Heart Hold Fast

By HowToExplain

209K 7.9K 4.1K

"Holding her like this felt so strange, yet so familiar all at once." Lauren Jauregui finds herself at Camila... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eight

10K 388 79
By HowToExplain

A/N: I'm sorry for the time it has taken me to update. All my time has been directed towards my other story,  Chance and Reason, but I plan to be making a lot more space for this in the future. I hope that you enjoy, and thank you so much for all the support!

By the time Lauren's train rumbled into the station, she had memorised virtually every document regarding Ally Brooke's potential advertising project. As far as business was concerned, the plan showed enormous promise in terms of revenue. Not only did the brand have the famous popstar's name stamped all over it, but it had successfully identified a gap in the fashion market that Lauren felt could be hugely profitable.

As soon as she had started reading the emails her father had sent her, the cogs in her mind began turning. Even after a difficult night, the creative fire that flowed in her veins ignited as soon as she began to scan through the ideas. This type of project excited her; building an advertising campaign that would soon adorn every billboard and television in New York.

The rush hour traffic had simmered down slightly, but the famous yellow taxis still ploughed in hoards through the crowded roads. Clutching her briefcase, she darted through the lines of vehicles, and reached the JMA building.

With its fantastic glass design, the morning light left the entrance foyer bright airy. It gave off an intended atmosphere of freshness, and was really the architectural embodiment of blue sky thinking – the cloudless scenes above shone down into the offices below, as if they were genuinely open to the air. Most clientele had already decided this was the marketing agency that they wanted to use, once they saw the beautifully progressive and modernistic building. "First impressions," as her father would say, "Are everything,".

Lauren found Normani on her floor, and was relieved to hear that her father had already called ahead and explained the situation. They had a few hours to prepare the final pitch before Ally Brooke and her team arrived. Lauren set to work on creating the documentation to secure the marketing deal, while Normani starting on their presentation. They made an efficient team, and between them both, and a few extra staff members, they had it all sorted and finished early.

"Are you nervous?" Normani wondered aloud.

"No," Lauren said confidently, "We've got no reason to be. They know that we want the job, and recognise how much we could do for their brand. Our designers are world-class, and our success rates are unequalled. All we have to do is present that to them, and provide a pen to sign the contract with,"

"Fair point," chuckled Normani, "But just try not to be so obscenely arrogant to their faces, okay?"

"It's all part of my natural charm," Lauren winked, cracking her knuckles.

"You are awful,"

Before Lauren could retort, a man poked his head around the office door, and gave them a thumbs up.

"Ally Brooke has just arrived,"

"Excellent," Lauren rubbed her hands together, "Let's get this show on the road,"

She stepped into the elevator, and it glided smoothly down to the ground floor. Adjusting her cuffs, and straightening her collar, she greeted the popstar looking like the epitome of suave. With a firm, and reassuring handshake, she guided Ally and her team to the lift, and pressed the button to send them shooting upwards again.

"It's a real pleasure to meet you, Miss Brooke," she said sincerely, "I'm honestly delighted that you are considering us for this thrilling venture. I've read the files, and I could hardly put them down. Your ideas have the capacity to create truly great things,"

Ally seemed taken aback at Lauren's smooth and heartfelt delivery. The piercing green eyes rested on her, and she discreetly gulped. This was all part of Lauren's trademark business allure; charm and woo her prospective clients.

"I'm really pleased to be here," Ally said earnestly.

"Believe me, the pleasure is all mine," responded Lauren easily, as the lift arrived and she swept out.

They entered one of the most spacious conference rooms in the JMA building. Being in one of the highest floors, to whole walls were floor to ceiling glass, with incredible views out across Manhattan. The spectacular weather was certainly doing the scenery favours. Smart leather chairs were arranged around a large oval table, and a projector was set up, with the presentation ready to go.

"Please, take a seat!" Lauren exclaimed, gesturing to the available places, "This is my esteemed managing director, Normani Kordei, who is going to give you a flavour of what JMA can offer you,"

"Thank you, Lauren," Normani beamed, "It's going to be difficult to keep this short – this brand really has so much potential – but I'll do my best. Then, hopefully, we can get on to some discussions, and answer any questions that you may have,"

Normani proceeded to deliver and exceptional pitch, and Lauren felt a wave of pride roll through her. The presentation covered every detail. Ally's clothing line was intended to be business, and workwear, and Normani emphasised every key point about their marketing strategy.

"At the moment, it seems that most other celebrities are tapping into the sportswear industry, and so the fashion area for office, and corporate clothing is being left behind. That's leaving a huge hole in the market, especially considering the fact that so many more people are working in the types of careers that require some form of smart wear,"

Ally and her team nodded and murmured in agreement.

"The workplace fashion for men in pretty much set in stone – a suit and tie. For women, it is open to interpretation. You can be the brand that defines business wear for the businesswomen that are driving our economy and leading our biggest companies. And, not only can you do this, but through creating a label that becomes associated with fortune and prosperity, you can begin to give others the confidence to start entering these careers, and driving for their own success,"

"It is," Lauren interjected, "An opportunity to not only revolutionise this sector of the fashion market, but you can also start to inspire people to begin chasing the dreams that come to life in buildings like this,"

Her words had the desired effect, and Ally stared in awe around her.

