Let's Take a Chance

By Pao_Direction

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Its the summer after high school and 18 year old Phoebe is trying to find who she really is. but what she doe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

179 5 0
By Pao_Direction

Phoebe's P.O.V.

I had a wonderful day out exploring. Although, Louis hasn’t left my mind once. What does this boy have that attracts me so much.!? I know, I don’t even need to ask that. What doesn’t he have!

Now, I’m walking to the hotel to get my things to go the beach. I hope that will help, maybe. I’ll take my swim suit because it’s getting hot and I need to swim.

I grab all my things quickly, to not waste anytime I could be spending enjoy this fabulous place. As I’m walking out of the spinning doors I start having a little battle with someone else on the other side who is trying to get into the hotel. This will not work out well so I decide to be the better person and spin back inside.  As I’m spun into the hotel lobby I trip.

But I don’t fall. Someone catches me.

My heart stops for a second and then starts to beat so hard that im scared it might just fly out of my chest.

Right there, just a heartbeat away was Louis Tomlinson. 

His face was just inches from mine. A smile spreads on his so perfect face. And he says "Well I saved your life 2 times now. Maybe the next time I’ll get a kiss in return."

I smile and I can’t stop myself from kissing him on the cheek. I blush, and I notice, pass his tan skin, he's also blushing.

We straighten up, but Louis doesn’t let go of my hand. 

Louis says, "You do not know how hard I’ve been trying to find you. Where are you heading to? Please let me buy you some coffee or tea."

I smile and respond with a simple but effective, "yes." this brings a huge full smile. His teeth are so white and perfect. I’m a bit weird so teeth attract me. You know, if they have good looking teeth then they have a winning smile.

We walk across the street to the cafe that I quickly got addicted to the first time I tried their coffee.

We order our drinks and Louis suggests that we go to the beach. He seriously read my mind.

Louis asks "so where were you headed to in such a hurry?"

And so I tell him, "I was on my way to the beach but I had a tiny battle with someone." For some reason I smile and wink at him. "Wait, what were you doing at the hotel?”

He gives me a wicked smile and says "Stalking you... I’m kidding! I live there." 

I’m shocked, surprise and this quickly turns in to happiness. I try to control my joy but I reply a little too happy than I was hoping for "I live there too."

But lucky me, his smile gets wider. "Would you like to go to the beach, I’ll take you home myself." he winks and I can’t help but laugh. "Okay let’s go then Lou."


Louis' P.O.V.

I am seriously the luckiest person ever!

I found her! I actually found her! And this must be a sign. Cause right when I was about to give up there she was in my arms (literally) as I caught her once again. And now I find out that she lives in the same hotel as me! Yes! I wonder if she’s on the same flat as me…

Anyways, we’re walking on the beach and I just can’t help but think about how beautiful she looks. As we’re walking we talk about ourselves and as I get to know her more and more I’m liking her more and more... Oh god!

“So do you have any pets at home?” I ask.

“No, I had a dog but it died of old age. If I decide to stay here I might get another one.” She answers with a thoughtful look on her face.

I stay quiet for a while. I get a weird feeling just thinking about her leaving. “How long are you planning to stay?”

“I really would love to stay for a long time but I don’t know yet. Right now I’m thinking until the summer. It depends…”

“May I ask on what?”

She gives me a sheepish smile and explains “I might be going to college, if I ever decide what I want to be or do. It sucks not knowing what I want to be. This was the whole point of this trip but I haven’t decided anything yet.” Her eyes are filled with sadness.

Her little confession triggers something in me. I remember not knowing exactly who I wanted to be in the future. When I used to think that dreams couldn’t come true. I used to wonder what I would be in 5 years. 10 years... I still wonder sometimes but I’m happy being me right now.

All I want is to comfort her, we’ve stopped walking so I slightly hold my hand up to her face so she would look at me and I tell her, “you still have a long time. Don’t worry you will find yourself. And I’m here to help you. I believe in you.”

I feel like that’s what she needed to hear. A single tear runs down her face and I softly brush it away with a kiss on her cheek. She smiles and gives me a tight hug.

I feel as though, this is where we both belong.


Phoebe's P.O.V.

As promised, Louis walked me all the way to my room. I was hoping that he would live right next to me or at least a few doors down but he lives on the flat above mine.

We were talking outside my door. It seem like Louis didn't want to leave yet. And to be honest I didn’t want him to leave either. But I had a little feeling that this was moving a bit to fast. So I make an excuse. "Well I would love to invite you in but I have not cleaned up and it’s a big mess in there."

"Oh, it’s alright. I have to go anyway to rehearse with the lads." as he smiles, I see a longing in his eyes that sends a chill down my body. "I'll see you tomorrow." and he’s gone.

I close the door and just stand there trying to hold on to that moment and this amazing feeling growing inside of me. Trying to hold on to the way he looks at me, the way he smiles, the way his hand feels on mine, the way that his smallest touch sends my heart beating a mile away...

I can’t lie to myself anymore. I like Louis!

And tomorrow can’t come any faster!


Louis' P.O.V 

As I barely walk into my room the lads attack me with a million questions. I didn’t even understand one of them so I yell out “One at a time, mates!”

Harry is first to ask, “Where have you been mister!?”

I’m so glad to answer that, “I was with her. I found her!”

The lads look at each other confused for a millisecond and then they exclaim “PHOEBE!”

I start to walk over to the fridge to get some water, as the boys walk right behind me. I make them wait for a while and I take my time drinking my water. Then I turn around and say, “YES!” and they start to cheer. Oh what great friends I have!

Liam asks “how did you find her?”

“That’s the best part, she leaves in this hotel and we just ran into each other!”

Zayn starts to whistle and then says “That’s my Tommo! Not giving up and then letting things happen on their own. Told you guys you should listen to me more often.” Then he takes out his mirror to examine his hair. We all jump on him and mess his hair up. He screams “UHHHH!” and we all laugh.

I can still hear Niall laughing and play fighting with Zayn. Yeah without these lads I wouldn’t be anywhere.

I walk into my room planning to sleep, but for a while I just lay there thinking of her. Thinking of her hair as it blows in the wind, her honey brown eyes as they shine in the sun, her perfect teeth, her full beautiful lips… I can’t wait to see her.

Oh Please Come 'morrow!

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