Alice's Book Club (BWWM)

Por oliviawebb112

409K 19.8K 1.4K

Alice is your normal black single mother, she works hard, take cares of her son Bruce, and even belongs to a... Más

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What the Hell?!?
Dirty laundry
Daddy's secret
Father to Son
Tell me
Truth hurts
Who could it be?
Life or Death
The Offer
Maverick Mansion


4.8K 256 8
Por oliviawebb112

“Then I told that bitch to fucking move her fatass so I could get her friend” I lying on the couch at my father’s compound ignoring the ‘Guy-Talk’ from his thugs. “Hahaha, stupid bitch” a bout of laughter erupted from the short one, as he began his tale about a hot chick he banged. I couldn’t help but laugh at his obvious lie, men like him rarely got women and if they did she sure wasn’t hot. “Jared, your dad wants you” I heard the deep voice from Diego echo behind me, he was the only worker here who I had respect for. While everyone else in the business got into it, for some sadistic pleasure or easy money. Diego was in too deep to get out alive, which is why we made such great partners. If all worked out well and Diego helped me get out from my father, I swore to hire him and set up a safe house and citizenship for his wife and children. “Here I come” I walked out the living room past Diego, and trudged down the hall to my father’s study, grimacing all the way. “You called” I said entering the study, he didn’t bother to look up from his laptop before waving for me to take a seat. I rolled my eye’s but complied, I hated the way he summoned me, but knew I had to bide my time before making a move. “Here” He turned his laptop towards me, to show me some official documents and forms. It took me a second read through it, but I was positive this was DNA test for my daughter. “A DNA TEST?!?!” I was surprised he could get one without me knowing it, “I had to be sure, who knows who else your tramp wife was sleeping with” I gritted my teeth as he insulted Alice, it was a coping technique I had learned over time. “Fine, so you proved she’s my daughter now what?”
I asked, confused as to why he even cared about her, seeing that he only ever referred to her as a mulatto a word that still angered me. “Now that we know whose she is, it’s time for step two. Taking back what’s ours” He had the same sickening grin of a cartoon villain.

I was sitting at my desk, in my office while Bruce and Hope played on the floor. I had just finished reading Jared’s note again, as it has become part of my daily routine. “Mom, I think she is going to start talking soon” Bruce smiled, he was so convinced that Hope was a genius and was so much more advanced than other children. “Bruce she is only four months, she can’t even sit up yet” I laughed, happy to see Bruce getting along so well without Jared, although I still catch him sneaking out to sleep on the couch just in case he comes home. “Ma’am, we have a problem” Marshall burst into my office. I told the kids to stay with Marshall while I went downstairs. Unfortunately the moment I stepped of the elevator I was swarmed by cameras and reporters. “Mrs. Maverick, over here” one called from my left “Mrs. Maverick, What do you have to say about being accused of embezzling over 100 million dollars?” another asked on my right “Is it true you have been embezzling since Maverick. Inc.”  A tall olive skinned male asked. I was speechless, I had no idea what they were talking about, I was going to ask but thought better of it. Jared had taught me that is the worst thing you could do when speaking to the press, it only makes you look foolish and misinformed. “Mrs. Maverick will not be taking any questions” I was grateful to see Charity across the floor, but before I got out a sigh of relief I was being pulled out of the building and into a car parked out front. The moment the door was shut, reporters and cameramen surrounded the car “Drive” Charity instructed whoever was up front “Hell no, my kids are upstairs” I argued regaining my footing in reality, “Trust me there fine, while we were leaving Kyle snuck upstairs to get them. He is waiting for me to signal that the reporters are gone before taking them to our place, which is why you need to drive” Charity spoke to the unknown driver once more, he shot me a look in the rearview and I nodded my approval.
We sat in silence for a minute before my curiosity got the better of me “So, are you going to tell me what the Hell that was about?” while my voice asked the question my body language was demanding an answer. “Someone leaked a rumor that you had embezzled 100 million from Maverick Inc.” She tossed me a newspaper that had a picture of me on front, and the word Gold-digging embezzler written in bright red. “What? I never stole a damn thing in my life” I argued “I know that but there is some convincing evidence that proves the contrary, the story is that you embezzled money from Maverick Inc, and then married Jared to force him to start up Flight as shell company.” I skimmed through the article about me, glossing over how I tricked Jared into stealing with me. “Who the fuck wrote this garbage?!?” I was past livid and was ready to burn down the Inquirer. “I know, trust me I was pissed when I read it too, but the important thing now is to clear your name. Chase is waiting at my place, he wants to work on a defense tonight.” She explained and I nodded along happy to have Chase on my side. Ever since Flight open we kept him on retainer to help when one of our clients got into arrested, one thing I could say for sure is that the man is a Shark in court and was happy to have him on my side. “Alice, are you okay?” It wasn’t until I heard Charity’s voice that I noticed that I was staring into space. “I think so, at this point I’m just numb to it all. My only concern is my children. God have mercy on the mother fucker who tries to bring them into this” I felt an eerie calm fall over me, and took to staring out the window for the rest of the trip.
“We’re in trouble” Chase said tossing a file in my lap as I sat on Charity’s couch. “You don’t say” I sighed, going over the fabricated evidence of me sending money from Maverick Inc. overseas. “Who the fuck is doing this?” Dee commented still shocked by the recent news. I was happy she came over to comfort me and the kids, although I knew we weren’t the only reason she was here. Especially since she was dressed in her low cut maxi dress, while she may never admit it I knew she wanted Chase bad.  “Isn’t it obvious? James is doing this, he is using the evidence me and Jared found against me” I continued to flip through the bullshit lie he constructed, I even laughed when he used his overseas account to look like mine. “We know that, but they don’t” Chase motioned towards the window. “So how are we supposed to convince them” she mimicked him “I’m working on that, but the best thing I can come up with is that you need to prove James is doing this?” He sighed, realizing that that was virtually impossible. “Okay sure let me walk to the Inquirer. Not sure if you saw their paper today but they love me. Let me tell them that my criminal Father in Law, kidnapped my husband and is now framing me for his crime. I have no idea where James is so I can’t go get evidence, and anything I had on him convincingly has my name on it. Not to mention my enemy is a guy who is so well connected he can just escape from jail without anyone noticing and steal his comatose son without anyone blinking an eye. Meanwhile I tell the cops my husband was kidnapped and I am called crazy and held at a looney bin for three days…. I can’t win. I’m fucked” I starting laughing hysterically, “Don’t say that it isn’t over till, it’s over. Beside you saw Jared he gave you that letter to tell you that he is still fighting for you guys” Dee hugged me. “I know. I’m just so tired of fighting for everything.” I sighed, exhausted with life. “I’m going to check on the kids” I got up to walk to Charity’s guest room where Bruce was on the bed playing on his tablet while Hope slept next to him.
“Hey honey, how you feeling?” I asked plopping down next to Bruce. “Okay I guess” he put his table to sleep to give me his attention. “I know this has been a long day for you, and I’m sorry. Trust me when I say I never wanted to put you or your sister through this. Mommy, wishes every day that she could just let you guys kids, but there are bad people who want to hurt us, and I need to make sure you and your sister are safe” I explained, I had tried my hardest to keep Bruce from dealing with these things but I couldn’t keep lying to my child. “Like the villain Blackmailer” he replied, and my blood ran cold, please tell me that man hasn’t come to see my child. “Who told you that?” I asked fearing the answer “Daddy did, when he came to see us today.” I felt my heart skip a beat, and was terrified of what Bruce may say next.


