The Enemies Sister (LxReader)

By lyzee1222

127K 3.2K 6.6K

You are lights twin sister the smartest person in school along with your bestie carson .you live a pretty ave... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

9.6K 257 314
By lyzee1222

(Your POV)

You guys were running down the next two blocks to a location that Carson failed to tell you. "CARSON, WHERE ARE WE GOING???!!!". Through tears, Carson managed to tell you
" WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL, MY DAD JUST GOT SHOT........." You gasped in shock and began running faster if that was possible pulling Carson along with you managing to lose your shoe again...not the time to be thinking about your damned shoe Carson's dad just got shot hurry, you thought

(At the hospital)
You arrived at the front desk of the hospital
"ARTHUR MATHEWS ROOM PLEASE!?" Carson yelled to the receptionist "room 707 on the fourth floor " you rushed to the room to see Carson's mother and younger sister there beside Carson's father who didn't look too good. He was hooked up to a big machine and his heart rate monitor was showing how extremely low his pulse was.
"Hello, are you Mr. Mathews son?" asked a middle-aged man in blue scrubs
"Yes, I am is he going to be okay!!?" Carson said with some tears still sliding down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry son but he Doesn't have much longer... you should go talk to him now,
I'm sorry."

(Carson's POV)
           "I'm sorry son but he Doesn't have much longer... you should go talk to him now,
I'm sorry."
After hearing this I completely zoned out.
I don't know if he said anything after that, if he did I didn't hear it. I didn't even notice that we had walked into my father's room. "Um (YN), could you please leave so that I could talk to my dad," I asked.

 "Yeah okay, I'll be in the lobby just come out when you're done."
       She walked out to the waiting room,
thank you my love I thought.
    "Hey dad..." I said, I had so much I wanted to say yet I just couldn't speak , I didn't know what to do " Hello Carson what did you and (YN) do after the ceremony?"
" OH well , we went to that new cake shop umm what was it called OH that's right Lemoncake
It was really nice ." I said with a slight smile thinking of my time with (YN).
" You're thinking about her aren't you..." I heard my father say and I immediately blushed "N-no" I said looking away. My father laughed lightly.
" you can't fool me. You make it so obvious I still can't believe she hasn't figured it out yet." "WHAT how do I make it obvious!?"
"You just did son, you have been at her side almost 24/7 since the fifth grade."
I guess that's true I thought.
" listen son... um could you guys step out for just a moment I want to speak with Carson in private, please?" As he said this both my mother and sister reluctantly but quietly stepped out of the room. " As I was saying , son listen I heard the nurses  I know that I don't have much longer . So I need you to promise me this , you will accomplish your goals you'll tell (YN) how you really feel promise m-e.... Carson...I don't feel so good"
* beeeeeeeeeeeep*
" DAD WAKE UP I CANT LOSE YOU DAD, DAD" I started shaking him repeatedly. please don't leave me I thought ,the doctors came in and took me out of the room and out to the waiting room where (YN) was waiting for me. She rushes up to me seeing that I was crying, she hugs me and tells me everything will be okay. Despite the events of today the second I am in her arms I feel a calm rush over me. I love when you hold me like this,... I love you "thank you" I whispered as I continued to quietly cry into her shoulder soaking her shirt in the process, rather than going home with my mom and sister I proceeded to (YN)s house. She's the only person who really knows how to comfort me which is one of the reasons that I love her. I promise I'll tell you how I feel soon (YN)... I promise you too dad.

Word count:724
A/N: Hey it's ur girl, so what did you guys think of this chapter? I know it's still kinda short but this is my first story so I'm still getting my bearings on it.

leave any feedback in the comments plz!

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