Story of Wrath

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The entire world is thrown into war! Heroes and enemies rise and clash and a powerful enemy doesn't give in... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: World War 2 Begins
Chapter 2 American Help
Chapter 3 All 16
Chapter 4 When it Falls
Chapter 5 Turning Tides
Chapter 7 FACE Family Reunites
Chapter 8 War Ends in Europe
Chapter 9 The Truth about the Dreamers
Chapter 10 Freedom for Vietnam, Taiwan, and Korea
Chapter 11 Prepare for the Worst
Chapter 12 The Start of the End
Chapter 13 Time to Say Good Bye
Chapter 14 When I See You Again
Epilogue: Rest of the Dreamers and a Few Decades of Peace

Chapter 6 Invasion

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Alfred went with Arthur and Matthew to Africa while Ivan and his allies went to the Russian front to help Poland and Hungary fight the German army back. Wang went back to China to help his people recover for the war a bit and prepare troops and supplies to the Philippines and Australia. However, they would leave tomorrow, for now, they would relax and rest. The kids with special powers were still talking to each other which made the Allies happy.

"Despite from having different backgrounds, they get along just fine" Arthur commented with a smile.

Matthew nodded while Wang said "I agree. I wish for a day when these endless wars will end and our people can live in peace"

Ivan patted his shoulders and nodded. Tolys, Raivis, and Eduard smiled at the site.

"I hope so too. I just want our people to be happy. These wars have hurt everyone. I think this hurting should stop" Alfred said.

Nicholas created a small green dragon from his hands which made everyone gasp. Nico then summoned his Wonder Light and Sophia smiled when she looked at it. Arthur's smiled faded when he noticed their powers.

"What's wrong?" Matthew asked as he looked at Arthur.

"I believe we are caught in their biggest battle" he replied.

Matthew, Tolys, Eduard, and Raivis were confused while Alfred, Wang, and Ivan seemed solemn when Arthur commented about that.

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"Every time we found kids like those, there was nothing but destruction and we could feel it" Alfred explained when he recalled an event where a girl was tricked terribly and killed her ex-husband and his other wives.

"However, they would try and fix their mistakes and make a better future. The shared this dream of creating a better future. You could almost call them dreamers" Wang explained as a warm smile formed on his face.

"They brought terrible destructions, but they also tried to bring hope and light to make up for it" Arthur added as he looked at the group of friends.

The group of kids didn't pay attention to them and kept talking about their powers and Jae-Hwa created a few ting magic spheres which receive ohs and ahs from her new friends. Irunya was cleaning her little brother's desk and then picked up Elizabeta's letter. She looked at the back side of the letter and gasped.

"What is wrong?" Natalya asked as she entered the room.

"Where is Ivan?" Irunya asked her worriedly.

Natalya took her to Ivan.

"Ivan! We didn't finish reading the rest of the letter!" cried Irunya as she entered the Allies room.

Everyone turned their attention towards confused. Ivan was worried about her.

"What is it, big sister?" he asked her concerned.

She showed him the back side of the letter as she was crying. Ivan took the letter while Tolys looked at the letter and gasped. He then began to read it aloud.

Also, you should be aware of this. When Roderich gave me Malene, he made sure I know this important information. Ludwing changed drastically over the span of two days. There was this other young girl that was friends with Malene and she held a purple gem and dagger. She attacked her classmates! Or at least the ones that picked on her. It was horrible site from what Roderich told me. She was also the reason Ludwing changed. Gilbert reported that Ludwing was getting tired of the war, but when he saw that girl, he changed. He also reported that Ludwing was ordered by his boss to find more kids like her! I don't know what he is planning to do with them, but it won't be good. Please find them! I know we've found three, but the girl went with Ludwing willingly! She supported this destruction! I just can't believe it! Malene is another child with special powers and there is a third child. The third child was near Finland. Ludwing ordered the girl take him. Please help us end this war and find the other 13 children!

Everyone was pale and horrified.

"Why would Hitler want these kids?" Arthur asked nervously, afraid of the answer he would receive.

"You know why! He wants to use their powers to take over all of Europe and then other parts of the world!" Wang replied angrily.

They were worried. They knew how powerful these kids were. However, Alfred realized something important about these kids.

"Hold on, Sophia hasn't unlocked her power yet" he said.

They gasped and understood what he meant.

