I love you both!

By Jamesmcrthr

78.8K 1.8K 172

Sky has just gotten out of an abusive relationship just before school ends for summer. When she goes back for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note!

Chapter 6

5.8K 121 24
By Jamesmcrthr

"how can you get that?" i asked almost pleadeing and Katherine laughed. We were in her classromm after school, my music lessons were now always during her class so i stayed after school to catch up. She sighed and walked over to the board and wrote something but i was to busy checking her out. She had a black pencil skirt on and a dark pink blouse on and i almost melted when i saw her.

She turned to me and i snapped out my daze "there, thats how!" she said and sat back down beside me and i just stared at the bored, it made no sense "you know i thought i understood chemistry, then i took advanced higher!" i said and she laughed "its not that hard!" she said and i raised an eyebrow and she playfully hit my arm "wrong mind!" she said and i laughed,

I wrote it down on my pad, i took my water out and took a drink when Kelly came running in "I have news... im in love!" she said and i spat my water out and coughed "i thought you'd be a bit more suportive!" she said and came walking in and i laughed "im sorry Kelly but this is you, dont get me wrong im happy but its still you!" i said and she shook her head and crossed her arms and looked at me " i ment i tried a new ice-cream and im obsessed with it but thanks!" she said and i laughed,

She looked at the bored and then me and Katherine and then her eyes widened "so this is where you go after school!" she said and i just stared at her " i told you!" i said and then she smiled "oh yeh!" she said and just left and i just stared at the door "so need new friends!" i said and Katherine laughed and i smiled, it was infectious "ive been meaning to ask, your american by the sounds of it so where abouts you from?" i asked and she smiled "Alabama!" she said and is miled "Crimson Tide, they have, as of this year, 838 official victories!" i said and she smiled "you know your football!" she said and i laughed a bit "American football" i said and she laughed,

"okay, chemistry!" she said and i sighed causeing her to laugh and i smiled. I opened my textbook and she flipped to the page and i smiled again, i was really falling for her but i knew we could never make it work, even if she did feel the same way i would say no because i wouldnt want her to go to jail and have Isle taken of her, i would never let anyone do that all because they wanted to be with me.

She gave me some questions to do and i smiled "you want me to do them?" i asked and she shook her head and smiled " one conversation, just one!" she pleaded and i laughed and so did she and our eyes caught each other, she had hazel eyes that i could look in for an eternity. She smiled and i did to, it was then i realised how close we were, if i leaned in i would taste her sweet pink lips, i looked down at them and i so wanted to lean in but i couldnt but my body had other ideas, i leaned in a bit but stoped and then i continued and i felt her warm lips on mine,

The funny thing was i thought she would pull away but she kissed me back,instantly. I deepend the kiss and she tasted of blueberries and i wanted to taste them forever. I put my hand on the back of her neck and she put her hand on my waist and i ran my tongue along her bottom lip and she gave me entrance, i explored her mouth but i needed air. I pulled away but i kept our foreheads touching and i smiled "that was wrong but it felt so right!" i said in a whisper and she smiled and kissed me again,

I deepend he kiss in asking her for entrance but she didnt give me it and i groaned and i felt her smile, i smiled and kissed down her cheek and onto her collar bone and i heard her moan "dont tease me!" i said and kissed her neck and went back up to her mouth and kissed her.

After a complete make-out section we pulled away and i smiled but then i remembered she's my teacher "what do we do?" i asked and she sighed " to be honest i dont know!" she said and i frowned, 

you know what im gonna tell her, im gonna tell her how i feel but im not gonna presure her, she has a lot to think about. Of course i want us to be totgether and i want Isle to be apart of it but i dont want to if she doesnt want to risk it. If she says no then im gonna be upset but im not gonna press,

I took her hands in my and she looked at me "look i think your the most beautiful and amazing person i have ever met and i think that Isle is the most kind and caring girl i have met aswell. I would like something to happen, yes but the risk is there and i wouldnt want something to happen to you which could lead to Isle been taken of you. I really like you and i dont regret kissing you, all im gonna say is if you want us to go somewhere with this then let me know but if you dont then i wont press you into something. Im gonna let you think becasue there is a risk and i want you to think!" i said and she smiled and cupped my cheek "thank you!" she said and i put my hand on hers that was on my cheek and kissed her palm when my watch beeped,

"time to go!" i said and she nodded "home!" she said and i nodded, i put my stuff in my bag and turned to her and kissed her cheek "think!" i said and she smiled and i walked out of her class. I walked out of school and saw the girls football team practising. You see our school has more girls teams than boys teams,weird but thats the truth.

