بواسطة stillhopingtosurvive

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Meet Emily River. Shy yet cheerful.Mistaken to be miss-goody-two shoe, stubborn, full of life and crazy. She... المزيد

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 3
Chapter- 5


15 1 15
بواسطة stillhopingtosurvive

       School was same but the only difference this time was Trevor Maxfield. Though he was different from others, he wasn't a good difference. He constantly keeps bugging me and it was really getting irritating.

One moment he acts like my best buddy. The second he irritates and annoy the hell out of me. And another moment he acts like I don't even exist.
Like seriously?

Honestly it gets to me when he acts like I don't exist. Excuse me. I am not someone you behave this way. Like what the hell. And thus it turns into argument between us.

I don't care if he stops talking to me. But you can't show your mood swings on me.

And things got more worse when rumors started spreading about  us. *sigh*
Although I saw it coming. Because Sevioles High being Sevioles High, the rumors we're bound to spread especially if it is about any guy on Trevor's circle.
Like duh!!
And honestly though the rumors were quite funny for which I am not caring that much. The rumors are something like

' I have slapped Trevor.' Or
' He is threatening my life for talking to him.'

Its actually quite humorous. After hearing the rumors I was actually laughing so hard. God!! People and their thoughts.

And to make things more funny and irritating at the same time, the girls as in Trevor's so-called fans were giving me death glares every time I walk pass them.
*eye roll*

We were having physics class when Vanessa suddenly tap me to get my attention. I looked at her and saw that her face had a worried expression.

"Are you alright Vani?" I asked

"I think I should be asking you this question" she said sternly.

"Why?" I was acting naive. I know talking would help but didn't want to.

"Stop acting naive and tell me what's bothering you" Vanessa looked at me straight.

Well seems like my acting skills sucks. Taking a deep breath I said,

"I am fine it's just I am a bit disturbed with everything that's happening to me lately"

"You mean with the Trevor guy?"

"Yeah that would be it." I said

"I know you are not good with dramas Em but that's how life is. Moreover stop stressing and over thinking. You doing this will only going to make things worse." She said.

"I know but these thoughts keeps bugging me all the time." I said.

"Stop thinking then. Now don't tell me you can't."  Vanessa raised her eye brow.

"Well I am trying not to think of him. But he keeps irritating me all the time and this is actually getting to me. I want to rip his head of." I huffed.

"I understand. It's hard especially with all these people around." Ven replied.

"I keep asking myself if I have ever done anything to him or not. Like have I ever hurt him in any way or not." I told her honestly.

"Stop right there. Stop being so good all the time and stop blaming yourself of things you never did. Alright? You never did anything to him cause you never talked to him until now." Vanessa got a bit angry.

"Yeah. But he seems like so good with everyone except me which kind of bother me." I said to her getting distracted.

"Yeah?" She smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. On a second note he sounds like a good guy. And he might actually keep the girl he likes happy" Vanessa said.

"Maybe. But why are you telling me this?" I asked getting confused.

"No reason" Vanessa smiled innocently.

The bell rang and we got up from our seat. I did not pressure Vanessa about it anymore because I was more than ready to go home. On the way Dorethea and Tasha  joined us. We were walking side by side and out of no where Adylen and her minions stood directly in front of us.

"Excuse me?" I said politely. Well I know my manners.

"You are excused." Said Adylen and her minions started giggling from behind.

"Doesn't look like." Said Dorethea at the same time Tasha said,

"Then why are you standing in front of us?"

"Well maybe because its my property" she pointed to the whole school. I was containing my laughter by then.
*fake ass*

"Sure sure and I am Victoria  Justice." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well you can never be!" She said making a bitchy face.

"Back to the you!" Vanessa said.

And with that we started walking. But before we could leave Adylen shouted,

"Hey Slut!"

"Say what?" I said turning around.

"Slut." Even though she was acting strong but fear was clearly showing in her face.

"Do you even know what Slut means? Because if you would know its meaning, you would go in front of the mirror and say that word" Tasha said. And with that we left the place and I went to the bus.

Fortunately I was alone today in the bus with no one to disturb me because Trevor had football practice.

Have I mentioned he is a star football player with height 5'10 and broad shoulders and looks that could kill anyone?
Probably not and it doesn't even matter.

The ride was peaceful and I was extremely tired when I reached home. Mom was in the leaving room. When she saw me she started asking about my day and I just answered shortly and went to my room.

I freshen up and was about to take a nap when mom came inside my room saying,

"Did I interrupt your nap?"

"Not really mommy. Come on in."
I said.
She sat beside me and started caressing my head.

"What happened?" She asked.

Now you might be wondering how does she know. Well I don't even have the answer. She knows everything always. And I also share everything with momma because she is quite understanding and jolly.

On the other hand my dad is quite strict. But I am close to him too.

"Nothing." I said.

"Is there anything that's bothering you? She asked gently.

And with that I told her everything and she seems to quite understand the problem.
She nods on everything I was saying and then said,

"You know what? Be the good person here and talk to him if something is bothering him or if you did anything wrong. And if you did something then solve it. Being angry will will increase the problem alright?"

"Got it momma" I said.

She hugged me and I hugged her tight. And with that she left my room.

I thought about it for a while and decided to actually sort out my problem with Trevor. Well I will have some peace than maybe.

I was doing my home works when mom called for dinner.

So I went down and started having the delicious food she cooked today. We talked a bit while I was still thinking about it when dad suggested,

"Why don't we play monopoly?"

I was quite tired but I don't have it in me to say dad no. But mom being mom scolded dad to even think about this idea on a school night and winked at me. I smiled and went back to my room and made myself ready for bed.

I had one thing in mind.
'To end all the problems with Trevor. With that in mind I went to sleep.


Author's note:

Hey everyone!! How are you all? I hope you all are doing great.
Thank you for giving this book a chance please do read this story and tell me what do you think.
If you have any questions please ask.

P.S: this story is not yet proofread. So pleas do tell me if you find any mistake.





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