Wang said shocked "Nico, Nicholas, Jae-Hwa, and Jonell have their powers"

Ivan added in a surprised tone "Malene and Scef have their powers too"

Arthur looked at the kids as he said "Right, but that only makes 6 not counting Al and Sophia"

Matthew asked curiously "Do you think they are special kids?"

"Yes. When I found them during the battle for my country, I felt this power inside them" Arthur replied.

"Well, we will have to awaken that power" Alfred stated.

They looked at him which made Alfred confused.

"Uh why are you looking at me?" he asked them as he titled his head.

"You are going to lead us" Arthur stated simply as he crossed his arms.

Alfred was shocked and stumbled back a bit.

"Me? Are you sure? Did you hit your head hard Arthur?" Alfred asked confused.

Arthur glared at him while Matthew said "No he didn't, but we are all low on resources, so it makes sense that the only country with resources should lead"

Alfred nodded as he said in a heroic voice "Ok! Then here is the plan! Ivan, have your troops attack Finland and Hungary!"

Ivan nodded along with his sisters and allies. Alfred then turned to Wang.

"Wang, you probably won't forgive me about losing Viet, but I need you to rebuild your country and get as many people, weapons, and hold off Japan till we can give you aid, ok? The Philippines will also help you fight back Japan's troops" Alfred asked as he looked down.

"I will aru!" he said with a smile "And I don't blame you for losing Viet and we will get her back"

Alfred nodded and then looked at Matthew and Arthur as he said with confidence "We will take Africa and then South Italy!"

"Alright eh!" Matthew replied with a smile.

Tolys was ready to help them, but then he looked at the kids.

"Uh excuse me Mr. Jones, but what about the kids?" Tolys asked.

"Hm, we should ask them if they want to come with us and help us!" Alfred responded with a smile.

He approached the kids which shocked the others. As Alfred approached the group, the kids were silenced and stopped talking. Alfred kneeled down to their level.

"I know that we all are living in a time of destruction, but I need your help. The whole world needs your help. Can you help us?" Alfred asked.

They weren't sure.

"There's so much violence in the world and what can we do? We can't fight and we're scared" Scef replied as he clutched his prototype computer.

Alfred nodded when he heard their views.

He answered with a kind smile "Let me tell you the truth, we are scared too. This is a scary time, but you know how we beat the scariness? We stand together and help everyone and stop any other people from hurting others. So, are you guys with me?"

He put his hand in the middle with an encouraging smile. The others glanced at each other. Nico placed his hand in the middle with a smile.

"You are right Alfred and I want to help people. This war is gone on for too long" Nico stated.

Nicholas placed his hand in the middle too as he squeaked "I want to help too"

Sophia and Al placed their hands in the middle as Sophia explained "Yeah! We are both with this war! Let's finish it!"

Jonell and Jae-Hwa placed their hands in the middle as Jonell stated bravely "I agree, there is enough suffering going around! It is time to spread light to everyone!"

Scef and Malene placed their hands in the middle as Malene said with a smile "I want to help my friends and spread hope to everyone! Let's end this war!"

Alfred nodded and the others were happy to hear their supports. Arthur, Wang, and Ivan walked over to them.

"We are going to three different places, but you can choose where to go. Matthew, Alfred, and I are going to Africa and defeat South Italy, Ivan is going to obtain Finland and Hungary, and Wang is going to rebuild China and help gather information about the Axis powers" Arthur explained as he pointed to each of his friends.

Sophia and Al looked at each other as they both said in determination "We will go with you Arthur!"

Arthur was shocked, but nodded at them. Malene and Scef looked at Ivan with a smile.

"We will go with you Ivan" Scef stated.

Ivan nodded. Nico and Nicholas looked at Wang with a smile.

"We will help you!" Nico said as Nicholas smiled.

Wang smiled back while Jonell and Jae-Hwa were not sure where they would go. They wanted to help people somehow, but they weren't sure where.

"Oh! Uh you can go to the Philippines! That's an American Naval base there!" Alfred said.

"Ok then we will go back there!" Jonell stated with a smile as Lucario and Jae-Hwa bowed to him.

"Ok, then we leave tomorrow. Be prepared Dreamers" Arthur said with a confident smile.

