A Collection of Short Stories

By NightlySpaceX

775 34 69

I have so many little ideas in my head, and not enough story line, that I need a book to put them in! I hope... More

I Like You (Tiny Box Tim X Septic Eye Sam)
Watching (Tythan)
There Isn't a Difference (Darkiplier)
End of the World
The Dance of Love (GoDiePie X Reader)
The Adventure(s) of Kaseo and Lillian
Imaginary Friend (Possible Upcoming Story)
The Heart is Beating; The Life is Gone
Isn't That Better? (Kaseo X Mercury... I guess?)
The King (Darkiplier Fanfic)-Part One
The King (Darkiplier Fanfic)-Part Two
Do Two Broken Sculptures Make a Masterpiece? - Part One
The King (Darkiplier Fanfic)-Part Three
Do Two Broken Sculptures Make a Masterpiece? - Part Two
OC: Brandon (Last Name To Be Made Later)
OC: Dandelion the Wood Nymph
OC: JC (Last Name to Come Later)
Anton X Dark (Because its from an RP with a friend and I love them so much)

It's Mythological

65 3 4
By NightlySpaceX

The man shot down from the sky, eyes narrowed. The wind whipped his red hair back as he continued to fall, the asphalt of the road coming increasingly closer. It was completely dark out, the sun having set hours previously. The only thing you could see from the falling man was the softly glowing set of pink wings held close to his back, allowing the air to stream around him. At what seemed to be the last possible second, his wings snapped out, and he quickly swooped over the ground, his arms grazing it. Blood welled up from the scratches, and trickled down his arms to his hands as he soared through the sky, dodging buildings and the occasional tree.


Just a few miles north of the flying man was another strange man with clawed hands, and one glowing green eye, the pupil dilated like that of a cat. He sat on a couch, safely inside of a two story house with a woman sitting next to him in a recliner. He sighed, rubbing his face with his hands after realizing that she was doing nothing but refuse to look at him, and scowl at the TV. He ran one hand through his green hair, then propped his feet up on the wooden coffee table in front of him.
   "You could learn to smile a bit."
   "I do smile," she glanced at him, frowning, flicking a lock of red hair over her shoulder.
   "If you do," he growled. "Then I don't see it."
   Her bright, amber eyes rolled, and she shifted him the recliner. "Only when Alice and I alone."
   "You mean the fairy?" He questioned, then scoffed. "You have interesting company."
   She glared at him, and snapped back. "Yeah? Well, at least I have friends."
   The man's strange gaze hardened as he stared at her. He was obviously annoyed, clawed finger tapped against the arm of the couch, but the woman merely raised a brow at him. He finally growled, and stood, stretching his arms over his head.
   "You are nothing but a pain, you realize that, don't you Scar?"
   She-Scar-shrugged, turning back to the TV. "Not like you're not, Anti."
   He rolled his eyes, then strode out of the living room, opening the front door to step out into the chill of the night, left eye letting off a slight glow. He looked up at the night sky, coastal clouds covering the stars and moon. He distinctly remembered the calendar saying that it was a full moon, and had silently hoped that it would be clear enough to see it, maybe even with Scar. But of course, he chastised himself. She was nothing but stubborn about getting remotely close with him, a little perk to her personality that made him do nothing but want her even more. It was like a constant, endless loop of rejected love. And he absolutely loved it. Him, being a demon, was drawn to her, feeling the purity that just radiated off of her. Sometimes it would lessen, and he knew she had done something, but sometimes it glowed. That was what he loved best, those rare moments of pure purity that ran off her like water, flowing and wrapping around her frame. He wanted it for himself. All of it.
   His gaze glanced back to the door of the house as there was the familiar, obnoxious voice of one of his roommates, Wilford. The only reason as to why he stayed was because of his distant cousin, Dark, who also lived with Anti. Anti didn't mind Dark's presence, in fact, it was always a little interesting the moment they were in the same room together. The hatred, yet curiosity as to why would roll around in his stomach, and he'd always find himself carefully running a finger over the stitches that ran all the way around his neck, keeping his head in place. The memory of his own head being cut off, then sown back on was permanently seared into his mind. He had lost his own wings that day. As to why Dark didn't, he didn't have the slightest clue, but he didn't care enough to ask about it. Still, the satisfaction that he had Fallen soon after the fight was a little exciting to Anti.
   "Anti?" A little voice said overhead.
   Anti tilted his head back, and gazed at the small human fluttering above him. He held back his scowl, not willing to get into an argument with her. "What do you want, Alice?"
   The Fairy smiled, butterfly wings flapping quickly. "You're frustrated."
   "So?" He frowned.
   "Was it Scar again?"
   He fell silent, and finally let out that scowl he had been holding in. He raised his hand, then waved his around, shooing Alice away, but she grabbed a hold of his finger, holding on tightly until he stopped. "Why are you out here, Alice?"
   She sighed, tugging on a strand of pink hair. "She does care about you, y'know."
   Anti growled. "I don't need relationship help."
   Alice sighed softly. "Hold out your hand."
   "What? Why?"
   "Just do it!"
   Anti grumbled, but did as told, cupping his hands and looking away. Now, he was starting to get a little pissed. First , Scar, then her annoying little fairy friend. What next? Wilford? That would be a bad way to end the day. There was a yellow flash, startling Anti. He glanced back over at Alice, and found two yellow flowers in his cupped hands, resting gently.
    He tilted his head, confused. "What are these?"
   "Marigolds," Alice started to explain. "These are Scar's birth flowers, so she's bound to like them! And I gave you two, one to signify her, and one to signify you. You never give a girl one flower"
   Anti wrinkled his nose, studying them. "Why is dating so... confusing?"
   She grinned, crossing her arms. "It just shows the dedication that the partner has for the other."
   He sighed, but raised a brow at the tiny lady. "... Thanks."
   "You're welcome. Now," she pushed at his hand. "Go give them to her!"