I walked away and the ball rolled at my feet, i picked it up with my foot and did keepies with it and turned and kicked it and it landed in the goals, the girls cheered and i smiled and the coach came over to me "care to join us?" he asked and i smiled "would be my honour!" i said and they all cheered "glad to have you back, go get kitted up, same locker!" he said and i smiled and ran back into school,

I ran down the corridor and passed Katherine and she looked at me confused but i smiled and ran by her, i quickly got changed and ran back out. When i got out i went straight onto the field, i looked and saw Katherine talking to Rae, i so hope everything turns out okay.

Rae went to her car and Katherine looked at me confused and the ball was passed to me and i smiled, i dribbled the ball further up the field and passed it on, the person passed it back to me and i scored the goal and they all cheered and ran up to me "glad to have you back!" coach shouted from down the field and i smiled, i looked at Katherine and she was smiling and got in her car and drove of.

We were playing against each other when the rain came on pretty hard, we all turned to our coach and he sighed "wanna play through?" he asked and we cheered and continued with the practise. Half an hour earlier the rain was heavier and we were done for the night. I grabbed my stuff and didnt bother in changing. I started to walk away from the field when someone tooted there horn, i turned to see James and he stoped the car and got out his side but kept the door open and  held "what you doing?" he asked and i looked at what i was wearing " being a porn star, i was at football practise!" i said and he shook his head,

"need a ride?" he asked, by now everyone knew we were related, turns out Jacob cant keep a secret. I shook my head "na, i like the rain and i would rather walk your a terrible driver!" i said and he smiled "damnb straight now goodbye!" he said and got in his car and drove of and i laughed. I walkeded home but i ended up running the last part as the rain got really bad.

I walked into the house with the rain dripping of me and Rae came and saw me and looked shocked "where were you?" she asked and took my bag "i was at football, we played through!" i said and she shook her head "go for a shower and get these clothes over the radiator!" she said and i nodded,

I went and got into the shower and got myself dressed into jeans and a t shirt and went back downstairs "so you doing your foorball again?" Martin asked, he was at the dinning table doing homework with Jamie, he moved to our school cos we moved to far away from his school.

I nodded "why not!" i said and he smiled "we have good news!" Rae said taking a seat with folders and a coffee " one we have date for the wedding!" my mum said from behind her and we nodded "and your rooms done Sky!" Rae said and i raced up there, i opened the door and ran up the stairs and i smiled when i got up there.

There was a big double bed, there was desk with all my school stuff on it and my electric and accustic guitar, i turned and saw i had my wardrobe and to the left was a door, when i opened it i saw it was my bathroom it had a shower,toilet and sink.

I ran  up to my new bed and lay in it "heaven!" i said, i went to my old room and got my stuff and Jamie moved his stuff in. Within three hours i was done, i had put pictures of my friends on the walls and i had arranged all my stuff neatly and alphabeticly, i have OCD okay dont judge!

I was sitting at my desk doing homework when Kelly called and i invited her round. I heard the door go, somehow  and i ran downstairs and tackled Jamie to the ground, i quickly stood up and he lay on the floor and i opened the door to see my bestfriend "SKY!" she shouted and i smiled "KELLY!" i shouted back and we hugged, Jamie stood up and groaned "you just saw each other!" he said and Kelly looked at him "i will bitch slap you with a brick!" she said and Rae walked up the stairs laughing "please do!" she said and i laughed and Jamie turned to her "MUM!"he yelled and she laughed even more,

I shut the door and i took her upstairs to my room and she was in aww "wow,wow,wow!" she said and i nodded, she ran and lay on my bed "wowers!" she said and i lay next to her "so hows you hen?" she asked and sat up and i lay there "i need to tell you something!" i said and she nodded, i went down the first set of stairs that took you from the second floor to my room and shut the door so no one could hear us.

