Guarded ✔️

By dancerthatreads

18.9K 627 186

Princess Braelynn Cochran of Thanes is the next in line for the throne. Begrudgingly affianced and overwhelm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Aesthetic Blue
Aesthetic Gold

Chapter 2

977 25 19
By dancerthatreads

I woke up to the light streaming in the windows. Carrie was opening the curtains, sending little particles of dust into the air.

"Morning!" Lauren chirped. She was holding open the door with her leg and dragging in my dress for the day. Holly waited behind her.

Suddenly, Carrie squealed from the window.

"Oh! Hurry, come and see! It's the guards!" she squealed and we all sprang up to see.

The guards took the early mornings to work out and train. Shirtless, might I add.

Let's just say that all those workouts paid off.

The four of us crowded around the glass in the door before Holly opened it and we all went stumbling onto the balcony.

They ran in two long lines, circling the perimeter of the castle. Lauren gasped beside me.

"Look! There's Bailey!" She exclaimed and blushed a deep red. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Lauren, is there something you'd like to share with us?" I questioned.


I smiled as a plan popped in my head.

"What's that look for? Braelynn, you're scaring me. What are you hiding?"

I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled down at the guards.

"Hey! Bailey! Lauren says hello!" I shouted.

A muscular brunette turned sideways to look up at us. Lauren had ducked underneath the railing blushing even deeper. Holly, Carrie, and I burst out laughing when Bailey stopped running, causing the men behind him to crash into his back. He shyly waved back at us before scratching the back of his neck and continued running.

How cute was that? I ship it.

And yes, even princesses say that.

"I am going to kill you," Lauren groaned and sulked back inside, slopping backwards onto the bed.

"I'm afraid that's punishable by death, honey," I replied sweetly.

"I'll take my chances," she muttered and grabbed my dress for the day.

I didn't have any formal events to attend today. My dress was a blush pink sundress with a sweetheart neckline and straight body. It was simple, yet beautiful. I quickly dressed into it while my maids did my hair in a simple braid down my back and pulled out some white kitten heels to go with it. Since it was autumn, they handed me a white shawl to keep me warm while I walked through the castle.

They applied a final coat of mascara before bidding their goodbyes and leaving the room. I had to wait on a guard to escort me to breakfast, where I sit in the empty dining hall with no one but my mother.


I organized a few stray papers on my desk until the guards entered and bowed.

"Princess, please follow me," the guard announced and I followed him out the door and through the castle.


Breakfast was boring, as expected. Mother and I sat at opposite ends of the table. The only sound in the room was the quiet clinking of our forks.

My scrambled eggs certainly became very interesting when my mother looked at me from across the table.

"Braelynn," she began.

I looked at her from under my lashes.

"Prince Ford Buren and his family are coming to stay for a couple nights as we have some political issues to solve. You are expected to have dinner in you the dining hall with the rest of the family tonight. Please wear something presentable," she said.

"Yes, mother," I replied and continued eating.

Weren't they here yesterday? Didn't they have better things to do, like, maybe lead a country?

I excused myself from the table when I was finished and walked back to my quarters for lessons.

Isn't it funny how I was only escorted when I had to be somewhere at a certain time?

Today we were learning about political alliances. Snore.

Mrs. Bruns was my lessons teacher. She was a stout lady with a head full of gray hair. And she was always wearing a hoop skirt. I mean, come on, those were so ten years ago.

Today, she chose a red paisley pattern that resembled the curtains in the room. Her circular glasses were perched at the end of her nose when I walked in. She smiled and gestured to the cushiony armchair next to her.

As questionable as her fashion choices were, she was a lovely lady. She and I had the best conversations about books and authors, a passion we both had in common. Mrs. Bruns could always find something interesting in the topics she was required to teach.

Most importantly, she was like the mom I never had. She would always be there to listen to my problems and offer solutions. I valued her opinion more than any other adult's in the castle.

The sunlight coming in from the windows lit up the papers she had set out on the desk. My lessons were all oral, meaning I didn't have to write anything down.

She began talking about the meaning of an alliance, as well as all the things it entitled.

I tried to focus, I really did, but my chin ended up in my hand. My eyes wandered out the window and out to the courtyard. The fountain in the middle was sparkling in the sunlight. The cone shaped trees were trimmed to perfection. A feeling of serenity washed over me, calming me, while the quiet drone of Mrs. Bruns' voice played like background music.

