New Year's With You (Yoonseok)

By Genny0409

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Hoseok is spending New Year's alone or at least that's what he thought before he heard knocking on the door. ... More

Author's Note


456 26 9
By Genny0409

The yellow dead grass.

The gentle autumn breeze that carried the smell of autumn leaves.

The sky had become grey from the clouds high above.

It was late November and the weather was becoming colder and colder day by day.

Winter was almost here, if anything it was going to come sooner than it had last year or the year before that.

Yoongi was anxious and worried to be meeting his lover today. They were apart for so long a few months actually. He had spent almost a year having to do this. It became harder and harder to meet as Yoongi had become busier by the day.

He went into his closet and picked out a nice outfit. It was black skinny jeans along with a white shirt, a colorful large knitted sweater, a long black jacket and a colorful scarf that belonged to the other, to match the knitted sweater.

He went into the shower and stood in the warm water letting it run down his body. No thoughts running through his head. He stayed like that for five minutes before snapping back into reality and continued on with his shower routine.

After finishing his shower he dried his body and wrapped the towel around his waist. He walked into his bedroom and started to change.

He checked himself in the mirror a few times debating whether this simple and somewhat colorful outfit would please his sunshine.

He fixed his hair and ruffled it a few times before deciding that he was ready to go.

Before getting close to the blurry door he noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses and went back to pick them off from the night stand.

"Hope. Hope. Come here. we're leaving soon." He called out to his dog, their dog. They adopted him shortly before moving in together.

Hope had come running into the hall and Yoongi was over by the door holding a dog jacket. Hope walked over and sat down to make it easier for Yoongi to put it on. After pulling it on he grabbed a leash and hooked it to Hope's collar. He put his shoes on and walked out of the house.

A breeze of cold air hit him and he let out a sigh that became visible due to the cold weather.

"Come on Hope. Lets get in the car." He said as he softly tugged on the leash and made their way to the car.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes." Yoongi said to Hope. They had made a quick stop at the flower shop. They also made another stop to a chocolate store where they allowed Yoongi to bring Hope inside. They were his lover's favorite flowers and chocolate.

Yoongi kept driving straight for an hour and was out of the city and had reached the country. The vast planes excited Hope who quickly understood where they were going.

Yoongi parked his car at the foot of the hills and let Hope off his leash and run up the stairs.

"Be careful Hope!" He called out when he saw one of hopes paws slip on a step from being extremely existed.

He picked the flowers and chocolates out of his car and walked up the concrete steps that lead to the top of the hill.

The hill was covered with different shapes of head stones along the sides spaced out evenly.

Before reaching the very top he had made a left turn to pick up the cleaning supplies he needed which consisted of a wooden bucket of ice cold water and two rags.

It was hard to manage for others but Yoongi had large hands and was able to carry the flowers and chocolates in one hand while the other carried the rags and wooden bucket.

He went back up the concrete steps reaching the very top and made a right. He walked a few feet before reaching his location.

Hope had already arrived and sat next to the tombstone. His tongue was sticking out and panting out of excitement. Hope had missed him too and was happy to see him today.

He gently placed the items on the ground and went to the headstone. He crouched down and ran his fingers over the name of his lover.

In loving memory, Jung Hoseok
A husband, brother, son.
Your smile shines brightly.

Yoongi takes out the dead flowers and moves them to the side. He takes one of the rags and dips it into the wooden bucket. Springing the rag before wipping the headstone and repeating it one more time.

Yoongi's hands were starting to become red as the cold air hit his wet hands along with the burning ache of the drastic temperature his hands were facing. Yoongi, however, didnt mind much. The small pain was nothing compared to his past.

He went to pick up the dry towel wiping the tombstone and dried his hands as well. He took the chocolates and set them down first before laying the flowers on top.

He leaned into the tombstone and kissed it softly before backing up and returning to his normal position.

"Hi Hoseok. I'm back." He gave a gummy smile.

"Its been a while. I brought Hope with me too. I thought you might be missing him. How are you? I hope you're okay and happy up there." A few moments of silence followed after as though he was waiting for a response that he knew would never come.

"A lot has happened in the past two months. Namjoon and Jin finally got married." Yoongi took out his phone and showed him a picture he had taken of them that was saved for this exact moment.

"They said they would come visit you soon." He was still holding up the phone for a few more seconds before locking it and putting it back into his pocket.

"They're also thinking about adopting a baby. They said if its a girl they'll name her Minseok. If its a boy then Hoseok. They want to use your name. Aren't they silly? They really love you to the point of using your name to name thier baby." He let out a chuckle.

"Taehyung and Jungkook are going to get engaged soon. Jungkook came to ask me for help because he wanted advise. Taehyung is going to be very happy and surprised. Knowing him he'll probably end up crying tears of joy." Yoongi chuckled again and gave a gummy smile at the thought of seeing Taehyung's face when Jungkook proposes.

"Jimin is traveling the world doing his own thing. I haven't heard from him in a while. The last time I heard from him was in April and he was in Africa.

"Hope got sick not too long ago. I got worried and took him to the vet. They said he was depressed because he had no mate so I'm going to adopt a female to keep him company. I don't want him to feel so lonely." He said as he petted Hope who was now sitting next to him.

"As for me... There hasn't been much from last time. I got a few contracts done and soon I'll be working as a photographer for the largest entertainment company in the world. This means I won't be able to visit you as often but I'll make sure to take out time for you."

Yoongi had smiled through the whole thing. He wouldn't cry because he knew it would upset Hoseok if he did. Even though he couldn't see or hear him he was happy to be able to talk to him. 

He could feel Hope slightly shiver under his hand. He took his scarf off and laid it over Hope. It was almost as big as a baby blanket.

He stayed in that same position for half an hour. Snow started to fall from the sky and was starting to cover the tomb stone. He reached out to wipe the snow once in a while before deciding it was time to go.

"It's snowing now. I guess its time for me to leave." A few moments of silence followed after.

He leaned in to kiss the same spot on the tomb stone he had before.

"I miss you so much my sunshine. I love you." He whispered before standing up and Hope did too.

"Lets go Hope. Say good bye to Hoseok." Hope barked and leaned his forehead up agenst the tombstone and turned to look at Yoongi indicating he was ready to leave.

The sound of paws and feet getting further and further were heard.

The sound of a car engine soon followed and became harder to hear as it got further and further away.

The grave was left in absolute silence.

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  
The last one was really short. This one is a bit longer.

So I wrote more to this... Kinda like a second ending to this. You kind decide what ending you want.

--- read at your own risk....
Gosh I'm so depressing---

Yoongi had only been driving for half an hour and the snow was falling harder and harder till it became a blizzard. It was hard to see and Yoongi knew he had to make a stop somewhere soon.

He swerved a few times but was quick to try and move the steering wheel in the opposite direction until he had completely stopped.

Hope had opened the door and ran out of fear. Yoongi followed after but It was hard to see in the strong blizzard.

He didn't notice the large truck coming his way and neither did the driver.

He laid on the ground and stared at the sky. The snow felt like it was slowing down and was now falling gently around him. He struggled to breath and chocked on blood. He knew his time was coming.

He let out a smile that was bloody and closed his eyes.

I can finally see you again, my sunshine, my Hoseok.

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