Circle of Fear

By noturaveragegirl23

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Ashlee grew up in Des Moines. She was friends with all the guys of Slipknot and lived with Corey for many yea... More

Chaos; It's Just The Beginning
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
Heaven Tonight
Gentle Hate
Down In A Hole & I Don't Know If I Can Be Saved
Left Behind
We Were Meant To Hurt Each Other
Since I've Been Loving You
So Now I Have Something To Say
Love You To Death

Hate To Feel

385 10 8
By noturaveragegirl23

"I want to leave." I told Corey stubbornly. I kept saying over the past two days that I want to go home.

I don't want to be here around Sid. The thought of him makes me sick to my stomach.

"I don't care. I'm not letting you go home and be alone." Corey said harshly. I looked down to my cut and bruised hands and sighed heavily.

I felt the tears coming again and I looked up, trying not to let them fall.

Corey placed his hand on my shoulder.
"You're gonna get through this, Ashlee. I'm gonna make sure of it. We're gonna make sure of it." Corey said.

I looked at him and saw concern on his face. "Stop fucking worrying about me already." I said to him, wiping my face with the sleeve of my long sleeve tee.

"What if I asked you to come on stage with us tonight and do some backup vocals?" Corey proposed. I looked at him with widened eyes.

"Shawn suggested it and Chris agreed. It's one hell of a way to get anger out."
He said, "Plus, I know you know every word." He added with a wink and a nudge.

I gave him a small smile. "Fine." I whispered to him.

Slipknot slowly piled on stage and got into place. I saw Sid turn his head towards me.

I didn't come to the show last night because I didn't want to see him. The only reason I'm here tonight is because I had Corey, Shawn and Chris gang up on me to have me come out.

Corey said his introduction to the crowd after they opened the show with their first song, People=Shit.

"How we doing out there fuckers?!" He screamed into the crowd, getting loud yelling as a response.

There were thousands of people here to see them which warmed my heart. I was so happy that they were making something of themselves.

"We have a special guest who will be joining us on stage tonight! She's a lifelong friend of all of us! Please welcome Ashlee, who will be doing backup vocals along Clown and Chris over here!"

The crowd yelled louder and Chris started rubbing the nose of his mask causing me to laugh. I walked out onto the stage feeling extremely nervous.

I was wearing a black jumpsuit that didn't have a number on it but still had the slipknot S on it. I also didn't have a mask - but I had painted my face white with thick black around my eyes and black lips.

It was similar to Joey's mask but without the extra vertical lines. I felt a tap on my back and saw a guy standing there with a mic.

I took it from him and shot him a bird, earning cheers from the crowd; That made my heart flutter.

"Give me a scream, Ashlee!" Corey screamed into the mic, much like I did for him in the studio recording their self-titled album.

The crowd went completely silent and I hesitated for only a second before smirking at Corey. I brought the mic up to my mouth and let out the loudest scream I could muster.

When I brought the mic away from my face, everyone in the crowd was giving devil horns and going crazy.

Corey patted me on the back and they immediately launched into 'Eyeless'. I felt like I was on top of the world. I was moshing with myself and headbanging. I had so much energy.

"It's all in your head! It's all in my head! It's all in your head! Yeeeaaaaahhhhh!" I screamed.

I ran over to Clown and he handed me his bat, letting me play his percussion part as well. I swung it at the barrel as hard as I could a few times, then handed it back.

I ran back across the stage and started headbanging beside Jim as he played. He turned toward me and played, screaming the lyrics to me. I smiled at him and ran over beside Corey, bringing the mic up to my mouth and screaming with him.

"Do you wanna feel pain? - Caring never felt so lame inside! - Do you wanna take my life? - FUCK YOU! - Stay the fuck away from me!" I backed up and stood behind Corey, letting him have his moment back. After he spit out 'Look me in my brand new eye!' I screamed "MOTHER FUCKER!"

With his cue of pointing his mic at my mouth. He finished the song and they immediately launched into 'The Shape'.

I sighed heavily. This song meant a lot to me and I wasn't sure if I could do this one. Just then I felt someone grab my hand and I turned to see it was Chris. He gave it a quick squeeze and ran back over to his drums.

"Everything else is just dust and sound! - I've lost my only way. - I've lost my only way. - I've lost my only way. - Broken and thrown away!"