-Late that Night-

The Dreamers were worried and couldn't sleep. Nico was holding his younger brother and he saw Sophia wide awake. She left Al asleep and wondered to the window. She sat and looked at the stars. Nico placed Nicholas on the ground and then walked over to Sophia.

"You ok?" he asked her curiously as he stood beside her.

She seemed startled and turned towards him.

"Oh, uh well" she seemed nervous.

Nico sat beside her as he replied "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to and we are from different places, but I will listen to you when you need it"

Sophia was amazed. She nodded to herself and then looked at him.

"I'm scared to leave my younger brother alone" she confessed.

Nico looked at her and then said "I am too"

"How do you handle it?" she asked him, "You have a powerful sword, and I don't have anything"

Nico held her hands as he replied "I accept it. Even before I had the sword. I had to teach both of my younger brothers how to survive on their own. I know that one day, I will not be there for them, but until then, I will be there and do my best for them! However, I am also aware that my younger brothers can do something, so I help them"

Sophia blushed and nodded. She was surprised he comforted her.

"Thank Mister Nico" she replied with a smile.

"Don't worry about that. Also, just Nico. I am almost 16, so I can't be a mister yet" he smiled while she laughed, "Here let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow"

Nico walked over to Nicholas and slept next to him. Sophia sat next to Al.

"Uh Nico! I have a request" she asked him a s a plea.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Once this war is over, do you promise to meet me again? Whether it is this life or the next life?" she asked him with a blush.

He smiled as he replied "Of course! I hope we can have another adventure together!"

They went to bed. However, after about 2 hours, Arthur, Matthew, and Alfred woke up. Matthew walked to over to Sophia, Al, and Ryker. He gently woke them up.

"What's up Mr. Williams?" Al asked as he woke up.

"We need to head out" he said quietly.

They woke and gathered their items and left for the docks. However, the other Dreamers woke up and saw them off! Sophia and Al were surprised to see them!

"Hey! Don't worry Sophia! We will see each other again when this is over!" shouted Nico as he cupped his hands to repeat his shouting.

The others waved good bye to them with a smile on their faces.

Sophia was crying as she waved back to them as she said "I know we will! See you soon!"

They sailed to Africa. Al fell asleep on his older sister's lap while Ryker looked outside. Arthur was telling Matthew and Alfred his plan to get South Italy. Sophia was looking up as she took in the morning sun rising in Africa.

"Are you ready?" Ryker asked.

"Uh sort of. I have no idea what I am going to do" Sophia answered truthfully.

"I am sure you will know what do" he replied with a smile.

She nodded determinedly. They docked in Africa and found Gupta and Sey on the port.

"Sey! Gupta! How did the attack go?" Arthur asked as he approached them.

"We did good! I think" Sey replied confidently.

"So have the German's and Italian's armies left Africa?" Alfred asked seriously.

"Most of them! But their armies are still off the cost of South Italy and Lovino is waiting for us to attack him" Sey replied.

Matthew seemed worried while Arthur began to think.

"Alfred, Ryker, and I could hold off their navy. Sey, Gupta, Sophia, and Al, you help Matthew battle their troops on land. We need to capture South Italy" Arthur stated.

Everyone went off with their groups. Ryker was on one ship while Alfred lead one ship and Arthur was on one ship. They sailed for the South part of Italy.

"What the crap?! How am I supposed to fight them?!" shouted Lovino in a panic.

Concetto and Lucio saw Lovino by himself as he saw coast being filled up with ships. Lovino had contacted Feliciano and the potato jerk.

"What should I do?!" he shouted through the phone.

"I don't know..." Feliciano responded sadly.

"Fight! I will send up support later!" the potato jerk stated as he hung up.

Roderich, Gilbert, and Heracles overheard his conversation. They were worried for Lovino and Feliciano. Roderich still hasn't supported Hungary and Ludwing refused to lose Feliciano. Perahta had received a call from one of the guards that was holding Peppi.

"I was just about to leave is something wrong?" she asked the guard doubtfully.

"Uh well ma'am. Peppi, the holder of space, has uh escaped" the guard responded sacredly.

She slammed the phone on the ground in anger and stormed out of the room. She entered the room where Roderich, Gilbert, Heracles, and Ludwing where talking about the invasion of South Italy.

"I think I should have the Italians pull out of the war" Ludwing said defeatedly, "They have done enough fighting"

"I agree bruder" Gilbert said with relief in his voice.

