Story of Wrath

By DreamersWriters

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The entire world is thrown into war! Heroes and enemies rise and clash and a powerful enemy doesn't give in... More

Chapter 1: World War 2 Begins
Chapter 2 American Help
Chapter 3 All 16
Chapter 4 When it Falls
Chapter 5 Turning Tides
Chapter 6 Invasion
Chapter 8 War Ends in Europe
Chapter 9 The Truth about the Dreamers
Chapter 10 Freedom for Vietnam, Taiwan, and Korea
Chapter 11 Prepare for the Worst
Chapter 12 The Start of the End
Chapter 13 Time to Say Good Bye
Chapter 14 When I See You Again
Epilogue: Rest of the Dreamers and a Few Decades of Peace

Chapter 7 FACE Family Reunites

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By DreamersWriters

-in England-

Sophia, Al, and Ryker were resting in private rooms in Arthur's castle. Arthur was pacing around in the room with Alfred and Matthew. They were tense and worried. Sey wasn't back from her mission. There was a knock at the door and Arthur looked at the door. Matthew quickly opened the door and Sey jumped in with a smile on her face.

"We did it! We freed Greece!" Sey reported with a smile on her face.

Alfred and Matthew were pleased to hear that while Arthur gave her a hug.

"Thank you, but please be careful" Arthur said seriously.

"Oh! Ok! I can do that!" she replied with a smile.

Arthur smiled as he stated "Ok now go to bed. I need to talk with Alfred and Matthew before they head to bed"

She nodded and went to bed with a smile on her face. Arthur then looked at Alfred and Matthew seriously.

"Ok, are next target is France, but -" before Arthur could finish his sentence, Matthew was crying.

"Yes, I will get to see papa again" he said happily as more tears feel from his face.

Alfred hugged his twin as he began to cry with him.

"Yeah, we will Matt" Alfred comforted.

Arthur couldn't help but cry as well. True, he and Francis never got along at certain times, but they would always be there for each other. Francis helped him raise Alfred and Matthew and those were joyful times to him. Alfred took Arthur and brought him into a group hug. Sophia woke up and went to get herself a glass of water when she passed by. She looked at the odd family.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect your papa" Arthur said sadly.

Alfred and Matthew looked at Arthur as Matthew said "No! It's not your fault either! Ludwing attacked him!"

"Yeah! He had no right to invade and take France and our papa, so please don't cry dad!" Alfred pleaded.

They were all crying as Arthur cried in vain "Well, the two of you are crying! So, I'm crying!!"

Sophia wasn't sure what to do, but she decided to find Mr. Francis when they launch their attack on Normandy. She went to get water and then to bed. The next day, everyone got up early and boarded their ships for Normandy. It was a cold morning and there was no sound in the air. The ships docked in Normandy and then that's when the battle began. The troops from England, Canada, and America fought bravely against the German troops. Some fell while others stood. Arthur, Matthew, and Alfred were even on the battlefield, but they fought with weird weapons.

"Ha! Take that!" shouted Alfred as he shot a troop down and then ran on ahead.

Arthur was surrounded by troops and he held a book. Al rushed to his aid, but he saw a purple light began to glow around Arthur! Al slowly ran to him, but then he saw all the troops around him got blown away! Arthur calmly walked away as if nothing had happened while Al gawked at him. Ryker was able to protect himself, his team, and Matthew from harm though he did receive a few cuts and marks. They were running through the destroyed streets of Pairs, looking for a man named Francis Bonnefoy. On the other side of Pairs, Saorise, Jarlath, and Jacqui were running to the prisons to find Mr. Bonnefoy.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Saorise asked as they hide from German tanks.

Jacqui looked at his map and then street. Jarlath cracked his whip out, ready to defend his friends from harm.

"Yeah. We still have some ways to go, but we are getting there" Jacqui replied as he slowly walked to the streets.

Jarlath stepped in front of him.

"I think it would be wise if I went first. We can't lose our guide to Francis, right?" Jarlath joked and walked forward.

