
By Snowelf02

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Dani is a college student. She took the opportunity to get away from her parents and moved to San Francisco w... More

Chapter One: Meeting HIM
Chapter Two: The Date
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 4.5
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapten 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter Six

83 4 1
By Snowelf02

 A/N: This chapter contains a little bit of sexual stuff, nothing too extreme. Also a little bit of minor cursing. If you don't like that stuff, try to ignore it or skip this chapter altogether. Let me warn you you'll be very confused if you skip this. I'm not a big cusser so...

Enjoy! Rate and Comment!

     I didn't know what to do. For the millionth time since I got here, the phrase repeated itself. Torn between two men who I both was attracted to. Scott was the first one to make a move though...

      "So will you never be my lover or my valentine never be a friend of mine, never see my bad side, baby you'd be terrified..." Echoed in the house. Scott was singing very loudly. At 6 a.m. "Cause I know about my love... cause I know about my love..." He tried to pull off Mitch's high note and failed. I opened my door and Scott was laying on the couch with an MP3 player playing. He was singing along to his own song, it was cute. "Where are the others?" I asked, but he didn't hear me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a random cereal box I'd never tried before. I poured in the bowl and glanced at Scott again. He was still mumbling a song with his eyes closed. I pulled out my phone and checked my texts while eating. 

Lauren: Hey! I'm released from the hospital in a few months! No rehab for this girl! 3/16/13

Lauren: Are you mad at me? Dani I didn't mean to overdose... 3/16/13

Lauren: Come on Dani, quit being such a letdown! I'm sorry! 3/16/13

     The horrible way of looking at this was if she hadn't overdosed I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be torn between Scott and Avi. In a heartbeat she'd be all over the guys, never letting them breathe. So in a way it was a good thing I was here and not her. 

Me: Lauren, I didn't mean to ignore you. I've been busy just thinking and stuff. I need to talk to you about Scott and Avi. 3/17/13

     Before I pressed send I felt someone behind me. "Who are you talking to? What's wrong with me and Avi?" I turned around and came face to face with Scott. "It's Lauren... she wants to know how her favorite members are doing! Don't tell Kirstie, Mitch, or Kevin!" I lied. I didn't want to, but I had to give an excuse about making an appointment to see Lauren later. I pressed send and stared at him. He wouldn't move, just kept giving me this doubtful look. "Is this about last night? I thought you felt the same." He stepped back and let me go. "Maybe it was just me. I'll leave you alone if you want me to." He walked into his bedroom and locked the door. I sighed and put my forehead on the counter top. Already, drama was brewing between us. I've only been here for two days, almost three and there was already tension.

Me: Where are you?

     I sent the text to Avi and waited. I wanted to talk to him. I think I knew what I wanted for now.

Avi: I'm with Kirstie and Mitch. Kevin should be there still. Why? What's wrong?

Me: Me and Scott are giving eachother the silent treatment. Please don't ask why, it'd be really awkward to explain. 

Avi: Alright, what do you need?

Me: Can you take me somewhere today? I want to get away from the house for awhile.

Avi: Yeah. We'll be home in an hour or so. Be ready by then!

     I sighed and looked around. Scott's MP3 was sitting on the couch still, probably left there when he noticed me. Love Again by Pentatonix was playing. I could hear Mitch's part that I loved. The chorus was chilling in a way. I turned it off and left it on the couch. I went back to my room and plopped down on the bed.


     "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. My voice echoed off the wall and I stared at Scott. He was looking away and his body was stiff. His face was hidden by his hands. "Scott. Look at me, please!" I tried to run to him, but chains held my wrists and ankles. I fell to the floor and scraped my knees, the cement digging into my skin. When Scott heard me fall he looked at me and had a pained expression on his face. Cuts and bruises were all over his face and he had a gun. "I never thought you would hurt me. But you did." He raised the gun to my head and whispered in a haunting voice: "You let me in, then shut me out. You need to learn to love again." Avi appeared a second too late. Scott shot me in my heart. "No!" Then everything was black. 

     The dream made me second guess my decision. "Dani?" Avi knocked on my door, jerking me awake. "Hold on!" I jumped off my bed and grabbed dark skinny jeans and a pink shirt with a tiger on it. I put them on and pulled on my pink converse. Pink wasn't my favorite color, but it stood out to me. I put on my socks and tied up my shoes. I brushed my hair and fixed my bangs then opened the door. Avi leaned against the door frame in dark jeans, a sweater, and a beanie. "I'm ready." I said to him. He looked at me and smiled. "You look nice." I heard someone clear their throat from the otherside of Scott's door. I walked past Avi and pulled him out the door. "Come on! Take me somewhere!" "You're so demanding all of the sudden!"  He threw me over his shoulder and walked out the front door. "No! Put me down!" He carried me all the way to the car and set me down in the seat next to him. He shut our doors and he put the key in the ignition. "Where would you like to go? Milkshakes? Mall? The park?" He named off places we could go. "Definately not the mall. I'm not letting you buy anything for me. I know how people like you work. How about lets get some milkshakes and go to the park?" He nodded and pulled out of the driveway. 