I walke d back up and Kelly was still sitting on my bed and i sat on my desk chair "okay so you promise not to tell?" i asked and she nodded "you can trust me we've been budies for years!" she said and i smiled,

"okay so Miss F' lives afew doors down i found that out afew days ago and i know her daughter from girls brigade she goes to dancing at the same time.

Anyway, i went to Costa after a run and i saw her there and she was talking to a woman,Sue, and she broke up with her because Sue cheated on her, i bought her some cake and gave her my number if she ever wanted to talk cos' i seemed to be making her laugh which she thanked me for.

Anyway, on that Sunday she called me and i found out where she lived and we went to the treehouse and we talked most of the day infact right up until i had to go to dinner.

So today once you left after you anouced your love for ice-cream we laughed and talked and we kissed well made-out, i didnt know what i was doing but whatever i was doing all i knew was she was doing it aswell. I had, had a crush on her since i saw her and when i knew about her daughter,Isle, i knew i didnt want her to risk anything but then i go and kiss her,

I told her how i felt and that i wanted something between us and Isle to be apart of it and i told her i knew the risks but i wanted her to think about it, i mean she kissed me back we made out but i still if she wanted something then i wanted her to think about it before she told me. So im telling you now!" i said and let out a breath,

She had been nodding through out and had a face as if she was listening to every word, she shifted and looked at me "okay so heres my advice but frst i knew you liked her. Secondly, i think its a brave move getting her to think about it, even if she does say 'yes i want to go with it' she is still holding a big risk, both of you. And Thirdly, you'd be taking on a kid, i mean thats big but admireable. So in my opinion set it out if she agrees go for it and if not then i'll buy you a tub of ice-cream!" i smiled and i hugged her "thank you!" i said and she laughed "you do realise your mum is a lawyer and your gonna be new step-mom is her boss!" she said and i sighed and nodded "yup, dont i know it!" i said and she laughed a bit "movie night?" she asked and i nodded "movies!" i said and she cheered and ran to my TV and i laughed, for the rest of the time she was here all we did was watch movies.

I groaned in annoyance at the sound of my alarm going of "shut up!" i said and hit the snooze button and turned and fell back asleep but to have my covers pulled of me "who ever that was is gonna pay!" i said but i still didnt move, i heard some laughter "come on time to get up!" Rae said and i groaned "why do i have to go to prison today oh sorry school!" i said and there was more laughter "come on theres pancakes made!" i instantly shot up "im up!" i said and she laughed and went down the stairs.

I had a quick shower and got ready but i hesitated when i saw my trousers, i had worn them that often to school but before i met Clare i wore a skirt faithfully but when she said she preferd me in trousers i stoped wearing skirts. Everytime i wore a skirt she would get mad. I looked at them in my wardrobe and smiled, i pulled out my black skirt and out it on with some black tights, i put my shirt and tie on and my black jumper and i put my school shoes on.

I put my hair up and went to my bathroom and put my contacts in but they stung"shit!" i said as i took my contacts out they fell down the drain"great!" i said and went into my bathroom cupboard to get my new tub, i rummaged around but couldnt see it, i sighed and went to my desk and out my glasses on. I grabbed my phone and jotters for school and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

I went down and sat at the table with everyone else and looked through my chemistry stuff as we had a test. I was eating toast when i felt them looking at me, i looked up and i was right "what?" i asked and they stared "your wearing a skirt!" Martin said and i nodded " someone call the police Martin has eyes!" i said and he rolled them and i smiled a bit and went back to a quick study fill in.

