Snowbaz one-shots (fluff and...

By Crowley-Snow-16

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cute fluffy/angsty snowbaz ~~~~~ I accept requests and constructive criticism More

Finals week
Fight me
Authors note
Beauty and The Beast
Make a wish
fun - dreams
kiss it better
Sand in your shoes
Was this a date?
The good, The bad, and The dirty.
Beauty & the Beast AU re-write
Try Me
I hate you; what?
I love you

Rosebud girl

205 3 2
By Crowley-Snow-16

:)))))))) this takes place like 5 years after carry on. Simon and Baz are married now. And about to have a baby.

Baz pov


A year ago after Snow and I got married (yes, married. We had a beautiful wedding, mostly my family attended since Simon doesn't have any but the Bunce family came.) Now, we are expect a baby. We talked to Penny and she agreed without much convincing to carry the baby for us. Snow did the thing where he essentially puts his baby-making-stuff in a cup. Now, Simon and I couldn't be happier. Bunce and Micah are also married now, and they live in London down the street from us. Which was convenient as hell the second she called us today to tell us her water broke, and Micah was at work. Snow got our coats and the keys and I grabbed the car seat before we sprinted to our car and to Bunces house. She was panicking because she had no idea what to do but mostly because she didn't want the water to ruin her wood floors, typical. We got her to the hospital and hours later, Micah joined us in the waiting area. Soon a nurse came and said we could see Penny, and the baby. After 7 hours of labor we finally got to see out baby girl.

Yes, it was a girl. Rose Ember Grimm-Pitch-Snow. She has a hell of a name but it's nothing compared to mine still. As we stepped into the room I saw a sleeping Bunce on a hospital bed and a sleeping baby wrapped in a blanket. Shes so small. This was my first thought. It's been quite some time since i've seen a baby but still, Rosey is so little. Only 5.7 lbs and 16 inches long. But then as I got closer to her and could see her better I noticed her full head of soft brown curls. And her golden skin. Her long eyelashes. She looks just like Simon.

This shouldn't surprise me as much as it does but there was that chance that the baby would look like Bunce, considering her DNA was taking a part in this too. It was only when Simon wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek that I realized I was crying. And so was Simon. I laughed "Crowley Snow, you're so emotional." He smiles his warm smile at me and jabs my side with his elbow. I hear Bunce laugh behind us, she must have woken up. "No rough play guys, I did not just suffer that long for you guys to kill your daughter as soon as shes born." That's the Bunce I know and have learned to love. The four of us have become a little family, and now we have a fifth member.

Bunce did spend most of the time in the hospital holding Rose. She didn't have much else to do since she was there for 5 days. Once she was released from the hospital, she handed Rose over gladly. See the reason Penny agreed to this was because she wanted us the be happy and have a child, but also because she knew she wouldn't get too attached to her since shes not ready for a child of her own. Plus, shes going to be seeing Rose all the time.

-3 months later

Having a baby has been wonderful. But tiring as hell. That said, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Snow and I wake up at odd hours of the night to change diapers and give bottles, but we get along just fine. Tonight at about 3am I hear Rosey crying and Snow gets up to go see what's wrong. After a few minutes the crying stops, but in awake now. A few more minutes later Snow hasn't come back to bed so I get up and go to the nursery. Im leaning on the doorframe and I see him standing at the window with her, talking to her quietly.

"Y'know Rosey, dada and I used to hate each other" he sighs "It was terrible. We would fight and fight but it was never any good. I'm so glad that I went to his house that day, if I didnt you wouldnt be here right now." I think he's crying now cause his voice shakes "I love you so much babygirl, with all my heart." By now both Simon and I are crying. I walk into the nursery and hug Simon from behind. I lean my chin on his shoulder and kiss his temple. I'm in love with Simon Grimm-Pitch-Snow and our little baby girl. Our happy little family.

