The Monster's Wish...(A Narut...

By kendra5150

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Yoshiro Hatake was taken from the leaf, on the day of his father's funeral, when he was three years old. Kono... More

Yoshiro Hatake
Sequel coming out today.


488 24 3
By kendra5150

I'm going to dedicate this chapter to Aki-Akegata for voting for my chapters and continuing to read them. Thank you so much for everything! I hope you're enjoying it.

*Yoshiro's POV*

I tried to wake up, but I couldn't. My eyes felt heavy and I felt really drowsy.

'Where am I?' I thought as I tried, and failed, to open my eyes.

I felt the warmth of someone's hand grasping mine and heard a faint beeping noise.

'What's that sound?' I thought as I tried to open my eyes again only to have the same outcome as before.

The beeping noise became louder as I started to remember everything that happened. I remembered the villagers attacking me, running from the village, running into Kakashi and the other Sensei's along with the rookie nine, killing Orochimaru's summon, and then passing out. The beeping was really loud now causing me to finally realize that I was in a hospital. I snapped my eyes open only to be blinded by the extremely bright white lights. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I took the opportunity to look around the room. It was empty except for Kakashi sitting in a chair with his head laid on the bed. I smiled down at him as I realized he was sleeping beside me. My eyes trailed down to where my hand was lying when I realized that the warmth on my hand was coming from Kakashi, he was holding my hand in his sleep. I carefully removed my hand from his and tore the breathing mask off of my face. I threw the breathing mask onto the floor before I looked down at my left arm and noticed the IV in my wrist. Without even thinking about it I pulled it out and threw it to the side. I ignored the blood that was now dripping off of my hand and pulled the clip off of my finger causing the monitor to flatline. I tried to pull myself up off of the bed, but fell onto the floor. The blanket fell with me, so I gripped the blanket in my hand and slowly crawled over to the corner of the room by the window. I slowly pushed the window open so it wouldn't make any noise and curled up in the corner next to it, pulling the blanket over top of me. As soon as the blanket was over my head I heard the door slam open as well as people running into the room.

"Kakashi! Wake up! Where did he go?" Tsunade yelled.

"Shit." Kakashi sighed.

"Guys...what's that?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yoshiro, you can't be out of bed yet, get back in this bed and lay down. You are in no condition to be out of bed. How did you even walk?" Tsunade sighed walking over to me and bending down in front of me.

"Lady Tsunade, the Hokage is here. Can he come in and visit." a woman asked.

"Of course."

The woman left and soon someone else entered.

"Go get everyone that was here last night, Jiraiya, you help." the Hokage ordered causing two people to leave.

"Yoshiro, come on, you need to get back in bed." Tsunade said pulling the blanket off of me and standing up.

I tensed and grabbed onto the side of the window.

"No. Yoshiro doesn't like the bed." I shook my head no.

"Yoshiro, stop being difficult, just lay down on the bed." she sighed.

I shook my head no and gripped the window tighter to try to keep myself from trembling.

"Yoshiro, we're not going to hurt you, just lay down. I won't put the needle back in you if you get back on the bed." she reasoned.

"No." I refused.

"Kakashi. Get. Him." she gritted her teeth.

"Yoshiro, please get back on the bed." he sighed getting up and walking over to me.

"No." I shook my head

"Yoshiro..." he started as the door opened and the rookie nine, their sensei's, Guy, Firefly, Anko, Inoichi, Shikaku, Choza and Jiraiya walked in.

"Hey Yoshiro, How are you feeling?" Ino smiled.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my head on them ignoring her.

'I didn't mean to hurt her. I don't even know how I hurt her. I didn't think I did anything wrong. Maybe I should avoid her for a while so she doesn't get hurt anymore.' I sighed at the thought.

"Hokage-sama, why did you summon all of us?" Kurenai asked.

"I wanted to know what happened. When I found out he was in the hospital because of the villagers I asked around and found the people that did it. I asked them why they did it and they said he attacked one of the ninja's daughters while she was out shopping and getting fruit for her mother. I spoke to the daughter and she said he attacked her and tried to run away when he got caught." he sighed causing me to look up shocked.

'Why are they lying? I didn't attack her, I only tried to run because I was scared.'