"We want to be the people that spread the word about this fashion revolution," Normani finished, "I'm sure you can see how enthusiastic we are about this,"

"I can," Ally nodded eagerly.

"Have you got any questions?" Lauren asked her cheerfully.

"I'm not sure..." Ally admitted, staring back at her team, "You were very thorough,"

"Celebrity endorsement," a man piped up from beside the popstar, "Is this something you would encourage?"

"Obviously, Ally's name alone adds enormous value to the product, and that's something we will be looking to exploit," Lauren replied, "But if you have other contacts that you would consider bringing in for advertising purposes, that is something we would be open to hearing about, and can look into,"

"I would like celebrities to be involved," Ally told them, "I think that could be really good for inspiration – if you have already recognisable role models wearing the clothing, then that's going to add to the appeal. But I don't want generic, reality television celebrities,"

"Who would you be looking for?" Lauren queried interestedly.

"Actual business people," answered Ally, "People who are where they are because of the work that they've done. Then we keep with the theme of being 'different', as well as marketing a clothing range with a backing of relevant people. If sportswear is being sold by athletes, then business wear should be sold by entrepreneurs and CEOs,"

"I agree," Lauren grinned, "That's a very good point. Is there anybody that you already have in mind?"

"Well... I mean, you'd be ideal," confessed Ally, "You've got everything that we're looking for. But also, somebody like... I don't know... Camila Cabello?"

Staring up in disbelief, Lauren tried to speak, but her voice failed her.

"Camila Cabello?"

"Don't you know her?" Ally clicked her fingers, as if remembering something, "I'm sure I read that you attended her wedding recently!"

"Yes, I did," Lauren admitted, "But, we're more... acquaintances,"

"She'd be fantastic, what with her name being attached to Cabello Industries and everything," beamed Ally.

"But she's not a businesswoman," Lauren sighed heavily, "Her parents, namely her father, built the company,"

"The same could be said for you," Ally pointed out.

"No," Lauren responded heatedly, "I set up the JMA headquarters in New York and I run them independently of my parents. Camila doesn't do anything,"

Her angry defence was being ignored, as the prospect of Camila Cabello's involvement began to be chatted about amongst Ally and her team. They all seemed animated at the thought, and Lauren felt like she was experiencing some surreal dream.

"I could've sworn Camila is in New York now," Ally revealed, "We've met a few times at red carpet events, and really hit it off. If I could reach her, we could get the ball rolling. Lauren, you could put us in contact, I'd really appreciate that!"

Lauren geared herself up, ready to protest, but Normani grabbed her sleeve, and desperately shook her head.

"Listen. Whatever personal feuds you may have with Camila, you can't deny that having her on-board would be hugely beneficial to the brand campaign,"

"She's not a businesswoman," Lauren objected weakly.

"It doesn't matter; she's got business blood. Not only do people associate her with wealth and prosperity, but she is the nation's sweetheart. She's gorgeous and cute, and the public love her. We need this,"

"I..." Lauren complained, "Oh, fine. But I'm serious when I say that you can handle that aspect of the deal. I don't want to have to cope with that,"

"Okay," Normani promised, "Just try to remember how good this could be for us,"

Lauren did not speak, but her lack of retaliation was taken by Normani as an acceptance of defeat, and so she turned around with her arms open.

"These finer details can be looked over later on," she said, "But I think we're all in agreement that celebrity backing from people like Camila Cabello would be brilliant,"

"Everything you have shown us looks amazing," Ally exclaimed, clapping her hands together, "And, after speaking to everybody here, I think we can say in full confidence that we are ready to sign the contract. You've shown enormous competence in what you have shown us, and we love what you are offering. We'd love for JMA to bring my brand to life,"

"That's wonderful news!" Normani declared, "Thank you!"

Lauren forced a big smile, and tried to keep it up throughout all of the handshakes and congratulations that followed. Her jaw began to ache.

Soon, Ally reached for the pen, and her elaborate signature quickly adorned the dotted line at the bottom of the page. She flourished the biro in the air, and gave a massive grin.

"It's official then!"

"We'll meet in about a week to make a start to proceedings then," Normani explained, "You let us know what dates you want to do, and we will cater to whatever works best for you. We are your humble servants,"

"I'm still settling into New York," Ally said, "So it might be closer to two weeks, but I am anxious to get things moving as quickly as possible,"

"Just keep us posted," Lauren spoke up, "In the meantime, we can start creating a few impressions and ideas for you to look at when we regroup,"


There was another round of enthusiastic handshakes, and then the happy party left, leaving Lauren and Normani alone.

"I can't believe this," groaned Lauren, "After last night, I've got to go crawling back, and beg for her to start endorsing my latest advertising campaign... oh bloody hell, what if she says no?!"

"What happened last night?" Normani raised an eyebrow.

"Never you mind," came the snappy response.

"Look, if she won't do it for you, she might do it for Ally. And this project is so much bigger than Camila Cabello – she will just be a tiny part of it. You two will barely come into contact,"

"I hope so," Lauren muttered, "I don't think I could look her in the eye right now,"

"Just email your father and tell him the good news. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's an order, Jauregui," Normani instructed her, "This isn't going to be nearly as bad as you think,"

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