Roderich agreed while Heracles went to sleep on the couch. Perahta was disgusted with Ludwing's idea.

"No! We are not going to surrender all of Italy to those pathetic Allies!" she shouted at Ludwing.

"We should! They have done enough fighting! I don't want to see Feliciano to get hurt anymore" Ludwing replied sadly, "He is my best friend"

Perahta scoffed and held her dagger in her hands as it gave off a dark aura. Ludwing felt dizzy.

"We will surrender South Italy, but we will keep North Italy! Do you understand?!" she asked him as she gripped her dagger tightly.

"Ja. I will tell Feliciano at once" Ludwing replied as he recovered from his dizziness.

He walked to the phone and called Feliciano. Gilbert soon confirmed that it was the girl doing this to his younger brother.

"Stop controlling mien bruder!" Gilbert shouted as he tackled Perahta.

She reacted to his attack and stab him in side! Blood poured from his side and Roderich helped him up! Perahta walked away while Roderich tended to Gilbert's wound. Gilbert was crying though.

"How?! How could I not protect mein bruder?!" he shouted in agony.

Roderich hugged his friend, but he overheard that Ludwing's call to Feliciano was over. Roderich walked to a nearby phone and began to dial Feliciano's number.

"Feliciano, are you ok?" Roderich asked worriedly.

"I'm scared. I don't want to leave Lovino, but I don't want to leave Ludwing either. What do I do?" Feliciano asked as he cried.

Roderich began to think quickly and then he asked "What do your people want to do?"

"That's even a bigger mess. Mine want to help and fight with Germany, but South Italy wants out of the war!" Feliciano cried.

Roderich stroked his hair as he began to think. He then had an idea to get both Feliciano out of the war and away from Germany.

"Feliciano, I have an idea, but you have to trust me, ok?" he said cautiously.

"Alright Mr. Edelstein" Feliciano responded as he dried his tears.

"Ok, you need to pull out of the war. Ludwing isn't himself and I promise you, after the war, I will explain everything to you" Roderich said seriously.

"Ok. I will. Thank you, Mr. Edelstein" Feliciano replied as he hung up.

Roderich sighed and then went back to helping Gibert heal. He was worried about his friends.

-In Africa-

Arthur and Alfred were able to draw the fires at themselves while Ryker's ship was taking Matthew, Sey, Gupta, Sophia, and Al the coast of South Italy. The Italian troops were too tired to fight the Allies. Matthew noticed this, but Lovino was angry at them! Sey hide back in the ship while Gupta was prepared to fight Lovino. Concetto and Lucio saw the fight and Concetto made a choice as he turned to Lucio.

"Lucio, you are my best friend, so please help Feliciano. I will help Lovino and then we will meet again" Concetto stated as he jumped onto Salamance's back.

He flew to help Lovino's side and Salamance launched a powerful fire attack towards Al! He screamed as it was coming towards him! Sophia rushed over to him and hugged him with one hand while holding out her other hand. She wouldn't lose her brother without a fight! Then it happened. In her hands was a key shaped sword! Everyone was in shock. Sophia looked at the blade in awe. However, Lovino was annoyed.

"DIE! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouted in anger as his tears fell.

He swung his sword at Al, but Ryker jumped down and tried to block his attack, but a sword appeared in his hands and blocked Lovino's attacks! Lovino was shocked and Concetto was surprised to find people like him and Lucio. Lucio saw what was happening, but then decided to leave. Lovino fell to his knees crying.

"I didn't want to get involved in this stupid war! I want out!!" he cried.

Concetto then pointed to Al and his Salamance flew towards Al. Ryker and Sophia couldn't do anything, so Al held his hands out and a green dragon flew towards Concetto and Salamance! The green dragon didn't harm them, but instead, the green dragon brought Concetto and Salamance down to the ground and left them unharmed. Concetto looked at Al amazed.

"What did you do?" he asked him with curiosity in his voice.

Al wasn't sure as he looked at his hands. He wondered where the green dragon went. Arthur and Alfred saw the green dragon and they were shocked and horrified.

"Well, at least Hitler doesn't have him. Come on! We need to talk to Lovino!" Arthur said.

Arthur and Alfred sailed their ships to their Allies and then walked to Lovino. Concetto and Salamance were comforting him as they approached him.

"Are you going to hurt Lovino?" Concetto asked concerned.

