Chuck and Blair Ever After

By lucy_watercress

60.6K 649 58

Those five years before the flash forward and beyond. Written by Lucy More

Chuck, I'm Pregnant
Blair Tells Serena
Dinner Party
Gender Reveal
Baby Shower
Henry Harold Bass
Blue Blair
Three's a Crowd
Georgina Bass
Three(ish) Years
S and Lonely Boy- At Last

J for Waldorf

4.9K 49 0
By lucy_watercress

2 weeks later (December)
Blair examined herself in the mirror. She was glad they had announced the pregnancy when they did because she was beginning to show. She turned to the side when Dorota burst in holding a laundry basket. Blair stood there stunned in her underwear. Dorota just stood there for a second before coming to her senses. " Sorry Miss Blair. So so sorry." She shamefully backed out of the room. Blair let out a long sigh. This wasn't the first time this had happened.
Blair busied herself in the enormous walk in closet picking out an outfit. Chuck walked in with only a towel wrapped around his waist and sopping wet hair.
"Morning." He grumbled grabbing his freshly pressed suit.
Blair shuffled through her large assortment of clothes. She finally chose a flowy long sleeved, chiffon blouse tucked into a black and gray floral print skirt, with sheer black tights with black velvet polka-dots, and some shimmery stilettos. Blair smiled at herself in the mirror, pleased with her outfit. She sat down at her vanity back in the bedroom where Chuck was getting changed. She decided on a simple makeup look with red lipstick. Then she curled her hair ever so slightly so it framed her face in soft waves.
Blair confidently stepped in through the doors of Waldorf Designs. She rushed past people carrying fabric and notebooks. Jenny Humphrey ran up to her smiling and handed her a cup of coffee. " We have a meeting like now and you have 2 meetings after lunch, one with a manufacturer- who by the way will be turned down- and another one with Eleanor to discuss spring fashion week."
Blair smiled at Jenny, " Little J you are always on top of everything."
They arrived at Blair's office. Jenny closed the door behind them and Blair sat down behind her desk. "Come sit." She said removing her coat. Jenny obliged. Blair leaned in folding her hands on the desk. "Jenny you have a lot to bring to Waldorf Designs and I have some big plans in mind but you and I need to be on the same page. What are your plans?"
Jenny looked down at her lap sheepishly. " Well I do want to be an independent designer. I will not be signing any permanently binding contracts," Jenny looked up and Blair, " My goal is to one day is to be the head designer for my own company but this is a really good "starting point". Jenny threw up air quotes, she and Blair both knew that this was in no way a starting point. Jenny had been working hard for years.
"Ok J I understand that one day you will break away from Waldorf but your right. What we are offering you is solid. I am willing to give you your own line." Blair spread her hands dramatically as if the words were going to magically appear, "J for Waldorf" She smiled excitedly at Jenny. " What do you think?"
Jenny smiled back, " Sounds amazing!"
Blair clapped her hands, "Amazing!" She stood up walked around the desk to give Jenny a hand shake. " I am looking forward to more in depth meetings- in the mean time make sure you have your portfolio prepared. I really do think that with you we can bring in some new and different looks."
Jenny smiled, " Great! I look forward to it." She left and shut the door gently behind her.
     When Blair walked in Chuck was already sitting on the sofa with his feet propped up. Blair kicked of her heels and dropped her purse on the floor.
"I am exhausted!" She groaned as she curled up next to Chuck. He kissed her four head. She looked up at him, " How was your day?"
He sighed, " Nothing new. Meetings and more meetings."
" Same here."
Blair closed her eyes. "No falling asleep. We have Lily's Holiday dinner tonight."
"Nope." She responded without opening her eyes.
"Blair we have to."
" Tell them I'm pregnant."
Blair drifted off to sleep before she heard Chuck's response.
Blair woke up to Chuck kissing her cheek. She groaned and swatted at his face. " We need to leave in 30 minutes." He said. Blair's eyes flew open.
"30 MINUTES!?"
" Don't worry I had Dorota lay out your evening gown."
Blair went upstairs to change. On the bed lay a black mermaid evening gown with black lace sleeves. Blair slipped it on, touched up her makeup and brushed her hair up in a loose updo. She added a pair of tear drop diamond earrings for a final touch and slipped on her shimmery stilettos from earlier.
Chuck stood at the bottom of the staircase her coat in hand. He watched her descend the stairs a smile playing at his lips. " You are beautiful." He said.
"I feel dead." Blair said putting on her coat.
"Beautiful and dead. Come on let's go, we'll stop for coffee on the way."
" Thank God."
Blair linked arms with her husband as he lead her outside to the winter cold and into the waiting limo.
"Blair! Chuck!" Serena waved to them from across the room. Blair waved back. She took in the rest of the room which was decked out in classic Christmas decor. They made their way back to where Serena was sitting along with Dan, Eric, Jenny, and Rufus. Serena patted the seat next to her and Blair sat down, with Chuck next to Eric.
Serena gave Blair a hug, " Oh my God Blair I haven't seen you in forever!"
"Serena it's only been two weeks, you where the one frolicking around in L.A." Chuck said.
" Where is your mom?" Blair asked.
" Arguing with the caterer." Eric responded.
Serena squeezed Blair's hand. "Tell me everything."
"Everything? Well I'm fat, constantly tired and craving fries."
"I'm sorry B and your not fat your pregnant."
"Someone is in a bad mood."
"I'm sorry! I had a long day." Blair said massaging her temples.
" Let's ditch and get you some fries."
Serena whispered.
Blair smiled. She had the best best friend.
"Will Lily be mad?"
Serena shrugged, " As long as I don't end up in jail she should be fine."
Blair nodded and told Chuck where she was going.
Serena lead her out through the back door. "God it's freezing!" Complained Serena.
"Well it is December!"
Serena called them a taxi, "Nearest McDonald's please." She directed the driver. Blair gaped at Serena, "McDonald's? Seriously?"
"What they have good fries!"
Blair and Serena looked very out of place in their floor length gowns in the middle of a McDonald's. Blair watched as Serena confidently ordered two large fries and all the dipping sauce.
They sat down with their order. Serena immediately dug in. Blair examined the fry. " Oh come on B they're good!"
" This place is crawling I with disease."
Serena rolled her eyes biting a fry in half. Blair tasted her fry. Serena was right these were good, really good.
"So?" Serena asked, "How is it?"
"It's fine."

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