I just had to scream that part throughout the song. I felt the pain pushing its way to the surface the more I stood still so I ran over to Mick this time, headbanging beside him. After the song was over, Corey motioned me, Shawn and Chris over.

"I want you to sing the chorus alone on this song, okay? You have a beautiful voice and I think it will add a nice twist." Corey said.

Clown and Chris agreed so I had no choice. I gulped, trying to subside my fear and on Clown's cue they launched the song.

I ran over to Sid as Corey was screaming his heart out in the second verse. I don't know why this came over me but I felt it was something I had to do. I could see his eyes through his mask and could tell he was surprised at my presence.

I put the mic by my side and sang along with Corey as he said,
"You fucking touch me, I will rip you apart. I'll reach in and take a bit out of that SHIT you call a heart!" while staring Sid in the eyes.

Tears poured from my eyes as I said it and as Sid started to reach his arm toward me I turned around and ran back out beside Corey.

"I know why you plague me! I know why you blame yourself!"

"So how is my Maggot doing up here?" Corey screamed into the crowd. It seemed to be a positive reaction so I threw my hand up, flipping them all off.

Many mocked me and others gave me devil horns. Corey gave me a reassuring pat on my back and said "I Am Hated" in my ear. I nodded and stepped back a bit.

"The whole world is my enemy! - I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me!"

I ran up and jumped on one of the speakers, pointing out at the crowd.

"Nobody gives a fuck! It doesn't change the fact that you suck! - WE ARE! - WE ARE! - WE ARE!" Corey, Chris, Clown and I all screamed together. "I AM HATED! - I can't escape! I AM HATED!"

They ended the show with 'Diluted' and 'New Abortion'. All nine of the band members ran to me, engulfing me in a group hug.

Corey pulled me to the front of the stage and grabbed my hand, lifting it in the air with his. Then he took a bow, making me do the same with him. I flipped the crowd off once more and walked off the stage.

I went straight through the dressing room and into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water of the sink, washing the paint off my face.

I walk out and run straight into Sid's chest.
"Shit, sorry." I said before I looked up. When I saw his face looking down at me I pushed away from him and walked across the room.

Everyone kept telling me that I did great which boosted my ego but didn't help with my heartbreak.

The guys went to the showers to clean up a bit before we got on the tour bus.

"To hell with waiting on them." I said to myself and ran into the showers as well.

There was one free spot beside Joey. I stripped down to my underwear and ran over, stealing his soap.

He looked at me shocked and asked what the fuck I was doing.

"Well, shit. I'm one of the guys now, right?" I said jokingly and laughing.
"No. I wasn't waiting for you assholes. Plus I was in a jumpsuit too and out there the whole concert. I'm nice and stinky!" I exclaimed.

I looked to my left and saw Sid looking at me with anger on his face, which I only mimicked.

Once back on the tour bus most of us were hanging out towards the front drinking beers.

"That was fucking amazing tonight. I got so much anger out." I said looking at the guys.
"Thanks Clown." I said to him.

He nodded and Corey piped up, "What do you mean Clown?" I laughed at his outburst.

"Dumbass. You said it was his idea and everyone else just agreed to it." I explained to him and he said a quiet 'oh' and looked back down to his beer. We talked shit for a while and I finally got ready to sleep.

"Whose bunk am I in? Because I'm not sleeping on the couch." I said, stretching.

"Well, Ashlee. After that shower earlier I think anyone is willing to have you in their bunk!" Clown exclaimed.

I felt my face heat up instantly. Joey started to speak up but Corey talked over him.

"You can have my bunk Ash. Always." I smiled at Corey and thanked him. Joey just looked down, not repeating his offer.

I walked back to the bunks and opened the curtain. Before I climbed in I heard Sid's voice.

"Cozying up to Corey now?"

I scoffed.
"Well it sure as shit isn't ever going to be you again. Dickhead." I retorted and climbed into the bunk. I didn't hear another response.

"At least someone gives a shit about me around here." I mumbled to myself and fell to sleep.

I woke up with a pair of arms around me. I looked down and the tattoos revealed that it was indeed Corey.

I wrestled away from him and he groaned, grabbing a pillow to hold it. I laughed at him and emerged from the bunk, closing the curtain back.

I went to the front to find some breakfast. They had another show tonight so we would be on the road in about two hours.

I didn't find anything to eat so I decided to walk down to the diner. I got my stash and lit a blunt on my way. It was really cool outside but it felt good against my warm skin.

