It's Chemical {Donnie x Reade...

By OnlyFoolsLove

84K 2.9K 1.7K

This is how you, young Dr. (y/n), fall in love with Donatello. An outbreak in New York has caused deathly mut... More

Chapter 1 - Taken
Chapter 2: Rescued?
Chapter 3 - Meeting
Chapter 4 -Working
Chapter 5 - Learning
Chapter 6 - Burned
Chapter 7 - Stargazing
Part 9- Planning
Chapter 10 - Slowly Falling...
Chapter 11 - Coffee
Chapter 12 -Kiss
Chapter 13 -Love?
Chapter 14- Confessions
Chapter 15 - Notes
A/N - Update
Chapter 17 - Secrets
A/N - Again:\
Chapter 18 - Trap
Chapter 20 - Enemies
Chapter 21 - Help
Chapter 22 - Dream
Chapter 23 - Breakthrough
Forever - Oneshot - Fluff
Chapter 24 - Finally
Chapter 25 - Home
Chapter 26 - Warning
We need to talk.
Oneshot - Birthday
Chapter 27 -
Chapter 28 - Family
Chapter 29 - Arsenic
Chapter 30 - Love and Death
Chapter 31 - Primum non nocere
Chapter 32 - Celestial
Chapter 33 - Breathe

Chapter 8 -Attacked

2.9K 100 107
By OnlyFoolsLove


You groaned and shifted in your sleep, hearing your name being called faintly.


"Just 5 more minutes," You mumbled.

Someone gently shook you, causing you to open your eyes and see Donatello kneeling over you with the others behind him.

You yawned and sat up, reaching out in the dark for your glasses, "What is it guys?"

Donatello had a worried look on his face, "...There's been an attack on the other side of the city, and the Kraang are trying to bring a new weapon through a portal...We're going to try to stop it, a-and we need you to stay here."

You quickly frowned, "But I can't do anything productive down here....I'm out of mutagen to work with, and there's nothing else to-"

"Someone has to stay and guard the lair," Leo interrupted, "We'll bring you a few more canisters back when we can."

"If we come back," Michaelangelo muttered. Ralph glared at him.

You looked at them with concern, still unable to find your glasses. "Please," you say softly, " careful."

Donatello smiled slightly and slipped your glasses on you, "We will, don't worry. Do you know how many times we've dealt with things like this? We'll be fine. Be sure to use the moves I taught you if anything comes up."

You raise an eyebrow, a slight smirk appearing on your face, "You mean to stretch my appendages and to take slow breaths?"

Donatello chuckled nervously, "Right...we'll have to work on that when we get back."

You nodded, and with a flash the turtles were gone. You sighed and laid back on your pillow, looking at the ceiling.

~8 hours later~

You bit your lip and paced around the lair, worried about what was going on in the city about you. There hadn't been any news from the turtles, and you were getting restless from not being able to work in your lab. You didn't have a drop of the mutagen left.

You continued pacing, walking back and forth until something in the corner caught your eye. A small dagger glistened on the table and an idea suddenly popped into your head.

Why should you bother the turtles with a small task when you could just get the mutagen yourself?

~A few minutes later~

"There." You stepped back and closed Donatello's computer. You had reprogrammed the security cameras to send the feed directly to your phone, just in case anything happened while you were gone.

You tightened the belt around your waist, cinching the sheath containing your dagger closer. You had exchanged your usual lab coat for a pair of black pants and t-shirt, helping you blend into the alleys and the dark night sky.

You glanced in the mirror and tied up your hair.

"I hope this works," You mumbled.

 ~ On the other side of the city ~


A Kraang droid fell to the ground as the slimy creature scurried to retreat in the darkness.

"Yes!" Mikey cheered, spinning his nunchucks around, "And that is why you don't mess with the turtles son!"

Leonardo rolled his eyes as he took out the remaining two robots. The floor was covered in the empty shells of Kraang droids, along with a giant supersuit torn apart in the back.

"Mikey, do you WANT every mutant to find us??" Ralph growled as he tucked away his sais.

Donatello stretched his arm, stiff from the constant banging against metal, "Ralphael's right, Mikey. We shouldn't really give our position away."

Mikey sighed, " guys never let me celebrate anymore. Why can't I appreciate just one victory over those slimy things??"

Leo frowned, "Because one victory won't be enough to stop them...And until we find a cure for this crazy mutagen, I'm afraid nothing will..."

Donnie nodded and pulled out his T-phone, "Which reminds me, I still need to gather a few more canisters for (y/n). There's not one far from here according to the scanner, I'll meet up with you back at the lair."

Mikey smiled smugly, "I thought she was Dr.(y/n)?"

