She is my Life (GxG)

By stephanator

67.8K 1.8K 333

Riley is a werewolf without a mate just the alphas youngest daughter ... But what happens when a new girl Har... More

She is my Life (GxG)
Be my girlfriend ?!!
Mum say hi
Talk and a little fun;) ??
My Mate is Sexy !

School together

4.8K 178 19
By stephanator

Hey so I thought I would update again cause I have a good idea I always wanted to write :)

Enjoy love ya sexy people



Riley POV

Me and Harley just got out of the shower.
I smirked thinking of the hot water running down her toned stomach dribbling lower and lower to he-

"OMG Riley whatever your thinking please stop because I can smell your arousal and it's making me wanna drag your sexy ass back to the bed but we don't have time so hurry up!"
She said cutting me off mid thought I laughed wrapping my arms around her waist licking up her neck breathing in her scent she moaned.

"Riley s-stop w-where
Gonna be l-late."

I grinned before turning her around and kissing her hard before quickly pulling away,she leaned her head forward for more and whimpered when I moved back.

I chuckled

"Where gonna be late hurry up sexy" I said slapping her ass she squeaked and giggled getting ready.

We hopped in my car and drove to school getting their just on time.

Harley looked so hot with her short shorts on.I didn't really want her to wear them here cause it's a coed school for humans aswell and they don't know about werewolfs what if the try something with her and if any guys look at her I will probably shift in the hallway.

Any way we got out and everyone was looking at us as we joined hands and walked into school Harley was looking nervous so I pulled her to me and kissed her before wrapping my arm around her shoulder.she visibly relaxed and cuddled into me which made me grin.

We arrived at first period which was Pe I had changed all my classes so we were together.

We were in the change rooms and I watched as Harley changed smirking at me and doing it painfully slow when she trailed her hands down her body to get to her shorts.i grabbed her looking around before kissing her she giggled.

"Don't do that it's so hot"i mumbled into her neck.

She laughed before continuing to change.

I started changing when I heard heaps of gasps me and Harley turned around to see all the girls staring at us.

"What?"i asked.

The pointed at me

"What the heck happened to your back you have claw marks all over it."
They asked.

I laughed remembering last night.

"Let's just say I know someone who likes to scratch while in the mids of pure pleasure"i chuckled as Harley's face went bright red she slapped me playfully

"Riley don't say that I'm so embarrassed" she mumbled.

I laughed out loud as the girls looked between us multiple times before one blurted.

"Holy shit you guys fucked didn't you!"

Harley face went beet red while I had tears in my eyes from laughing.

I pulled her close to me.

Kissing her deeply, pushing her Into the lockers and she ran her fingers through my hair kissing me back. while some of the girls laughed others were shocked I even heard one sigh as if she was waiting for it I looked up as I saw her I smirked and she blushed scampering out of the room.

"Wow guys I'm straight, but that was fucking hot!" sam yelled fanning herself.

I laughed and it even heard Harley chuckle.

"Wait are you guys together"

"They are look at their chests!"

"Is that a tattoo"

"OMG it's their names"

They all screamed

And all

Awwwwd at the tattoos I rolled my eyes.

'Babe I'm embarressed can we go now'i heard Harley in my head.


"Sorry to break your gossip session of scream fest but were going bye"i said laughing at thee sad expressions.

We walked out and played sport I was so distracted watching Harley run and her sweat drip ugh why is she so hot my life is just so based around her now she is my best friend and soulmate she ..she

She is my life.


UGH I can't believe I left marks on her back , I didn't even relise I scratched that hard.I was what you could call in heaven last night .

But what's worse is that all those girls saw it and they probably saw all my hickeys ughhhhh

Right now were at lunch sitting at a table with some of our friends.i was on Riley's lap my legs to the side with her arms wrapped around my waist,her chin resting on my shoulder.

I was playing with her hands when a girl
With a group of friends strolled up to us.

Riley stiffened so I kissed her softly
She grinned and our friends awwed but then we heard a gagging noise .

We looked up to see that girl in front of us

"Can I help you ?"Riley asked Rudely while I frowned at that girl.

"Lez be honest , you can help everyone by not being disgusting freaks while everyone is trying to eat."she spat In a sickly sweet voice her friends all snickered.

I felt Riley shaking beneath me so I stroked her thigh trying to calm her and it started to work but that stupid human bitch had to open her trap again.

"Yuck what are you doing it looks like your touching her !"
She said with a gag and a smirk looking straight at me some people laughed while others turned to watch .

Riley stood placing me on the ground trembling.

"Riley don't do it ignore she trying to get a rise out of you!"I said

"Oh look at that the lezbo is sticking up for her sex toy!"
OMG that stupid blonde does she have a death wish .

A loud growl thundered through the cafeteria as all the students snapped their heads towards us.
I couldn't hold Riley back any longer and she lunged for the girl smashing her fist into her stomach.

The girl screamed as she flew across the room banging into the wall not even having time to fall before Riley was their punching her face repeatedly.


"RILEY STOP YOUR GONNA KILL HER PLEASE STOP!!"I yelled frantically I sprinted over and tried pulling her away.

She wouldn't budge her eyes were pitch black

Shit it's her wolf I entered her head

'Babe stop please Riley for me!'

She immediately stopped making me sigh in relief.

She looked at her and stopped moving.
I looked down at her aswell.

Holy shit she bleeding from everywhere what if she dies what has she done omg.

I started hyperventilating

While kids screamed and called the ambulance.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me Harley I didn't mean to do it that bad I was just so angry that she spoke to you like that."riley begged crying really hard as I struggled to breathe

She pulled me close and I breathed in her scent instantly calming and looked at her I went on my tippy toes and kissed her she smiled and kissed me back.

"I have to make some calls I'll be back"sje mumbled pecking me one more time before leaving the room.

"Are you ok?"Sam asked.
"Yeah just alittle shaken up."

"I can't believe she did that you must be really special to her cause usually she doesn't get mad at anything like that "
She smiled

Which made me grin knowing she really did love me.

Turns out Riley convinced her dad to help change the story to that girl getting hit by a truck.

Atleast this way ri won't get into trouble.

I know this sound bad but it really turned me on how she stood up for me and it was just so cute as well I really love her

She's my best friend my soul mate my girlfriend

I Sighed

She is my life .


Ok guys thought I would add a bit of drama I know it was probably bad but it was more a chapter just for a bit of fun and stuff.

Anyway did u like it



Love all you smexy chica's

-stephy <33333


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