Doom of the Dark Moon

By PrinceJonah18

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Jonah, is a common thief of Stardust Village on a normal day pillaging route when he comes across a cave wer... More

Prologue: the beauty of a ruby
Chapter1 : Treated differently because of race!
Chapter 2: Beauty of Ruby Falls

Chapter 3: Shadows of a boy gives a girl new worth

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By PrinceJonah18

Chapter 3

Hey Kari! Go back to the boat house and I will bring you dinner shortly!” said Jenovah.

Oh so that’s were you all have been hiding her?” said a man in the background.

oh no! Were in trouble now!” I said walking back.

Shame on you two for harboring a human in such terrible conditions like this!” said the man in the shadows.

Grandpa? Is that you?” I said straining my eyes to look in the shadows.

Yeah boy!” he said as he came out of the shadows.

Grandpa had his long white robe with gold streaks on it, he had his dirty blond hair freshly cut and he had his gold crown with purple stardust crystals pushed through it. His blue eyes shined in the darkness of the sky that read a sign of purity and happiness. We thought we was going to be angry but his forgiving smile told other wise.

Well hello Valerie! I was told by Lorian that you would be waking soon!” said my grandfather.

Aaah Hello sir but I think you have me confused with another because my name is Kari!” Kari said trying to be polite.

Oh so your going by your original name again! Good” said my grandfather in a inviting tone.

Ok? I don’t know what you really mean by that but you act like you know me! I wish I could say the same for a nice man around here!” Kari said looking at him. “Hey if you don’t mind me saying but may I ask what is your name?”

Oh how rude of me! I’m King Gradis of Stardust Village, son of the goddess of the spirit world, Lorian and god of time, Grados!” granddad said while trying to catch his breath.

Wow what a mouth full! Well I’m Kari and I don’t know anything else about me!” said Kari trying to not sound nervous.

And why is that? But your very special to us you must surely know who you are?” said my grandfather waiting to see if this was a joke or not. “ But your Kari the godd.... what the heck is that?” said my father being stopped in his tracks trying to see why the Fire bell had been lit.

What does the bell mean?” said Kari.

It means the Village is under attack! But bell lights when it senses the aura of evil!” I said looking at the white bell's flames.

I have to go! Sorry Kari! Jonah, Jenah protect her with your lives, you have no ideal how important she is to us.” said my granddad as he ran to the bell.

Why protect her! She is more of a reliability if you ask me!” I said looking snooty.

Well we didn’t so we have our orders! Now lets go and see what the problem is?” said Jenovah standing in front of Kari.

We all then ran to catch up with grandpa around the left side of the village. As we stood there, we could hear something rustling in the bushes. It was to dark so see anything but by the sight we all could tell I was the size of a boy. Granddad yelled three times to the boy to reveal himself but we could only hear his demon like panting in the night air.

Wheres the girl! We only want the girl!” said the voice in a dark and echoed fashion.

What girl are you talking about?” said my granddad to the boy.

Son? Who is this girl?” said my father as he popped up behind me.

ahh dad shes no one!” I said scared of what he would do next.

Hes after her isn’t he! Hey monster! We've got the girl right here!” said my father drawing closer to Kari.

Yes! That’s her Sama'el wants the girl and he will stop at nothing to see her destroyed!” said the dark voice walking to us.

No kid! Stay back, I don’t want to hurt you but I will!” I said trying to protect her.

Out of the kids way you brat! I want to see what he will do! Maybe he will rip her to shreds!” said my father grabbing my hand.

Get your hands off of me! I have my mission to protect her so I will!” I said standing up to my father.

And just who in their right mind would make you of all people in charge of a worthless human like her?” said my father was he grabbed her by the hands.

I said get your hands off of her!” I said becoming angry.

What! Who the fuck you think your talking to!” said my father.

I'm fucking talking to you! Elemental power: Fire wisp!” I yelled as I began throwing spiraling fire balls at him. The fire balls hit him directly in the arms, releasing his grip on Kari.

Oh boy you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life! You want to fight well I will give you a fight ominous power: sacred mist of death!” my dad yelled while holding the palm of his hand at me.

