Lance Sweets Horrible Past

By foreverliberty

11.3K 181 45

Lance sweets is twenty two, and working for the FBI and with the Jeffersonian. He has left behind a horrid pa... More

Resisting Arrest?
Psychological Breakdown
Lance Psychology Sessions
The Talk
The box
Journal Entries
The Brown Journal
The Warning
The Very First Entry
What changed?
More Digging

The Apartment

761 10 6
By foreverliberty

Dr. Hodgins sighed, Sweets was in the back seat of goods suv, curled into a ball, nervous, and clearly having some sort of talking issues. He was barely receptive of anything he had said so far. Troubling, to say the least. Zach had come with, after practically telling Brennan off. Hodgins believed boss exact words where 'despite the inconclusive results of Psychology, and the fact that it is a "soft science", Dr. Sweets has helped me before, and now I can repay the favor. And, he is my friend, as it had been pointed out to me many times, friends help each other, and so I will help him. Otherwise I would not be showing my friendship'. Everyone would have laughed at the befuddled look in Dr. Brennan's face if the situation had not been so incredibly serious.
When they got to Sweets' house, Sweets unlocked the door, and opened it for them.
Hodgins just stated at the inside. There were absolutely no personal items. No pictures, or anything. A tv sat in the corner unused for what looked like centuries. Case files were strewn about the place in ransom clumps of paper. A laptop sat on a coffee table, with about a dozen files laying on either side. Hodgins noticed some weren't even FBI files. There were files from Safe Place areas for homeless teens, some from rehab facilities, some from veteran services.
"Sorry about the mess." Sweets said finally. He was in the process of grabbing clientele files and putting them in their respective bins, which had been labeled. Case files he grouped into three separate piles before putting them in their own bombs as well, though slightly smaller. He closed and double locked each bin before disappearing info boys room, Zach following.
"Zach, what are you doing?"
"Dr. Wyatt said to not leave Dr. Sweets alone for a second." The Anthropologist said matter of fault, before entering the Psychologist's room.
There were bookshelves filled with books, most of them Psychology related, but a few where science fiction. Dr. Hodgins moved towards the laptop, inturiged. It was the only modern piece of technology in the place. But Sweets came out and promptly locked the screen.
"Dr. Hodgins," the young man started."I am quite certain you would not appreciate it if I were to tell my other clients about what goes on during your sessions. I would ask you to bestow the same curtsy on my other clients. If you cannot do that, you will have to be removed from the Apartment. Okay?" Hodgins nodded.
"Yes, of course, I apologize." He looked around. "Uh, it's just, how do I know what I'm not supposed to look at?"
"Anything with in a file." The man said curtly. "I am serious Dr. Hodgins. I know Dr. Gordon has assigned you to stay with me, but he also understands the importance of dr/patient privilege. He would not hesitate to either assign someone else, or come himself. I let you into my home as a sign of fragile trust that you will not go through my client's folders, or my current case work. Are you willing to abide by that? Both of you?" Zach and hodgins nodded.
"Okay, I'm going to sleep now."
"Uh, but...."
"I am going to be sleeping on the couch. Don't worry." Sweets said. Hodgins sighed in relief.
After waiting until Sweets seemed sound asleep, Hodgins and Zach started poking around for anything that would signify something personal. Other than a ton of awards, some impressive articles, and university records, nothing could be found.
"Drs. Hodgins, and Addy." Sweets grumbled from the couch. Zach and hodgins stopped what they were doing, and both assumed innocent expressions. Zach's far more impressive than Hodgins'.
"Try the bottom left of my bedroom closet. While type in the get me the Melatonin will you?" Zach rushed off, giving Sweets the medicine, which he swiftly downed, before finally dozing off. This time Hodgins made sure he was asleep.
"Okay, I'll check the closet, you stay here." Hodgins said, quietly slipping into the bedroom. He looked in the closet, only to find the yellow eyes of a calico staring at him unpleasantly, sitting on top of a huge plastic tub.
"Hay kitty. I'm just going to move you." He said, picking up the car and scooting him to the bed. He grabbed the tub and moved back into the living room with Zach.
"Jack pot baby." Hodgins said. Zach sat down cross legged besides him.
"CH?" Zach asked, referring to the label.
"Oh yeah,"
"I don't get it." Zach informed.
"CH. Stands drop
For Child Hood. You know?" Understanding filed Zach's face.
"Yes, I understand now." He stated happily. Hodgins opened the tub, curious as to what they might find about their resident Psychologist.

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