April fools day Hetalia x Rea...

By Jada-Star

699K 14.9K 18.8K

*these short stories are based off of the April fools day episode in the anime and the manga of Hetalia. Ther... More

April fools day Hetalia x Reader
North Italy
Sorry author's note
South Italy (Romano)


36.1K 714 1.2K
By Jada-Star

You were walking through the plaza on a sunny April afternoon. So why were you upset?

Because you were walking through the plaza in a 'bikini' of woven roses.

And why exactly were you walking through the plaza in a 'bikini' of roses?

WELL, that morning you had received a letter, a photo, and the 'clothing'.

The letter was telling you... No it was more like threatening you to come to the plaza in the garb they supplied, or your most embarrassing photo would be released to the public. And the photo sent along was proof that they actually had it.

God this is almost as embarrassing as your photo... Almost.

That's when you saw Alfred up ahead in just as embarrassing clothing.


He turns around hiding his bare (bear lol) chest with a silver waiter's tray.

"_-_____, you're here too?"

"Yeah, did anyone else get a letter besides us?"

"Yeah, I was with Iggy earlier, I'm on my way to meet up with him again right now."

You nod and follow after him.

--(mini time skip)--

The two of you reach the square of the park to find Britain and China talking.

"Yo, guys!" America shouts getting their attention. "Look who else got a letter!"

"_____." Arthur states plainly.

"Any closer to figuring out who planned this?" Alfred asked.

"France-" Britain states curtly, crossing his arms over his chest clad in the kinky nurse dress.

"Well, England thinks it's France. We're still not positive." China says running his fingers through his long hair that's mostly down, and laying over his shoulders.

"Look w'o I found!" You heard a French voice call.

"Speak of the devil-" Britain said hotly.

You turn to see the French man clad in only a single red rose as a loin covering... Oh and cat ears and a tail, somehow you managed to miss those at first glance. And he was dragging a reluctant blushing Japan in a maid's dress behind him.

You almost swoon at the sight of the practically naked man.

(In the manga/comic he was naked.)

"Oh, bonjour _____. Didn't know you'd be here." He said looking you over, causing you to blush faintly.

Yet you pretend not to notice his action.

"Seems the whole world's here. I think even Russia's here, I heard some faint 'kol kol kol's' on the way here." You say staring at his car ears, to not look at his amazingly toned body.

'Why, why, why do I have a crush on Francis?!' You screamed to yourself internally.

You've liked him for awhile now. He's actually a very kind person, a very sensitive one too. But he can have any woman, (heck, he could probably even get some guys if he wanted!) so why would returning your feeling ever cross his mind... If he was to ever find out about your crush.

"France! I think that you're the one who put this all together!" Britain snapped.

"What? Non!" He exclaimed.

"Who else has a sick enough mind to come up with an idea like this!"

"It is the onry rogical expranation..." Japan admits.

"Wait don't we think we're getting ahead of ourselves?" You say before things can get out of hand.

But it was too late the Brit pulled out a wand and tackled the French man to the ground.

They were soon covered in a could of smoke. When that cleared you saw a little mini France being crushed by England.

'Oh my god?!' You scream inside your head, but only "W-what?" Manages to escape your lips.

Not only did he appeal to the sexy side, but now he was also super duper cute!

"_____, love, the one who set this thing up is none other then Francis, now with that said he's the only one who can give back our pictures, and can stop this from going any farther."

But the cute little France jumped from England's grasp to you.

He wrapped his arms around your torso, and buried his face in your tummy.

"You guys are so mean!" He shouted.

Well if you weren't blushing earlier, you definitely were now.

"Francis, get off!" You say stifling a yelp.

"Zhey're going to hurt me belle!" He says looking up at you with his big sparkling blue eyes, making you freeze in place.

America and Britain grab France and yank him off of you. Then proceeding to tie him up with a rope.


Then Arthur pointed his wand, and Kiku unsheathed his sword.

"Whoa! Guys don't you think you're getting a bit to drastic!!!" You practically yell. "Yeah you guys should calm down!" China added.

Britain just shrugs.

Before you can think rationally you swoop down and hoist the little France over your shoulder and run off down the pathway.

"_____!" Britain called out to you.

"Belle, what do you zink you're doing?" He asks a bit startled.

Once you lost your pursuers you set down the little France sitting him under a tree.

"Sorry... I... Didn't... Know... What... To, do." You panted. Clearly out of breath.

Once you regained compositor you look to France, who is staring at your rising and falling chest.

Your face grew bright red as you crossed your arms over it. "HEY! I just saved you from those guys, and here you are ogling!"