"That's fucking bullshit." Kakashi growled.

"Kakashi..." Jiraiya warned raising his eyebrow.

"I want both sides of the story so I want Yoshiro to explain what happened before I decide the punishment for whoever's at fault here." he explained.

Everyone looked over at me expecting me to talk to them about what happened. I don't even know what happened, they just attacked me.

"What's the point?" I whispered clenching my fists.

"Yoshiro, you shouldn't get punished for something that's not your fault." Kakashi sighed.

"You don't understand Kakashi. They will find any reason to lock Yoshiro up. Even if they don't have a reason this time, they'll find one." I whispered.

"Why would you say that? The Hokage is trying to help you clear your name, you can't give up just because the villagers want you locked up. This is your home Yoshiro, you have every right to be here." Kakashi snapped.

"Yoshiro hates this village, along with all of the villagers. He's tired of this place, it's not his home. He doesn't want to live somewhere where he's not welcome." I whispered.

I noticed Naruto's eyes fill with tears as he stepped forward.

"Old man Hokage, can I talk to him alone for a second?" he asked.

"Naruto, I don't think that's a good idea, he's not....." Tsunade started but was cut off by the Hokage.

"Sure Naruto." he smiled before turning and walking towards the door.

"Thanks Jiji." he smiled before ushering everyone else out of the room.

When he finally got everyone out he sat down next to me.

"You wanna know something Yoshiro?" he asked looking down at the floor.

"Sure." I sighed looking up at him.

"We're a lot alike, me and you. You know the villagers hate me too, not for the same reasons but it's similar in a way.." he smiled.

"Why do they hate you?" I asked.

"I don't think I'm supposed to say why but I don't care, I always do what I'm not supposed to.." he laughed before continuing, more serious than before. "I have a demon fox in me. I know you weren't here for it but there was an attack on the village twelve years ago. When the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox attacked the village, many people died. I was born on that day, Lucky me...Anyway, the Fourth Hokage and his wife sealed it into me so they could protect the village but they lost their lives in the process. The Third Hokage made a rule so everyone had to keep it a secret, so I had a chance at making friends with the younger generation. Many of the villagers lost their loved ones on that day so they take their anger out on me, their children would sense their hatred and grew up hating me too. I guess I don't mind though, it's better than them taking it out on random people, I wish they would realize that I'm not the Kyuubi but I can't do anything about that. I plan on becoming Hokage and becoming the biggest hero in the leaf and the strongest ninja they've ever seen, then they'll have to look up to me and respect me. I know you might not understand why I would waste my time with them but that's what I've always wanted. I'm not gonna lie, it's tough knowing no one likes you, especially when they call you a demon all the time, but that also gives you a purpose. You get the luxury of proving them wrong. I think that'll be the best feeling in the world. I know it's gonna be hard but I don't mind a challenge. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't give up and let them win. Fight back and show them that maybe being a little different isn't such a bad thing! Show them that you're not the dangerous 'freak' they think you are." he smiled.

"What about your parents? What do they think about how they treat you?" I asked.

"Oh...I never met them. Jiji says that they died protecting the village during the attack but I think they left me and he's just making excuses." he shrugged.

"Why do you think he's lying?" I asked.

"Well every time I ask him what they were like he tells me the same thing. "They were heroes" Every time I ask him what their names were he says "That doesn't matter." Who knows though, maybe my parents told him they didn't want me to know about them. I have lots of theories, but I don't mind, even if they're alive, they're the ones missing out on having such an awesome son!" he smiled but started laughing at the end.

"I-I.....Y-Yoshiro's sorry." I panicked causing Naruto's eyes to widen.

"Did you just refer to yourself in first person instead of third?" he asked in shock.

"N-No...I-I...Y-Yoshiro didn't." I stuttered.

'I can't believe I spoke in first person, if Kabuto were here, I'd be dead...I'm going to die from whatever punishment they give me...' I gulped at the thought and looked around for something to punish me with. 'Maybe if I punish myself they'll go easy on me.' I smirked at the thought as I grabbed one of Naruto's kunai.

His eyes widened for a second before he looked at me in confusion.

"What're you doing Yoshiro?" he asked.

