More Than Just Lovers (Book 2)

By jgirl113

78.3K 3.7K 457

Sequel to More Than Just Roommates!! **Completed** It's been ten years since the four boys first got together... More

1. Sick Day
2. Mom?
3. Grown-up Candy
4. Dinner with the Andrews
5. Distraction
6. The Birthday Party
7. Oh Brother
8. Blame
9. Getting Closer
10. Questions and Answers
11. Confession
13. Forget
14. Stressful Morning
15. Snapping Point
16. Pieces
17. Old Memories
18. The Problem
19. Colton's Proposition
20. End
21. Alone
22. Home
23. Mommies and Daddies
24. Nightmare
Bonus Content

12. Memory

2.6K 148 44
By jgirl113


"Hey baby," I murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed, grabbing hold of his cold hand.

He didn't respond, not like I really expected him to. It's been three weeks since Kyle was admitted to the hospital. Three weeks without seeing his eyes or hearing his voice. Three weeks of nothing.

"Ashley got a hundred on her math test," I continued. It was possible he could hear what I was saying, so why not fill him in on what was going on? "She was so proud of herself. You should have seen her - jumping all over the place flapping around that piece of paper." I chuckled softly from the memory of last night. "Logan's back to doing well in school, and finally done with the after-school tutoring sessions his teacher had be giving him to help him catch up."

I felt useless, talking to Kyle like this when there was no way he could answer and no guarantee he could even hear me. So, deciding to stop stupidly rambling, I leaned over and pressed my lips against his. They felt nothing like they were supposed to feel - warm and full of love. Now, they were just there, almost lifelike. It was hard thinking about it, and yet I still chose to kiss him anyway, maybe because in the back of my mind, the whole Sleeping Beauty thing might happen with just one more kiss.

Moving away from the bed, I sat down in the chair in the room. It was hard and lumpy - not a chair meant to sit in all day, but I did, willingly. Since he's been here, I've been here, having taken an extended leave of absence from work. Someone should be here just in case he woke up or something happened. Josh and Leo, while they both wanted to be here too, had important jobs that required them to actually be at their jobs. I was only one of many IT workers for the business side of a stupid shoe store. It was the only place that would hire me and I hated it, so spending a few weeks sitting in an uncomfortable chair and having one-sided conversations with my unconscious husband was nothing if I meant not having to work.

At some point, I must have fallen asleep in that chair, because the next thing I knew, someone was saying my name.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Josh kneeling in front of me. I wasn't sure when he had gotten here, or how long I had been asleep, but all that really didn't matter. What mattered was that he was here when usually he and Leo would come after dinner for a couple hours while I stayed at home with the kids. We only let Ash and Logan visit on weekends, otherwise they'd never want to leave. That way they could get their homework done and get to bed on time without the constant stress of seeing Kyle like this.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Josh when he stood up and held out his hand to me. I took it, also getting to my feet.

"You didn't answer your phone, so I figured you'd be here."

I sighed. "Sorry."

Josh cupped my face with his hands. "Don't apologize," he said with a small smile. "It was bound to happen one of these days." Then he kissed me, standing up on his toes to do so. "Now come on, Leo's making dinner."

I nodded before turning to face Kyle. Sitting back on the edge of the bed, I grabbed Kyle's hand. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay, baby?" I said quietly. But like always, he didn't answer. "Please wake up, Kyle. Home's just not the same without you."

Josh placed his hand on my shoulder. "Come on," he whispered to me. I could hear the waver of his voice. He hated leaving Kyle here every night just as much as I did, maybe more, knowing Josh. But he also knew that sitting here, begging Kyle to wake up was pointless.

I knew that too, I just chose not to believe it sometimes.

Giving Kyle's hand one last squeeze, I stood. I held on, though, until after Josh had placed a gentle kiss to Kyle's forehead.

Except, when I went to let go, I couldn't. At first, I couldn't understand, but then the realization hit me. Kyle was squeezing my hand back.

I raised my gaze to his face. His eyes were still closed and he looked like he was still sleeping, except I knew him too well. He looked like he was trying to wake himself up.

"Jay, come on," Josh said from the doorway, not noticing what I was seeing. "He'll still be here tomorrow. Leo's waiting for us."

I shook my head, but couldn't seem to form the words to say what was stopping me from leaving. So I did the next best thing. Leaning over, I placed my lips against his, and rather than the lifelessness that had filled them before, Kyle actually kissed me back.

"Kyle?" I gasped, backing my face away from his. Please tell me I'm not just imagining this.