He shrugged, looking at his screen, "She still is, but that's what she wanted me to call her."

Leo smirked, "So you guys are on a first name basis now?"

"You could say that. I'll see you guys later."

And with that, Donatello left, leaving his brothers smirking after him.

~ Back with You ~

"Oh where is it??" You cried out in frustration as you dug through the debris of an old, crumbled building. Your scanner had brought you to this area, but there was no mutagen in sight.

"Ugh!" You looked at your phone again, becoming extremely frustrated.

Two green eyes scanned you over in the darkness, keeping himself hidden. You smelled...delicious. He needed food, NOW. And you looked like the perfect meal.

You sighed and took off your glasses, giving your eyes a quick break...This seemed impossible...You continued to search through the rubble half blind, finally feeling something hard and cold hit your hands. You smiled slightly and pulled a half full canister of mutagen out.

"FINALLY," You muttered to yourself, "Hopefully I can salvage enough of it to run another-"

A low growl interrupted your thoughts. You froze, dropping your glasses and your heart catching in your throat as you slowly turned around, coming face to face with two narrow, green eyes.

Your hand trembled and subconsciously reached down to the dagger by your side. You could feel the mutant's hot breath trail down your neck, but you couldn't make out his face without your glasses.

"U-um, can I help you?" You finally managed to squeak out.

An earsplitting roar was your answer, causing you to stumble back.

"P-please!" You cried, falling to the ground as the mutant loomed over you, "I don't want any trouble!"

The monster snatched your neck and lifted off the ground, choking you.

You gasped for air, grabbing ahold of your dagger, "L-let me go!!"

He clutched your neck tighter, completely cutting off your airway, "You smell...amazing."

You struggled to get out of his grasp and slashed up with your knife, cutting into his arm. The mutant shrieked and dropped you, grabbing his now bleeding wrist. You scrambled to your feet and ran off to the alley, only to be snatched again by the ankle. You screamed and struggled to get away, grasping at the ground. The mutant chuckled darkly as he slashed open your leg with his claws, causing you to cry out in pain.

"You must taste wonderful," It rumbled, licking its fangs. Your eyes widened as he got closer.

"P-please," You whispered, "D-don't hurt me."

"I won't make you suffer for very long, my dear." He growled and rushed forward, snatching at you with his jaws.

You screamed again, bracing for the searing pain...but it never came.

"Get away from her!" A familiar voice cried, tackling the monster. You backed into a wall, grasping your bleeding leg as a blur of green and purple attacked.

Donatello glared as he pushed the mutant into the rubble, away from you. His eyes were white with fury as he sparred with him, forcing him deeper into the debris. All you could hear now was a series of yells, followed by one gutwrenching scream.

"Donatello!!" You scrambled over a pile of crushed concrete to see your rescuer standing over the mutant, the blade of his bow stuck in the monster's chest. He breathed heavily as he pulled his weapon out and looked back over to you.

"A-are you hurt??" You asked as you stumbled across a piece of rubble, tripping in the process. He quickly caught you and steadied you on your feet. You peered up at him, seeing a blurry bruise forming on his cheek.

"You're okay..."You whispered. He remained silent and pulled out your pair of glasses, slipping them back on your face. When you could see clearly, you saw his furious face looking back at you.

"What. Were. You. Thinking??" He growled.

"I-I was just trying to help, I didn't mean to-"

"You could've been killed!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the emptied streets, "If I didn't come here to find another canister of mutagen, you would've been mutant meat by now!"

"Well I...I-I thought I could handle it!" You replied sheepishly, "I've been in the lab for weeks now, and I needed fresh oxygen to help me think!"

"Think!? You never think! You only do as you're told, Dr. (Y/N). You've never had an original idea of your own!"

Your eyes widened in part shock, part anger, "If you think that I'm so worthless, then why did you rescue me from Shredder's lab in the first place!?"

He glared at you, "BECAUSE I.....I..."


"I...I Lll...UGH.....Just let me see your leg," He muttered and knelt down, ripping off your injured leg's pant fabric. He examined the cuts, noticing how deep and jagged they were.

"They'll heal," He mumbled, "But I can't promise you won't have scars. You'll need to refrain from exerting yourself for a few days."

Your eyes had softened as you watched, feeling a pinch of regret as he made a quick bandage from the material he ripped off.

"Donnie..." You quietly said.

He glanced up at you, surprised at you using such an informal name.

"Th-thank you..."

He gently lifted you up, placing the container of mutagen in your hands, "Let's just get you back to the lair..."

Hi lovelies!
That was so close!!...Dang it...maybe he'll say it one day... Let me know what you think of this story so far, and give me some suggestions if you have any!:D


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