- when Rose is 1

Rose is so big now and she is the spitting image of Simon. Her bronze ringlets frame her face of freckles and golden skin. Her eyes are big and blue. The only difference is her dimples. She has them on both cheeks and under her eyes. Shes always bouncing and smiling so it's hard not to see her dimples. Currently Snow and I are chasing our little girl around our flat. She can only crawl so far but Crowley, she can crawl. It's nearly impossible to catch her. Once Simon finally manages to corner her and scoops her up she starts giggling and yelling "dada dada!!" The sight it precious and I can't help myself when I take a picture.

Snow puts Rosey down in her high chair "Alright princess time for lunch." Simon pulls some jars of odd baby foods from the cabinet. It's my turn to feed her so I sit in front of the highchair and get a spoon to feed her with. Snow sets two jars of food in front of me.m, carrots and mashed potatoes. Baby food is nasty. To say the least. I open the jar of mashed potatoes and Rosey eats them without a problem, she loves them. But when I try to shovel the carrots into her mouth she starts crying. I pull her from her highchair and bounce her on my hip "hush little puff, it's okay" I whisper to her, over and over until shes quietly sleeping in my arms. Simon walks up behind me and hugs me. He ducks his head to let it rest between my shoulder blades and sighs "I love you, Baz" he mumbles into my back "I love you too, Simon." I tell him.

-When Rose is two

Penny insisted on helping us plan a little party for Rose's birthday and so far it's been a mess trying to plan. She can't sit still for a second and I swear she looks more like Snow everyday. The party is going to be very simple. Rosey LOVES the movie "Beauty and the Beast" so that's the theme of the party. Shes running around the flat in a little dodie yellow dress with a flower crown of roses, he bronze her pulled back out of her face. Bunce helped with that, I have no idea how to control curls. Simon has less of an idea on how to control curls somehow. I let Rosey run around until Pen finally shows up. She yells "AUNTY PEN" and throws herself at Bunce. "Hey Princess!" Bunce exclaims and picks up the little golden girl in the living room. She treats Rosey like, well, like her own daughter. Snow and I have gathered a few friends from meeting couples on date nights and we invited them all over with their children for Roses party. We got a cake with yellow and blue frosting and little roses. The party was very nice until Rose fell asleep and everyone had to leave. Simon took Rose to her bed and I cleaned up.

I went to check up on my loves and they were both asleep in the rocking chair.

-When Rose is three

Rose is growing up so quickly. And shes just as sassy and me and her aunt Penny. But tonight is date night for Simon and I so Bunce is babysitting. I planned a simple and sweet night for Simon and I. First dinner, we go out to this fancy place in the middle of London. It was lovely and fancy, we mostly spent the night gushing over how big our baby girl has gotten.

Once we get back home I pop open a bottle of wine. We don't bother with glasses, just drinking straight from the bottle. After an hour or so the bottle is empty and Snow and I are on the couch kissing and giggling, our suit jackets long forgotten. Simon pushes his fingers through the gaps between my shirt buttons, his lips ghosting down my neck when the door swings opened. We instantly jump apart and Bunce laughs when she sees us. "Bunce what the fuck are you doing here" I then see our baby girl in her arms shaking "And why isn't Rosey in bed, what happened?" Bunce sighs "Sorry guys but I had put her to bed at my house then all the sudden I heard her crying and when I went to check on her she pukes everywhere." Bunce explained to us. I guess Simon and I both sobered up in the past few minutes because I don't stumble at all when I walk forward to grab Rose from Penny. Simon walks to her and hugs her "Thanks Pen, sorry that she throw up at your house." she just shrugged and said it's fine, we couldn't have done anything about it. Plus, i've been to her house, no carpet in the whole place so it wouldn't have been hard to clean up.

In the end SImon and I spent our night tending to our daughter. She was fine the next morning, still feeling a bit gross but fine. The next week we had date night again and got to continue our previously interrupted activities. And we also found out that Penny is going to be having children of her own.