"We won't hurt him, but he is in trouble. Lovino, what happened?" Arthur asked as he saw the man crying on Concetto's shoulder.

"Shutdup! I don't want to talk about it!! I want Antonio!! And Feliciano!!" he shouted as more tears fell from his face.

Arthur and Alfred looked at each other worriedly. The war had taken a large toll on him and his people and they wondered how many others were badly hurt by the war. However, Sophia held her keyblade and calmly approached Concetto and his Salamance.

"Are you a Dreamer too?" she asked him nervously.

He looked at her confused as he asked "Uh what's that?"

"A person with special powers" she replied.

"Oh, uh then I guess I am! There is also another person who is too and he's with Feliciano" Concetto stated excitedly.

Arthur was pale. They needed to get Concetto's friend out of North Italy before Germany finds him. However, it was obvious that Lovino needed Antonio. Alfred turned to Sey.

"Can you set sail for the Philippines and get Antonio. Lovino needs him" Alfred said.

"Wi! Of course, I will!" she replied joyfully.

She ran to her ship and set sail for the Philippines while her friends devised a plan to defeat North Italy.

-In Russia-

Ivan, Natalya, Irunya, Malene, and Scef were prepared to launch their attack on Finland and Hungary. Irunya and Malene wanted to save Elizabeta, so they went to Hungary while the rest went to Finland. Irunya hoped Elizabeta wasn't supported yet.

-In Germany-

Ludwing went to talk to his boss about supporting Hungary. His boss wanted Hungary to be prepared to take Russia.

"Where is Roderich?! Get him to support her!" he ordered Ludwing sternly.

Ludwing nodded and then walked to Roderich's room.

"Roderich, you are ordered to support Hungary today" Ludwing stated.

Roderich was frozen in fear while Gilbert had passed out from his blood loss. Roderich couldn't hurt Elizabeta, it would break him. He tried to find a way out of the solution, but he could see that Ludwing will not let him go. Roderich left Gilbert a note and then went to the army.

-In Hungary-

Elizabeta's boss approached her and that scared her.

"What is wrong?" she asked him.

"There are two armies coming! Though it looks like the Nazi Germany army will come to support us first" he reported to her.

She was crying. She didn't want to be supported by the Nazis. She had already lost so many people to them. It hurt her enough. However, she heard people screaming when they saw Roderich and the Nazi German army coming.

"I am going to let the army have full control and support my army" she stated sadly.

She walked outside and towards Roderich. She saw enough of her people dying and she wanted to stop. Roderich was trying to hide his tears from the army. No one was killed so far, but he stopped when he saw Elizabeta coming towards him. She was crying. It broke his heart to see her like this.

"We give our armies to you" she sobbed out.

Roderich dropped his sword as his eyes widen. He never saw her like this, except when they were forced to be separated. The leader of the army ordered the troops around while Roderich stood their frozen. Elizabeta fell to her knees crying. Roderich hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry" he said as he stroked her hair.

He let her sob until it was time for them to return to Ludwing's house. Irunya and Malene saw the destruction of Hungary as they reached the boarder. There were flames, smoke, and some dead bodies. Irunya was crying while Malene prayed silently to herself. She hoped Scef was having better luck than they were.

"Are you ready Malene?" Irunya asked.

She nodded as Irunya turned to her troops. She gave them a few encouraging words and then they charged into Hungary! Malene was tasked to find Elizabeta and get her to safety. She ran through the destroyed buildings and kept her distance from the battle, but fire was soon consuming buildings! Malene continued to run. However, Perahta followed Roderich's troops and saw Malene running through the destroyed buildings. She smirked and followed her.

"ELIZABETA!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" she shouted as she ran towards the center of the town.

Roderich knew that voice and Elizabeta raised her head. They both knew that voice. Elizabeta looked at Roderich worriedly.

"Go to them" he said as he gave her one final hug.

He ran back to his troops and they were slowly beginning to retreat. Elizabeta ran to Irunya and they hugged each other.

"Are you ok?" Irunya asked worriedly "I am sorry we took so long!"

"I'm fine, but where's Malene?" Elizabeta asked.

Irunya began to look for her, but she couldn't find her. They began to look for her as the fighting began to die down.

"DIE! YOU SO CALLED FRIEND!" shouted Perahta as she drew her dagger and held her gem.

