your weapon". They looked at the approaching crowd of snakes and Ed expressed what they were all feeling. "Oh boy, oh gosh, oh golly, oh dot. Get in boys!" "Wait, where's Ireland? *sighs* Again." Eden asked exasperated at her older sister. She heard a scream in the distance.

They all turned their heads to see a grey figure running towards them with their arms flailing around like a maniac, while the snakes chase her. Liz sighed "Found her". A fangpyre jumped at Ireland and almost got her, but she tripped and face planted as sudden sound waves erupt from underneath her and fling her towards the ninja, and the snakes all toppled like Jenga pieces. "WWWOOAAAHHH!" she screamed going out of control from being hit by something thrown by the general.

"I got her!" Cole said jumping up from the car and catching her bridal style. They land back on the car and Nya starts driving with Liz and Eden following. "Uhh" Ireland said holding her arms like she's holding herself together. Cole smirked "Why do we keep ending up in situations like this?" She looked up and glared at him. "The firsst and only time was your fault" she snapped playfully jumping out of his arms and onto Liz's bike to get some weight off the poor car. "AND WE'RE OFF" Eden shouted pointing towards where the headquarters should be.

"LOOK! THEY'RE GETTING AWAY" Lloyd yells as the helicopter tries to catch up to them but they're not fast enough. Once they all get back to the Bounty, Nya and Liz take Ed and Edna down below to create the anti-venom. "I'll keep look out" Eden says climbing to the top of the mast. Ireland grabbed her guitar to try and keep the snakes at bay if they got to close. Eden did the same with her sai. Light in the eyes is very annoying and distractive.

"JAY YOU BETTER HURRY!" "THEY'RE GETTING CLOSE!" the sisters yelled at the blue ninja. Ireland clutched her shoulder, hissing, 'probably that hit I got in the air' she thought before dragging her hands across the strings. The sound waves combined with the light rays was enough to slow them down a bit. "JAAAAAAY!" The older sister yelled angrily as the snakes fought against the waves and rays. "WHATEVER YOU'RE GOING TO DO. DO IT NOW!" Suddenly the old ship began to shake. The sails overhead opened nearly knocking Eden off and rockets on the sides of the boat lift them up into the air.

Lloyd started screaming 'NO!' repeatedly before being surrounded by a smoke/sand/dust mixture. The ship turned around and everything started to tilt. Nya had gotten the staff knocked out of her hand and Ireland saw it fly through the door and went to grab it. But the gem had a crack in it from when Nya got the venom out and some was still left in there. The venom leaked out of the crack and the liquid fell onto Ireland's shoulder, which had a rip in the suit, leaving an open scratch for the venom to flow into. Ireland clutched her shoulder in pain as a burning feeling swept through her arm and body, leaving the staff to fall to the ground.

The golden stick fell onto a snake's head knocking him out before landing. Fangtom grabbed the staff from the ground and his two heads growled "Thesse ninja" "They must be stopped". Poor Lloyd was trying to get his breath back from the smog but said "Tell me about it".

Edna and Ed were on the deck looking out at the horizon when their son came up to them. "We'll get you back to the junkyard just as soon as we see the coast is clear" they looked shocked and a bit disappointed that Jay wanted them gone but he continued, lifting their spirits. "But stay as long as you like. It's.. nice having you here" "Awoh, take a note Edna, of ALL our inventions, this one is our greatest" Ed said to his wife, pointing and winking at Jay. "Mh, I already know dear" she replies throwing the notebook behind her. They all go in for a group hug. Sensei smiled at the scene as he walked by going to Ireland who was on the stairs, still clutching her shoulder.

"They're an adorable family" she said to Sensei, wincing. Wu looked at her concerned "are you alright, Ireland?" She nodded but you could tell she was lying by the way she tightened her grip. Sensei removed her hand and looked at the scratch, which now had green tinted skin around it. His eyes widen "what happened?" he asked sternly. Ireland looked down, not wanting to bother anyone with her problem but you can't say no to Sensei.

"When I was running and that fangpyre jumped me, his fang scratched my shoulder before I fell. At first I thought it wasn't deep enough to actually do anything, but when I went to grab the staff some of the venom came out of the gem and landed on my shoulder. Into an, apparently, now open wound." Ireland explained irritated, not at Sensei but at herself for letting the snake get her. Suddenly she felt the burning in her shoulder crawl up her neck and into her head.

Eden and Liz walk out as Ireland starts swaying. "I, are you okay?" Eden asks concerned when Sensei starts steading her sister. "Y-y-yeah. I-I'm f-fine." she stutters putting a hand to her head. "Call Zane" Sensei orders, knowing that the blonde knows how to treat medical injuries. "N-no. Sssensei I-I'm f-fine, r-r-really" Eden nods calling the white ninja's name. He comes out confused but races over to Ireland concerned as she crumbles to the ground.

Ireland's P.O.V.

"Zane, Ireland said she had an open wound and fangpyre venom fell into it" I hear from my new spot in Zane's arms. I tried getting out, not wanting to be a problem, but Zane tightened his grip as if he new what I was thinking. "Z-Z-Zane ssstop. I-I d-don't want t-to be a-" "You are not a bother, Ireland" he smiled down at me comfortingly, like a big brother would, and walked to the Med-Bay to, I'm guessing, examin my wound. "Why didn't you tell us you were hurt?" Zane asked setting me on the table.

He motioned to me and I gave a confused look "I need you to take your shirt off" he explained. I blushed scarlet, but remembered I had a tank top on underneath and that Zane doesn't quite understand the situation. So I undid the top and let it it fall down just enough to show the wound. He moved the tank top strap to the side and looked it over. "Y-you a-already kn-know w-why" I answered trying to stay up straight.

He saw my struggle and helped me lay down. "You rest for a moment. I will be right back." He walked out and Eden, Liz, and Cole came in. "Hey you okay?" Liz asked, I tiredly rolled my eyes. "I-I have Fangpyre v-venom in m-my sssysstem. Y-yesss I-I'm perfectly f-fine." I said weakly and sarcastically. They all chuckled and my sisters kissed my forehead "well, we'll leave you two lovebirds alone" Liz said cheekily as they left. Both me and Cole turned red, but sadly I didn't have enough strength to yell after them.

"You do know you're not a problem or bother to us, right?" Cole asks after a minute of silence. I don't answer, because I do feel like one. "Well you're not" he says sitting down by me on the table. I slowly turn my head not wanting to feel anymore guilty, but I felt something on my cheek. My eyes widen and I look back to Cole, who was pulling away. He smirked and my heart started racing. He noticed my heavy breathing and leaned in "What? Can't handle the Brookstone charm?". The burning feeling in my cheeks went to my heart and I clutched my heart. I winced as the burning grew stronger and I whispered "N-no y-you i-idiot. T-t-the... v-v-venom" then all I could see was darkness.

A/n: Hey everyone. Hope you enjoyed this episode. I had a lot of fun writing it and want you to have fun reading it. Please comment what you think and if you liked it, because feedback really does help. It motivates me to write. So, Love you mah peeps. Have a great day! And Thank you for reading!

P.S.: I apologize for any mistakes.

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