-When Rose is 4

When Rose was three we had finally got her potty trained but we hadn't train her potty mouth. She picked up on the words Simon and I say and we felt like terrible parents because of it. RIght now we have her sat down at the kitchen table, shes wearing her bright yellow tutu that she loves with a pastel blue shirt. Her long curls are pinned up into a ballet bun, of which Bunce had taught us how to do. She looked scared for whatever reason, probably because SImon and I rarely sit her down for anything.

"Rosey? Little puff, do you know why papa and I want to talk to you?" I ask her. She shes her head "No dada" Shes quieter than usual. Simon sighs "Princess, you said a word that you shouldn't say. I know you heard it from me and dada but what you said is an adult word, do you understand?" I know Simon feels bad since this is our fault but I intertwined our fingers. He gives me a weak smile.

"Yes papa I understand" Rose yawns and hops off of her chair, climbing into my lap. She wrapped her little arms around my neck "Sorry dada" she looks at Simon and moves to hug him "Sorry papa." my heart melts at the sight and the smile that creeps into my husbands face. "It's okay Rosey" he reassures her and hugs her even tighter Rosey drops one of her arms from Simon and reaches for me, so I lean in and her arm goes around my neck. Now the three of us are all hugging. "I love you Rosey" I whisper to her "Love you too dada." she giggles as she whispers back to me. I love our little family. Speaking of, Penny and Micah come in the house, with their twins.

-When Rose is 5

This year Rosey is off the primary school and god shes growing up so fast. Shes gotten a bit calmer but shes still just as bubbly as her father. She also enjoys scones and butter just as much as he does too. Today is one of Rose's last days before her first day at kindergarten so we decide to take her to the zoo. She insists on wearing her shirt with monkeys on it and her zebra stripes leggings. No matter how much I insist it doesn't match she just pouts until I give in. I always said that she was the spitting image of her Simon and she is but I noticed the other day that her eyes are less blue than they used to be, and that she has a very very slight widow's peak in her hair. Almost as if i'm her dad too. I mean I am her dad, but sometimes I feel insignificant because i'm technically not her real dad, she doesn't have my genetics. I talked to Simon about this one night and ended up crying. Her held me and assured me that i'm no less her dad than he is and if anything she loves me more than him. Of course I argued but he shushed me.

We are at the zoo now with Rosey. She insisted that her 'cousins' come with us aka The Bunce Clan. When they meet us at the zoo Rose is ecstatic. Shes crazy about them. Simon and I were trying to make dinner plans with the Bunches but Rose grabbed our fingers and dragged us, marching through the zoo.

By the end of the day Simon was carrying a sleeping Rosey on his back as we walked back to the car. Needless to say monday when she had her first day at primary school we cried as we saw her off and she was still babbling about the zoo trip.

-When Rose is 6

Usually I tried not to use magic in front of Rosey because we have no idea if shes magickal or not. Simon had his wings and tail removed (with nasty scars left behind- he always wore a shirt). We raised her mostly Normal. This morning I was too tried to make tea the Normal way so I used magic, no knowing she was awake, trudging behind me quietly. When I pulled out my wand and spelled up my tea she was amazed. She gasped "Dad" and I jumped in shock. I cursed under my breath and called for Simon. Rosey had already seen me do magic, no point in holding back now. I spelled her some breakfast as her mouth hit the floor and she clapped 'Again! Again!' I laughed at my silly little girl.

"Simon, love can you come here please" I called to him again. He finally came trudging down the hall wearing only sweatpants. I said he always wears a shirt but there are *cough* some exceptions. Since Rose is older now and sleeps through the night I sometimes cast a silencing spell on mine and Simon's bedroom and lock the door. ;) Simon rubs his eyes and stretches. He opens his eyes shocked to see Rose sitting at the table with breakfast, and me with my wand out. "What the hell?" my beautiful husband interjects. "Papa!" Rose gasped and jumped off of her chair. She walk to Simon and tugged on his hand until he bent down to her. She put her finger to his mouth and said sternly "No swearing" Simon smiled "Sorry Rosey" he picked her up and she put her had on his shoulder. "Okay no, Baz, my darling husband, what is happening here?" my heart fluttered. I swear I love him more everyday. "Well love, I came to make tea and our dear Rosey surprised me by being awake. She saw me using magic to make tea so I figured it doesn't matter if I use magic more." I told him. Roseys arm had dropped down to Simon's back and I could see confusion on her face. She could probably feel the scars from where his wings are.