Everyone stoped staring at me and the conversation was normal "so whens the wedding date?" Jamie asked and my mum and Rae smiled "this Sunday!" my mum said and we all smiled "okay, honeymoon what about that?" my brother asked "were going to London for the week, were leaving Monday!" Rae said and i nodded "so you trust three teenagers alone in a house with no parents for a week!" i said and they nodded "were risking it but that still means no parties!" my mum said and i nodded "agreed!" i said and took a bite of my toast, my watch beeped and i looked at the time "school, yay!" I said and they all laughed a bit "good luck in court mum!" i said and kissed her cheek and she nodded " he's guilty i know it but i still have a job to do!" she said and i nodded, i grabbed my bag and coat and walked to school.

I was at my locker when i heard a scream, i looked around to see my three friends pointing at me and screaming. I sighed and they ran over and hugged me "oh my god your in a skirt!" Jeanna said and i nodded "again people have eyes!" i said and they looked at me "Martin said the same thing!" i said and they nodded "so why?" Jacob asked and i shrugged "no one to say ' no i dont think skirts suit you try trousers ' " i said trying to sound like Clare and Kelly hugged me "your normal again!" she said and i laughed "yup im normal with crazy friends!" i said tapping her back and she nodded and let me go "Bitch im fabulous!" she said while snapping her fingers and i laughed,

The bell went and me and Jacob went to maths while Kelly and Jeanna went to art. The classes went farely slow and it was now third period and i was running late, i ran to the class and knocked on the door "come-in!" Katherine said, i walked in to see Rae at the front of the class, i looked at her and she frowned. I shrugged it of and turned to get my seat when i saw Clare, i stared at her and sat down and turned to Rae and she gave me a sympathy look and i smiled "okay i'll go now then!" she said and left and i looked at Katherine and she gave me a sympathy look and i smiled at her making it known to her i was okay.

We started the lessona and we were working in textbooks when we were stopped "Sky shouldnt you be at a lesson?" Jack asked from the back of the class, i smiled and turned to him "next period, Mr Mcorie was busy!" i said and he smiled "good!" he said and i laughed a bit and turned back to my work but there was knock on the door"come-in!" Katherine said and it was Mr Mcorie " Sky do you think we could have our lesson now, im not as busy with marking as i thought!" he asked and i looked at Katherine "that okay?" i asked and she nodded "what do you want me to bring?" i asked and he smiled,

"all of it, might as well!" he said and i raised an eyebrow "you mean my singing and my intruments!" i said and he nodded "meet you there!" he said and i nodded, i brought my bag up and got my folders "what you singing?" Jeanna asked and i smiled "since you've been gone!" i said and she smiled, how ironic that song is right now.

I walked out and into the room next door and saw Mr Mcorie "hey!" i said and he smiled and stood up "alright, lets get started!" he said and i smiled, i got my words out and put them on the stand,

Here's the thing we started out friends

It was cool but it was all pretend

Yeah yeah

Since U Been Gone

You dedicated you took the time

Wasn't long till I called you mine

Yeah Yeah

Since U Been Gone

And all you'd ever hear me say

Is how I pictured me with you

That's all you'd ever hear me say

But Since U Been Gone

I can breathe for the first time

I'm so moving on

Yeah, yeah

Thanks to you

Now I get

What I want

Since U Been Gone

How can I put it? You put me on

I even fell for that stupid love song

Yeah, yeah

Since U Been Gone

How come I'd never hear you say

I just wanna be with you

I guess you never felt that way

But Since U Been Gone

I can breathe for the first time

I'm so moving on

Yeah, yeah

Thanks to you

Now I get (I get) what I want

Since U Been Gone

You had your chance you blew it

Out of sight, out of mind

Shut your mouth I just can't take it

Again and again and again and again

Since U Been Gone

I can breathe for the first time

I'm so moving on

Yeah, yeah

Thanks to you (thanks to you)

Now I get, I get what I want

I can breathe for the first time

I'm so moving on

Yeah, yeah

Thanks to you (thanks to you)

Now I get (I get)

You should know (you should know)

That I get, I get what I want

Since U Been Gone

Since U Been Gone

Since U Been Gone

 When i was done i turned to Mr Mcorie and he smiled "good, well done you held all the notes right!" he said and i smiled "thanks, instruments now?" i asked and he noddeed"piano!" he said and i smiled, i took my seat and ut the music infront of me when the bell went and i sighed knowing my friends would be out to see me "good luck!" he said and i laughed a bit. I cracked my knuckles and started to play, i was playing Kung Fu, it hard a hard bit in the middle which i had been struggling with but to my surprise i had managed to play it perfect.

