The Other Prior

By someonestillalive

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●●●●●【 T H E O T H E R P R I O R 】●●●●● Sixteen year old, Alivia Prior finally chooses her faction. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Tobias
Chapter Five
Chapter Tris
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Four + Tris
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Epilogue (Ver. 2)

Chapter Nine

266 27 0
By someonestillalive

09 | T R I S


The end of the race seems to take an eternity to reach...

That is, until I hear the words that would let me know the result of my stupid decision in racing Tobias.

"Six is the WINNER!" Alivia says as she gives me a high five with a grin lighting up her face.

Tobias places his arm around me and says, "I just played easy on you, that's why you won."

I rolled my eyes at his defensive statement.

"Is Four bwitter becwause he is thwe woser?" I said in a baby voice.

He played along and gave me the sad look of a baby who couldn't get his favorite toy.

I gave him kiss on the cheek, making him beam like an idiot immediately.

I rolled my eyes and left to look at the initiates who still haven't finished 30 rounds.

Gosh. These idiots are so slow.

They were currently in their 27th round and are dying in tiredness.

"HURRY UP! JOG FASTER! YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE WITH THAT SPEED!" I let out as loud as I can, trying my best to scare them.

Which, in my perspective, worked quite well.

After around five minutes, they finally finished their thirty rounds of jogging.

We led them back to the training room and told them to go get four knives.

"Today, as you all can probably guess already, y'all will be throwing knives." Four started. "Now, it would be a big probability that many of you will hit the target at the stomach."

At that statement, the arrogant initiates started to say that they wouldn't.

I rolled my eyes at their assumptive and brazen attitude.

"All of you cocky ass initiates would think that you wouldn't. But I bet my ass that you would."

Immediately, the assumptive initiates shut up.

"Six here will be showing y'all the correct position. Follow her and you will be able to hit bullseye. If you have questions, just ask."

I took a knife from the table and positioned myself directly at the middle target.

(AN : I do not know anything about knife throwing... So I am just making up my own stuff here. Please don't quote me on this or correct me... because I'm probably wrong.)

"Balance yourself. Make sure your elbow is in this angle.... Then, throw the knife. Make sure your arm ends up in this position. If not, then it means you're wrong."

I threw the knife which whizzed straight towards the bullseye.

And before the initiates had time to gape, Tobias' voice sounded.

"Start now!"

The initiates took their knives and positioned themselves to throw.

Knives started to fly towards the targets, most being embedded at the stomach target like how we anticipated.

"For those who are having a hard time, stop throwing."

The sounds of metal hitting the targets all seized.

Wow, these initiates are stupid.

Tobias and I quickly went over, checking their positions and correcting their mistakes.

"Continue." I said after fixing their postions.

The sounds that once filled the area continued.

Because I showed Ali how to throw correctly, she was able to throw all of the 3 knives at the bullseye while the other initiates just gaped at her. She gave me a small wink just as her last knife flew to the head target of the person beside her.

I rolled my eyes.

Show off.

At least a minute passed and the initiates are finally getting the hang of knife throwing.

Knives started to appear in the head targets and almost everyone was able to get all the knives on the bullseye, except for one brazen Candor girl named, Roux, who, I saw, wasn't listening when I was correcting them on how to throw the knife properly.

I gave Ali a wink and a smirk, getting a knowing look from her in response.

"Stand in front of the target." Tobias said. "Six here will be throwing knives. You cannot flinch or you will be put in as last of the ranks."

She stood stiffly in front of the target as I got 3 knives.

I gave her a smirk as I played with the knife, throwing it back and forth between my hands.

She was turning pale, her body shaking in fright.

That's what you get for being cocky, idiot.

Without warning, I threw one of the knives near her elbow.

"Go a little nearer, maybe somewhere near the head?"

"You sure? I think little Roxy here flinched just a little bit when I threw the knife." I shrugged.

She let out a small whimper.


I turned back around to face her now blanched face.

I looked at her in the eye, the whole room quiet.

I paused, putting one knife in each of my hands.

I waited two seconds...


1 and ¹/₂....

1and ³/₄......


Suddenly, I threw both knives towards her. One right above her head and the other pinning her shirt onto the target.

"Dismissed!" Tobias announced.

The now appalled initiates placed their knives back on the table and left for the cafteria.

They trickled out of the room and left Roux, Tobias and I to clean up the rest of the knives (not really Roux, though).

She let out a grumpy huff.

I wanted to burst out laughing. She looks like a mad tomato.

She grudgingly removed the knife that kept her pinned on the target.

She was about to walk towards the table when Tobias talked. "Don't forget the other two on the target."

I covered my mouth to suppress my laughter.

She stomped back over to the targets and indignantly took the knives from the target.

She placed them on the table and left with her loud stomps echoing around the area.

Tobias and I laughed right after the door closed. "Did you see the initiates' faces? They were so terrified!" I tittered.