Simon sighed and carried our little girl to the couch and sat her on his lap. He waved me over and I sat beside them. "Now Rose, your dad is a magician, and your aunt Penny, and uncle Micha. I used to be able to do magic like them but I had to fight a bad guy and now I can't anymore." she still looked confused. She has the same pouty face as Simon when shes confused, her eyebrows furrow and her bottom lip pushes out. "Babe, shes six." I laugh at my husband and pull our daughter onto my own lap. "Rose, I can do magic." I hold up my wand and cast "Light em' up" which just makes the end of my wand glow. "Papa used to be able to but he got a booboo and now he can't." I smile sadly past rose and at Simon. Rose pokes the tip of my wand and jumps back. I forgot that my magic feels like fire. I grab her hand and hold my wand to her finger. "Watch this " Simon whispers in her ears and she giggles. I "Get well soon" her finger and her eyes get really big.

I supposed now we can't keep her in a Normal school. Simon calls up the Bunces and they bring the twins over. They are almost three now and Rosey loves to play with her 'cousins'. We explain to Penny the situation with magic as Micah tries desperately to control the kids. "Ash Adara, PLEASE STOP RUNNING" Simon laughs and goes to help collect the children. Penny told us that there is a magickal primary school on Watford's grounds now and that we could send Rose there. So we do.

-When Rose is 7

Rosey is in her third year of primary school now and she spends her days at Watford. Primary school is different than secondary school. The kids only spend the day there and then come home in the afternoons. Rose has made friends with a little girl her age, Natalie. Simona and I discuss about having playdates so that maybe we can spend some time away from our beloved daughter. She has started to develope and interest in drawing so whenever we can Simon and I sit down and draw with her.

Pennys twins are 4 now and they are a handful. We babysit them sometimes and it takes magic to get them to sit down. I don't know how the Bunces do it.

-When Rose is 8

Rose it's always tired. She has trouble sleeping no matter how early or late she goes to bed. She has light purple circles under her blue eyes. She still holds tight to her bubbly personality but she always looks so tired. And she eats a lot. Shes so tall now. Shes already 4 foot 5.

One day Rose is off with Natalie on a sleepover-playdate so Simon and I go on a date date. We try not to do anything too super fancy unless its our anniversary. Tonight we go to a simple bar restaurant and dit st s booth pretty far from everyone else. I know that we are supposed to be having a night to ourselves but I need to bring up my concerns on Rosey. "Love, I'm worried about Rose." I tell him. He makes that confused pouty face and it makes a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. "Why are you worried?" he asks me and slips his hand into mine across the table. "Si, haven't you noticed? She has bags under her eyes and she can barely stay awake half the time. Is that a normal kid thing?" I have worried laced into my voice. Simon sighs "Love I know you're worried but I noticed that too. I did look it up and apparently since shes growing shes going to be tired alot, she'll be okay." he smiles weakly and then leans across the table and kisses me lightly.

Later we get back home, slightly tipsy. We took of our jackets and flung them on the couch, kicking off our shoes. Simon grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our bedroom. He closed the door behind us and pushed me against it. He started at my collarbone, kissing and leaving little marks. He made his way up my neck, even slower than before. The fucker is teasing me, not that I mind too much. [side note, i'm writing this while in the same room as my family plz help] He kisses behind my ear and down my jaw. I'm getting impatient so I flip us around so he's against the door now. I press my lips roughly against his and place my hands on his hips, pulling them towards mine. He groans into my mouth and tugs at the bottom of my shirt. We part and he pulls my shirt off and then his own. I lead him to the bed and push him down.

