Loving Too Deep (A Robbie Kay...

By temporaryfiix

60.7K 1.7K 410

Bekah Bane hasn't had the greatest life. A couple years ago, both of her parents died and she was left alone... More

Loving Too Deep (A Robbie Kay love story)
Chapter 1 Leaving
Chapter 2 Walking
Chapter 3 School
Chapter 4 Starbucks
Chapter 5 Sleepover
Chapter 6 Phone
Chapter 7 Date
Chapter 8 Olive Garden
Chapter 9 Not Talking
Chapter 10 Meeting Him
Chapter 11 Yes
Chapter 12 Peter Pan
Chapter 13 Waking Up
Chapter 14 Late
Chapter 15 Lauren
Chapter 17 Saying Your Apologies
Chapter 18: The Silent Treatment

Chapter 16 Not Making Anything Better

1.8K 63 28
By temporaryfiix

Bekah POV

The day didn't get any better, but not any worse. It was the same thing, all day, like it was this morning. No one talked to me and I don't think they ever would.

The day would never get better, it would only get worse. Maybe it was a mistake to meet Robbie. Ever since the accident, it was like bad things always happen to me. At these times, I wish I had my parents back. I wanted them back so badly; I missed them so much.

The bell rang for the end of the day and I head to my locker. It didn't take me long because I wanted to head out of there as fast as I could.

Once I walk outside, I see Robbie's car. I don't know what to do. I'm mad at him, but it isn't his fault that everyone hates me. It's my fault that everyone hates me because I started to spend time with him.

What was I gonna do? Walk away or act like everything is okay?

I know I would walk away from him, but I knew he would follow me and I didn't care. I started walking away from the school and his car. I see him get out of his car and run towards me.

He was yelling and running towards me. "Bekah! Bekah, wait!" I walked even faster, I couldn't let him catch up to me. "Bekah please!" I could hear a plead in his voice that I couldn't resist.

Even through his voice said he was broken, I was mad at him. "What do you want?"

I kind of yelled it at him and he looked hurt. "Huh?"

"What do you want from me!? What did I do to you to deserve this?!" I was defiantly yelling at him. "Why did you do this? Ruin my life! Everyone thinks I'm a bitch because of you! I HATE YOU! I LOST MY ONLY FRIEND, LAUREN BECAUSE OF YOU!"

He was hurt right after I told him I hate him. But I was hurt, more hurt than he could ever understand. At the time, I didn't care if I was hurting him so much he would cry. I know later I would regret this.

I look at him once more in the face. I take in everything, every little detail as if he was a drawing or a painting. The shade of green on his eyes, how they usually sparkled when he looked at me, but today it looked a shade of green that was sad. His jaw and chin went good together, how they made him look attractive. They went with his attitude if that made any sense. His eyebrows were always moving and that's what I loved about him. They always were something something different to me. But now, none of those things seem to have any life in them or never did have any.

I walk away from him, leaving him in the school parking lot, never seeing him again. I might, but I was too pissed at him to think about him. Maybe someday I may forgive him.

Robbie POV

Watching her stare at me and then watching her leave was heart breaking. I don't know what I did but when she yelled at me, it was like she ripped my heart out of my chest and crushed it.

I needed to find this Lauren and fix everything with Bekah. I would fight for even if it's the last thing I do for her. She was the first girl I could connect with in my life.

I had my hoodie and sunglasses on, walking inside the school, going to find this Lauren. I remembered who she was, the girl who was with Bekah when we went to Starbucks.

"Do you know where Lauren is?" Or "Have you seen Lauren?" is what I would ask anyone I would see in the hallways. After a while, someone actually did it and found her sitting with some friends.

I go up to her and I was about to yell at her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I wasn't afraid to say it in front of her friends.

She gives me a look. "Excuse me?" She looked offended.

"You heard me." I say, not very nice. I don't know what was getting into me.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" She sounded like a 3rd grader who didn't like their teacher and was rebellious against them.

"My name is Robbie Kay," I pause, taking off my sunglasses, "I'm Bekah's boyfriend and you hurt her!"

All of her friends just sit in silence for a couple seconds, then start to laugh. But not Lauren, she knew better, she knew who I was. She remembered me and she was a fan of mine which made her recognize me.

"Could you give me a minute?" She turns towards her friends. They all get up to leave, which makes her turn towards me. "So, when did the boyfriend and girlfriend thing happen?"

"It doesn't matter when it happened. You were a bitch to her! Just because of me! If you want to yell at anyone, yell at me!" I wasn't yelling at Lauren, I was yelling at myself.

"How could I yell at someone who was good looking with some amazing eyebrows?" She winks at me.

I stare at her in shock. "Excuse me?"

She laughs. "I was kidding! Don't worry. I'll just talk to her soon."

"I want you to do it today! But don't tell her I came to you and told you to do this." I demanded, but said the last part very softly. 

She looks at me very carefully, like she's studying me. "You really care for her. don't you?" 

I nodded. "Yes, I really do. I've felt like I've know her forever and not for just a little while. I think I'm in love with her." I was being very thoughtful, putting my thoughts out there. 

"Not to burst your bubble boy, but you can't be in love with someone you barely know," She points out to me. 

"I know." I nod in agreement. "But it doesn't matter, she doesn't want me anymore. I'm just hoping you guys fix your friendship." I fake smiling, but she wouldn't know. 

I walk away from here and everyone in this school, putting my sunglasses back on. Once I'm outside, I head to my car and get inside, leaving the school and Bekah behind me. 


Sorry for the long wait, but you know how school is! Too much work and I've been not sleeping a lot and I've been sleeping a lot! But I've finally wrote this chapter and I like it! It's longer than most chapters so I hope you like it! 

Just tell me what you think of this story and the chapter in the comments. I love to read your guys' comments about what you think of the story, it brightens my day :D 




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