Changed || Jeon Jungkook

By Kookies_n_Cream284

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**COMPLETED** "Just tell me. Why did you try to steal the necklace?" I looked at him. "Oh! I tried stealing i... More

Chapter 1: Caught By Him
Chapter 2: The Escape
Chapter 3: Another Criminal?
Chapter 4: Plans
Chapter: 5: Min Yoongi?
Chapter 6: Who?
Chapter 7: What?!
Chapter 8: Reasons
Chapter 9: Perfect
Chapter 10: Meeting Him Again
Chapter 11: Kim Taehyung
Chapter 12: Park
Chapter 14: Slave
Chapter 15: Kidnap
Chapter 16: Party
Chapter 17: Real Friends?
Chapter 18: Trip To Where?
Chapter 19: Threaten
Chapter 20: Ditching Them
Chapter 21: Fun
Chapter 22: Hurt
Chapter 23: Afraid
Chapter 24: Playing
Chapter 25: Ships & Stories
Chapter 26: Crazy Friends
Chapter 27: The Dark Past
Chapter 28: The Date (Part 1)
Chapter 29: The Date (Part 2)
Chapter 30: Pancakes & Mansions
Chapter 31: Danger (Part 1)
Chapter 32: Danger (Part 2)
Chapter 33: Yoongi's Wedding
Chapter 34: Laundry With Jimin
Chapter 35: I'll Leave You Then
Chapter 36: A Monster
Chapter 37: You're Important
Chapter 38: When Secrets Are Out
Chapter 39: Pain.
Chapter 40: Change

Chapter 13: New Plan

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By Kookies_n_Cream284

-The next day 8:56 pm.-
I got in our hideout and saw Lisa with Jin.
"Hey." Lisa gave me a hug and went back to her place. Hoseok, who came out of no where then spoke..
"We've got the wrong idea about the the liking thing.."

"What do you mean? We were sure about it when we talked about it." Lisa's knits her brows in confusion. Jin then showed us a picture on his iPad.
"Yoongi was on a date yesterday.. It means we're aren't close to getting Yoongi in our hands.."

"If we failed this.. we'll be dead."
Lisa was right about the dead thing.. Namjoon is waiting for us for sure..


Yoongi's POV
I got in my office to work on some papers.. Yeah, right..
I then remembered when Yoona tripped. She landed in my arms just like I'm those stupid romantic movies. I couldn't stop thinking about her.. she was just too perfect..

I was signing some papers (More like making doodles in my paper) while my assistant, Haneul was outside making some coffee for me.

The door opened, revealing my father in a very pissed expression.
"Good morning father--"
"What is this?" He showed me a..
"A newspaper..." I continued signing the papers. He throwed it on the ground and raised his voice.
"WHY WOULD YOU KILL YOUR DRIVER??!" I stopped signing and looked at him..

"You're assistant told me about it.. You killed your driver just because of a girl? Is that it?"
"It's none of your business--" He shouts again. My poor eardrums..
"The police are in the case right now!"
"I don't care.."

He then remains still to calm himself down.
"I told you this before. You're not suppost to be falling in love with the one you like because I'm going to let you marry someone with more money and power."

"BUT FATHER--" He ignored me and continued talking in a calm tone.
"I already picked someone for you. You're going to love her whether you like it or not.."

He left me inside the office, speechless
"Fuck you!!" He's getting In my nerves.. Oh for fucks sake! He always does!



"Sorry, I have to take this."
Hoseok answered his phone and walked outside. After 5 minutes, he came back looking stressed and pressured.

"Who called you?" I asked him.
"It was Namjoon, he's losing his patience.. We better get this fast or we'll be dead."
"But how are we going to let Yoongi like Y/N faster?" Jin asked us.

"Easy. Let's make him jealous.." Lisa said proudly.
"But how are we going to let Yoongi get jealous?.."

"Jin told me about a business party and Yoongi's invited again. Let's just make him jealous and then KA-BAM! He'll start liking
Y/N, and we'll get rich, simple.." Lisa said with a proud smile.

"But Lisa, how can he be jealous if he doesen't like me?"

"You said If.. and trust me he likes you."

"Well okay. Then it's settled. You're going to that business party. But with whom?" Jin looked at us.

There it is again. Another question that we couldn't answer. Namjoon only assigned Me, Lisa, Jin, Hoseok, and 2 girls. The girls are on vacation and plus, Yoongi already saw Jin and Lisa's face, so they can't play the role.

"I know someone!" We turn our heads to Lisa. She's pretty smart right now.

"Then who?" Jin and Hoseok asked, giving Lisa a confuse look.
"He can be trusted, for sure because he's one of Y/N's friends.."

I pointed my index finger at myself.
"W-who? Me??" She nodded happily.
"His name is Jeon Jungkook"

"His name is Jeon Jungkook.."

"His name is Jeon Jungkook..."

"Jeon Jungkook...."

After hearing his name, I couldn't move or think straight. His name echoed in my mind..