"Understand?" She asked and peered up at me from over her glasses. I snapped out of my daze.

"Yes, completely, of course," I stammered.

"You didn't listen to any of that did you?"

"Nope. Not a word," I laughed.

"Alliances are good if they are formed with the right person, so be careful in making them. You never know what the other side's true intentions are. That's the most important part to take out of this," she explained.

"Sounds good. Anything else for today?" I asked.

"Not from me, but I heard Mrs. Petra is coming in for etiquette today," Mrs. Bruns said, earning a groan from me.

She laughed and stood from her chair.

"Well, I'll be off dear. Enjoy your day."  Mrs. Bruns hobbled out of the room, leaving me with one last swish of her skirt before she disappeared from view.

I sighed and got up from my own chair. The walk back to my room was silent, just me and my heels clicking down the hall. Of course, this was normal. I was always alone. But for some reason, I felt even more so isolated from everyone. Being a princess meant that I was hidden away from the world until I had to make an appearance for political means.

I was never allowed to be myself, always a shell of a person that I didn't want to be. Always someone that other people needed me to be. I am so sick of being kept inside this castle. Nineteen years and I have never left the castle grounds. Never.

Little girls send me letters all the time saying that they want to be a princess when they grow up, but little do they know, I would do anything to be one of them. I would give up the gowns, the servants, the crown in a heartbeat if it meant a glimpse of freedom.

I entered my room to find a stack of mail and letters on my desk. One of my duties was to respond to mail from the village. Most of the letters were complaints or threats, but some were letters from the village children. I receive drawings or handmade cards that warm my heart.

My mother would throw them out. She deems them "unnecessary" but I try my best to respond to all the letters.

I opened the first one. It was from a baker on the outskirts of the kingdom. His bakery had been attacked by rebels and destroyed. I sighed and put it in the pile to send to my father so he could reimburse the baker.

Money concerns. Rebels. Famine. Rebels. Stolen property. Rebels.

I put down my pen and rubbed my temples. The rebels were expanding. They were gaining followers and attacking more and more of our people. My father would brush it off and say he "has it under control," but I know he's getting worried.

I ran the letters across the castle to my father's office and set them on his desk.

The bell from the bell tower chimed, signaling it was midday. I would be expected in the gardens for lunch any minute.

I ate mainly with Kellan, as our parents were occupied with their duties. I usually invited my maids and Kellan invited his friends that were guards.

The garden was a secluded area. Surrounded by tall hedges and a small iron table in the center. Finger sandwiches and tea were set on the table.

Kellan was already sitting and chatting with his friends.

"Hey" I said and sat down.


"How was your day?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Alright I guess. You?"

"Oh, fine. Just answering some mail," I answered. "Are you okay? You seem out of it."

"She rejected me, you know. Kristy, the girl from the ball. She rejected me because I came with too much baggage." He huffed and looked deflated.

"I'm sorry Kell. But if she couldn't accept all of you then she isn't worth your time."

"You're right. I'll just find someone at the next ball," he laughed. "Speaking of relationships... did you hear Ford and his family are coming for dinner tonight."

"So I've heard. Mother said they are staying the night too," I grumbled.

"I bet you're excited about that," he chuckled.

"Oh yes, so thrilled. I can't wait," I drawled and shoved a sandwich in my mouth.

"Ladylike," Kellan smirked and like the mature princess I am, I stuck my tongue out at him.

With Kellan, I could be myself. I could be unladylike, laugh too loud, eat normally, and relax. I relished these moments that we had together. No duties. No spectators. And no parents.

With all events that I enjoy, time goes too fast. Before we knew it, a guard was there to escort us back inside.

I resumed my routine of walking aimlessly around the gardens, visiting the horses, and attempting to start a conversation with anyone who would be willing to talk.

The sun began to set so I returned inside to prepare myself for the night to come.


Soon enough, the seven of us were seated around the mahogany dining table, plates of extravagant food were set around us.

Ford sat across from me. We kept making awkward eye contact, but he would always glance away first and look at his mother.

My father tapped his fork on his wine glass.

"Tonight, we celebrate the future linkage of our royal blood. Thanes and Titan will be united and allied forever. We are grateful for this opportunity to offer our daughter to you as a token of our loyalty. To powerful countries and powerful rule!"

