Undead Apocalypse Complete

By AbelElizabethWalker

394 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... More

First Letter to Emma
Chapter one
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
Chapter 6
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
the end posible sequel

Chapter Five

13 1 0
By AbelElizabethWalker

"Emma, there's another one out there about twenty miles out" Hanna says "And something else it looks like persons but the Troll isn't bothering it."

"Okay, let me know if it heads our way then I'll deal with it." I say as I turn to my girls. "Why don't you come play with us Hanna. How long has it been since you enjoyed yourself. "

"Last night," Hanna says with a cheeky grin.

"Ugh that's not what I meant." I say. "Jeez, I didn't need that image." I says.

"Come on Auntie Hanna play with us." Lily says running up to her with her barbie doll in hand and jumps on her.

"Okay, okay." Hanna says as Jason sits up on the bed next to Hanna's chair and watches the screen with groggy eyes.

"Jeez when did you fall asleep last night," I ask.

"Like two hours ago." He says stretching.

"You didn't have to take last nights shift. I had it." I say.

"I know but you've been working yourself to the bone for the past week. I don't like seeing you run yourself into the ground."

"I know but I can't just sit back and watch our group fall apart. I have enough problems with out have to worry about everyone else. But that's what I get for being the leader of the group here. I know we are a family and that's why I've been working so hard. Thanks for last night." I say as I go back to playing dolls with my girls.

"Your welcome Love." He says as he looks back at the screens.

A few hours later the girl finally decides they want to play by themselves because Mommy just isn't into playing house anymore. So Hanna and I are in the work out room sparring. Hanna is wearing a black sports bra and booty shorts as she calls them and I'm wearing the same but my sports bra is white. Hanna bounces around me with her hands up blocking her face from one of my punches that lands on her forearm. She swings at my head with her left fist and I ketch it in the palm of my right hand. She spin kicking me in the thigh as I land a hit to her rib cadge. We spar like this for about a hour and are sweating ready to hit the showers. She grabs her towel throwing it over her shoulder and grabs her water bottle, taking a swig of it. I do the same following her to the showers and we open the tarp walking in. I turn on the showers letting the water run for a moment before hopping underneath and scrubbing my skin till it comes clean. I turn off the water and wrap up in the towel after drying off.

Hanna follows behind me closely with our dirty cloths in hand and we head into my room. We find Jason past out on the bed with Renee and Jade watching the screens. Renee and Jade are sitting in a lounge chair together Jade wrapped in Renee's arms and Renee turn to me with a wide grin.

"Feel like killing another Troll," Renee asks as Jade snuggles closer into her side fear plane on her face.

"Yeah I feel like having another go at one as long as Hanna feels like backing me up with that rocket launcher again." I say turning to Hanna as she give me her famous eat shit grin.

"Hell yeah. You can't kill one with out my help you careless bitch." She says practically sing with excitement.

"Alright lets get dressed and get the Bastard." I say as I walk to my dresser.

"Aha really do we have to get dressed I was thinking about taking it on naked. Nothing more bad ass then a naked women taking down a troll with a couple of swords and a rocket launcher." Hanna says faking her disappointment.

"NO, I don't want that shit all over me ever again." I say as my stomach begins to rowel.

"Fine lets get dressed." Hanna says as I pull on my jeans and a tight white tank top and Hanna puts on Jeans and a sports bra. I grab my boots and slide them on over my socks and tie the laces. Hanna does the same and we head to our little armory. Hanna grabs her Rocket launcher and a hand gun and straps the hand gun to her hip. We walk up the stairs with our weapons on hand and head to the ledge. I take on look at Hanna then turn to the on coming Troll that was at lest three blocks away and walking our way. I jump over the edge landing on the next building and continue on till I retch the building just before the Troll. I stop on the ledge of it with my snippier riffle ready and began shooting off rounds into it massive skull. The first one bonces off its head but the second leaves a scratch. The fourth one breaks the skin and ledges its self into the bone but not through it. The Troll now made turns to me and swats at me with its hands trying to grab me with both hands but I dodge by flipping over one and sliding under the other.

I pull out my swords as it brings both hands down and jump back out of the way. I jump on top of them slamming my blades through his hands into the building below me hopping it will hold long enough for Hanna to get a good shot in. He opens his mouth yelling as it starts pulling its hands free and I look down just as the rocket fly's into his open mouth exploding when he bits down on it. luckily this time the brains miss me but the body falls towards me as I pull my swords out of his hands. It is fairly easy since he already pulled them from the building and was about to slam me back onto the building wanting to kill me. I jump back the body taking out the building as I turn jumping to the next building's roof. I turn back to Hanna who give me the thumbs up and I do the same as i head back home. I retch the ledge to our home Hanna jumps into me holding me to her as she bonces up and down giggling like a little school girl.

"We got it, we got it." She says over and over as she makes me jump in a circle with her. I laugh a little and she kisses my cheek.

"Lets get inside, I need a drink." I says.

"Alright bloody marry sound good to you, maybe some whisky." She says.

"Nah I"m think a Smirnoff or maybe a beer. something light I don't want to get drunk." I say as we walk back into the building down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Okay you party pooper." She says as she grabs me a beer and a bottle of whisky for herself.

We sit drinking for about half an hour before Jason and A.J. come looking for us and they have a few drinks with us. "How's watching Lilly and Anna?" I ask as I sit on the counter top with a beer in my hand.

"Renee and Jade are, Jade wanted to. She really wants to have a little girl one of these days." Jason says as he sits next to me and Hanna passes him the whisky bottle.

"Okay that's fine." I say as I take a drink of my bear. "I trust them and beside they will tell me if anything else is out there." I say.

"Wanna get drunk with me Jason, Emma's a party pooper." Hanna says with a frown.

"Nah I'll just have a drink or two can't get drunk tonight I'm on duty tonight." He says and Hanna sticks out her tongue at him.

"I guess its just me and you babe."Hanna say looking up at A.J. who is standing behind her drinking the bottle of whisky that Jason handed him.

"Yeah i guess its just us tonight." He says with a smile as he kisses her neck.

We sit with them drinking till about two hours latter when the kitchen fills up for supper and we line up getting our plates. Lilly and Anna join me in line and we get our supper and sit down at one of the tables with Hanna, A.J., Renee, Jade, Jason, Rick, and Jack. We eat the fish and chips and chat about our days while Hanna, A.J. and Rick pass the bottle of whisky back and forth till Jack grabs it and chugs the hole thing. We all watch our mouth hanging open waiting for him to puck all over us but he doesn't and just burps. Rick stands up yelling as he beats his chest. I turn away from them with a laugh as I hear Hanna joining in with the yelling and starts singing the shoots song. I shake my head as continue to laugh at them. I love how they can have so much fun. It make our lives so much more livable with everything that is going on.

We finish supper and me and my girls head back to our room leaving the others to their party. I sit down with the girls on my bed and read a Peter pan to them will they lay their heads on my lap. After the story we head to the work out room and we play kick ball with some of the other kids. I'm the pitcher and roll the ball to all the kids till it is time for bed. I take the girls back to our room and brush their teeth then tuck them into bed. I sit up watching the screens with a very drunk Jason sitting next to me. I just laugh at him every time he tries to talk to me and a finally decides to go to bed and sleep it off. I watch the screen feeling like I was watching some kind of a horror movie not our everyday lives. I pray this will come to an end and we will be able to start over with our lives with our the undead and the monster to haunt us.

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