"Yoshiro didn't mean it, he won't do it again he swears." I panicked before plunging the kunai into my stomach.

I tore the kunai out causing blood to flow from the new wound and prepared to stab myself again.

"What the hell Yoshiro!" Naruto yelled grabbing the kunai and trying to pry it from my fingers.

"Please let Yoshiro do it. He didn't mean it, don't kill him." I begged.

Before we could say anything else the Hokage walked back in.

"Naruto, you know that these walls aren't sound proof right?" he sighed before freezing as his eyes landed on us.

"Yoshiro, this isn't normal...." Naruto started.

"Yoshiro's sorry. He doesn't want to die, please forgive him." he begged.

"Yoshiro..." Naruto whispered in disbelief.

"Hey, it's fine Yoshiro. You're forgiven. Put the kunai down." Inoichi frowned kneeling down beside us.

I dropped the bloody kunai onto the ground and Naruto kicked it away from me and let go of my arm.

"Why do you always do that to yourself, it's not norm....." Naruto started.

"Naruto, let it go. Don't talk about it." Jiraiya frowned.

Tsunade ran up to Yoshiro and started healing his new wound.

"I think Yoshiro needs some rest." she sighed.

"No, Yoshiro doesn't want to sleep." I refused.

The rookies were staring at Naruto in fear causing the Hokage to sigh.

"Alright, so yes, Naruto Uzumaki is the container of the nine tailed demon fox. No, the fox does not control him, he is simply carrying the fox inside of him. That is an S class secret that you will tell no one about. Do you all understand?" he asked.

"Hai Hokage-sama!" they all said in unison.

"Yoshiro, can you explain what happened and why?" the Hokage asked.

"No." I sighed.

"Why the hell not?" Kakashi snapped.

"Yoshiro doesn't know why they did it. They say he attacked that girl but he doesn't think he did anything wrong." I shrugged.

"I guess we're just going to have to see it through his memories." the Hokage sighed.

"What? No. Yoshiro doesn't want to sleep." I frowned.

"I'm sorry Yoshiro, but he needs to know what happened. It's the only way." Kakashi shrugged nodding to Tsunade, she nodded back before leaving the room.

"Where is she going. No needles." I frowned trying to stand up but failing miserably each time.

I used the window sill to pull myself up and balance. Tsunade came back into the room with a sedative and a bunch of other medical ninja.

"Jiraiya, will you help, I may be strong but I'm gonna need someone to hold him down." she sighed.

"No..." I whispered clenching my fists and trying to use my eye to teleport.

'Why isn't it working?' I thought as I tried again, clenching my fists tighter to focus.

'Still nothing.'

"Why's this happening?" I whispered trying to calm myself down.

"Yoshiro, remember last time. It didn't hurt at all. It'll be the same as then, just calm down, we'd never hurt you." Ino smiled walking towards me but I gripped the side of the window and tried to jump out.

"Yoshiro, stop, we're on the third floor." Kakashi yelled pulling me inside the room and onto the floor.

"Please stop. Yoshiro doesn't want to sleep...please. G-Get off....Stop touching him. No. Get away!" I yelled as I thrashed around while the medical ninja that came in with Tsunade grabbed me and tried to pin me down.

"Lady Tsunade, hurry up and sedate him, we can't hold him for long." the one man said through gritted teeth.

"Get off! Please Kakashi, make them stop. Don't make me sleep, Yoshiro doesn't want to dream about them anymore, please don't make me." I sobbed.

Lady Tsunade calmly walked over to me and bent down next to me.

"I'm sorry Yoshiro." she smiled sadly at me before grabbing my arm.

I jerked my arm out of her grasp and pushed the other ninja away from me before trying to stand again. Jiraiya grabbed me from behind as Shikaku, Inoichi, and Choza helped him hold me down. The rookie nine, minus Naruto and Ino looked scared. Ino and Naruto looked sad and Tsunade looked frustrated. She grabbed my arm again, this time I couldn't move at all. I looked down to see black connecting to my feet but leading from Shikaku.

'What the hell? Why can't I move?' I thought as Tsunade injected the blue liquid into my arm.

The others stopped holding me down and Jiraiya put me back on the bed. I tried to push myself up but my head was spinning and I didn't have any strength. The room started to spin more and before I knew it everything went black.