They ran on ahead through the streets until they came upon a German troop squad.

"You two, get to Francis" Jarlath stated seriously.

"Not without you!" Saorise retorted angrily.

"Yes, you, WILL! Francis needs you two! Not me! Jacqui! Take her away!" Jarlath stated angrily and charged at the troops.

Jacqui grab Saorise's hand and they ran behind some rubble. Saorise was crying out his name and Jacqui could only offer a comforting shoulder for her to cry on. He looked at Jarlath and he saw him tiring out. Saorise walked back to Jarlath.

"No! Don't!" shouted Jacqui as he ran behind her.

She didn't care anymore, she needed to help her friend! She felt her bracelet fall into her hands. She clutched it as she ran. Then the bracelet gave off a warm, green light as she ran towards Jarlath.

"No! Get back Saorise!" Jarlath ordered, but a troop knocked Jarlath to the ground.

Saorise ran faster as the light began to glow brighter. She extended her right hand and a beautiful, golden rapier appeared in her hand! She then stabbed a few troops away from Jarlath in a graceful way. Jarlath was shocked yet amazed. Jacqui was astonished at her new power. She gracefully defeated the troops with strong slashes and quick strikes.

"Whoa! When did you learn how to do that?" Jarlath asked amazed.

Saorise scoffed at him as she replied "Just now really, but it felt so natural"

Jacqui walked to his friends as he said "Yeah that was amazing, but we better get going before more troops come here"

They quickly left the area, but Jarlath winked at Saorise as he asked in a flirty manner "You do love me, don't you?"

Saorise rolled her eyes at him as she replied "No, but you are very good friend of mine"

Jarlath smiled as they kept running. Ryker and Matthew were exploring the ruined streets, but soon, they were caught in a fight against some German troops. Ryker was strong and he used strong strikes to defeat a group of them, but soon, he was overwhelmed.

"Matthew! Get out of here!" he ordered as he struck down another troop.

"But... but..." he stuttered as he saw Ryker being surrounded.

Matthew looked around to see if Arthur or Alfred were nearby, but they were still fighting on the outskirts of the city! He began to panic. Ryker's sword was soon knocked out of his hands! They were defenseless! The German troops were laughing at them as they slowly began to back away.

"Leave them alone!" shouted Sophia as she stood in front of Ryker and Matthew with Al by her side.

"Ha! And what is a little girl like you going to do?" one of the troops asked in a mocking tone.

Al threw a green orb at a group of incoming German troops while Sophia summoned her Kingdom Key and struck down troops in her path! She found Ryker's sword, picked it up, and tossed it back to him. Ryker grab his sword and joined her. They stood back to back against the troops.

"So how about a bet?" he asked her as he blocked one troop's attack.

"What is it?" Sophia asked as she struck down another troop.

"Whoever defeats the most troops, gets chocolate!" he offered her with a smirk.

"Oh!! I like that idea!" she answered excitedly.

They quickly defeated the troops while Al, Arthur, and Alfred entered the city. They were happy to see their friends alive. The commander of the German troops walked towards them, with no weapons in his hands.

"We surrender" he said in a defeated tone.

"Alright, then help us prepare then take your dead and send them home. Then I want you to help us with restoring the city" Alfred ordered.

"Yes sir" the commander replied and set his troops to work.

Alfred looked back at Arthur, Matthew, Al, Sophia, and Ryker.

"Ok, now let's go find our papa!" he said as calmly as he could even though he was really worried about him.

"Right, but where could he be?" Arthur asked.

Alfred wasn't sure while Matthew saw a German troop coming their way with goods. He quietly approached the man.

"Excuse me, but do you know where a man named Francis Bonnefoy is?" Matthew asked politely.

At first the man didn't see him, but when he did, he jumped back in surprise as he replied "Oh sorry about that! Uh yes! He's in the prison near the Bastille"

Matthew was grateful to hear that his papa was alive. He bowed his head in thanks as he thanked him. They ran to the Bastille to find Francis. However, they found three other kids in front of the Bastille.