In the morning I wake up in a tangle of limbs. Simon and I are both covered in little red and purple bruises on our necks and chests. That's gonna be hell to cover. Thankfully, a few years ago Penny taught us how to use concealer and foundation. I look at the clock and see that it's 9:30am, we need to pick up Rosey soon. I get up and leave Simon to sleep. I take a quick shower and cover the marks on my neck and run out of the house. I text Simon when i'm at a stoplight telling him I went to get Rose and pick up coffee. I pick us Rose and thank Natalie's mom for having her over.

-When Rose is 9

Since Rose is going to end up at Watford in two years I figured shes going to need to know at least a few spells. I use spells around the house all the time now and it doesn't really bother her that I haven't taught her yet, she rather watch. The hair falls in long ringlets that drop below her waist. One day she asked me to spell her hair up because it was being difficult but I refused and decided to teach her how to do it herself. She was excited to say the least. Her mess of hair was bouncing as she couldn't sit still in her chair. Simon sat close to us and watched to see what I would teach our daughter. I pull Two wands from my sleeve and Simon smiles. I hand one of them to Rose and she looks between me and the wand. She grabs it in her left hand (Shes a leftie) and holds it firmly with the handle. I point my wand at her "Fixer upper" I cast and she looks at me smiling with wide eyes. Then she looks at Simon and he smiles at her. They have the same smile. They both have their eyes and nose scrunched up, Roseys dimples showing and Simon's cheeks turning red. I point my wand at her again "As you were" and she goes back to pouting. "Try it Rosey" Simon erges from where he sits. The girl in front of me lift the wand shakily and points it to her hair "Fixer upper" she tries and her hair flicks into a neat ponytail. I look at Simon and he looks between me and Rosey. Rosey is looking at the wand in her hand like it was the best thing shes ever seen. Simon stands and walks towards our little girl, hugging her tightly "I'm so proud of you" he whispers to her. I join the hug. This. this is the happiest i've ever been. Sitting here, holding my husband and daughter. Im looking at them and they are so beautiful.

-When Rose is 10

I've been teaching Rose random spells and shes picked up a few from just watching me. She been quite sassy lately but I should expect that. With me and Simon as parents and Penny as an aunt? Jeez no wonder. Rosey is with Natalie again today. Shes with her a lot now-and-days. Simon and I met Penny at the park where she was with the twins and Micah. The twins are 6 now, almost 7 and they are just energetic, i'm glad Rosey is just bubbly and doesn't like to run around like that. I'm holding Simons hand while he talks to Penny and rubbing the back of his fingers with my thumb. I'm spacing out a lot lately, thinking about nothing and everything. Penny is having another baby soon, The Bunce Influence. Simon shakes my hand to get my attention. "Hm" I finally notice him talking to me "Sorry love what'd you say?" I feel bad for not listening. "I was just talking about how soon Rosey is going to be going to Watford, and y'know how long should we stay when we drop her off, how much stuff will she need to bring, all that." I nod and he goes back to his talking with Penny.

The next day when Rosey gets home I see a little beaded bracelet on her wrist and ask where it's from. She holds her arm up to me and I see that the beads are little hearts "Natalie and I made them at her house! It was so much fun Dad." I smile knowing that shes happy.

-When Rose is 11

Today is her first day at Watford. I have to teach her how to open the gates. Simon was hesitant to come back here but he says it's worth it for his babygirl. We still haven't told her about how Simon lost his magic, she never asked so we avoided it. We decide to stay until the crucible gives her a roommate. When it happens seeing all the first year's walk around like drunk little kids is hilarious. We really thought she might be cast with Natalie, but she ended up being cast with a girl she can't stand. The look of utter annoyance on her face when she shakes hands with Riley Keen. It brings me back to watford when I always said I hated Simon. I look at him and the reaction he has tells me he's thinking the same thing. I lean over and kiss his forehead. We go to Rose and tell her "It might not be as bad as you think love, we hated each other when we first met, and now we're married." She look at us annoyed and scoffed "So what do you suggest? Marry Riley? As if." I give Simon a knowing look and we smirk at each other. "Okay love, we're leaving now but we'll see you soon, send letters!" I kiss her forehead and Simon follows suit. We all hug and hand Rosey her trunks and bid her farewell.