- - - - -

Last Month Of The Tour.

I stayed through the tour; much to my dismay. Every time I had to be around Sid we just made snide remarks to each other.

I was sick of being near him because every time I looked at him I just saw the image of him and that slut together. I shivered just at the thought.

Over the past month Corey and I have gotten closer if that's possible. I mean shit, I've lived with the guy for a long time and we grew up being best friends. But this feels - different.

The other guys keep telling me that he likes me and I should give him a chance. I keep telling them that they're full of shit, and even if he did, I don't want a relationship with him.

Every time Corey and I were alone together either Joey or Sid found a reason to be around. They were both starting to get under my skin.

More Sid than Joey, though. During their show tonight I decided to go up to the second floor of the place to what they called 'The Room', which is just a huge bar.

I felt like drinking my sorrow away tonight. I was really missing my parents more than I have in a long time. I wished more than anything they were still here with me.

I looked at the bartender and asked him for a napkin and a pen.

"Thanks. I'll bring it back in a few." I said to him, sliding him money and taking my drink over to a table.

I started scribbling words down on the napkin. I ordered about four more drinks and had written all over tons of napkins before I saw Joey come in.

Once he spotted me he came over and sat down.
"Hey, since we have the next four days off we're gonna go to a hotel. You ready?" He asked me.

I was too drunk to really comprehend anything he said but I nodded anyway. He pulled me up to steady me and I grabbed my napkins and handed Joey the pen.

"This, belongs to him." I slurred and pointed at the bartender who was staring at us. I flashed him a smile and waved drunkenly, holding on to Joey's arm.

Joey gave the guy the pen back and walked me out to the tour bus. I was slightly dizzy and everything around me was spinning.

Joey gently sat me down on the couch and sat down beside me. Corey approached us and asked what was wrong.

I suddenly remembered the napkins and pulled them out of my pockets. Corey looked at me confused and I just shrugged.

He looked at each of them, trying to decipher them but couldn't. He then sighed and put them back at the table.

Sid walked up and said, "Let me see." I looked up at him and nodded.

Not really giving a shit at the moment. Joey tightened his arm around me as Sid picked them up.

He sat on the floor and arranged them in order. Then he waved Corey over to the other side of the table.

Give me the dust of my father. Stand on the face of the ancients. Bare the secret flesh of time itself. Follow me - I've come so far behind again. Follow me - wish so hard I'm there again. Follow me. All that I wanted, the dreams I had before. All that I needed, I've never needed more. All of my questions are answers to my sins. All of my endings are waiting to begin.

Sid looked up at me with sadness in his eyes and I looked away from him.

"I know you miss them. I'm so sorry," He said and walked off. Joey and Corey looked at me confused but then realized why.

"Fuck, your parents. I'm sorry sweetheart." Joey said and hugged me. I latched on to him, crying into his chest.

Being as drunk as I was I got the hiccups, too. Corey took me from Joey's embrace and carried me to his bunk and took my shoes off, followed by my pants. He reached under my shirt and unhooked my bra, sliding it off my body.

He pushed me up onto the bunk and pulled the covers over me. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and left, closing the curtain.

"Thanks," I muttered before passing out.

- - - - -

Finally, it was the last week of this fucking tour. I don't think I can take this shit much longer.

Sid still keeps trying to get me to forgive him but I refuse. That shit is still way too fresh.

His excuse is he just wanted to get her to go away but she manipulated him. Yeah, okay.

"God, I love excuses. Nothing better than a home-made lie." Was the last thing I said to Sid last week.

After tonight's show, they all came back to the tour bus happy as hell.

"Come with me!" Corey said, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bus.

"Wait! I don't even have my shoes on." I said to him and he looked down at my feet.

"Hurry up. Go get some fucking shoes." He said, pushing me back to the bus. I walked back on, sighing.

I laced up my boots and met back up with Corey outside. He was smoking a cigarette and I stole one from his pack, having him light it for me.

"So, where we going?" I asked him. He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine. It's a gesture I'm pretty used to with him.

"You'll see," Was all he would say about it. We finally made it to what looked like an abandoned park. There were old cement benches and huge Oak trees. It looked creepy as hell.

"Wow. This is beautiful. It looks like it should be an old cemetery." I said. Corey let go of my hand and walked over to the biggest Oak tree and sat down under it. He patted the ground next to him.