Malene was terrified. She could feel her heart pound her chest and the fear rising in her. She held her two daggers.

"I won't fight you. Please don't make me" Malene begged as she held her daggers tighter.

Perahta scoffed. She threw her dagger at Malene. Malene had to think. She pointed her dagger at the earth and then a piece of the earth rose and blocked the incoming dagger. Perahta was shocked, but Malene was grateful. Irunya and Elizabeta saw the two girls.

"What do we do?" Irunya asked horrified of their fight.

Elizabeta pulled out her frying pan and charged at Perahta. Malene blocked her daggers and then there was a loud thwak! Malene peeked from her rock wall and gasped. Elizabeta had knocked Perahta out by using her frying pan! Irunya giggled and approached her.

"Great job!" Irunya complemented.

"Thank you!" Elizabeta replied with a happy smile.

However, Perahta woke up, collected her dagger, and held her head in pain.

"Mark my words, I will kill you Malene. Slowly and painfully" Perahta stated.

Malene was shocked, but Irunya and Elizabeta stepped in front of her.

"You will have to go through us first coward!" Elizabeta stated as she held her frying pan.

Perahta smirked at them as she replied "With pleasure!"

She ran off while Irunya and Elizabeta cheered at their personal victory. Malene was worried about the battles to come.

-In Finland-

Jessabelle allowed Peppi and Julianna to sleep in her vacation house. However, she saw the battle between Finland and Russia going on. It was very destructive and bloody. She was horrified of it and was worried what would become of her new friends. Ivan, Tolys, Eduard, and Raivis lead the army though most of the land in Finland. Scef was running through towns and villages, looking for any children that could have special powers like him. He could not find any so far.

"Ivan! Prepare to fight me!" shouted a small boy who was holding a gun.

Ivan ran away from him while Tolys held his gun at him.

"Tolys! Why?!" he shouted in a shocked manner.

"My boss is Ivan and my people believe that the Allies can end this war. Sorry Timo" Tolys replied.

"Wait! Ivan! My people demand a peace treaty!" Timo shouted as he dropped his gun.

Ivan stopped in his tracks and looked back at him.

"I'll help the Allies, but I will not have my country be ruled by the Russians anymore!" Timo shouted bravely.

Tolys, Eduard, and Raivis were amazed at how brave Timo was. Ivan looked at him and nodded. He approached Timo and dropped his gun, metal pipe, and pick axe. He held his hand out to him.

"Alright Timo. I will accept to these terms, but you must tell the other Nordics that they have to listen to the Allies" Ivan replied seriously.

"Thank you! And from this moment onward, the Nordics pleaded their allegiance to the Allies!" Timo stated.

The fighting stopped in Finland and Timo soon held a meeting of the Nordics. Ivan allowed Tolys, Eduard, and Raivis to rest while he was waiting for Scef. He wasn't back yet. Scef was running for village to village until he collapsed in the snow. Jessabelle saw that the fighting had ended and decided to find some food and water. She walked through the snow, but gasped when she saw a man passed out in the snow! She quickly carried him to her house and laid him on the couch.

"WHAT?!" shouted an amazed, annoyed, and shocked person.

The other three people in the room were quiet.

"No Den, I think he handle this well" said a quiet man.

"How Nor?! What do you think Ice?! Berwald?!" Den asked loudly as he looked at them.

"Ivan's strong and the Allies have Alfred" Now said sternly.

Ice nodded his head while Berwald said "Timo did good. Plus, mindless killing isn't a good thing"

That made Den quiet while the others were agreeing with him. Tolys, Eduard, and Raivis were sitting by the campfire waiting for Scef to come back. Ivan sent world to Natalya about how the Allies acquired the Nordic's help. Timo stepped out of the tent.

"We have agreed to help you" he said.

"Thank you" Ivan said as Tolys rushed towards them.

"Scef hasn't come back yet! What should we do?!" he asked them.

"Timo, I hate to be a bother, but could you please go and look for him?" Ivan asked of him.

"Sure thing! I'll get the Nordics to help too!" Timo exclaimed excitedly.

He rushed back to the tent and the Nordics began their search for Scef. Jessabelle warmed the fire and waited for either Peppi or the strange man to wake up. She heard a knock at her door and walked to it. She hoped it wasn't her father.

"Hello? How can I help you?" she asked quietly.