Less than a week later Simon comes into our room while im reading holding a letter, presumably from Rosey. He opens the envelope and starts to read

"Dear Papa and Dad,

Riley is an utter prat. I can't stand her. Natalie lives in the dorm next door so I stay with her most nights if I can. I did make a friend though, his name is Conner Sarge. He understands that if he's hanging out with me that means Natalie is hanging out with us too. He's really cool and everyone gets really excited when I tell them papa is my dad. They all seem to know who you guys are? I don't know but please send help, I can't survive with this bloody fucking nitwit as a roommate. Love, Rosey"

Simon and I burst into laughter. "Love that sounds just like you when we went to Watford" I fake an offended face at Simon's words "That sounds like ME? Bloody hell, dear that sounds like you" we burst into fits of laughter again and then write back to our little mage-in-training, sending her a bottle of tic-tacs with "Chill pills" written on the front in sharpie.

-When Rosey is 12

Her second year at Watford is coming soon and all we have hear about is how much Rose hates Riley. Honestly it's wonderful, this ridiculous feud between them. When Simon told Penny she said that it sounds like us, and we agreed. I told Simon that I can just see them singing "Thoathing" from Wicked and it made him laugh but when Rosey heard she sneered. Which she learned how to do only from the best. Every week or so Rose sends us a letter telling us how much she hates her room with Riley. Aside from that Rose is doing so good in all of her classes. I teach her latin over the summer and Simon helps her with her magical words practice. Simon was always shit with magical words but its okay, hes trying to help her and that's what he's doing. This year is the year that the Watford kids start to learn Magickal History and apparently, Somin is now part of that. I mean what happened with the Humdrum is important to Magickal History so I'm not entirely surprised. It seems like everyone at Watford knows what happened with Simon, except his own daughter. Today we are going to sit her down and tell her everything. I'm on the couch with Simon, holding his hand. We call Rosey in from her room and she sits in her beanbag, facing us on the couch. She must know that it's serious because she puts her phone down and her eyebrow furrow, her blue eyes getting wide and lip pushing out as her face always does when shes concerned. I see Simon in her entire face. It has just dawned upon me how little our daughter actually knows about her parents, I mean for Crowley's sake she didn't know she was magic for as long and she still doesn't even know i'm a vampire or how Simon lost his magic. "Rose, love, we need to talk to you about something..." Simon looks at me after he says it and i'm about to talk when Rose starts "Dad, papa, if this is about the who periods and boobs and stuff talk aunt Penny already got you covered on that." she tells us boredly. I can't tell shes bored because her hands keep moving and gripping her jeans. Well, shes either bored or forgot to take her meds. She has ADHD but is doing very well to learn to control it. I laugh and Simon's face scrunches at her words. Well at least Penny did the awkward girl talk for us, that's a relief. Simon shakes his head "No, no Rosey..." I'm still laughing at Simon and Rose looks like she wants to run away. "No Rose, what papa and I are trying to say is, we have a story for you, about us." I tell her and squeeze Simons hand. She nods like shes trying to prepare for something. Well I guess she kind of is. "Rose, have you ever heard of The Mage's Heir?" I say.

After about two hour of talking (me and Simon), crying (the three of us), laughing (me and Simon), and many, many questions (Rosey) finally knew everything. She asked if she could see Simons scars and my fangs and once all her questions were answered we went out to eat at McDonalds.

-When Rose is 13

Told we got a letter from Rosey. All of our letters are drawn on but today it's different.

Today we have several letters all stuffed into the envelope. They all have a date on them ranging between the time Rose turned 12 to now. And each letter had the same 6 words written on it "I think I might be gay." all of them, about 30 different letters, all said this. Then there was one. It had perfect Roses drawn on it and in beautiful cursive new words were in the center of the page "I'm gay, and I think it's time you knew." It said. Simon and I kept looking between each other and the letter, not quite sure what to say, so we just hugged. We sent Rosey a letter back saying we want to take her out for dinner this weekend, Natalie and Connor are welcome to join.

