Summer Crushes || Dipper X Re...

By Crazy_For_Christmas

463K 11.8K 14.9K

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the episodes used within this wattpad book. Ah summer break... More

Tourist Trapped
The Legend of the Gobblewonker
The Hand That Rocks Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper Vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Tressure
The Time Traveler's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into The Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the real girl
Little Gift Shop Of Horrors
Society Of The Blind Eye
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Dipper and Mabel vs. The Future
Weirdmageddon Part 1 / 2
Weirdmageddon part 3
Christmas With The Pines
You Grew Up On Us

A Tale Of Two Stans

9.5K 278 440
By Crazy_For_Christmas

A/N: I'm not going to be writing out the whole backstory, I'll just be leaving in the narrative parts 

"Finally! After all these long years of waiting, you're actually here! Brother!" Stan yelled looking at the other man stood in front of him but the man just punched him in the face. "Oh! Ow! What the heck was that for?!" Stan yelled at him. "This was an insanely risky move: restarting the portal! Didn't you read my warnings?!" I looked from one of them to the other. "Warnings, schmarnings. How's about maybe thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of sci-fi side burn dimension?" Dipper looked just as shocked as me. "Thank you? You think I'm going to thank you for what you DID THIRTY YEARS AGO?!" The man yelled at Stan. "What I did? Why, yo ungrateful.." Stan went to punch the man but he ducked and grabbed him. "Don't expect me to go easy on you, just because you'" The other man threw Stan to the ground. 

"Hey, hi. Mabel here. Quick question. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!" She yelled standing in front of the two men. "Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here. And some sort of large, hairless gopher?" He said looking at Soos, he turned to me glaring and looking at Stan again. "They're your family, poindexter. Sherry's grandkids." Stan said holding the twins shoulders. "I-I have a niece and a nephew?" He shook Mabel's hand. "Greetings. Do kids still say greetings? I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time." Mabel smiled. "Whoa, a six-fingered handshake? It's a full finger friendlier than normal!" She yelled. "Haha, I like this kid. She's weird." Dipper stepped forward. "I-I can't believe it. You're the author of the journals!" Dipper yelled to him. "You've read my journals?" Stan touched my shoulder sending me a sympathetic smile. "We haven't just read the-" I started but the other man clearly wasn't paying attention to me. "I haven't just read them; I've lived them!" Dipper was walking in circles. "I've been waiting for so long to meet you, I-I don't know what to say I have so many questions I-" He started breathing heavily and I touched his arm gently. "Dipper you have time," I said with a small laugh. "Oooohhh I think I'm gonna throw up." I laughed again and the man smiled at Dipper. "Listen, there'll be time for introductions later. But first, tell me, Stan: are there any security breaches? Does anyone else know about this portal?" Stan looked at me and then to his brother. "No, just us. Also maybe the entire U.S. government." I bit my lip. "The what?!"

"Okay. It's all right. We've got a while before they find this room. We just need to lay low and think of a plan." The man said looking at us all. "Well, it looks like we're stuck down here for a while. Who wants to tell us their entire mysterious backstory?" Mabel asked. "Yes, I have some questions about this myself, Stanley." I looked at Stan. "Stanely?" I asked looking at him. "But your name is Stanford." Mabel finished. "Wait, you took my name?! What have you been doing all these years, you knucklehead?!" The man yelled. "Yeah, Grunkle Stan, no more lies! You owe us some answers: What's the deal with this portal? Why did you keep this a secret?" Dipper asked turning to face me and Stan. "And what happened between you and your brother?" Soos stood up and looked at us. "I hope this all aligns exactly with my fanfic, Stan. If not, I will be very disappointed."

"Okay, okay, okay, I have a lot of explaining to do. It all started...a lifetime ago...nineteen sixty something. Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey." Stan said looking at us and starting his story. 