*Kakashi's POV*

I watched as Yoshiro struggled to get free from Jiraiya, Shikaku, Inoichi and Choza. I didn't want to help them because I felt like I'd be betraying him in a way. I know he needs sleep but he obviously hates it. The four of them were struggling to keep him down so Shikaku decided to use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to keep him from moving. When Tsunade sedated him Jiraiya put him on the bed and it didn't take long for him to pass out.

"We're here Inoichi." the four ninja from the T&I HQ came in as Tsunade hooked Yoshiro back up to the monitor and put the IV back into his wrist but left off the breathing mask.

"Great, hurry up before he wakes up. Tsunade, how long will he be out?" he asked.

"I don't know, a few hours maybe." she shrugged.

Three of the ninja put their hands on the floor and created a chakra reducing circle that surround the bed and Yoshiro. The other one created the projection and Inoichi walked over to Yoshiro.

"Here we go again, it might take me a couple minutes to project it, for this one I have to search for what we're looking for." he sighed putting his hand on Yoshiro's head.

"Thanks Inoichi." the Hokage smiled.

"Hokage-sama, are you sure Kakashi should be here, afterwards he might try to kill the villagers or something.." Jiraiya mumbled to the Hokage.

"Fuck off Jiraiya, this isn't even your damn business. Why are you all even here?" I snapped.

"Kakashi, calm down. Jiraiya, Kakashi is his only family member, he deserves to know, even if he tries to do stupid and reckless things afterwards." he sighed as a scene of the village started playing on the walls.

'Why don't they like me? They purposely made me feel scared and then laughed at me. I don't understand what I did wrong.' Yoshiro's thoughts started to fill the room.

"Those are his thoughts by the way." Inoichi informed everyone.

He was running through the village dodging people.

'I know Inoichi's hated me since the moment he laid eyes on me but I still don't know what I did to piss him off. The Choza guy seemed nice but he follows everything Inoichi says. Sure he apologized but I don't think he meant it. He still looked amused by my reaction. I just want to belong somewhere, is that too much to ask for?' he thought as he ran into a young girl, knocking both of them to the ground and causing her to drop a basket full of fruit.

"Sorry!" he panicked looking at the girl in front of him causing her to look up at him and glare.

"Owww. Hey, why'd you push me down?" she yelled causing other villagers to look over at them and start whispering.

"That's another one. How many girls has he attacked so far? I heard he attacked a small child earlier today." a man whispered to a group that started to surround them.

"Who did he attack earlier?"the Hokage asked.

"I think they mean the child that fell down earlier. She scraped her elbow and he healed it for her but the child's parents freaked out about him touching her." Shikaku explained.

"Someone should go find that girl's father." another whispered.

"He's disgusting. Someone needs to get rid of him. I don't want to put my daughter at risk of getting attacked. I thought this village was supposed to be safe, he needs to be locked up somewhere." a woman whispered.

"No..Yoshiro didn't mean to. Are you okay?" he asked picking up the fruit and putting it back into her basket.

"Eww, you're that weird guy my mom said to stay away from. I heard you like little girls, that's just creepy you freak." she spat getting up and picking up her basket of fruit and backing away from him like he had a disease.

"Sorry." he apologized again, standing up and bowing to the girl.

"Hey, get away from my daughter you sick bastard." a ninja yelled running over to them.

"He pushed me down dad. Ask anyone here." she cried.

The ninja looked around at the villagers and they nodded to confirm what the child was saying.

"That poor child, we should go get the Hokage. He just attacked her." a woman whispered.

"Yoshiro didn't mean it. Are you okay?" he asked reaching towards her arm.

"Don't touch her you fucking bastard." her dad yelled causing him to tense.

He looked up at the little girl and she smirked and stuck her tongue out at him with her hands still covering her face as she 'cried' to her dad about him attacking her.

"Little bitch." I whispered earning a slap on the back of the head from Guy.

"That's not youthful language." he lectured

'Why is she doing this?'

The ninja pushed his daughter behind him as other male villagers and ninja surrounded him.

"Stop looking at her you freak." he growled causing Yoshiro to take a step back, only to bump into the villagers that were surrounding him.