That's enough son! Now instead of tormenting your children, why don’t you help me get rid of this demon!” said my grandfather as he blocked dads attack.

what ever old man! And Jonah, I will deal with you later boy!” said my father.

Jo..Jonah! Are you OK?” said Kari noticing me walking away.

Mind your known Kari, I will fine!” I said trying to change the subject.

I then picked myself back up and I tried to guard Kari from that horrible boy that was coming her way. I then created more Fire balls and through them at him but they just bounced off of him like bouncing balls on concrete. He then laughed at my pathetic display of power, I had no choice but to surrender because my weak powers weren’t nothing to stop him. Grand dad and my father held him back with their powers but the monster seemed to absorb their powers and then grow bigger.

Wow your powers tickle!” said the demonic boy as he geared to tackle them.

Hes just feeding on our power! Lets just give him the girl dad!” said my father.

No Kody we will do no such thing!” I said my granddad giving him a dirty look.

All this talk is beginning to annoy me!” said the boy. “Now get out of my way! Now taste my power, Darkness shearing blast!”

The boy then raised his hands up when the air, releasing a big blast of dark energy. The energy had a horrifying aura to it and it fell to the ground like black pin needles. I could hear the sharp sound of the needles rip into the flesh of the other ominous phantoms protecting the village. All this pain made me think, why am I protecting this girl when I don’t know her? Shes not important to me? I know I have an order to protect her but do I save the others by losing one? These questions filled my head like a dark Mary-go-round of stupid questions.

Kari? Why does he want you?” I said looking at her in an angry way.

I don’t know? But please, I don’t know what to do?” she said giving me a worried face like she knew what I was thinking.

And what do you think I will do about that? He doesn’t want me?” I said starting to consider giving her to him.

Jonah please! don’t do this to me, we’ve had some good times!” she said trying to persuade my evil intentions.

Fine but you have to do everything I say!” I said giving her a look. “Hey freak, here she is!”

Jonah! You betrayed me!” she said starting to cry.

Yes! Now bring her to me!” said the boy, coming closer.

That’s it come closer! Come on yeah step on the concrete!” I said pushing her to him.

Good! Good1 now shes mine!”

dumb ass what made you think I would obey you! Elemental power: Hard earth strike!” I said as my powers made the ground smash around him, covering him in a ball of rocks.

After I heard the sound of his bones crushing on the rocks, I then let go of the mass of rocks around him. An ominous warrior then walked over the check the remains of the boy! “Hes dead!” he yelled but before he could walk back. The boy got up from the ground and then broke the warriors neck.

You think That’s enough to stop me!” he said as he punched me out of the way.

No stay away from me!” Kari yelled as she started to flinch away from the boy.

The dark boy then drew closer to her till he appeared over her, he then looked dead in her face as if he was gearing the kill her. He drew out five claws from his shadow fingers. As he went down to attack her, she screamed and a rainbow like shield faded in around her, blocking the claws from her.

Get away from me!” she said as she held her hands out, releasing a blast of that energy.

GRRAAAA! What is this energy! Stop it!” said the boy.

No leave me alone!” Kari said as she then started releasing balls of different colored balls of power.

Every time the balls hit the boy, I could tell the energy was blasting off some of the dark energy on him. He tried to fill the open spots of his energy the the aura of her energy kept him from recovering the energy. He was no match for her powers and he fell to the ground, defeated by Kari.

What was that? I didn’t know you had powers?” said my sister in the background.

Nether did I!” said Kari looking confused as her hands radiated with that power.

Its so bright and pretty! Its like the colors of those rainbow things you see in history books!” said my sister, amazed by the energy.

well now what do we do with this boy!” said my father in a moody way.

Oh who knows! Well use your ominous powers to drain him!” said my grandfather.

No you will do no such thing!” said Kari as she ran to him.

Don't give me orders and don’t think I forgot about you too human!” said my father in an angry way.

No for some reason, I feel that hes not evil himself! He was just being controlled by the dark power! Something tells me to protect him!” said Kari as she stood over him.

Child I understand how you feel but he mentioned a dark name that should never be used! That man he said is the hole cause for why this world has fallen into corruption and sin!” said my grandfather.

Sama'el!” I said catching on.

Sama'el you say? Well something tells me this boy will be very useful to me! So back off!” said Kari in a tone I didn’t know she was familiar with.