‘I hate this’ I thought to myself, while riding the elevator up to Alice’s, aka my office. “You ready for this man/” Diego asked riding up with me. “I don’t know, my mind is still on my wife” I admitted “She’ll be fine there reporters not killers” he smiled to reassure me “Yeah but, did you see the way she looked. I would have given anything to just walk over and hold her hand” I pictured, Alice’s confused and terrified expression in the lobby, it was only there for a moment but still I knew this was all scaring her. “Hey, your time will come. For now we have a job to do.” He reminded me of why we were here. We came to retrieve every piece of information we could on the company, from client listing, to money exchanges. My father is under the impression that this is all to help him take her down, and while I will give him enough to pacify him I am keeping everything I can to help Alice clear her name when all is said and done. “You made sure to give my brother my message right?” I asked not wanting any issues. “Of course, I told him to clear the floor and get Alice out of here by any means necessary” he repeated my instructions “Good” The elevator dinged and opened to my floor, I started to walk towards my office when I heard footsteps near me.
“DADDY!!” I turned to see Bruce running to me. “Bruce” I felt tears prick my eyes, it had been far too long since i had seen my son. He ran towards me, and I lifted him high and hugged him, “Daddy” he giggled, and I couldn’t help but hold him tighter before I knew it the tears left my eyes and started falling on him. “Why are you crying?” he asked while wiping my tears “Because I’m so happy, to see you” I pulled myself together, until I saw Kyle walk out with my baby girl in his arms. It would have been perfect if Alice was here as well. “Jared” he said hesitantly, neither of us made a move towards one another. “Hope” I said the infants name but she couldn’t be bothered to look at me. “Let me hold her” I reached out for her, and I could see he was reluctant to give her up but did it anyway. “Hey little girl” I greeted the disinterested child. She was the spitting image of her mother facial wise. She had Alice’s round nose and full lips, she even had her mother’s doe eyes although they were colored blue. What I had mistaken for black curls from the monitor was now chestnut brown and long as ever. “You’re so beautiful.” I kissed her forehead and forced myself to give her back, even though my heart was breaking. “Come on Jared we have to go” Diego rushed me while Kyle shot him a disapproving look. “We need to talk” Kyle demanded “Soon but I have to go now” I started to walk away ”Daddy no!” Bruce cried, and I felt like the world’s biggest asshole. Here I was finally in arms reach of my children and I was abandoning them to live the life of a degenerate criminal. While I could argue this was my father fault, it didn’t assuage my guilt or convince me that I wasn’t a terrible father. “Hey buddy, Daddy will be home real soon, he just has to take care of this villain named Blackmailer, he trying to hurt our family and I can’t let him do that” I explained in as childish of a manner that I could. “You’re a superhero” His eyes lit up “Sort of” I shrugged not sure how far to take it. “But, I need your help. I need you to give this to your mother for me” I handed him the note I was going to leave for Alice. He saluted me and looked thrilled to be given a task. “I swear to tell you everything, but right now” I began to explain “I get it, now go” Kyle motioned towards Diego, and I gave him a silent thanks for being understanding. Seeing Bruce and Hope made me realize that it was time to stop fooling around and put my plan in motion.

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