"You think you can just come into this village and attack our families?" one of the ninja spat as he shoved Yoshiro onto the ground before smirking at the other ninja and his daughter.

"Guys that's Kakashi's younger brother." a woman whispered.

"You're sick you know that? I don't give a fuck if you're Kakashi's younger brother. You don't belong here. This is no longer your home. Do you understand?" another ninja spat joining the group of villagers.

"Hey you dumb ass, I'm talking to you." he yelled pulling out a Kunai and kicking him in the stomach when he didn't answer him.

He held his stomach and gasped for air as he fell onto his back so he was staring at the clouds and birds. The ninja looked livid as he tightened his hold on his Kunai.

'Cheer up Yoshiro, you're better off being free!' an unknown voice filled the room.

We all looked at Inoichi for answers as to who that voice belonged to but he looked clueless.

"Maybe that's his cheerful, optimistic side." he shrugged.

"What're you doing here?" he whispered looking over to his shadow.

"What did you say freak?" a villager asked as the ninja grew impatient with waiting for an answer and kicked him in the side.

He curled up into a ball and looked over at his shadow.

'We're best friends. Why wouldn't I be here. Don't talk out loud, I can read your thoughts.' it said.

'Sorry you have to go through this too. I don't want you to get hurt because of me.' he thought as the ninja's face turned red and he held the Kunai up in the air.

"Answer me!" he yelled slamming the Kunai down into Yoshiro's left, bandaged arm causing him to flinch.

He looked at his arm to see the Kunai sticking out of it.

'Just kill them all and you won't have to worry about them anymore.' another unrecognizable voice spoke this one filled with malice.

We again looked at Inoichi for an answer.

"Maybe this is his evil, pessimistic side." he shrugged.

"How youthful! He has two personalities." Guy yelled.

"More like weird." Sasuke grumbled.

He shook his head at what his 'dark side' suggested and pulled the Kunai out, splattering blood all over the ground as he threw the Kunai on the ground refusing to fight back.

"Yoshiro deserves this...right?" he whispered.

'You don't deserve this Yoshiro, you did nothing wrong.' the friendly voice whispered.

'Punish them Yoshiro, punish them for treating you like they do. You didn't do anything wrong and they're punishing you for it.' the evil one hissed.

"Punish them?" he whispered to himself.

'No, don't Yoshiro. If you hurt them it'll be worse for you.' the friendly voice yelled.

"I asked you a question you damn freak." the ninja growled pulling out another Kunai.

"Yoshiro didn't do anything wrong." he whispered to himself.

"This is for the Yamanaka girl." he yelled raising the Kunai above his head.

Ino looked at her father confused but he just shook his head and looked away.

"For me? Why would I want this?" she whispered with tears in her eyes as Yoshiro started to panic.

"Has he ever attacked you Ino?" the Hokage asked.

"No. Never." she cried.

"Stop" he whispered putting his hands above him to defend his face from the Kunai as tears fell from his eyes.

"You don't deserve mercy, you're not welcome here, leave and never come back you damn freak." the ninja yelled as he repeatedly stabbed Yoshiro's left arm, splattering blood all over the ground and himself.

The villagers started to kick him in the side and stomp on his stomach and head, while the ninja continued to stab him, causing him to gasp for air while trying to defend himself from the Kunai and hold his side while blinking rapidly to try to see straight as the world became blurry from tears. The other ninja pulled out Kunai of their own. One of them stabbed him in the right shoulder, twisting it until he heard a satisfying pop. He screamed and begged them to stop but another ninja grabbed his right arm, and pinned him on the ground. He tried to push the man off of him but his left arm was torn to shreds and spewing blood everywhere. There was so much blood they imagined the smell of it. That alone was enough to make everyone gag. He freed his right arm and started pushing them away with it because he realized in that moment, his left arm was useless. Another ninja stabbed him in the right arm pushing it deeper inside to try to pin him to the ground. When they realized it wasn't working they tore it out flinging blood all over the nearby villagers. The ninja then stabbed him in the stomach causing Yoshiro to cry out in agony. Another ninja took this opening to stab him in the side while another stabbed him in the leg so he couldn't run away. The idiot villagers resumed kicking him, this time aiming for his cuts while the one bastard continued to stab him in his left arm.