Ok Child but don’t say we didn’t warn you!” said my grandfather as he started to walk away.

Oh hell no! you’ve gone to soft old man! There's no way I’m going to take orders from a little girl! I will kill this boy now!” said my father as he lunged for the boy.

Yeah that’s not going to happen!” Kari said as she created a force field around her and the boy.

Whatever! Well girl you have to come out of their sometime and when you do! I’m coming for that pretty little throat of yours!” my father said as he walked back to the house. “Oh yeah Jonah, I’m coming for you too!”

Jonah don’t mind him! Hes lost his way in life!” said my mother as she walked up to us. “Kari lets take the boy to the boat house!”

We all then picked the boy up into the boat house and we set him on the bench in there. Mom then lit a torch for us to get a good look at him! He had medium length black hair with white strands in it. He had black eyes with a white star in each eye that looked like pentagrams, this skin had paled from the loss of power and his clothes were to dirty and ripped up to tell anything about them. Mom felt a dark feeling coming from his had were to puncture wounds were that looked like a snake bite. The wound made the vains in his arm turn black as death like darkness in his blood. Mom tried so many spells and and potions to break the curse but it was no good. Then Kari took a look at it with her powers, she managed to save the boy and slow the curse but the dark power was too tainted to fully brake.

Mom what are we going to do!” said my sister walking in from the house with more water.

I don’t know, he should be fine but that curse, if left untreated he will die!”

Well when do you think that will be!”

Hm? Well on a normal person the curse would be fatal in a couple of weeks but his blood seems to be rejecting the curse!” said my mother.

But only means....!” my sister said with a gasp.

Yes! Someone of genetic relations to him put this curse on him!” my mother said feeling sorry for the boy.

But how do you know that?” said Kari looking confused.

When your related to someone, their power is similar to your own so your body has a better chance of fighting it off!” I said to brake the confusion.

Oh really! That makes since!” said Kari giving me a smile.

Well this boy will be fine, I’ve done all that I can now Kari, he is now your responsibility! You too Jonah!” said my mom about to leave.

What! No way, why do I have to watch him!” I said getting angry.

Well you know Kari is your responsibility so that makes her responsibility yours too! Now ta ta kiddies! O yeah....TIE HIM UP!” said my mother quickly acting moody.

no problem Mrs. Bipolar!” I said tieing up his hands.

As mom left with Jenovah, Kari and I sat and watched the boy! It was so boring and Kari wouldn’t stop talking about how she saved my village and her powers were amazing.

Oh look Jonah I can make rainbows!” she said happily.

Gosh will you shut up! I cant take this anymore!” I said pulling my hair.

What? Its only been 4 minutes!” Kari said giving me a smug look.

Well I’m hungry so I’m going to get dinner!” I said listening to my stomach.

Oh! Well will you bring me some too!” she said trying to be sweet.

As I went in the kitten mom gave me a big lecture about leaving Kari in there with that boy and how I had a responsibility to protect her. She kept telling me all this but I mostly avoided her and her useless talk. I just grabbed two bowls of chili and some bread from the pantry. Jenovah then stopped me as I started to go out the door.

Hey Jonah! Do you think we can trust that boy?” she said looking serious.

hmm Nope! But if he gets out of line! I will kill him before he has a chance to revive himself!” I said as I walked out the door.

Hey Kari, Mom made Chili! Here's yours.” I said giving her the bowl and bread.

Hey this bread has a bite out of it!” she said complaining.

Oh well to bad!” I said biting out of the other piece.

You Jerk! Hey where’s my spoon!” she said looking a me with puppy dog eyes.

oh no! Well I guess you will have to eat with your hands!” I said completely not effected by her eyes.

Well since you cant be a gentlemen then I guess you don’t need yours either!” she said while slapping my spoon out of my hand into the bottom of the lake.

Hey that's uncool, you stupid girl!” I said giving her a look.

Ha ha!” she said while spiting her tongue at me.

As I looked at this girl, the only thing I could think of is that she is the biggest idiot I’ve ever met and her unnatural kind heart would get me killed one day. But for some reason, I feel something weird inside of me. I wouldn’t mind spending this time with her!

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