"I lived with my Ma and Pa in the Lead Paint District in the family pawn shop. Dad was a strict man. Tough as a cinderblock and not easily impressed. Ma was a pathological liar, which served her well as a phone psychic. And then there was my twin brother, Stanford. As if his abnormally high IQ wasn't enough, he also had a rare birth defect. Six fingers on each other. Which might have explained his obsession with sci-fi mystery weirdness. As for me, I had what mum liked to call: personality. But as different as we were, we were the perfect team and every day we'd wander to the beach looking for an adventure." Stan said smiling at me as I watched him speak. He went on to tell us about how he beat up Fords bullies and protected him and how they had planned to build Stan-O-War. "Those were the good times. Those bullies may have been right about us not making many friends, but when push comes to shove, you only really need one. Ford's brains seemed to get more impressive every year. So did our pet project. Sure I got more than my fair share of trouble, but when your brother's the smartest kid in school, you've always got a leg up on the competition. The future was lookin' bright. For both of us. Till one day." 

He went on to explain that Ford was picked to go to a big school where he could become a millionaire and it all depended on his science fair project. He told us how he would feel without his brother being there with him. "Without Ford, I was just half of a dynamic duo. I couldn't make it without him. And now, thanks to that stupid dumb college, I was gonna lose my brother forever." He told us how he accidently broke Ford's machine and tried to fix. But the next day the machine wouldn't word and Ford didn't get a place in his dream college. He told us how his father threw Stan out with a duffel bag and told him not to come back. 

"Oh! This story's so sad! I know what you two little-broken teacups need: to hug it out! Hug it out! Hug train's coming in the station. HUGAPOLOOZA! TWO THOUSAND!" Mabel yelled. "Kid, will ya knock that off? I'm trying to tell you my life story here." Stan said looking at her. "I had decided I wasn't gonna show my face at home until I made something of myself. Unfortunately, the treasure-hunting business was slow going. Apparently gold was some kind of...rare metal." He said looking at me. "Luckily I struck a different kind of sales!" He continued telling us about why he had all the fake ID#'d because he had been thrown out of the different States. 

"Whoa. So that explains the fake ID's." Mabel said to him. Dipper looked at Ford. "but, wait, what about you? Did you end up going to your dream school?" He asked him. "Not exactly., Ford said to him. "I ended up going to Backupsmore University. In a place like that, I had to work twice as hard. Luckily, that's what I do best. I went from undergrad to Ph.D. in three years ahead of schedule, wrote a thesis that was nationally ranked, and was awarded an enormous grant for my own scientific research! But what to study." He said looking at his hand. "My whole life I'd been teased for my six fingers. But that got my thinking about anomalies: things that were odd, unusual statistically improbably. And according to my investigations, there was one place with a higher concentration for these things than anywhere else. Gravity Falls." He said looking at the twins. "Meanwhile, your old uncle Stan was doing great!" Stan said patting my shoulder. "I had come up with a sophisticated new business strategy. I was in great shape, living on my own, and the best part was: I didn't need help from nobody." Ford continued this time. "I was heading out on my own as well. I set to work using my grant money to investigate the strange properties of this town, but what would I find here. I knew I'd have to record my findings. I began to keep a journal..." Dipper screamed like a girl. "THE JOURNALS!" I giggled at him. "Sorry, sorry...Just got excited there...about the journals..keep-keep talking." I smiled at Dipper. "I began to keep a journal..." Ford started again making Dipper scream. 

"Just going to ignore that. There were anomalies everywhere. And the more I looked, the more I saw. It was finally a place where I felt at home, but something nagged me: where did it all come from? It seemed to me the answer must come from outside of our world, a dimension of weirdness leaking into ours. I realized the only way to understand Gravity Falls would be to build a gateway: a portal to the source of its weirdness. But I couldn't make it alone. I decided to call up my old college buddy, Fiddleford McGucket, a young but brilliant mechanic, who was wasting his talent trying to make personal computers in some garage in Palo Alto."

Stan went on to tell us how he accidentally pushed Ford into the portal and tried to get him back. "I'd lost him. I didn't know if he was dead or alive in some distant galaxy, but I knew his journal must have the answer to getting him back. Somehow. I didn't get much sleep that night or the night after that. I'd tried for weeks to get that dumb machine back on. But without the other two journals, it was hopeless. Finally, I ran out of food. I had no choice but to go into town." 