     "What do you want to listen to?" He turned on the radio, and Lauren's pop music was on. I groaned and switched it to a classic rock station. I tapped my foot to the beat and saw Avi smiling. "What?" "Oh nothing, I'm surprised you have good taste in music. That stuff gives me a headache, but I still sing it with the group." I nodded. He pulled up to a place called Uswirl. I've been here a few times. Their yogurt is really good! "I love this place! I go here after school with Lauren sometimes." I grinned at my reflection in the glass doors and opened it, holding it for Avi. "Ladies first." I joked. "I'm flattered!" He made his voice go into a higher octave, but he ended up still sounding very masculine. "What do you want?" He whispered to me. His breath tickled my ear and it smelled minty. "I'll just take a vanilla milkshake. Since we'll be going to the park and all." "What size?" I thought about the beach. "Hmm... medium." He chuckled and ordered for us. I found a booth and sat there, looking at my phone.

Lauren: What about them? Is my little Dani having guy problems? 3/17/13

Me: Kind of. I like Avi and Scott. Scott is ignoring me because of what happened last night, and I think I'm on a date with Avi. But I'm not sure what he considers it. I asked him to take me somewhere and he took me to a frozen yogurt shop. We're going to the park after this.

      I heard someone approaching and put my phone away and looked up. "Hey baby. Why is a fine lady like you here alone?" A guy that looked like he was still in highschool was leaning against the booth in a flirty manner. "I'm not alone... I'm here with someone." "I don't see anyone. Let me give you a ride to my place." He reached out his hand and waited for my reaction. "Like I said, I'm here with someone. I'm not going anywhere with you." This boy wasn't used to being rejected, I could tell. He furrowed his brow and his face reddened in embarrassment and anger. "Listen lady. You have a chance with this. Your choice before it becomes mine." I looked around him for Avi. He was still waiting at the register, his back to me. "Don't start something you can't finish." I told him. He grumbled and grabbed my arm. He pulled me to the men's bathroom, despite my protests. They were silenced by his hand over my mouth. "I told you to decide. Now I'm deciding for you." He pushed us into a big stall and began groping me. His hand went from my breasts to my thighs, until he got tired of it and kissed me sloppily on the mouth. I tried to scream, but his mouth stifled it.  When he leaned away I let out my scream and slapped him. He tightened his grip and grumbled at me, "You bitch! You'll pay for that!" He unbuttoned my jeans and I screamed again. Why could no one hear me?

Avi's P.O.V.

     I heard screaming and I looked at the booths for Danielle. She wasn't there so I left my order on the counter and ran over towards the bathrooms, where it sounded like it was coming from. "Let go of me!" Her sweet voice came from the men's bathroom. What was she doing in there? I pushed open the door, "Dani? Are you in here?" It was a stupid question, her screams were coming from in here. I pushed every door until the final one didn't open. It was latched shut. I banged on the door. "Open up or I'll call the police!" Sounds of sloppy kissing was my only answer. I groaned and jumped into the nearest stall, stood on the toilet lid and hoisted myself over the stall. I found a teenager groping Dani and I saw Dani's hair everywhere, her shirt pulled up, and she was trying to keep him from pulling down her jeans. I let myself fall to the floor and grabbed Dani out of the teenager's grasp. I tucked her behind me, and she pulled her shirt down and buttoned her jeans while I snapped at the boy. "What the hell do you think you were doing? You can't just molest a girl like that! What is wrong with you!" I slapped him so hard he fell against the wall and I marched up to him. "Well? What now?" The boy's eyes widened and he whispered, "I'd say I was sorry, but I'm not. Your girlfriend here has a nice body. If I can get you out of the picture she'll be my playtoy." Something snapped within me and I glared at him. He threw his arm back and punched me in the jaw. The rest was a blur as I hit him back over and over. "Avi! Don't! Stop it!" A gentle hand tried to pull me back and I looked behind me. Dani had a horrified expression and she was pale. "Dani, are you okay?" I left the boy alone and pulled her into my arms. "I'm okay Avi... are you?" She looked up at me with fearful eyes. That's when I realized something. She was afraid of me. "I'm fine... I'm sorry I let my anger get out of control. Let me take you back to our place." "I don't want to yet." She grabbed my hand and lead me out of the bathroom. She covered her face as she walked past the paparazzi outside. We'd be seeing this in the news tomorrow for sure.


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