When we picked Rosey up for dinner the following weekend we took quite a shock to see her with short hair. She had hair down to her ass when she left and now, well now she has a pixie cut. Its long on top like Simons but the sides and top are not shaved, just short. Natalie and Connor followed her to the car and they laughed at the shock on our faces when the three of them got into the car Simon turned around and faced Rosey "Love, when did you cut your hair?" he asked her. He's not mad and I'm not either but it is shocking. Honestly it suits her very well. "Um well, uh Nat spelled it short for me cause I was afraid to leave school without you guys..." she started "But it was like two weeks ago..." she looked really nervous and shy. I smiled at her and Simon said that he loves it. After that she was our bubbly bouncing baby again.

-When Rosey is 14

Shes been really quiet lately. Always tired, barely ever talks to us. She doesn't send many letter from Watford anymore but when she does they are very very short. Shes still being amazing in her classes but we are worried for her. I asked Simon about it and he told me it's probably just a teenager thing. I think he's wrong. I have to go hunting that night so I decide to go hunt out near Watford. As I walk closer towards the wavering wood i notice 4 figures moving away from the building. I pull out my wand and cast a light spell so I can see who it is. The four figures stop dead in their tracks. I immediately know who it is. Natalie, Conner, Riley, and Rosey. These damn kids always getting into trouble. As soon as Rose sees it's me she begins to tremble and cry. Soon enough Riley as smoothing down Roses curly fringe and wiping away her tears. I knew that they wouldn't hate each other for long. They all look they fear for their lives the moment they knew for sure they have been caught. I don't want them to be in anymore trouble than they need to be so I just give them all a stern "I expect more from you kids, im very disappointed. Now get back to your dorms before anyone else finds you and expels yous. I didn't tell Simon because he was the more strict parent- surprisingly. We never mentioned it but I never got letter back home saying she misbehaved either.

-When Rose is 15

After that year everything seemed fine with Rosey. She wasn't always tired anymore and she seemed happier. I also did notice that she started inviting Riley over during summer break just as much as she did Natalie. It was fucking hilarious the night that I was setting dinner on the table and I heard Simon shriek and then Rosey's bedroom door slam. He had run back into the kitchen, obviously trying to gain his composure and I just laughed at him. He cleared his throat "I just walked into our daughters room to see Riley straddling her while they make out." He looked very embarrassed, but not as embarrassed as Rosey and Riley when they stepped out of her room for dinner. The girl were even more embarrassed to find out that The Bunce family was over for dinner as well. All of them sitting in the living room giggling at the scene they are witnessing. I burst into laughter and then Simon elbowed me. He looked at me expectantly as to say 'act parental' to which I replied by turning to my daughter and saying "At least spell the door locked next time" earning a -fake- sigh from Simon and Penny to burst into tears. We had a quiet dinner that night with out big happy family.

-Rose ages 16-18

Rose was always so much happier now. She spent a lot of time with us when she could and got top marks in her classes. She and Riley were practically a match made in heaven but it never got in the way of her friendships with connor and Natalie. Never. If anything it was a good thing because Riley became friends with them too. To no surprise Connor and Natalie started dating and it was a wonderful thing for the four of them. They always did everything together. It was like Simon and I with Pen and Micah.

The twins are only 3 years younger than Rose but Pennys other baby is 11 year younger. She looks at them almost like younger siblings. It's a beautiful thing. At the Graduation ceremony we all attended and we all sobbed over how big our little Rose has gotten. A year out of Watford, Rose and Riley got married, having a double wedding with Connor and Natalie (they do everything together).  


I hope you guys enjoyed reading about Simon, and Baz and Rose. 

This is 6.3K words and took me most of the day 

my wrists hurt from typeing

I got this idea while I was babysitting my little cousins today! 

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