"Hi little girl! My name is Den! Mind if I come in?" he asked her.

She nodded and let him with a sigh. There were more people in her house she had to look after. Den looked around her house and then smiled in delight as he lifted the strange man from the couch!

"Where are you going with him?!" she asked concerned.

"Oh well, he's important, so I'm taking him" Den replied.

"Why is he important?" she asked him curiously.

"Uh well, according to Ivan, this guy can create a data shield and there are 15 more of his friends like him. Actually, this guy was looking for other people like him, have you seen them?" Den asked her.

"Does controlling space and time count?" she asked him.

"Yes, I think it would why?" he asked as he looked at her.

"I need help! Can you care another boy?" she asked of him urgently.

Timo, Ice, Now, and Berwald returned to the camps, but they didn't have Scef and Den wasn't back yet. To make matters worse, the sun was about to set. Timo wanted to go and look for him, but Berwald stopped him. However, a few group of people were coming towards them! It was Den!

"Den! You're ok!!" Timo exclaimed as he hugged him.

Den rolled his eyes as he replied "Of course I am! I also found the missing person and other people with special powers!"

Ivan looked at Scef and the other people with them.

"Tolys?" he called for him.

Tolys walked to him as he asked "What is it Mr. Braginsky?"

"Go to Natalya and have her report to the Allies that we have found the other Dreamers" Ivan stated as he looked at them.

Tolys gasped, nodded, bowed, and then ran to his tent to get ready.

-In the Philippines-

Jonell, Jae-Hwa, Nico, and Nicholas had landed in the island nation with Wang. They were greeted by a happy Antonio and Jett.

"How did it go?" Jett asked concerned.

"It went well, but did Kiku attack any of the Asian nations while we were gone?" Wang replied as he crossed his arms.

"No, we have kept a watchful eye on everything. He still has Vietnam and Korea" Jett answered.

Wang nodded as he looked at the sun about to set.

"Nico, Nicholas, and Jae-Hwa. We will rest here and then head back to China" Wang stated.

"Yes sir!" Nicholas stated and Nico nodded with a smile.

Jae-Hwa bowed in respect. They went to some tents and were trying to sleep. Wang couldn't sleep because he was worried about Viet and Im Yang. Nico was wondering how Sofia and the other Dreamers were doing. However, he heard someone coming. He summoned his Wonder Light and then jumped on the incoming person!

"Hey! Get off!!! I am your alley!" she shouted.

Everyone woke up and Jett flashed a flashlight at them.

"Oi! Nico! Stop! That Sey! She's a friend!" Jett said calmly.

Nico realized he was attacking a person without a weapon and get off her. He was embarrassed while the others laughed at him.

"Well yes! My name is Sey and I'm looking for Antonio. Lovino is asking for him" Sey asked of them as she tried to fix her appearance.

Antonio was worried as he asked "Yeah he's me! Is Lovino ok?"

"Yes, we didn't harm him, but his country did surrender. He won't talk to us unless you are there" she replied.

Antonio nodded as he asked "Sure. When can we leave?"

"Now if you would like" Sey answered.

They left for South Italy that night while Wang was in charge of protecting all of Asia until the other Allies would come to their aid, but he got another idea and looked at Nico, Nicholas, and Jae-Hwa. Jonell and Lucario were not with them?! Wang looked at the ship that Lovino had boarded and sighed. She knew Jonell would go with Antonio and help him.

-In Italy-

Arthur could feel how tense the air was. Lovino's boss came to talk to him about something dangerous. Arthur and Alfred were called to talk to Lovino and his boss while the others were resting.

"Yes?" Arthur asked as he entered the tent.

Lovino's boss looked at him and Alfred as he said "I want to pull Italy out of the war, but the only way to do that would be a civil war"

Alfred noticed Lovino flinching at the words "civil war". Alfred recalled his civil war. It wasn't easy to bring his nation back together and it was hard, long battle.

"Are you sure sir?" Alfred asked cautiously, "Civil Wars are hard"

Arthur put a comforting hand on his shoulder while Lovino's boss nodded his head.

"It may be the only way" the boss stated.

Alfred and Arthur bowed as Arthur said "Well good luck to you sir"

They walked to their ships and soldiers. Everyone was anxious to hear what had happened in the tent.

"Troops! We depart back to England and from there, we take back France!" Arthur shouted.