I walked over and plopped down, pulling my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them. I looked out into the night and over the park. It really was beautiful out here.

"Ashlee." Corey said, getting my attention.
I shifted my gaze over to him and saw those blue eyes full of emotion. I just couldn't really tell what.

He sat closer to me and grabbed one of my hands, making me lift my chin from my knees.
"Yeah?" I answered back.

He took his free hand and moved some hair out of my face and gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

"What are you-" I started to say but he moved his thumb over my lips to stop me.

I looked at him confused but he leaned in close to me. Our faces were only inches apart. I hadn't been this close to anyone in months. In the moment I weirdly wanted him to kiss me.

I don't know if I have feelings for him or not. I know I love him. But I love all of my friends.

I've known him my whole life and he's always been there for me. And I used to have a crush on him when we were teenagers but I just blame that on him being my closest friend back then.

My mind ran back to Sid, too. I thought about how much I miss his kisses, his touch, him. I miss him more than I'll ever admit out loud.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I thought one day we would get married and have our happy ending. We were together for seven years. So much for that, huh?

Pulling me out of my thoughts were Corey's lips touching my own. His kiss was so soft I almost couldn't tell that his mouth was against mine.

He opened his eyes to look at me, pulling away slightly and kissed me again. Not as soft this time. I responded after a moment, kissing him back.

He moved his hand to the back of my neck and traced small circles there. I ran my hands through his hair and laced them around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

He deepened our kiss, licking my bottom lip with his tongue. He slid me into his lap so that I was straddling him and hugged me tight.

We kissed each other for a long while. I let myself get completely lost in the moment. When we pulled away he smiled at me.

I blinked and looked away from him, getting off his lap and standing up. Reality hit me and it hit hard. This was too soon.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Corey asked, standing up and grabbing my hand.

I flinched away from him and he stepped away from me.
"I'm sorry, Corey. I can't." I whispered and walked away. I heard him curse and either hit or kick the tree. Tears flew freely from my eyes as I walked back to the bus.

I saw Sid standing outside smoking and tried to just walk past him unnoticed but that didn't work. Fuck, tonight is great. Note the sarcasm.

"You alright, Ashlee?" He asked me. I shook my head and he offered the blunt towards me.
"You look like you could use it right now." I looked to him and looked back down, my hair falling into my face.

I reach out with a shaky hand and take it from him. Our fingers brushed together which sent chills down my spine. I looked at him and I can tell he felt it, too.

I put the joint between my lips and inhaled deeply. I looked up at the sky, keeping the smoke in my mouth for a few moments, then breathed out.

I took another couple of deep hits and handed it back to him.
"Thanks." I said softly and went inside the bus.
I could faintly hear him say, "Anytime, babe."

I heard yelling outside a minute later and looked out the window. Corey and Sid were getting into it. I could hear Sid telling Corey he better not be the one who upset me.

Corey threw back in Sid's face how he had no right to accuse anyone else of upsetting me. I almost laughed a little and decided I should apologize for running away from Corey.

I just don't know how to decipher my feelings right now. I told one of the guys to go break them up before they started throwing punches.

Jim sighed and walked outside for a minute, coming back inside with Sid following but not Corey. Sid tried to talk to me but I kept going past him. I walked outside and saw Corey standing there staring at nothing.

"Corey?" I said softly. He turned to look at me with his bloodshot eyes. I reached my hand toward his face.

"I'm sorry I left earlier. But I- I have too much going on in my head right now. I'm not saying that I don't have feelings for you. I'm just saying I can't promise anything to anyone. I don't know what I'll feel once we get home, or tomorrow for that matter." I explained.

He didn't reply, he just pulled my face to his and kissed me passionately yet again. I kept my hand on his face and he pulled me in closer to deepen the kiss.

He moaned softly into my mouth and I ran my hand down his chest, making him shiver. I smiled into our kiss. I pulled away slightly.

"Getting excited?" I asked him. He didn't pull away from my mouth to answer me 'mhm' vibrated from his chest.

I heard the door of the tour bus open and slam shut, hearing 'Fuck!' being screamed. I look up but didn't catch who it was.

The voice sounded like Joey, but I'm not exactly able to pay attention to much else at this moment.

Corey pulled away from me and said, "Get your ass in my bunk." And smacked my butt softly.

