You Are My Zing - Harry Potte...

By owlwobble

51.9K 1.3K 135

Sequel to Emma Gilbert. More



2.4K 66 0
By owlwobble

There i saw Bonnie, sitting beside Jeremy. She was not looking too happy. Jeremy looked at her with sympathy. I yelled his name and ran towards him. I hugged him tight. "EMMA!!!!" Jeremy cheered, hugging me tight. He was squeezing me tight until I got to tap his shoulder to release me. "Sorry..." He chuckled.

"Hii. " Then I looked at Bonnie, saying it awkwardly. "Bonnie, Klaus told me you are dead. Argh that devil!" I stomped my feet.

"You can see her too?" Jeremy asked with surprise. Bonnie was too. "Yes, my dear brother. Shouldn't i?" I raised my eye brow. Jeremy and Bonnie looked at each other and then back at me. "What? Is there something I don't know? " I asked. Then quickly continued, " yes. Yes i am missing something. "

"Emma, Bonnie is a ghost. I'm not sure why but I can see ghost. Some, actually. Also, now, I am a Vampire Hunter. " there is a short pause. "We are trying to bring Bonnie back. " Jeremy explained.

"Jer, why don't you ever tells me what ever is going on? I sent Precious to you to sent letters and well, expect you to return my letter.... " I said, sounded disappointed. "You did get my letters, right?" I said, in a rush.

Jeremy nodded his head. "I'm sorry.... I just...... I know you are busy with your job and this will just make your life more .. -" Jeremy frowned." Miserable..." I looked away .

"Oh come on... Dont say like that.... I... I am glad not only Jeremy can see me, "Bonnie smiled. "But, how can you see me?"I gave a weak smile, "All wizards and witches of Merlin's clan can see ghosts. But usually the ghosts that have not crossover. Also they are see through. " i laughed without humour. There was a short awkward silence until the devil appear. "Oh goody..." I said under my breath.

He smiled as our eyes locked. I turned away but then I was just facing him. "Yes, Klaus. What else is there to say?" He smiled from ear to ear. " nothing. I am just bored. Why don't we have dinner. The two of us. Like a date. Or not. Doesn't matter. " he said . I sighed. "Come on... It's just dinner."

"Fine....." I sighed. "See you at my place....6pm. Be . There. " He smiled and sprinted off. I watched as Jeremy gave the disapproved look. "Come on.... It's just dinner..." I smiled and walked out of the place and to the Salvatore's boarding house.

Damon was there, untied. Caroline, Tyler, Damon and Elena looked at me as I walked into the room. Caroline and Tyler lit up as they saw me, unlike Elena. Elena was not happy. She's never happy to see me. What is her problem , seriously. 'Oh wait, the problem is because i am never there. '

Caroline ran to me and gave me a bear hug. "argh! I missed you. " the chirpy Caroline said.I fake a good giggled. "Me too , Caroline." I took turns to hug everyone of them except Elena . She resisted me, as expected.

"What are you doing here?!" Caroline grinned. Elena gave a death stare. Damon just folded his arms.

"Visiting. I miss you all. I just -" and then my phone rang. It was from Klaus. " sorry... Be back.." I said to them and walked out from the family room and answer the call. "Hello." I greeted."Argh! Comeee. Hhhere. Argh! "Klaus sounded as if he was in deep pain. "Klaus what's wrong?" I asked, sounded a bit worried.

"Just come!! " and he screamed again. I hang up the phone and apparated to his home.

I looked around and it was deserted. "Hello? klaus?!" I scream for him. Then i heard him cried for help, "klaus? " i followed his voice. Then there he was, topless and in pain. "What happened Klaus?"

"Silas! He. He stabbed me and... The stake broke and.. It's in me!" He cried in pain. He paused. "I need you to take it out. !"

"Alright.. Alright. Just... Sit still." I looked through his wound and poke my finger in it, wiggling my index to feel for any broken splint or wood. Klaus squirmed in pain. "There is nothing in here.." I sighed.

"I feel it! Get it out!!" He screamed.

"Alright . Alright. Calm down. " I breathe and uttered a spell. Accio stake, or whatever wood is in." But nothing came out.

"What kind of spell is that?!" He complained.

"My kind of spell. "I sighed. "There is nothing in your back, klaus. "

"Then why am i feeling the pain?!" He turned around as screamed at me. His eyes turned yellow like other wolves. In his eyes, I saw it. He was compelled. I did not even realised I was at staring deep into his eyes.

"What?!" He raised his voice. I snapped from my 'compulsion'. I blinked my eyes a few times and replied him," i think Silas compelled you. To make you think something is there. " His face changed. There was no more pain showing . "You alright now?"

"Yes... Thank you " he thanked me. All i did was just smiled.

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