I looked around and noticed everyone looked pissed and disgusted. The rookie nine looked shocked, some were even crying.

"What's going on here?" Inoichi yelled causing the villagers to stop.

"Inoichi, just in time. We're punishing the freak for going after your daughter. How is she doing, let her know we'll take care of him, will you?" the man smiled.

"Oh god. T-They did this b-because of me...W-Why?" Ino cried.

Inoichi walked over to his sobbing daughter and hugged her to keep her quiet.

"What have you guys done? Are you insane?" Choza growled looking at the bloody boy on the ground.

"If you're worried about Kakashi, don't worry. We just have to explain what happened and he'll understand. No one will miss this freak anyway." the ninja shrugged turning back to the sobbing Yoshiro.

"Enough of this, he did nothing wrong." Shikaku said taking another step towards the ninja.

"On the contrary, he's going to be the downfall of us all. I for one am not going to sit here and do nothing about it."

'Yoshiro, run, I'll be right behind you. We need to leave this village, they're going to kill you.' his optimistic side yelled.

"You know what Inoichi, you should be the one to finish him off. He deserves it for what he tried to pull with your daughter." the ninja smiled wickedly holding out his Kunai.

"Are you insane? Let him go, I won't kill him. He did nothing wrong." Inoichi snapped as Yoshiro forced himself to stand and stumbled before trying to run away, only to be pulled back by a villager that caught his hair and threw him back onto the ground.

"Where do you think you're going?" the villager laughed.

White surrounded him as he disappeared and reappeared outside of their circle. He stumbled a little before a quiet snap was heard and his index finger was bent backwards. He ignored his finger and took off running towards the gate. He stumbled a couple of times and grabbed his head as he tried to balance himself and stop his spinning vision.

"Yoshiro wait." Shikaku yelled but he didn't stop so the three of them took off after him.

"Okay so maybe my childhood wasn't like that..." Naruto trailed off wiping his tears away only for more to spill out.

He ran out of the gate Ignoring Kotetsu and Izumo yelling about him signing out and frantically looked around the area.

'I can't hide, I'm bleeding, it'll lead them straight to me. I can't keep running either, they're gonna catch me.....I'm screwed, I'm gonna die. There's nothing I can do to escape.....unless I erase their memories....Wait, I can't I can only do it once. I could use mind control. It's only three of them. It shouldn't take too much to do it. I don't think any of them know about it so it should work right?.' he thought as he ran into Ino, who just jumped in front of him causing both of them to fall onto the ground, he hit his hand on the ground popping his finger back into place while Ino screamed as he fell on top of her.

"Did he just say mind control?" Inoichi asked.

"Yeah, I'll need to talk to him when he wakes up." the Hokage nodded.

Most of the rookie nine with their sensei's, minus me and a few other people, surrounded him.

"Ino, what happened?" Naruto yelled with a Kunai out, Sakura standing next to him also with a Kunai out, Kiba and Akamaru next to her ready to pounce on him, with Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, and Kurenai next to them also on guard.

'Ino?' he thought as he looked down to see he was on top of her.

"Sorry." he whispered pushing himself off of her and standing up, turning away from her and beginning to run again but was stopped by Ino grabbing his right arm.

"The least you could've done was help me up." she laughed using his arm to pull herself up causing him to flinch and pull away.

She stumbled and Sakura caught her.

"What's wrong Yoshiro?" she asked walking towards him, but he backed up.

"Please....don't..." he whispered grabbing his head and closing his eyes, trying to steady himself as he wobbled.

"Yoshiro, maybe you should sit down." she smiled taking another step towards him.

"Ino. Stop. He's not thinking clearly right now." Inoichi said as he jumped down from a tree in front of them with Choza and Shikaku behind Yoshiro

"What's going on guys?" Shino asked as he walked over with me, Sasuke and Asuma.


"Yoshiro, come on, you need to see a doctor." Shikaku said taking a step towards him causing him to take another step back to realize he was surrounded on all sides.

"What the hell did you do? It's only his first day of training and you have him running away from the village?" I yelled causing him to flinch and cover his ears.

"Kakashi, calm down. I'll explain later, but right now he needs a doctor." he sighed.