"Excuse me kids, but what are you doing here?" Arthur asked as he approached them.

"We are trying to find a way into the Bastille, but German troops are still guarding it and we need to find Mr. Bonnefoy!" Saorise explained angrily, "We are so close!!"

Arthur was astounded to hear they were looking for him while Alfred asked "How many?"

"Uh what?" Jacqui asked confused.

"How many troops are in there?" Alfred asked with more detail.

"Well I estimate around maybe 20" Jacqui replied.

Arthur looked at Matthew and Alfred seriously. They were all tired from the fighting but they needed Francis and they were so close to him.

"Ok, we are going to need everyone's help if we are going to free Francis, so are you ready to work together?" Arthur asked them.

Everyone agreed and their plan began shortly after they discussed it. Arthur was with Saorise and Jacqui and they were going to find the key that would free Francis. Matthew, Sophia, and Ryker were looking for Francis's cell and Aflred, Al, and Jarlath were tasked with defeating the guards and distracting.

Alfred pulled his gun out and stood in the middle of the Bastille as he shouted "Ha! Ludwing can't defeat me, because I'm the hero!"

The German guards turned their attention to him and pointed their guns at him! Alfred rose his hands above his head with a smirk. Al launched a powerful green orb at the German troops and they were defeated easily!

"Great job kid!" Alfred complemented with a thumb up.

Jarlath cracked out his whip as more troops came at them. Alfred ready his gun and pointed it at them.

"Let's get this over with!" Jarlath shouted as he whipped at a few troops.

Matthew heard their fighting and prayed that Alfred and the others would be safe. Ryker and Sophia were looking for him through the cells for him, but so far, they could not find him and the Bastille was such a big place. Arthur found a guard with all the keys walking to the fight where Alfred was. Saorise held her rapier in her hands while Jacqui was cautiously watching the man.

"Alfred! He's coming to you!" Arthur shouted as he cast a spell at the man that made him fall down to Alfred's level.

"I got him!" Alfred replied and charged at him.

The man looked at his keys and then ran the other way. Alfred chased him and Jacqui ran to help him. Arthur and Saorise began to search for Francis. Saorise was checking on area, but then she heard someone cough.

"Ello, my princess" a man said weakly from behind the bars of the cell.

Saorise was soon crying. She knew that voice. She walked back to the cell and kneeled in front of it when she saw Francis again.

"Arthur!! We found him!! He's alive!!" Saorise cried out in joy as tears fell from her face.

Francis put his hand to her cheeks and whipped the tears away as he said "You did good, my princess. Thank you"

She nodded and smiled at him. Arthur, Alfred, and Matthew heard her cries and they quickly rushed over there. Jacqui blocked the entrance for the man with the keys. However, he pointed a gun at Jacqui! He froze and closed his eyes. He wished to be strong and then he felt something cold and sharp in his hands. He opened his eyes to see a silver sword! The man with the keys ran past him, but Jacqui threw the sword and it pinned the man against a wall.

Jacqui took the keys and pulled his sword out of the wall as he said "Thanks for the keys"

He left him, but the man pointed the gun at his back. He was ready to fire, but Sophia threw her Kingdom Key at the man and knocked the gun out of his hands. Jarlath drove the last of the troops out of the Bastille and Jacqui ran to the cell holding Francis. He was crying when he saw him again.

"Jacqui! You were magnific!" Francis said thankfully as he patted his head.

Jacqui then fumbled with the keys and opened the cell doors. Francis weakly stood up and hugged Jacqui and Saorise. Once they stopped hugging, Matthew crashed into him and hugged him tightly. Francis winced in pain at the contact, but hugged him back.

"Papa.... I found you..." Matthew said happily as tears fell from his face.

"Oui! You did my little Matthew" Francis replied as he hugged him.

Alfred entered the cell next. Matthew let go of Francis reluctantly while Alfred gave Francis a hug.

"I'm sorry.... For being late... again" Alfred said as he began to cry.

