Fine Apple | ✓

By rosecoloredsoul

236K 14.3K 2.1K

❝HELP HELP HELLLP!❞ ❝Hello, this is the Fine Apple market, and no, we are not an Apple knockoff store; how ma... More

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v o l l e y b a l l
h o r i z o n
s m o o t h i e
p i n e a p p l e
a f t e r w o r d

t o w e l

3.3K 212 27
By rosecoloredsoul

❝We dream in colors borrowed from the sea.❞ -Unknown


"Yo Aria."

"Yo... Kale."

"I legit need your input."

"What's going on?"

"Okay, to make a long story short--the hockey team's screwed. The pizza party fundraiser pitched us a little far ahead, but we really need a kick if we're gonna stay together in the long run. The hype is so low--two guys just quit. I don't know what to do. We're gonna lose everybody if I can't find some money quick."

"Aw, Kale--I'm sorry... but you've got to understand, there isn't much I can do. I don't have a lot of cash on hand."

"I just need some ideas! I can't even anymore. No one digs my mom's vegan pizza and no one cares enough about saving hockey to put in any effort. And I don't want to pressure people who don't care into helping either."

"I'd help you if I could--"

"WAIT, that's it. A concert!"

"... Sorry?"

"I'll get the Green Pixels together! We'll host something during open gym hours and I'll make sure all the proceeds--"

"The Green Pixels?"

"My band--Kale and the Green Pixels. In honor of video games and my Irish heritage. Also, I'm a fifth generation vegan, so the green kinda echoes that part of my heritage too..."


"I'm kidding. Well, sort of. I mean, those aspects did kind of inspire the name, but--"

"No--I mean, you have a band? Since when?"

"Since I found my dad's old electric guitar in our attic--it's like, totally vintage!--and Frankie Cabalero offered to play drums for me. I already wrote a couple songs. We definitely aren't record-label material yet, but hey--you've gotta start somewhere. This might be our perfect shot at getting some extra donations."

"I didn't know you could play electric guitar! That's so awesome!"

"Yeah--I mean, well, you can pick anything up if it means that much to you."

"You should play me something."

"Well... I did write a song about you, actually."

"Wait--you aren't serious... really, Kale?!"

"Yeah... why do you sound upset?"

"I'm just... surprised... and a little nervous... what does the song say about me?"

"I could play it for you... I'm just warning you, though; this might be kinda rough."

"Eh, whatever. Just play it!"


"--What was that?!"

"Oops, sorry--the amp just did something... weird..."

"Maybe I shouldn't be listening through earbuds."

"... How the heck do you turn this-- BRRRRRRRRREEEK."


"Uh... sorry about that. Okay... here goes."



"... Well?!"

"Um... I didn't mention this before... but in honor of Shakespeare, I refer to you as Juliet in the song. Is that okay?"

"Uh... sure..."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic."

"It's nothing. Please... continue."

"My Juliet... she's a wild girl, always dancing in a constant twirl... and she's so smart, she's got quite a heart... And I love the way she likes to dance... yeeeeEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH..."

"... This is going to sound weird, but why does it sound like someone's breaking pots and pans in the background?"

"Eh, that's just the amp. I don't think it's doing what it's supposed to do."


"I also want to insert a guitar solo right after the first 'yeeeeEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH' but I haven't worked it all out yet-- how does this sound?"

"HOLY CALAMARI; I think that just fried my ears."

"Oh... I uh... I'm sorry... that's hilariously ironic though; the next verse is about how you're always willing to listen..."

"I WAS willing to listen, but now I'm worried about protecting the general welfare of my eardrums."


"I... I just don't think it's a good idea for me to listen through the phone line--it garbles the music too much. Maybe we could try again in person."

"Right... okay... stay classy, Airheads."



so yeah, a little more hipster-rock-star-wannabe kale. what a dork.

i finally finished planning out the rest of the story! lots of fun stuff ahead; thanks for sticking with me, sorry about the delays, and i hope to have more up soon!


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