Chapter 2 Walking

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Bekah POV

  After I take a shower, I decide to go for a walk, even though it's the middle of December. I liked taking walks, it helps me think. I get my coat and head out the door.

  It was freezing, but I didn't care one bit. I was looking down so I didn't know if anyone was in front into me. I could have been in front of someone right now and about to bump into them and I wouldn't know.

  Then all of a sudden, I bump into to someone really hard and I fall over. I think I hit my head hard.

  "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Says a British voice. 

  I look up and see a guy who looked about 16 or 18, had brownish-blondish hair. He had beautiful green eyes and was looking at me strange. Probably because I was staring up at him. He was holding out his hand for me to take.

  I take it. "Thanks."

  "What's your name? So I can apologize properly to you." The guy asked me.

  "What if you're a stalker?" I raise an eyebrow, even though I was kidding.

  "Trust me, I'm not a stalker. People usually stalk me." He confesses.

  Who was this guy? He seemed familiar.

  "It's Bekah." I reply.

  "What a lovely name. I'm Robbie." He smiles.

  Suddenly I remember why he seems so familiar. My friend Lauren showed me a picture of him once. This was Robbie Kay...

  "Robbie? As in Robbie Kay?" I ask him.

  "Yep, that's me!" He smiles. "You a fan of mine?"

  "No, not really." I say, walking away.

  He runs after me. "Wait! Then how come you know who I am?" 

  "My friend watches Once Upon A Time and obsesses over you. She's like in love with you." I explain.

  "Oh." He looks disappointed. "Would you like to finish my walk with me. I just need to go to the store and get a couple things. It would be wonderful if you came with me." He asks shyly.

  Is he being shy around me? Isn't it suppose to me the other way around. Shouldn't I be freaking out right now? Of course not, because Robbie Kay wasn't my obsession.

  "Ok, I guess I can." I tell him.

  Then me and Robbie walk to the store together, but we're silent. We didn't start to talk until he was going down the isle ways, finding whatever he needed to find.

  "So what were you doing walking in the cold?" Robbie asks me.

  "Just walking. I do that a lot." I answer.

  "Why would you walk when it's cold?" He seemed confused.

  "The cold clears my head." I say truthfully.

  This was strange... here I was, telling a complete stranger about my life. Yeah, this is totally normal.

  "What about you? Why weren't you in your car? Why walk to the store?" I questioned him.

  "I didn't think I was going to walk here. My mom called me at the last minute and asked me to get some groceries for her. I agreed." He explains.

  "How sweet." By now, we were checking out.

  "That's me. The sweet kid." He smiles.

  Then we stop talking for a little bit while he pays for his groceries. I couldn't believe this was someone famous I was talking to. He seems like a normal kid; someone who you would meet everyday in your normal life. Once we walk out of the store, we start walking. He starts to ask me questions, not personal, but like my likes and dislikes. I answer them truthfully because I felt like he was someone I could trust.

  We get to a part in our walk where we have to part ways. We both stand there awkwardly, probably waiting for one of us to leave.

  "Uh, I guess I better be going." I say, breaking the silence.

  "Of course. It was nice meeting you, Bekah." He says, smiling,

  He has a very nice smile.

  "It was nice meeting you too, Robbie." I say walking away. I mean, what else was I suppose to do?

Robbie POV  

  I watch Bekah walk away. She looked like she was fragile, broken in a way. But isn't every teenager? That's what people have been telling me my entire life.

  She was beautiful in her own way that most guys wouldn't notice. She had wavy, brown hair and baby blue eyes. They were bright, but in a good way. She was a little shorter than me; maybe one or two inches shorter. The clothes she wore were casual, like she didn't want anyone to notice her.

  I wanted to run after her and get her number, but I could tell that she didn't like me. I knew since she said my name that she didn't. She would never like me. And I couldn't get her number and chase after her. I had to get home before Mom would get worried. I walk faster than I should have with bags in my hands.

  All I could think of was her... I wanted to see her again. I knew I would see her again. I depended on it.


Hey, guys! I hope you like this chapter!!! Robbie and Bekah meet :D

And you guys are amazing! I already have 200 reads and its only been a couple days. That's so amazing!!! Thank you!




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