"Who is Jeon Jungkoo--"
"NO!" I can't believe what's happening right now... Not him, please..
"No! He can't do it! He can't do it!"
"Why? Who is he?" Hoseok said.

Lisa suddenly answered Hoseok's question. Oh, She's dead..
"He's a police officer and--"


Jin and Hoseok turn their heads to me. Wow, their face turned red so quickly...

"Y/N, can you explain what's happening?"

"He's a friend who's helping me, okay?! He's helping me get Yoongi too. We want the same person and it's Min Yoongi. Like Namjoon said, he'll be locked in jail after we steal his money and power. So it's fair for us to get what we want.. and don't worry he won't tell anyone.."

"Fine, but it's your responsibility if he turns his back on you. All we need now is him to act as your New Boyfriend in the party.." Hoseok said.


"NO BUTS! This is our new plan."
They began to leave. Well I guess I have to leave too..


-The next day-
(1:25 pm.)

I was in the hospital. It was my turn to check on Tom this time. While Tom is still on the hospital bed, here I am debating myself whether I should text Jungkook to meet me up later or not.

I was sitting on the chair, holding my phone while eating a sandwich.

I took a bite from my sandwich and then turn my head back to the phone.
"Should I text him?" I took another bite..

Big Nose Dude👃👿



-Today 1:27 pm.-



Shit. I texted him... No, I wasn't ready!!! I didn't even know how I did it..

I stuff the whole sandwich in my mouth then let myself fall on the cold hard floor.

Why?!! I can't ask him yet!! Aisshhh, stupid me!!!

"NOOOO!!!!" I sound like a dying dinosaur right now..

"Fuc--" I started coughing. And now the sandwich is killing me...
I should've drink water..

I stood up and went to grab some water.

Water helps you all the time--

"Fuc--" Why do they want to kill me? I started to cough again.. this time it's about the water..


I turn my head to my phone, who's on the ground.. I finished the whole bottle of water then crawled up to my phone.

"He texted me back..."

Big Nose Dude👃👿



-Today 1:27 pm.-


Can we meet up

Yeah.. sure.


I sat back on the chair and looked at Tom

"Please wake up now.. I'm waiting.." I rest my head on the little space from his bed and then closed my eyes. I ended up falling asleep..


"Yah, wake up! You're drooling.. and it's disgusting.." Who the heck is that?

"Who are you? And why are you bothering me? It's my life not yours!" I didn't open my eyes. I turn my head to the other side then continued sleeping

Wait, who is he though?

I opened my eyes and turn my head back to the other side. It was Jungkook...

"What do you want and how did you know I was here? Are you stalking me or something?!" I said while stretching my arms.

"In Your Dreams! I saw your mom and she told me that you're here, weirdo." I stopped stretching and looked at him. I gave him the You're-Gonna-Die look. He looks scared so he back away.

"Do you wanna die?!" I was about to hit him really hard on the head..

"Why not?" He winked and let out a laugh while he runs to the other side of the bed.

"Jeon Jungkook! Get back here!"

"Shut up, we're in the same room!"

This guy.....

"Look how sweet you two look.. fighting over a small thing.. It brings me back sweet memories of mine.." Mom said. I didn't even saw her here..

"Mom, we're not---"

"Gonna fight anymore. Cause I love her..." I looked at Jungkook and saw him winked at me. again. He's so dead...

"Y/N, let's go. It's like 3 in the afternoon.."

"But--" Without hearing me out, he carried me and went outside the room

"We'll be back soon Miss
Y/M/N" (Your Mom's Name)

"Okay.." Mom smiled and waved her hand.


"Jeon fucking Jungkook, put me down!" I didn't care about the people who was staring at us, all I need right now is to stand up by myself.

I have no choice but to say this again..
"Help me! I don't know this guy!!"

A security guard then approached us.
"Sir, Please put her down and don't do anything else. That's all.."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"I'm a police officer, I know what I'm doing and plus she's my girlfriend so nothing bad is gonna happend."

"What?! I don't know you!!" I continue doing my act.

"Babe, we're in the hospital so please keep quiet.." Three other security guards starts to walk in.
"Please, trust me. She's really my girlfriend.."

"What?! I don't even know your name mister!" Without me knowing, he suddenly puts me on my feet.

"Thank God--" He pecked my lips which cause me to stand still, blushing.

"I told you she's my girlfriend.."
He held my hand and pulled me into a hug.
"You may now leave us two alone.." Jungkook said and they obeyed.

I was still out of my mind. I didn't even notice that we were out of the hospital.
"W-what did you that for?!" I hit his right arm which made him groan in pain.

"Just tell me you liked it.." He said teasingly and walks away.
"I did not!" I followed him.
"Your red face answers it all lot."
He then starts running
"Yah! Wait up!" I chased after him...


Hello readers! Hope you like this chapter and I hope you'll wait for the next one.

Sorry for my grammar and things that you have seen wrong.

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