I was done, i let out a breath and i turned to the door to see my friends with smiles on there faces "what you think?" i asked and they nodded "perfecto!" Jacob said and i laughed "guitar!" Mr Mcorie said and i took it of him "can we stay and hear?" Jeanna asked Mr Mcorie and he nodded and he turned to me "do your own songs!" he said and i nodded "wait you write songs?" Kelly asked and i smiled and she shook her head "your so dead after this!" she said and i laughed a bit,

I was walking away,

But she's so beautiful it made me stay

I don't know her name,

But I'm hoping she might feel the same

So here I go again,

She got my heart again!

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart [2x]

I got a wild heart

Stay here, my dear,

Feels like I've been standing right here for years

My mind's beat up

Tell me that you feel this, and I won't give up

I won't give up

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart [2x]

I got a wild heart

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart [2x]

I got a wild heart

And I know it's late, I know it's cold

But come right here, I swear I'll never let you go

The way you move—it's wonderful

Let's do it now, 'cause one day we'll both be old

Oh whoa oh

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart [2x]

I got a wild heart

Tonight we'll dance

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shine

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart [2x]

I got a wild heart

Oh, oh, oh

She needs a wild heart [2x]

I've got a wild heart

 My friends clapped and i smiled "come on guys back to class!" Katherine said and the groaned and i aughed a bit, they walked away and i winked at Katherine and she blushed and walked back to class. I turned to Mr Mcorie and he smiled "your doing good!" he said and i nodded "thanks!" i said and he smiled "i saw Clare in your class!" he said and i nodded "dont worry im not gonna quit, nothings gonna stop me from playing music!" i said and he smiled,

"hows your concert song doing?" he asked and i smiled "its doing good and im not singing it because it is a surprise and they can all hear!" i said pointing out the door and he sighed " i dont know why but okay then!" he said and i smiled "viola?" he asked and i nodded. I got my Viola and he brought me my Cello for after and i played motzart. Once i was done with my Cello i was aloud to go back to class, not that there was much point.

I knocked on the dor and walked in and took my seat "Sky could you stay after class to catch up?" Katherine asked and i nodded "yeh sure!" i said and started my work for the bell to go "see you later hen!" Kelly said and i laughed and nodded "see you later!" i said and she left with everyone else.

I was doing the questions on the board when the door opened and i saw Martin and Jamie and James all looking at me "what?" i asked and they left and i just stared at the door " i need a new family!" i said and Katherine laughed and i turned to her and smiled. I got to question 16 and got lost  " i need help on 16 please?" i asked and she smiled and walked over and looked at my working and laughed a bit "you did it wrong!" she said and i raised an eyebrow "oh really!" i said and she playfully hit my arm "not what i ment!" she said and i laughed and she walked over to the board and showed me how to do it and i laughed a bit "what?" she asked "you just showed me how to do it!" i said and she looked at me confused then realised what i said and shook her head "how your family survives a conversation with you is an ancient mystery!" she said and i laughed.

"will i copy this down for future refrences?" i asked and she sighed and smiled "yes, please do!" she said and shook her head and went back to her computer and i laughed and copyied it down.

When i was done i cheered and Katherine looked at me and i sighed "im done!" i said and she smiled "ahh!" she said and i packed my stuff up when my phone went, it was Kelly

"hello my friend!" i said

"hey when are you done?" she asked 

"im done now, where you at?" i asked 

"going to get Jacob from history!" she said then she screamed

"what happened?" i asked and she mumbled something

"you need to see this and well hear it!" she said and i sighed

"okay im on my way!" i said and hung up,

I turned to Katherine"goodbye Miss F'!" i said and she smiled "bye Sky!" she said and i laughed a bit"what?" she asked and i smiled "bye Sky it sounds like your saying bye to the sky!" i said and she shook her head "go before i batter you with your weird mind!" she said and i laughed "bye then!" i said and left and ran to history.