"So I came up with a plan. I couldn't leave my brother's house until I figured out how to save him, but I needed to pay his mortgage somehow. For once in my life, people were actually buying what I was selling. And So the murder hut was born. Later renamed the Mystery Shack. Finally, I found something I was good at. For once being a liar and a cheat paid off. The old me was dead and I'd faked a car crash to prove it. By day I was Stanford Pines: Mr. Mystery. But by night I was down in the basement, trying to bring the real Stanford Pines back. I couldn't risk anyone learning the truth and sabotaging my mission, so I lied to everyone: the town, my family, your parents, the twins." Dipper looked at me and I looked at him. "So all this time you knew?" I shook my head. "I only found out a few weeks ago." Ford was glaring at me. "So all this time you were just trying to save your brother. Grunkle Stan, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." Dipper said looking at Stan who was still holding my shoulder. "That's okay, kid. I probably wouldn't have believed me either." He said to him. 

"I heard talking! It's coming from downstairs!" An agent said above us. "Oh no, it's too late, the agents are coming for us," Stan said grabbing me. "What do we do?!" Mabel panicked. "Aw, man. I was so spellbound by your dramatic tale I forgot all about those dudes." Soos said. "Wait, forget. That's it! I think I know a way we might be able to defeat those agents." I threw the bag to Dipper. "Memory gun." We said in unison. He handed it to Ford. "Of course! I don't know how you got a hold of one of these but, this is perfect! If I can just amplify the signal to a radio headset frequency." He plugged in some wires and looked through viewing fingers. "There. No everyone. PLUG YOUR EARS! GET DOWN! NOW!" I dropped to the floor covering my ears. 

"Stand down, gentlemen! I've been sent with the latest intel from Washington!" Ford said now standing in front of the agents. He flipped through a pile of Mabel's drawings. "According to this very real report, the power surges in Gravity Falls were actually due to radiation from an unreported meteor shower. A total embarrassment for your whole department. Luckily I'm here tot take this mess off your hands, but I'll need all of the your...floppy disks, and 8-tracks...right?" The agent handed him the USB drive. "Well, what are you waiting for, a kiss on the cheek? Get out of here before I have your butts court-martialed!" He ordered at them all. 

Dipper and Mabel followed Ford outside. "Great Uncle Stanford, that was amazing!" Mabel yelled to him. "Let's not go crazy; it was serviceable," Stan said taking me outside with them all. "Thank you, kids, but please, call me Ford." Dipper clicked his pen and got a notepad. "Sure! Thanks, great uncle Ford. So uh, would you mind if I ask you a couple billion questions about Gravity Falls?" I giggled watching Dipper fangirl. "Um, well I-uh.." Stan stepped in front of Dipper. "All right, kids, it's been a long day and me and my brother have a lot to talk about. Why don't you hit the hay, huh?" He said looking at Dipper. "But, it's the author!" Dipper yelled. "I've been waiting so long to ask questions." Stan grabbed us all and pushed us away.  "I said. Hit. The hay!" We all walked upstairs.

It was later in the night and I went to get a drink when I heard Stan and Ford talking. "Okay, Stanley here's the deal. You can stay here for the rest of the summer to watch the kids and that monster. I'll stay down in the basement and try to contain any remaining damage. But when the summer's over, you give me my house back, you give me my name back, this Mystery Shack junk is over and that monster goes back to where it came from." I frowned listening to Ford. What was he talking about? What monster? "You really aren't going to thank me, are you? Fine. On one condition: you stay away from all three kids; I don't want them in danger. Cause as far as I'm concerned, they're the only family I have left." I moved out of sighed as Stan walked past the kitchen. "You." Someone said grabbing my wrist. I was pulled down to the vending machine. "Ford?" I asked as he pulled me down the passageway. 

