My Alpha, My Love

By blackveilmaiden

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Leaving one pack to join another. My family life was never perfect. I actually couldn't remember a time when... More

Chapter 1 Leaving
Chapter 2 New Life
Chapter 3 Regret
Chapter 4 Mysteries
Chapter 5 Payback
Chapter 6 Realization
Chapter 7 Part One-Damaged
Chapter 7 Part Two-Damaged
Chapter 8 Halloween
Chapter 9 Dreams
Chapter 10 Announcement
Chapter 11 Cat and Mouse
Chapter 12 Work
Chapter 13 Heat
Chapter 14 Anger
Chapter 15 Confrontation
Chapter 16 The Date
Chapter 17 Wow
Chapter 18 Panic
Chapter 19 Miracle
Chapter 21 The Nursery
Chapter 22 Marked
Chapter 23 War
Chapter 24 Clean Bill Of Health
Chapter 25 Kidnapped
Chapter 26 Threat
Chapter 27 Assault
Chapter 28 Rescue Mission
Chapter 29 Time Heals All Wounds
Chapter 30 Time
Chapter 31 Compromise
Chapter 32 Just The Beginning
Chapter 33 P.S. I Love You
Chapter 34 Reunited
Chapter 35 Completed Bond
Chapter 36 The Witch and The Vampire
Chapter 37 No Sleep
Chapter 38 The Last Leaf
Chapter 39 Battle
Chapter 40 Epilogue

Chapter 20 Vengeance

77 1 0
By blackveilmaiden

Kearstin P.O.V

     I walked closely beside Jason as he held my perfect little girl with my eyes. She was quiet and her gaze shifted between Jason and I with more concentration I've ever seen any newborn have. I was itching to hold her and my wolf was restless for her as well. I wanted to hold her close and smell her scent that only a new born baby possesses. I wanted to feel her in my arms and look into her innocent eyes as she looked back at me. I still don't understand how she is mine but looking at her there is no denying that she is a child that is mine and Jason's. It's just so bizarre that we have never actually been together physically like that and now we have a daughter. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this. Then it hits me, my wolf is back!

     'Where have you been?'

     Honestly, I don't know. It was like I was asleep for a very long time and all of a sudden I woke up when our pup was born

     'But how did this happen? I don't understand. We never completed the mating process. We are still untouched by him.'

     I'm not sure, maybe the pack doctor can explain, I silently agreed and said no more.

      Jason and I came to a stop in front of the doctor's door and Jason knocked softly and then walked in. We shifted uncomfortably until the doctor signaled for us to sit.

     "Alpha, Luna. I'm glad you are awake again Luna, you have been sorely missed. Now, what brings you to my office with the new pup in tow."

     Jason and I looked at each other and Jason spoke, "This child is some how Kearstin's child, not Amanda. We need to know how this is."

     Realization hit the doctor all at once, "When Kearstin was first admitted here we found what looked to be a small pinprick on her stomach. I assumed it was just some sort of bug bite but now that I think of it I know what it was. I found it very weird that you got Amanda pregnant because people who are not mates are not anatomically able to conceive children together. I assumed that because your wolf, for a lack of a better term, was confused that it allowed for her to become pregnant. But even that being what it was was still highly unlikely. I believe that Amanda or someone stole one of your eggs with a very large needle very carefully. This more than likely happened when you were in heat and when you were in so much pain from it that in your sleep you would have never have noticed it. Then somehow most likely in your sleep Jason you probably had some sort of erotic dream and someone harvested your sperm. After all of this, it is possible that she fertilized the egg and then had herself inseminated with the fertile egg. By all means, this is possibly what happened. But to be absolutely sure I would need to do some DNA testing."

     I sat there in shock as Jason spoke, "That won't be necessary. The goddess herself already came to me and told me that the baby was in fact mine and Kearstin's, not mine and Amanda's. I just needed to know how something like this could happen."

     I looked back at him in surprise and stood with him as he bid the doctor goodbye and we left. As we walked out the door I held my arms out to ask for my daughter. Jason looked doubtful which hurt but I held my ground. He seemed reluctant but he still handed her to me. I took her and still hurt walked as quickly as I could with my daughter to my room. I heard Jason walking closely behind me obviously thinking that he was going to be going where I was. But I was so hurt from the hesitation from holding my daughter that I just wanted to be alone with her. When we arrived at my room I quickly entered and shut and locked the door in my mate's surprised face.

     He banged on it a couple times, "Come on Kearstin! I didn't mean to hurt you but she is my daughter too!"

      "Go away, Jason! I was robbed of her pregnancy! Just let me have this time with her!"

     I heard him let out a heavy sigh, "Fine, but I will be back later tonight. No matter how you feel about me, she is my daughter too, and it's not my fault Amanda took this away from you."

      I let out a breath as he left. I knew it wasn't his fault what she had done, but the way he hesitated in letting me hold my own daughter, that was all him. What he doesn't understand is he knew he had a child coming for months beforehand. I didn't know about my little angel until the day she was born, and I would be damned if someone thought they were going to take her away from me. I looked into her sweet face and held her close. I put nose against her and smelt her new baby smell as she slept. I laid her gently down on the bed beside me and gently traced all of her features as she slept. I smiled as she scrunched her nose up as she slept. I knew in that moment I would fight anyone and anything for her even if it meant my death. I have a new reason to live now, and it's her.

Jason P.O.V

     I sat down heavily on the bed and put my head into my hands. Why was I so stupid? I knew she would never hurt the baby, but I was stupid and hesitated in giving her the baby. I really brought this on myself. But I do love her and the baby and I won't ever give up on her. I almost lost her once and I'll be damned if I lose her again. I have a family to think about now. An imperfect family but a family none the less and I will fight till the ends of the earth for them.

Unknown P.O.V

     I grabbed onto my chest as I felt a searing pain threw my heart and then nothingness. I panicked as I tried to reach out to Amanda. But there was nothing, it was like she was dead. Then it hit me. Oh, Goddess she's dead. I grabbed what ever nearest to me breaking it to pieces. When I was done the room was ruined and I still didn't feel better. Those fucking bastards. They killed her. They killed my mate. She thought the baby would be enough for them to keep her alive. She must have been wrong and now she was dead and I was all alone with no one in the world to love me. I would make them pay. They don't even know what is coming. I will break them down so hard they would have no reason to go on. They will feel exactly how I do. I only have one reason for living now and that is vengeance.

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