The troops agreed with a loud yell and procced to pack their belongings. Sophia, Al, and Ryker were with Concetto. Concetto gazed at Lovino, who was tired and close to crying.

"You can stay with him" Sophia said softly.

"Huh? What? You mean Lovino?" Concetto asked confused and shocked.

She nodded with a kind smile as she answered "I can tell you are close friends with him, so help him!"

Concetto hugged Sophia tightly as he replied "Thank you! Tell the other Dreamers that two more will join them soon!"

She nodded and Concetto and his Salamance ran to Lovino while Sophia, Al, and Ryker boarded a boat back to England. Concetto, Salamance, and Lovino waved good-bye to them. After a while, Sey brought Antonio to South Italy. He jumped off the boat and ran to Lovino while the boat still had to be docked. Sey looked at the site of Antonio hugging a crying Lovino.

"I want it to stop. It hurts too much!!" Lovino cried, "I want my brother back!"

Antonio rubbed his back in a soothing motion as he replied "Si I understand. Don't worry, you will have your brother back soon"

Sey walked up to Lovino and Antonio.

"Uh I hate to bother the two of you, but can you two help the British army free Greece?" Sey asked apologetically.

Antonio and Lovino looked at her.

"Uh sure, but do we even have enough troops?" Antonio asked curiously.

"Yes, and Gupta and I were able to drive out most of the troops from Greece" Sey replied.

"Alright, then let's go" Antonio answered.

They left for Greece with Concetto following close behind. They arrived in Greece and found a sleeping man with the Nazi army.

"Ready?" Antonio asked as he placed his hand out in the middle of his friends.

"Yes!" Sey replied cheerfully as she placed her hand in the middle.

"Yeah whatever" Lovino said annoyed as he placed his in.

"Ok!" Concetto added joyfully as he placed his hand in the middle.

"We're ready!" Jonell answered happily as she placed her hands in the circle.

"Jonell?! What are you doing here?!" Antonio asked shocked.

"I came to help you!" she replied with a smile

Antonio sighed and then they broke off. They each attacked one side of the army. Antonio sliced most of the troops using his sword while Lovino used his gun to kill the army. Sey was staying at her boat and helped launch missiles at the navy surrounding the country.

"Yahoo!!!" Concetto shouted as his Salamance flew high in the air.

Then they dived down and then Salamance knocked soldiers down by using his tail. Concetto looked at Jonell and her Lucario. Her Lucario launched powerful spheres at the soldiers and most of the soldiers that stood in her way were defeated easily!

"Hey! Jon! You're cool!!' Concetto complemented as he flew over to her.

"My name is Jonell and thank you. You are a great fighter as well" Jonell replied as the soldiers began to surrender.

Antonio approached the lazy sleepy men. He kneeled down to him and shock him awake.

"Hey Heracles, we freed your country" Antonio said.

"Oh, you did? Thanks" he replied and then went back to sleep.

Sey sighed a bit while Concetto and Jonell laughed. However, the Germans soon received word about Greece being freed from the Allies.

-In Germany-

Gilbert was treating a wounded Roderich while nurses were tending to Perahta. The two men could hear a loud rant coming from Ludwing's boss's office. Gilbert overheard most of their conversation. His boss was mad about losing South Italy and Hungary to the Allies.

"How much longer is this fight going to go on?" Roderich asked as he felt his cuts.

"Not for long, now be quiet! I am trying to listen!" Gilbert snapped at him.

Ludwing's boss yelled "Now the Allies are heading to France from what my reports tell me! What are we supposed to do?! FIGHT! KEEP FRANCE!!"

Gilbert and Roderich were shocked. They were heading to France already? Gilbert was pleased to hear this. Then another soldier ran to the boss's office. The young soldier seemed afraid and didn't want to enter the boss's office. Gilbert walked up to the soldier calmly.

"Here, I'll deliver the message. You can go back to your post" Gilbert ordered calmly.

The soldier bowed and then walked back to his work. Gilbert sighed and then entered the room. Ludwing and his boss looked at him.

"Vhat is it Gilbert?" Ludwing asked him.

Gilbert opened the paper as his eyes widen. He cleared his throat.

"There are reports that Greece was freed from the Allies earlier this day" Gilbert answered.

Ludwing couldn't believe it and his boss was yelling even louder. Gilbert secretly smiled.

Okumaya devam et

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