I looked at him and faked a shocked expression, but laughed and ran inside, throwing my shoes off as I did so and opened the curtain to his bunk then pulling it back shut as I stripped out of my clothes.

It has been way too long. I heard him scream, "Everyone off the bus unless you wanna be part of this freaky love session!"

The curtain opened and I was under the covers. I winked at Corey and he slid in, closing the curtain back and immediately pulling me to him for a heart-melting kiss.

When he pulled the cover down and saw me naked his eyes widened and when he looked back up at me I saw his blue eyes filled with lust. I licked my lips and that was all the encouragement he needed.

- - - - -

I woke up still in Corey's arms. I groaned, remembering last night's events. I felt guilty for some reason.

I still felt like I betrayed Sid even though we aren't together and haven't been for months. The pain in my chest just wouldn't go away. Maybe we could have waited to this until we got home.

I felt Corey move around and I looked up at his face to see his eyes opening. After his eyes adjusted he smiled down at me.

"Now I could definitely get used to this." He mumbled and kissed me softly. I kissed him back, making all other thoughts leave my mind.

He kissed my cheek and started trailing kisses all the way down to my stomach, making me suck in a breath and hold back a moan. That is, until he reached his destination.

"Could you be any fucking louder with that shit? Not everybody wants to hear you fuck each other constantly." Clown shouted.

I bit my lip and laughed. We both threw on our clothes from the previous night and climbed out of the bunk. I went into the bathroom to shower.

A moment later I heard a knock on the door. "It's gonna be a few." I yelled.

I heard Corey's voice from the other side. I giggled, unlocking the door and letting him in. He locked the door behind him and smashed his lips on mine, pushing me against the wall.

- - - - -

January, 2002 - Des Moines, Iowa

We're finally back home from the tour. Corey and I had just spent two full days in bed, not doing anything but sleeping and eating junk food.

"That tour was fucking hell. I'm so glad to be home." I said as I cuddled into Corey's chest.

A rumble from his chest echoed in my hear. He ran a hand through my hair.
"Me too, doll." He replied.

I really don't know if Corey and I are together. I just know that we fuck a lot and I still live with him, although I seem to have moved into his room as well.

He hasn't asked me and I won't bring it up. I just let things run their course. As far as I'm concerned we're just two best friends who sleep together and live together.

Corey just got off the phone with Jim. They were going to be doing some shit with Stone Sour soon. I have a feeling that Slipknot isn't going to be a thing for a while.

A lot of their relationships suffered a lot on the tour and no one even said goodbye to each other, except for me.

Even though we all live in Des Moines, I know everyone has their own little thing to do. Telling Sid bye was the hardest.

I had been looking forward to it since he cheated but when the moment came, I just wanted to completely forgive him and go back to what we were.

I laid in Corey's bed, flipping through the tv channels when I stopped on the news. I saw something flash on the screen SID - Slipknot's DJ to release solo album in March.

I called Corey into the room and showed him the screen. He nodded at me.

"Yeah, he mentioned that he had written some shit on tour. I wished him the best of luck with it. He's also doing some shit as DJ Starscream." He said and left the room.

I got up and searched for that on the internet. My heart ached when I saw him doing his thing that he loved the most.

I watched multiple videos. My chest felt tight like I could hardly breathe. I hadn't actually looked at him in so long.

He wore a Suicidal Tendencies hat and left his hair down. He looked good - really good. I bit my lip while watching the video.

"What are you doing?" I heard Corey ask behind me. I jumped out of the chair, scared to shit.

"Goddammit Corey. Don't sneak up on me." I said defensively, placing my hand on my chest.

"I didn't sneak up on you. I've been standing here for five minutes. You just didn't notice me." He replied, irritation dripping off his words. I squinted my eyes at him.

"Say something next time you enter the room." I said, walking out and slamming the door behind me. I went into my room and grabbed my trusty green bag and my papers.

I left the house and walked down to the park I always used to go to. I rolled a joint and lit it, laying down on the roundabout, memories flooding my mind.

I laid there for a long time with my eyes closed. I spun myself slowly with my one foot on the ground. I felt myself stop suddenly and I groaned and put my foot back up.

I raised the fourth blunt to my lips. I was extremely high right now and feeling like I'm on another planet.

In my mind I was spinning on a huge glass ball in the middle of a black ocean made of clouds. I heard a voice speaking and I couldn't remember for a moment how to open my eyes.

