Caught in the Current

By WildWonders

146 10 10

Sky Blue hates flying, camping, and over all She HATES the ocean. She is terrified of it. But will her fear... More

Chapter 2 - After Effect
Our Saviour
The Island

Caught in the Current

59 4 3
By WildWonders

There I sat in the light blue patterned chair, counting the seconds until the pilots land this flying death-trap.   Since I was sitting in the window seat I looked out the window quite often.  The clouds were puffy and as bright as day, they soothed my fear of heights, oddly enough, I couldn’t take my eyes off them.  Amanda was sitting in the middle seat, and Sara on the outside.  School just ended for the summer and we decided to take a vacation to the Bahamas.  Luckily we had saved enough money from the two years of cutting corners, with a little help from the parents of course.

After about an hour of flying, I started to hear a strange rumbling sound from under the plane.   I questioned Sara and Amanda if they heard anything strange.

“No, just that annoying Terrier down in the cargo hold,” Amanda responded grouchily.

“Me neither, you’re probably just hallucinating Sky,” Sara mumbled, continuing to read her novel.

“Oh okay,” I spoke quietly, still pondering the strange sound.

Another half hour had passed when the flight attendant stepped out of the Pilot’s cabin, speaking into a microphone, “Hello passengers, I’m sorry to inform you that there has been some plane troubles and that there is no airport in close enough range to land safely,” the mass of passengers screamed and started looking out the windows frantically. “Now, now, the pilot is attempting to land in the water so that we can get you all to some sort of land safely. Please wait from further instructions from your Head Pilot.” With that she practically ran back into the Pilot’s cabin yelling about how we’re all gonna die, which didn’t exactly sooth our souls.

The plane started to shiver everynow and then, sending those shivers up to the terrified passengers.  It was pretty clear that we were descending, the water was getting closer by the second and I'm pretty sure that the pilot wasn't doing anything to help,  considering i just saw him head into the bathroom a few minutes ago and he never came back out.  I got up and headed to the area where the attendants usually stayed, they weren't there at the moment.  Probably trying to steer the plane while the supposed pilot sat on the toilet counting down the seconds until we crash.  I quickly grabbed three extra LifeJackets and one large inflatable boat.  I then returned to my seat trying to keep the items hidden from unwanted eyes.

A few minutes later, the plane began to plummet toward the dark blue water.  I am terrified of the ocean, well, not the ocean per say.  More like whats lurking in its depths. I closed my eyes as the plane did a nose-dive for the deathly waters.  My eyes flew open at my thought, i quickly grabbed the pillows that we were supplied with at the beginning of this fateful flight and placed them in front of Sarah and Amanda.

"Hold them there," i demanded, pointing to the space between them and the back of the chair in front of us.  They did so willingly and i followed my instructions, waiting for impact.

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