Tobias laughed even more. "Nice shot at the shirt, by the way. But my shot at your ear was way cooler."

"Oh really, now?" I said, raising one of my eyebrows.

I took slow teasing steps towards his smirking form until I was right in front of him.

"Yes, of course." Tobias said, slowly leaning in for a kiss.

I closed the gap in between us and kissed him back as our hands went to roam around each other's bodies.

The door suddenly opened.

"Ew! My eyes are dying with seeing this!"

We broke apart and saw that the owner of the voice was Alivia, along with Amille who was gagging and pretending to vomit beside her.

"Not our fault you came in."

"While you two were doing what? Kissing and eating eachother?" Said Amille teasingly.

"Why are you here anyways?" Tobias asked them, rolling his eyes.

"I left my phone here." Ali shrugged.

"Okay then, go and leave already since you found it!" I shooed them.

"Okay! Okay!" Ali said, raising her arms in surrender.

After they left, Tobias and I continued kissing or, what Amille calls it- eating each other.

Tobias broke away three minutes after kissing and said, "Let's get some lunch, now, babe."

I grumbled in complain and heard Tobias say, "Complaining? Jog 30 rounds, then!" In a high pitched voice, trying to mock me.

"Wanna race?" I said in a deep voice, mocking him.

"You're on."






I was answering Amille's question about what she should buy and other stuff when I heard Four shout, "I WIN!"

Amille and I looked at their direction and saw Four laugh at my sister. He then helped her up from the floor maybe because she tripped or something.

Four and Tris (I'm the only one who knew, within the initiates, her name was Tris) sat down beside Amille and I, with Four beside me and Tris beside Amille.

Even if I know Four is off limits because he's my sister's boyfriend, I still kind of like him. So when he sat beside me, I blushed a little.

Tris looked at me with a look that says that she saw me blush. Oh my, she's gonna get very mad at me.

This is why I need to talk to her.

And this is why I was si eager to help Four.

Amille saved me from further death of my thoughts when she asked me a question that was nagging me from the back of my head. "Ali, what do you think your rank is?"

"I don't know... probably last? Maybe in the middle... yeah... that's more likely..." I shrugged.

"How 'bout you?" I returned the question.

"I feel like I'm gonna be one of those people who's gonna get kicked out of Dauntless." She sighed.

"Sometimes, I think the same for myself." I mimicked her sigh.


My phone sounded.

A message?

Why would Ali want to talk?

I quickly typed a response.

I thought about what I would tell Tobias.

Tell him that he could go get my points and buy whatever he wants?

Tell him that he can buy me lingerie that he wants me to wear to our next... time?

By the time I decided on what to tell him, we were both done eating and were ready to head back to the apartment.


Tris opened the door to her apartment once I knocked. She told me to come in and saw Four on the couch watching a movie.

"Four, Zeke wanted to hangout with you and the other guys and Ali and I are going to talk. So..." Tris trailed on, asking him to leave.

"Fine." Four grumbled and kissed Tris on the cheek and said bye.

Once he passed by me, he mumbled, "45 minutes."


Once I got Tobias out, I turned to face Alivia and sighed, this is going to be a long talk.

"Sorry. I know you saw me...." Ali said looking down at her feet.

I went straight to the point. "You still like him?"

She let out a shaky breath.

"I know I am not suppose to and I try to scurry away from him but I have very very very very very very veery small feelings for him." Ali said, pinching her fingers to show how small her feelings are for Tobias. "Only very very very very very very very veeery small. It's only a happy crush! Nothing more!"

I rolled my eyes.

How many times did she say very?!

"Okay, I get it. I am not exactly mad at you."

She smile sheepishly.

"Well sorry." She said indignantly, her hands going to her hips. "Your boyfriend or maybe my future brother in law is just too hot to not like."

Here she goes again about boys.

"Seeing you're into boys, I think you should talk to the boys in your initiate class." I crossed my arms and raised my eyesbrow at her. "You know? Axel? Lucas? Charles? Maybe Maxon or someone."

"But they aren't as good as Four! Like with the muscles. Four probably have like million-pack abs or something!" Said Ali, waving her arms around to emphasize her point.

I laughed and said, "Nobody can be as hot as Four, I know that. I got the hottest man here in Dauntless. But some of them has the looks, too. And, I don't know about the abs and stuff, so why don't you ask them one by one to get their shirt off?"

"You're so lucky you got Four. He's handsome and he's like, the perfect guy! Why?!" Alivia said, clearly frustrated and turning into her drama-queen self.

I rolled my eyes at her.

I seem to be doing that way more often.

"Try and meet someone from your initiate class! That's the easiest way to get someone. Stop talking to Amille only. Talk to the other boys."

"Okay. Maybe I will. I'll try" Ali replied just as Tobias enetered the room.

Maybe it wasn't that long of a talk after all?


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