We all chanted the last line back to him and raised our champagne glasses.

Ford's father cleared this throat.

"As a gracious thanks to the Cochran family, we have gifted you the highest quality wine our country can produce. Let us enjoy."

A server came into the room with a silver tray filled with wine glasses. The blood red liquid sloshed inside as she handed out the glasses to each person. I received mine last and set it in front of me.

We all began to eat our food. My mother chatted with Ford's mother about the latest fashion. The kings were talking politics.

It almost seemed like a normal dinner. Or at least, what I imagine one would be like.

Ford's eyes were still on me as I ate, making me self-conscious. I fidgeted with my fork and moved some of the meat around my plate.

Suddenly thirsty, I reached for my glass of wine.

Bringing it to my lips, I saw both Ford and his mother stealing glances at me. I raised my eyebrows at Ford, but he looked away.

Shaking it off, I tipped the glass.

"Stop! Braelynn don't touch the wine!" Ford shouted and sprang across the table, swatting the glass out of my hand.

I let out a surprised gasp.

My mother screamed.

Forks clattered.

Father shouted for some napkins.

Someone scooted my chair backwards.

The red liquid that was once in the cup spilled out over my plate.

Immediately, the steak began to disintegrate before my eyes.


Someone tried to poison me.

I kept shaking my head back and forth in disbelief. Who did this?

"Who did this?" My father roared and stormed out of the room.

"Oh, Ford, you saved my daughter's life!" My mother cooed and ran over to hug him.

"I could never thank you enough! How can we repay you?" She continued, never once looking at me.

"There is no need. I have my payment enough in seeing my beautiful bride live another day." He said sweetly and I think my mother fell in love with him.

I scoffed. They were both so fake. My mother was seething inside, and Ford only cared about putting on a show.

Kellan was the first to check on me. He made sure I was okay and went off to get a server to clean up the mess.

The room was oddly calm. Ford's parents were still in their seats. Mother and Ford were silent, but watching.

Watching me.

How did Ford know the wine was poisoned? I asked him just that.

"I just thought it looked odd. I had this gut feeling, you know?" He said.

But it was your family's wine! How come only mine was poisoned? Everyone else drank it and they are fine.

My mother was talking again. She kept thanking Ford and his family over and over.

Thoughts swirled in my head. Too many loopholes and unanswered questions. I felt sick, and not because of the poison.

"May I be excused, please?" I asked and stood up.

Ford rushed over to steady me. I shook him off.

"Are you alright, dear? Did you touch the poison at all?" Ford's mother spoke for the first time after the incident.

"Yes I'm just... overwhelmed right now. I think I need to go lay down for a while."

"Of course. Let me walk you to your room." Ford offered.

We left together, walking arm in arm down the hall. Ford looked around as we walked, his eyes darting from place to place.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"You're asking me if I'm okay? Braelynn, you almost died in there."

"Why do you even care?" I felt like a twelve year old saying this, but I needed to know.

"Believe it or not, I do care about you. I mean, if I didn't, I would have let you drink the wine," he said.

"Tell me how you really knew the wine was poisoned. And don't try and put on a show," I said coldly.

"I told you already. I just had a bad feeling and wanted to be sure. You should be thankful. If I hadn't stopped you, you would be dead right now." He exclaimed.

As much as I didn't want to, I felt bad for badgering him. He really did save my life.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you for saving my life Ford. I mean it, thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you're okay," he said. We turned the corner to my quarters.

"Well, I can take it from here. I'll see you next time." The guard opened the door and I walked inside.

"Braelynn?" Ford called.


"Be careful. Please, be careful." He pleaded.

"What do you mean?"

" careful, okay?"

"Okay?" I turned on my heel and walked through the door.

What did he mean by "Be careful?" Careful of what?

I'm not sure if I can trust Ford and his family. I just can't get over the fact that it was his family's wine. I guess if they were trying to get rid of us, then he would have poisoned all of our glasses. Plus, Ford stopped me from drinking it. Like he said, if he wanted me dead, he wouldn't have said anything.

I reached my bedroom door and found a nightgown waiting, but no maids. Father must have ordered everyone to stay away from me until this was all sorted out.

I quickly changed and tucked myself into bed, thinking of the events of the night.


Hey all!! Thanks for reading. This chapter was short but it sets off the rising action of the story. Next chapter is where it's at people. Stay tuned.

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