I slowly sat up and looked around, my eyes landing on someone's torso. I looked up further and saw what could have been Sid standing there. I gasped out loud.

"But you were- you were just in the computer. How are you here?" I asked, then laughed at myself for imagining things and laid back down, closing my eyes.

I raised the blunt to my lips and I felt my hand being pulled away from my mouth and suddenly my hand was empty. My eyes flew open and I jumped up, looking at my culprit angrily.

"Why are you taking my shit?" I asked. He laughed at me.
"You're frying ain't ya?" I thought for a minute and shrugged at him.

"How much have you smoked?" He asked me as he inhaled the last bit of it and holding it in his mouth, throwing the joint on the ground with the other butts down there and leaned in closer to me, blowing the smoke into my face. I breathed it in, my eyes fluttering closed as I did so.

I opened my eyes and he was still right there which caused me to raise my eyebrow in confusion.

Again, I shrugged. Not really understanding the question. He looked down at the burnt papers scattered around where I've been perched.

"Your face is gonna be sunburnt ya know? It's already pink." He said, reaching his hand up to touch my face.

Absentmindedly I leaned my face into his hand. He sighed loudly and I looked back over at him.

"I came out here to think. I didn't know you would be here." He explained.

"Heheheh. Yeahh. I am here." I said slowly, raising my arms above me and gesturing around me.

"I need to be on your level, airhead." He said laughing and ruffled my hair. I looked at his hand like it was an alien.

I looked back up at him with one eye wide open and one halfway squinted. He laughed at me and placed his hand over my eyes.

"Don't do that! You look insane." He said and pulled his hand away from my face. I raised an eyebrow at him and just busted into laughter.

Why is he just standing here talking to me? Doesn't he know I just want to lay here and dream?

When I didn't say anything to him, he bit his lip and sat on the roundabout. I looked down at him and then out into the rest of the park.

I thought I saw someone standing there but brushed it off. Shit, there probably wasn't really anyone right here either so why worry about it?

I felt a tug on my hand and looked down at Sid. He was trying to get me to sit back down also.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him. He laughed.

"On a magic carpet ride," He said. I sat down in front of him, crossing my legs to sit Indian style and rested my head on one of the bars.

Something kept whispering in my ear to kiss him, tell him that I love him and that I forgive him. I swatted at my ear, wanting it to go away.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Are you even really here? Because I hear so many things right now. I can't tell what's real." I said, slumping my shoulders.

He scrunched his eyebrows together and touched my face again softly.

"Does that feel real?" He asked me seriously. I thought for a moment and nodded.
"I'm really here. It's me." He whispered.

He moved closer to me and got so close our noses touched. I felt my eyes flutter shut and let out a shaky breath.

Sid closed the gap between us, touching my lips with his own softly. I just wanted to be in this moment forever. Eventually Sid pulled away and traced the skin on my face as he stared intently at me.

Tears brimmed the surface of my eyes.
"No, please don't cry Ashlee." He said sadly. I closed my eyes again and the tears fall.

I felt both of his thumbs wiping away at my tears. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so fucking sorry." I stayed the same way a while longer.

He just kept saying things that made no sense. Eventually Sid kissed the top of my head and walked away.

Now I'm left wondering if I'm just having some weird daydream or if that really happened. By the time I decided to go home the sun was starting to set.

How long have I been out here? My stomach growled loudly.
"Shit. What a weird fucking day." I said to myself and walked home.

I opened the door and went inside. I went straight to the kitchen to find food. Corey came in shortly after looking pissed off.

"Oh, so you decided to come back after your date with Sid after all!" He said loudly.

"Look. I don't know what the fuck you think you're accusing me of. But I went to the park and smoked way too much shit. I don't know if Sid was there or not. I just know I had a lot of fucking shit going through my head and I saw a lot of different things. So, if you want to bitch about something, bitch about your fucking band that's falling apart!" I spat at him.

He walked up to me and pinned me against the counter, placing hands on each side of me. I looked at his arms and back up into his eyes.

"You're mine now. Not his." Corey said as his eyes darkened and he kissed me roughly. I pushed him away from me.

"That's where you're wrong Corey. I'm not anyone's goddamn property. I'm not his, that's where you're right. But I'm sure as hell not yours either." I said to him.

He dropped his arms and I pushed past him and ran to my room, locking myself in. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

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