The next day I was taken into the living room. "Tell them to go on," Ford said pushing me into the room. "Tell us what?" Dipper asked looking at me. "He's crazy! He thinks I'm someone's creation! I'm human just ask Stan!" I yelled looking at Stan who was looking at me. "Tell her Stanley," Ford said looking from his brother to me. "Ford she's a child!" Stan yelled looking at me. "Tell. Her." Stan sighed and knelt down in front of me. "Listen...Kid." I looked into his eyes. "I found you, I did I found you in the middle of the woods. Child services were going to take you in but there was something off about you." I looked at Stan to Ford. "You had Fords name written on a strap around your wrist," I shook my head. "You told me that...that my parents left me in the woods." I stuttered out looking at him and backing away slowly. "So now what are you telling me?" Dipper was watching me intently. "Ford was running experiments on you. You are human you're just not born the same as us." I shook my head frowning. "That doesn't make any sense," Ford sighed this time. "You're Bills creation." I felt my heart stop in my chest. I looked at everyone who was already staring at me. "What?" I asked looking at Ford. "That's nuts, of course, I'm not," I said looking at Dipper. "You can't actually believe this." Ford was holding my shoulder. "She was sent by Bill to spy on me when I was working, I took her in." I shook my head. "I'm only 13...if what you're saying is true then I would be older." He shook his head. "It is true, you just aged differently when I first found you. I started running tests on you. You didn't age you were supposed to stay as a baby but when I began experimenting something changed in you and you started growing up. This is why you're now 13." I looked at Stan. "This is nuts!" I yelled out, "So my birthday, the day we the day you found me? Or the day I was created?" I asked leaning against a table. "The day I found you and took you in." I took deep breaths. "She can't be trusted." Ford said acting as though I wasn't there." Dipper was glaring at me. "Who knows. Maybe this whole time she's been feeding information back to her dad!" I looked at Dipper. "Are you serious right now?!" He shrugged. "Who knows." I looked at Mabel who was looking at the floor. "Maybe he's right." I looked at Stan. "She's a child Ford! She hasn't left my sight!" Ford was glaring at me. "She's his creation," Dipper said acting as though I wasn't there. "She should be with him." He said again looking at Ford. "Dipper!" I yelled at him but he ignored me. "No!" Stan yelled as Ford took me outside. "Don't bother coming back," Dipper yelled slamming the door in my face. I felt my heart break into a million tiny pieces. "Dipper?" I whispered looking at the wooden door. The person I had grown so close to had just dumped me as though I meant nothing to him. 

"Well if it isn't firestone." I got up from the floor in the woods and brushed off my knees. "Not now Robbie," I said walking away from him when he suddenly appeared in front of me. "Robbie I'm not in the mood!" I yelled moving away when he was in front of me again. "Good thing I'm not Robbie." He winked before snapping his fingers and turning into Bill. I stumbled backward. "Bill?!" I asked moving away from him and backing into a tree. "So now you know." He said with a smirk. "You're my little firestone." He said touching the bracelets on my wrist. "You gave me this?" I asked trying to take off the bracelet. "How do you think I've been keeping an eye on you?" I struggled to get it off. "Won't budge kid." I sighed and looked at him. "This whole time, you knew what was happening?!" He nodded and looked at me. "You're mine." I moved away from him and he followed me. "You work for me now kid!" He said snapping his fingers and making me sit in a chair in a random house. "This is where we live." I looked around, it looked just like the shack. "Everything you could dream of is here." He said to me. "I own you, I control you." He disappeared and I looked around. Gotta get this thing off. I thought looking around when I saw a pair of scissors. Perfect. I thought running over to them. "Not so fast!" Bill said appearing in front of me. "You can get that off on one condition." I looked at him. "Name it." He smirked. "You Get Mabel to get my the rift, I set you free." I looked at him. "Promise me one thing?" I asked looking into his eye. "The Pines don't get hurt, espically not Dipper, Mabel or Stan." He smiled. "Deal!" He yelled shaking my hand making a bright blue light flash around us. 

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