When i got there James and Jacob were hanging there heads and Kelly was infont of them with her arms crossed "warden!" i said to Kelly and she turned to me "so when i was on the phone to you i came here and saw them two making out!" she said and i looked at them and they were both smiling "yeh so?" i said and she looked at me confused "your brother and bestfriend!" she said and i sighed "half-brother!" i said correcting her and she sighed and i laughed a bit "i dont see the big deal really!" i said and turned to them and they were smiling at each other,

I looked at James "when were you gay?" i asked and he looked ta me "since i saw your hot looking friend over here!" he said pointing to Jacob causing him to blush and i rolled my eyes "so whats going on between you two?" i asked and he smiled "were daiting!" he said and i nodded "how long?" i asked and Jacob answered " two months!" he said proudly and i smiled "okay then, you got my support and if you need a cover you got me and Kelly and im sure Jeanna aswell!" i said and they kissed each other "NO PDA!" i said and they pulled away.

 The bell went and i went got class but i was pulled out cos' Rae wanted to talk to me. I walked to her office and knocked on the door "its open!" she said and i went in and she smiled, i looked to see my mum and Katherine there and i raised an eyebrow "whats up?" i asked and i took a seat next to my mum "firstly here, you left this in Mr Mcorie's room!" Rae said giving me my music but she stopped and looked at it then her eyes widened "your singing this?" she asked and i looked at what she was looking at and i nodded "yeh, the concert!" i said and she smiled "ugh i'll be in tears!" she said and i laughed a bit "dont tell anyone, its a surprise!" i said and she nodded and both my mum and Katherine were looking confused.

"so anyway were here to talk about chemistry because your music lessons are during it you have been staying late to catch up but it isnt enough so your getting a tutor!" Rae said and i nodded and turned to my mum "sorry but shouldnt you be in court?" i asked and she shook her head "it turned out to be quick the judge sentenced him guilty, we lost but he was guilty anyway so im not bothered!" she said and i nodded "okay and i dont mind about the tutor!" i said and they both smiled "Miss Fullerton will tutor you because we have no advanced higher chemistry students who tutor  chemistry" Rae said and i nodded "okay then!" i said but i was jumping up and down inside,

I was walking back to class with Katherine "so your my new tutor!" i said and she nodded "yup, how fun!"she said and i faked gasped "i hope thats about the chemisrty and not about my company!" i said and she laughed.

She looked around and then pulled me into her classroom where there was no one there, she shut the door and i looked at her confused "i have a class to go to!" i said and she shook her head "i'll write you a note!" she said and i nodded "we need to talk!" she said, and i nodded and sat on the desk closets and she stood in front of me,i smiled when i saw her she looked so beautiful, her hazel eyes were looking into mine. I looked at her light pink lips and i just wanted to taste them, i was so dazed i didnt realise she was talking,"hello!" she said and i snaped out my daze "im sorry what was that?" i asked and she smiled "i was saying about us!" she said and i nodded,

Katherine's POV

 "look i think your the most beutiful and amazing person i have ever met and i think that Isle is the most kind and caring girl i have met aswell. I would like something to happen, yes but the risk is there and i wouldnt want something to happen to you which could lead to Isle been taken of you. I really like you and i dont regret kissing you, all im gonna say is if you want us to go somewhere with this then let me know but if you dont then i wont press you into something. Im gonna let you think becasue there is a risk and i want you to think!" she said and i smiled "thank you!" i said and she kissed me lightly again, she tasted of cheries.

She pulled away and got her stuff ready, and i waved her bye. I just sat there for a while "what am i gonna do?" i said outloud, either way i have to go and get Isle. I got my coat and took some jotters home to mark and walked out to the car and i saw Rae "hey there!" she said and i smiled "hey Rae, hows the wedding stuff going?" i asked and she smiled " good, alot of comotion but im spending the rest of my love with the woman i love, theres not much more i can ask for!" she said and i smiled,

I want what she's got, i want to be loved and i want to be in someone's arms who will look after me and care for me and Isle and love us both. I smiled "i hope the wedding goes well!" i said and she smiled "thanks!" she said and i walked to my car, i looked over at the field and saw Sky there and i was a bit confused, she was wearing the team uniform and god did she look hot. It fitted her perfecly and i just wanted to tear it of her and give herself to me.