"Better late than never Alfred. You helped us make up for lost time. Thank you" Francis replied as he soothed the young man.

Alfred nodded and let him go. He dried his tears and then they turned around to find Arthur standing there. He looked like he was seeing a ghost as he dropped his spell book. He was crying at the site of Francis. Francis wobbly walked over to him with a big smile on his face.

"Mon cher, it is alright. I am fine" Francis said comforting as he kept walking.

However, Arthur ran to him and hugged him. Francis hugged him back, but then he felt Arthur punch his chest. Though his punches didn't hurt him.

"You stupid, bloody frog! Do you have any idea how worried I was?! Why can't you be strong?! I'm not always going to be there for you!! You're so stupid!! I missed you, worried about you, and prayed that you would be fine under Ludwing's control! I missed you..." Arthur ranted as he cried.

Francis hugged him and let him rant and hit him till he was feeling better. Arthur was sobbing now. Alfred and Matthew were crying too. Francis kissed Arthur's head and continued to soothe him. Alfred and Matthew hugged the both of them.

"I am happy to see you again, my beautiful family" Francis said as he hugged them.

"So are we" Arthur answered as he hugged him.

It was beautiful site to the Dreamers. They let them hug and cry with each other till it was time to leave.

-In Germany-

Everything was crumbling around Nazi Germany. Ludwing and Gilbert could feel the effects of the falling nations and they were becoming weak and sick. Roderich was trying to help the sick Gilbert, but Gilbert had other plans for him.

"Roderich, Nazi Germany is falling" Gilbert spoke as he sat in his bed.

Roderich nodded as he poured him some tea.

"You need to leave" Gilbert spoke seriously.

"What? No! I can't leave you or Ludwing! We are family!" Roderich retorted angrily.

Gilbert shock his head as he replied "No, you need to leave. Ludwing, mein burder, vill be punished for this severally. You won't be because WE conquered you. I need to make sure that mein burder von't be punished too badly. 'fter all, I couldn't save him for her so I should be vlbe to save him from the punishments"

Gilbert gave a sad smile to Roderich. Roderich, on the other hand, was speechless. He and Gilbert were not always great friends with each other, but they would work together if it was needed. However, Roderich had never seen this side of Gilbert before. Then Roderich understood why. He remembered that he almost did lose him a long time ago.

"I understand" Roderich said calmly.

He gave Gilbert a hug as he said "But please be careful. Elizabeta will feel terrible if you weren't here anymore"

"Ja! But I am too awesome to die, so don't worry! Now get out of here" Gilbert replied with a smile.

Roderich smiled back and then he left.

-In Italy-

Feliciano was ordered by Mr. Vatican to bring his boss to the church. He did but he felt nervous. Lucio followed them and then Feliciano stood outside of the church crying. Lucio sat next to him and held him.

"I know my people did terrible things and I know we will be in trouble for it. This is all my fault" Feliciano cried.

Lucio shock his head as he replied "No it's not and it wasn't Ludwing's fault either nor is it Kiku's. You had a bad boss. People are both good and bad, but this time you had a bad boss. Yes, it will be hard to be forgiven, but given in time, and they will forgive you. It may not seem like it now, but it will. Trust me"

Feliciano nodded as he cried more. There was gunshot and someone feel to the ground. Someone from the church walked to Feliciano and Lucio.

"Feliciano, your boss is dead. Lovino will be coming up here to talk about a way to find a new boss" the man reported.

"Gracie" Feliciano said.

After a few days, Lovino and Concetto arrived while Antonio, Sey, and Jonell sailed back to the Philippines. During the next few days, a civil war erupted in Italy about a new leader. Feliciano and Lovino were soon fighting each other and they were both still tired from the war.

"Concetto, Lucio, you are to stay in our house until this war is resolved" Lovino requested of them.

They agreed and then both Lovino and Feliciano fought each other until a new leader could be chosen. The news of a civil war in Italy spread to the Allies and all of Italy surrendered soon after. All that was left was Germany and Japan.

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