Flashing Lights | BTS AF | Cl...

By taetaehooray

1.7K 267 216

"Don't get caught." "Never. You know I don't look good in stripes. " Bts apply fic. 0 slots open More

The Enemy (love interests)
Form (yay)
Files | Notice Board |
| file 2 | the hacker
File 3 | Master of Disguise|
File 4 | the fighter |
File 5 | the medic |
File 6 | the infiltrator|
File 7 | Leader |
Announcement 😂
Apologies, Im alive~

File 1 | the driver|

129 19 11
By taetaehooray

The director narrowed his eyes at the man as Mr. Kang returned with 7 files in his hand. Giving the man a curt nod he took the folders from his assistant and picked one up at random opening it up to read the teams profile. Mr. Kang took the opportunity to speak as the director stared off listening to him talk.

"This particular team consists of 7 members, each girl has a different function and task but together they have proved to be unstoppable. They blew away previou--" the direct shot his hand up to stop the man from speaking any further.

"Spare me the lecture Mr. Kang, I have the files right here, I can read them." He said in a deep voice, " just make sure they are here within the hour."

Mr. Kang blinked rapidly, nodding in agreement as the director smiled.

"Good, then you are dismissed." He said with a wave of the hand and the man nodded and walked out of the big office and down a long hallway.

Now let's see who we have here.... the director thought as he took the first file and opened it, a loose picture falling out. He stuck the picture back in and read the in depth profile that one of the trainers of the academy had written on the girl.

Profile: b37t59g-01

Role: The Driver

Name: Yi Xiěyè

Nickname: Iyi, Yin

Age: 23

Height: 167cm

Weight: 56kg

Blood Type: O

Personality: It's suggested to stay away from Xiěyè if you're easily hurt because this girl spits out stuff even if she doesn't mean it. A savage is probably another way to describe her. She loves to pick fights with people and snapping back at others is another one of her specialities. Though she is the second oldest and expected to be more mature; she does have another side to her. Since most things she says are automatic and not thought through, she'll end up apologizing because of what she's done. She's loyal to the agency and would be one of the least likely to betray them. She's becomes attached to the people she ends up being around and truthfully she's a huge softie around the girls. She's kinda like their leader; watching the girls to make sure they don't get hurt. She won't go to the girls if they get hurt but she'll help them later somehow.

Background: Fugitives. During her childhood, Xiěyè dealt with fugitive parents. Her parents landed themselves in jail after her mother found out she was pregnant. The child, Xiěyè was born in jail and was named after the word 'Blood' in Chinese. But of course, since her parents were still serving their time in jail, Xiěyè was put in an adoption centre. Now it wasn't long before her parents escaped jail and they set search for their child. They found her and took her back. The amount of times Xiěyè moved places was ridiculous, she couldn't really call any place her hometown for the first 13 years of her life. But finally the Yi family rested place in Valdez, Alaska. It was calm and peaceful at first but her parents never really cared what she did. Well a minus point to that. Xiěyè came across a group of kids. They all had specialties and they were some sort of gang. Finding interest, she joined them. The gang was well known through out the city of Valdez, even though it consisted of teenagers; Xiěyè being 15 going on 16 when she met them. The group did tons of activities but none of them really interested her except the one they did every night; street racing. Xiěyè self taught herself how to drive, along with some assistance from her fellow gang member. In no time, she was racing the streets. A natural, many would call her because she beat most people who versed her. She was a tough opponent and landed several in the hospital from hijacking their vehicles. Xiěyè soon became known as The Eye. She always knew who to pick fights with and who to race. It was like her eye had a filter that targeted the weak. But, it wasn't long before she became a fugitive with her parents. The police noticed a high count in accidents and injuries up in Alaska and went to check it out. Upon that news, Xiěyè and her parents had to move back to South Korea. Once they arrived, the three of them had to change their looks. Xiěyè dyed her hair pink and purple and went to always wearing a black mask on her mouth. She didn't draw too much attention on herself, the mask looking normal. But her parents and her split up, Xiěyè going to Seoul and her parents going to Daegu. A now 19 year old Xiěyè felt more at home in the big city. Her parents were the ones that always caused her to move and she felt better without any contact with them. Her street racing still lays in the back of her mind and she sometimes, late at night, goes to an abandoned street to keep her skill fresh.

The director smirked at the girl's history, she had a dark past but those tended to be the hardest working assassins and he knew that. He turned the page and continued reading the profile completely engrossed.

Training time: 2 and a half years

Fighting Skills: slightly above average since she likes to fight, but definitely not the best. 7/10.

Weapons of choice.  brass knuckles or  a standard gun and knife depending on the situation.

Reason for joining the agency:
She joined because of her parents. She left them, yes, but it was like a haunting memory, of their time in jail was telling her to rebel against the authorities. It was like if she didn't, a goody two shoes life was there for her in the future. Her hatred for the cops already helped with her decision as well.

The director closed the manila folder and smiled contently. She was perfect, just the kind of person his company was looking for and if she was good he could only imagine what the other profiles were like. Tapping his fingers against his desk, he sighed moving that folder aside and picking up the next. He couldn't wait to learn more about the group.

Hey guys! Omg you guys are amazing! I seriously can't wait to start writing. We  have a total of 6 forms now :) can you believe it? Me either. Anyway this officially closes the Driver slot!! Congrats to -yoongiichuu !!!
Thank you so much for applying.
Gasoline by Halsey is the driver's theme song :) everyone will have one.

So do you guys wanna know which love interests you get too? Or should I just let you figure it out as time and the story pass?

Let me know how you liked the story! Show me some love ❤️ One slot down 6 more to go!!

~ Chimchimhooray

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