I snapped the thought my mind when i saw her looking over at me, i smiled and got into my car and drove to my dads. It didnt take long. I parked the car and walked in "dad?" i asked and i heard some noise from the kitchen and then i saw Isle running to me, i picked her up "mummy!" she said and i smiled "hey sweetie, did you have fun?" i asked and my dad came out and smiled and we sat in the living room.

She nodded "we made cakes!" she said and i smiled "wow, can i get one?" i asked and she laughed a bit and went to the kitchen and brought me one and i smiled "thank you sweetie!" i said and tasted and smiled "very nice!" i said and she gave me a hug. I turned to my dad "hows work going?" i asked and he smiled "same old same old, more patients now but it keeps me busy!" i nodded "thanks for getting her!" i said and he smiled " i love having her, she brightens up my day!" he said and Isle laughed a bit "come on you, get your stuff were going home!" i said and she groaned and i laughed a bit,

She went upstairs and got her stuff while i talked to my dad "so hows you?" he asked and i smiled "you'll be happy to know i called it of with Sue!" i said and he smiled, they never really got on and they both hated each other "thats great news, i mean aww how you feeling?" he asked and i laughed "im fine!" i said and he nodded "did you realise she was a bit of a bore or...?" he asked and i laughed "no we went for a meal for our aniversary then we went to a club because she wanted to go and i was at the bar i turned around she's licking the face of some other girl!" i said and his eyes widened "i will kill her, on your aniversary, and who takes someone to a club on there aniversary!" he said shocked,

I nodded "its fine, i broke it off the next day!" i said and he smiled "im glad, so whos in the fireing line?" he asked and i smiled, i wanted to tell him about Sky but i dont know how he will take the fact she's my student. I shifted in my seat "okay i like someone and i know they like me and Isle adores them for once and she adores her but the only problem is...she's my student!" i said and looked at him a bit then he smiled "i want to meet her, anyone is better than Sue right now!" he said and i laughed

"so how did this happen?" he asked and came and sat next to me and Isle came back through "Isle, i have lego's upstairs-" my dad started to say, Isle's face lit up and before he could finish she was half way up the stairs, i laughed and he turned back to me "well she was the girl i was telling you about, you know the one who came out of the abusive relationship!" his eyes widened "her?" he asked and i nodded,

"yeh, anyway she's in my chemistry class and when i first saw her i couldnt take my eyes off her i mean when you see her you'll understand. 

Anyway, she has her singing and music lesson during my classes so she would stay after school and catch up on the lesson, today she stayed back and we were talking and laughing and then we kind of kissed, well made -out would be a better explination.

She helped me through Sue, turns out she stays afew doors down and when i broke of with Sue she was at the Cafe after a run and my god was she hot, but she heard it and she came over and talked to me and practicly stoped me running back to her and she gave me her number to call her if i needed to talk again but she said if i deleted it becaus of the teacher thing she would understand, but the day i saw Sue in town i ended up calling her and we talked and i got to know her!" i said and he smiled,

"what do you want to do, you know all the risks, you could loose Isle and go to prison if you caught!" he said and i nodded "after what happened, she told me she liked me and wanted us to date but she said if i dont want to take the risk she would understand and not press me about it or tell anyone what happend!" i said and he nodded "its up to you but i personally think you can pull it off, i mean if your both carefull it could work but its up to you. Dont let anyone try and convince you, go for what you want deep down!" he said and i smiled and hugged him "thanks dad!" i said and let him go,

I looked at the time and i should be getting Isle back home "im gnna have to go, sorry!" i said and he nodded "its fine, im at work tomorrow, so you'll have to get her!" he said and i nodded "okay then!" i said and got up and went and got Isle. I waved my dad bye and took Isle home and made the dinner and helped her with her homework "come on bed!" i said and she moaned "five more minutes?" she asked and i shook my head "nope, bed you have school tomorrow!" i said and she moaned but got up and went to her bed.

