Cross my heart, hope to die...

By Bundle21

46K 804 231

Not edited Kenzie Trink is 16. And she's a small town with a little following on YouTube. But even with peop... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
An pleade read
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Wattys 2017?

Chapter 21

1K 22 3
By Bundle21

POV Kenzie

It felt like I said goodbye to my mom a million years ago. But in reality it's only been about an hour. My place leave soon and I'm sitting at the gate waiting for them to let us on the plane. Soon enough they say we can bored the plane and I walk down the hallway and get on it. Then I find my seat, put my luggage above me and sit down. I stare out of the window and wait for the three hour 35 minute plane right to be over.

It feels like forever sense I've seen Grace. I miss her so much. She's meeting me in Seattle then we're going back to Auburn. On the way to Seattle, I read a book and finished it, wrote a couple hundred paragraphs, and drew. And during the last hour, I listened to music and tried to sleep. But I didn't fall asleep. So when the plane lands, I feel exhausted.

Soon, we're aloud out of our seats and I reach up and grab my bag. Then I start to slowly walk down the tiny walk way. Once I'm off the place, I head down the long airplane walkway and I finally step out unto airport. My head turns and I look around. Then I start towards the entrance of the airport. Soon I can see the doors and I look for Grace. "Kenzie!", someone shouts. I whip my head around to see Grace racing toward me. I drop my bag off my back and let go of my suitcase and start running towards her. We jump into each other's arms and fall to he ground. "I missed you so much", she says crying into my shoulder. "I missed you too", I sat trying to swallow the lump in my throat. But it doesn't work, tears poor from my eyes.

After a few minutes of lying in the floor crying, we get up and walk to my things on the floor. She takes my suitcase and I put on my backpack. We walk out of the airport, arms linked, to her car. She puts my bags in the back off her car and I get in the passenger seat then wait for her to start the car.

Soon, we're on the road to her house. "So what's happening? Why we're you crying?", she asks looking over at me. "I decided to tell Tanner about my depression and my cutting", I say taking a deep breathe, trying to hold the tears back. "Kenzie. I'm so sorry. What did he do?", she asks rubbing my knee. "At first he was okay with my depression. Then i told him about the cutting and he said it's disgusting. And Josh can have me", I say as tears flow down my face. After Josh tried to "seduce" me, I told Grace what happened.

"Kenzie. I'm so sorry", she says, her voice cracking. "He doesn't see past those things like I do. He can't see how amazing you are, like I can. You're so special and you're my best friend. You're more than that Kenzie. You are my sister. He defiant deserve you. You're to good for him", she says. Tears stream down her cheeks as well and she takes one hand off he weal and wipes them away.

I lean my head against the head rest and hold in a sob. We sit in silence the rest of the car ride. And by the time we get to her house, my tears have dried. We get out of her car and I get my back back while she gets my suitcase. I follow her up to the steps of her house then she unlocks the front door and steps inside. Soon, we're upstairs, in her room putting my things away. She finds a drawer and empties it out then puts my cloths in it. I go to the bathroom and put my hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste in an empty place next to Graces things.

I hear a knock at the bathroom door and I lift my head to see Abby, Graces sister. "Hey. I heard you where coming. I've missed you", she says walking toward me and engulfing me in a hug. "He didn't except me", I say sobbing into her shoulder. "He's not worth your time babe. If he did that, he doesn't truly love you", she says rubbing my back. "But I truly love him", I say pulling away and wiping my face. "I know I know", she says rubbing. my arm.

"How about we all sleep in my room tonight? So we're all together. Then tomorrow you and Grace can go and do your thing. Because i know you guys need some best friend time", she says grabbing my toiletry bag then taking my hand and leading me to Graces room.

That night, nothing really happened. They took my phone away so that I couldn't text him because they know how much it's hurting me. They told me I got a few texts from Quentin too. I didn't really want to hear about it. Sense I was all cried out, I felt numb. Then I complained while eating junk food. Basically all those stages of grieving ya know.

But right before I fell asleep, I let a few tears escape. Oh god I'm a mess. I hate that I let myself get that close to him. Without thinking, I snuggle closer to Abby, just to remember how it felt to be close to him. But it's not the same. But as she wraps an arm around me and Grace puts an arm around my leg, I'm happy to be back with my friends.


"How are you doing?", Grace asks me as we eat Panda Express. I shrug. We where going to go to Taco Bell but, to many memories. "I'm not going to say I'm fine cause I'm not. I just don't know how to feel anymore. He hurt me and that's that." I say looking down at my food. Grace reaches over and takes my hand. "I can't even imagine how much pain you're in. All I can do is be there for you." she says smiling a little. "That's all I want." I say as a little smile tugs at my lips.

Her hand pulls away from mine and we continue eating. Soon, we get done eating and head to the mall to pick up some more cloths for me because I only brought so many.

By the time we get home, half the day is gone by. We go upstairs and put my things away before we hear Graces mom. "I heard that a certain blonde 16 year old is in my house." she says from down stairs. A smile spreads across my face as I walk down the stairs to see my second mom at the bottom. "Hi." I say smiling weakly. "Hi." she says hugging me tight. "Your mom told me what happened. You and your boyfriend broke up." she says holding me tighter. "Yeah. I just needed to get away from there. Just for a little bit." I say pulling away.

"You are welcomed like always. Stay for as long as you like." she says smiling warmly at me. "Thank you." I say smiling. "Anytime." she says before turning around and walking into the kitchen. I head back upstairs and Abby's there, sitting on the floor, eating goldfish. "Hey babe." she says and a pang of heartache stabs at my chest. "Hey." I say walking over to Grace and laying on her bed. "What do you want to do?" Grace asks. "I'm just tired. I think I'm going to take a nap is thats okay with you." I say rolling over to look at her. "That's fine. We'll be on the floor watching tv." she says getting off the bed.

I get under the covers and snuggle up next to a stuffed animal. All I hear is the murmuring voices of my friends and the low hum of the tv. Somehow, it soothes me and I into a much needed sleep.

(A/N) hey guys. Sorry that this chapter is a little short and all over the place. I just wanted to get something out to you. But I've been busy this week. A lot of things happened and people hurt me. I didn't have any motivation to write after it happened but I decided to buckle down and write a chapter. So here it is. I don't know when I'll be updating next, hopefully it's soon. But I don't know. And should I make a Liam Dunbar fanfic after this one? Just wondering. Let me know what you think. And thanks so much for reading. I can't tell you how much I love you. Don't forget to vote, comment and add this book! You guys are my world and you keep me going! Bye for now my loves!!💜

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