"Fine, but you're not getting off that easy. Yoshiro, lets go. You need a doctor." I sighed walking towards him.

"Stop. Don't make Yoshiro go back...Please Kakashi." he cried.

"Yoshiro, this is your home. What're you talking about?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Y-Yoshiro....didn't mean to hurt Ino.....please....Kakashi...." he cried falling onto the ground.

"Yoshiro...You didn't hurt me...all you did was knock me out of the tree." Ino said confused.

"Shikaku....was it the villagers?" I asked causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"Kakashi, why'd you think it was the villagers?" the Hokage asked.

"It's obvious they don't like him. They threw shit at him and yelled at him when we walked with you to T&I HQ. I know you're old but I didn't think it was affecting your hearing yet." I growled causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, but it was my fault. I scared him and he ran away." Choza sighed answering what I asked Shikaku.

'He found me, what am I gonna do? He found me, he knows I'm here and he sent the snake to kill me.' he panicked as he flung a snake that slithered onto his hand and continued to try to scoot away from it.

"No." he whispered.

"Yoshiro, it's just a small snake. Calm down." I sighed.

'They're gonna take me back. I don't want to go back. No more needles. No more experiments. No more beeping monitors. Please no, I don't want to live this life anymore if I have to go back with them.' he sobbed.

"It's his.....He know's Yoshiro's here....He's mad. He sent that snake to kill Yoshiro...he's not gonna forgive Yoshiro." he rambled on, starting to hyperventilate, causing all of us to freeze, except Kurenai and Choza.

"Yoshiro, it's just a garter snake, don't worry it's not Orochimaru's." I said kneeling down beside him, causing Kurenai's and Choza's eyes to widen.

"It is....Yoshiro knows it is. See." he cried grabbing a Kunai out of my pouch and throwing it at the snake, stabbing it in the head and revealing that it was indeed a summon.

"A summon." Kurenai gasped.

"What're we supposed to do now?" Inoichi asked.

"We should probably report to the Hokage and let him know we need more ninja on patrol." Shikaku sighed.

"We'll come up with a solution to the Orochimaru problem tomorrow morning." the Hokage sighed.

"Yoshiro, you need to calm down." Asuma said walking over to us.

"Leave Yoshiro alone. He hates it here, he doesn't want to stay anymore." he cried.

"Yoshiro, the villagers aren't bad people, they just...." I tried to comfort him but he cut me off.

"Yoshiro hates it here. All the villagers despise him, he didn't do anything wrong Kakashi. Why? Why does everybody hate him?" he sobbed.

"Please, just come back into the village so we can get you to a doctor. I don't know why they don't like you. Not everyone hates you though, all of us like you." I motioned to everyone standing around us.

"Yoshiro doesn't want to die, he's finally made friends. Please don't let them kill him." he cried.

"I won't, I just got you back, I don't plan on letting him come in here and take you again, or kill you." I smiled standing up and holding a hand out for him.

He sniffled for a while before wiping his face and standing up on his own. He winced and I finally realized just how much he was bleeding. The grass was soaked in blood and it was dripping from his left arm. He wobbled a bit before he started falling backwards. I caught him before he hit the ground and then the room shifted back to being plain white.

The four people from T&I HQ started to leave when the scene faded.

"Why doesn't he like to sleep?" Ino asked.

"Well we can project it if Kakashi doesn't mind." one of the four people from T&I HQ informed.

"Fine, but what about the villagers?" he growled.

"I'll deal with the villagers, Kakashi, I'm sorry I allowed the villagers to go this far. It won't happen again." the Hokage sighed

"Orochimaru is coming here to get him? Then I want to train him. There's no way he can stand up for himself the way he is now. I say we all train him, that way he's never alone and he won't be attacked, kidnapped, or killed" Jiraiya sighed.

"I'll talk to him about it when he wakes up just shut up and give me a minute to calm down." I growled walking over to the window and looking out at the villagers.

I couldn't help but glare at all of the laughing and smiling villagers. Why do they get to be happy when they're making him suffer? He hasn't done anything wrong.

"If they do anything this stupid again, they won't get away with it. I'm tired of their shit." I growled earning worried looks from everyone in the room as the four ninja prepared to project his dream.

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