I walked in her room and she was laying on her bed and in her pyjamas "that you sweetie?" i asked and tucked her in and she nodded "thanks mum!" she said and i smilied "can you read me a story?" she asked and i smiled "course!" i said and she brought a book over and i sat on her bed, she  gave me the book and started reading.

When i was done she wasnt so tired "go to sleep now, okay?" i asked and she nodded "mummy is Sky going to be your new friend-friend?" she asked and i smiled "what you mean?" i asked and she sat up a bit " i mean like a mummy and daddy, but with two mummy's, is Sky going to be my other mummy?" she asked and i tucked her in "why? would you like Sky to be your other mummy?" i asked and she smiled and nodded "she's nice and is like you, so is she going to be your friend?" she asked and i smiled "we'll see, so if i asked Sky to be my friend you wouldnt mind?" i asked and she shook her head "like i said, i like Sky!" she said and i smiled, i kissed her goodnight "night sweetie, love you!" i said from the door and she nodded "night mummy, love yout to!" she said and i smiled and shut the door.

I went back downstairs and done some marking until i got to Sky's jotter and i smiled, i marked it but didnt continue with the others. I didnt want to loose Isle but i didnt want to loose Sky either. Maybe my dad is right, maybe it would work.She clearly likes Isle and Isle likes her why not? The thought of going to pison makes shivers go down me but the thought of not having Sky as mine makes me feel sick, what am i going to do?

That kiss felt so right, there was something there that kept me going and wanting more. Her mouth fited on mine like a missing peice to a puzzel i wanted more. My mums most famous words rang in my mind 'if you want it, grab it and never let go!' i want Sky and like my mum said, she's gonna be mine!

With that in mind i went to bed after i finished of the marking i had done and i couldnt wait to see Sky at school tomorrow.

God i was so jelous right now. Sky's ex-girlfriend was back in school and was in my class with Sky. Rae had brought her in and Sky was late so didnt see her but when she went to take her seat she saw her but seemed to just shrug it of. When she went for her lesson earlier than she was suppose to Clare's face was filled wiht anger, i remember Sky saying Clare had made Sky quit everything so they could spend more time with each other.

Whe she went and started singing everyone stopped working so they could hear her, normally i would object to it but she has an amazing voice and she is going to be my future girlfriend. When she started singing everyone's faces lit up but Clares she looked filled with anger. We heard her play some instruments and when the bell went everone went to hear her but Clare and we heard her play piano and god was she good.

It wasnt long until she came back into class and as she was about to work the bell went. I had planned to tell her after class but i couldnt, i dont know why but i couldnt. Rae wanted to see me so i went to her office to find out i would be tutring Sky as there was no advanced higher students good enough to tutor her, Rae wanted us to hold the sessions in her office as it gives Rae a chance to see how im coping in the school and how Sky is doing, i didnt complain i get to spend more time with her.

On the way back to class i couldnt take it anymore, she was wearing a skirt today and i couldnt get passed at how beautiful she looked. It came to just above her knees and it showed of her perfect legs i just wanted to put my hands on them. I rubbed that thought out and pulled her into my classroom, she looked at me confused "we need to talk!" i said and she nodded and sat on a table,

The way she was sitting i was right in front of her between her legs, granted this is a bit sexual but right now im not caring "i know theres a risk and Isle could get taken of me and noramally i would have said no instantly but you let me think about it which was something i was greatfull for and that led me to the decission that i want to give it a go, if you still want to that is?" i said and she smiled, i was waiting for an answer but instead i got to taste her cherry lips on mine and i smiled,

She ran her tongue across my bottome lip and she deepend the kiss, she pulled away and i took a breath she leaned our foreheads together and i got to see her bright blue eyes that were shining like a summers sky "i'd like that!" she said and i swear my heart stopped, i smilled and she kissed me lightly again. She asked me what i was doing on saturday and she wanted to take me and Isle out for the day, i was happy she wanted to do something with the three of us. I agreed and i was now looking forward to Saturday!

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