The man with the pink wings landed on the front yard, stumbling from the momentum. He almost fell, but managed to keep himself upright, and walking. He sighed, heading for the front door. He almost didn't feel the light tap on his shoulder. Looking back, he frowned. 
   "It's a little late, don't you think?"
   The small girl merely giggled, sitting on his shoulder. "You were supposed to be home hours ago, Dark."
   "Fuck the curfew," he growled, opening the door, and shutting it softly behind him. "I don't even understand why we have one."
   She shrugged, wings fluttering in agreement. She flipped her hair, and yawned. "Better get to bed before the shit storm."
   He slowly nodded, glancing into the living room. Anti stood, looking very pissed as Scar stood, seething with anger. "So what if she did? I'm just trying to get you to finally enjoy my fucking company!"
   "And you need 'the fairy' to help you with that? Dammit, Anti!"
   Dark peered closer, and found two, small yellow flowers in her hands. Despite her harsh words, she held them carefully at her side, almost like a cage. A small smirk found it's way to his face, and he slipped past unnoticed, taking the stairs two at a time.
   "Nicely done," he grinned. "Never seen her be careful with anything else he's given her."
   Alice shrugged. "Just gotta know what she likes and appreciates. She really does care for him."
   Dark snickered. "It's really ironic, isn't it? Her and him? Nephilim loving a Demon. It's a little..."
   He snapped. "Yeah, that's it."
   Alice laughed lightly. "Scar has always been a little strange, but that's the best part about her!"
   Dark sighed, stopping at the door to Wilford's room. "It's late. Go to bed, Alice."
   She rolled her eyes, but flew up, then down to the floor. "Night."
   "Yeah," and with that, he continued on to his room. He stepped in, and shut and locked the door, plopping down onto his bed with a groan. His wounds had stopped bleeding, but they were still sore. At least things hadn't changed here. But he was sure that things back home had changed drastically since he's been gone. He turned onto his side, his gaze falling onto the small box on the single shelf in his room. It was a simple, wooden box with a bronze clasp keeping the lid down. There was an wreath of thorns carved into the top, collecting dust. He forced his gaze away, and closed his eyes, frowning deeply. He wanted to burn the box, but knew he couldn't. He couldn't ever burn away the past.

Art and character design by Maskman626. 

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