"My chari, Je suis désolé!" He says whipping his head around to look anywhere but at you, causing his golden locks to bounce. "Je m'excuse sincèrement. Je ne voulais pas. Ce n'est pas de ma faute si tu es si belle, et parfaite dans tous les sens. Dieu que dis-je?!"

(I'm sorry!)
(I apologize, sincerely, I didn't mean to. It's not my fault that you're so beautiful, and perfect in every way! God what am I saying?!)

Granted you had no idea what he was saying, but every time he spoke French, *sigh* it was wonderful.

But was he apologizing?

You break from your fan-girling moment with an annoyed eye roll.

You kneel down to untie him, but the knot is tighter then first thought, and give out a '~huhh' before unknotting it and unraveling the rope and letting it hit the ground.

"Thank you belle." He said with his usual charismatic smile.

He sprung to his feet. Not standing much taller then you, because of his new child like size. So you stand back to your full hight so your looking down at him. He pouted.

"What's that face for?"


You put your hands on your hips, giving him a cold stare.

"It's-" he was interrupted by a loud clattering noise.

You both look over to see Russia pop out of a man hole wearing a long yellow dress and China standing beside him. "There you guys are! We were worried England gotten a hold of you aru!" "Da, China informed me on what happened."

"No, well do you know where he is? Is he actually still looking for us?!"

"No, Vash showed up with his gun and everyone scattered."

"Oh... So we still haven't figured out who set this up yet?"

China shook his head.

"Really guys? You're about as clueless as I usually am. Fososososo." A Spanish voice laughed from behind you.

"Toni, do you know who set this up?" You asked sporting a suspicion.

"¡Si! It was I!"

"Whaaaaaaat?" China said in disbelief.

Spain only chuckled. "And here are your pictures!" He said holding them up. Luckily they were facing him so no one could see the picture of you in your fluffy butterfly pajamas, sprawled out on the sofa, with your hair in curlers.

The four of you started to run towards the Spaniard, when he holds out his hand. "Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, Russia and China, you can come and retrieve your pictures." They did and quickly ran off.

"Ah, my friend, what about my picture?" France says worried.

"Neither one of you are getting back your picture until _____ confesses."

"WHAT?!?!" You shout

"It was the whole point of today chika!"

You decide to try and grab your picture instead of the latter option.

But he swipes the pictures from your reach, and gives you a push, knocking you back on your behind.

"C-cheri are you alright?" Little France asks as he inspects you, making sure you're not hurt. Little tears pick at your eyes but only because of the initial impact.

"Spain, this isn't funny!" You shout.

"Oi, _____ really? If you don't tell him I'll just let this photo plaster itself all over the web."

"_____, I don't think 'e's going to let you slide without telling w'oever you like what you feel, feelings like zat shouldn't be kept inside. Besides w'oever you like is very lucky." France says crossing his arms, and looking away. And he almost, sounded... disappointed...?

"Alright..." You start, as you put your hand over your forehead. "Francis, I kinda, well, I like you..."

France gasps

"Come on chika, you can do better." Spain eggs.

"Alright, alright! I love you France! Alright France I've been harboring a crush for you for nearly 10 years!"

"Oh, cheri! Je t'aime trop!" I have for the last 15 years!" He tells you as he glomps you making you fall to your back, as he holds around your neck.

(I love you too!)

Your face was now a bright red. "W-what?!"

"I developed zese feelings around the time you 'elped my country with it's bankruptcy. You were the only one w'o were nice enough to care. Since then I've taken notice to how kind 'earted and sweet you are, and you being breathtakingly beautiful on top of all of that is just amazing."

His words made your heart race and blush more. As he started to lean in... "Spain I want my photo now!" You shout, making the advances of the Frenchman stop. "Of course señorita." He said handing you and Francis your pictures back.

As soon as the Spaniard with the bunny ears leaves the little France turns his attention back to you. "So, cheri if we love each other can I kiss you?" He asks raising an eyebrow. You nod.

He closes in but the last second you turn your head letting him kiss your cheek. "Oi, what was zat about?" "Sorry France, it just doesn't seem right, you being a little kid and all."

He huffed, and sat back in your lap. Soon you let your guard down.

Shouldn't have done that.

He pressed his lips to yours, taking you by surprise. "~mmph!"

Suddenly there was a cloud of pink smoke, and once it cleared there was France, back to his normal self hovering over you with his usual smirk and seductive eyebrows raised, and his charming sparkling blue eyes. "Looks like I'm back to normal belle." You roll your eyes and move in for a passionate kiss from the country of love.

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