There was pressure in my hand, like someone was holding it, and I could hear a voice saying something, although I didn't catch the words - the constant beeping noise in the background too overbearing of a sound. I didn't know where I was or what had happened. I didn't think I would be able to open my eyes to find out. They were just too heavy.

Something soft brushed against my lips. I recognized what it was immediately - someone was kissing me. I kissed them back, gently, automatically, but they were gone in an instant and replaced by the soft sound of "Kyle?"

My eyes fluttered open then - finally - and I stared at the beautiful man standing on my left. He looked worn out and tired, a five o'clock shadow along his jaw line and worry lines running across his forehead. I had no clue who he was.

"Wh-" I tried saying, but my voice cracked and my my throat hurt just from trying. What had happened to me?

The man held out a small cup of water and I was grateful, drinking it all as quickly as I could manage. When the cup was empty, my throat felt a bit better and I handed the cup back to the man, who was not alone anymore. A second beautiful man stood next to him - much shorter, and didn't look quite as tired, but he did look like he was about to cry at any moment. They were almost touching each other, like they were a couple. But that didn't help place them at all. I didn't think I had any gay friends. And I had no idea why I was even finding them beautiful. Was I gay, too? I think so.

They were giving me a weird look, one I wished I could identify. I looked back and forth between them for a moment before the shorter one spoke.

"Hi," he said, smiling. "How are you feeling?"

I shook my head. His voice sort of sounded familiar, but I still couldn't figure out where I knew it from. "I don't know who you are." My voice was still hoarse, but at least I was able to get words out this time.

Both of their faces fell immediately and I felt bad for causing them pain like that. "You really don't know who we are?" the taller one asked. I shook my head again. "I'm Jackson. That's Josh. Kyle, is anything coming back to you?"

"What happened?" I asked, ignoring his question because I couldn't give him the answer he obviously wants. "Where am I?"

The one that was called Josh answered this time. "There was a... an accident. You're in the hospital."

His voice wavered as he spoke, and I wondered why, although I felt like I should know why, so I didn't ask. It probably had to do with whatever accident there was. Instead, I asked a different question, another one I should know, but this one was really bugging me. "Are you two gay?" They looked at each other with expressions I couldn't read. "Sorry, I just..." I hesitated, not knowing what to say. "Assumed?"

"We are together," Jackson answered after a moment, putting his arm around Josh's waist. It was then that I noticed the matching wedding bands on their fingers. "You don't remember?"

The other man pulled Jackson a couple steps back to talk to him quietly, although I managed to catch some of what he said. "...common sometimes... give it time... I'll call Leo..."

Were they talking about why I couldn't remember? Would I get my memories back? How long until that happened though? And who was Leo? Should I know that person?

After a moment, Josh left the room, leaving only Jackson in here with me. He dragged the chair over and sat down next to the bed. "Does the name Leo mean anything to you?" he asked me, staring down at his clasped hands in his lap.

I shook my head. "I know the other man just mentioned his name, but that's it."

"What about Ashley and Logan?"

I felt guilty for having to say no again. So I changed the topic. "How do we know each other?"

He took a deep breath, lifting his gaze to meet mine. "We met in college. You lived in the room next to mine and Leo's." There was that name again. I guess he was a good friend if I've known him as long as I've known Jackson. "The three of us became quick friends, being freshman year and none of us knowing anyone else. Josh went to the same college, and he was actually in one of your classes, and you two did homework together sometimes. Eventually, Josh joined our group and the four of us have pretty much been inseparable since."

There was a knock on the door and it slowly opened. I expected to see another face I didn't recognize, but instead, I was thrilled to see someone I knew, without a doubt. "Freddy," I said, smiling.

Jackson let out a small sigh. "So you remember him, but not us?" He said it under his breath, so I doubted I was supposed to hear it. I let it drop, wanting instead to focus on my best friend that I did remember.

Freddy came around the other side of the bed. "Look who's finally awake, dude. I chose a good day to come visit. Good thing I was in the area today." He chuckled, then glanced over at Jackson. "And good thing I didn't walk in on you two going at it over here. How long's it been?"

I looked between them, confused. Did he just say what I thought he said? "What? Why would we do that? Isn't he married to Josh?"

Freddy's eyes got wide. "Oh shit, dude. You don't remember?"

I shook my head before looking at Jackson. Someone kissed me earlier, before I was fully awake. He was the only one here when I did open my eyes. Did that mean...? "Have we... uh, I don't want to come off as weird with this, but... have we ever had sex?" He nodded. "While you were with Josh?"

"It's really complicated," Jackson said, hesitantly. Freddy only looked amused, as if he already knew this.

Oh god. I willingly participated in a love affair between two of my supposed closest friends and my other best friend knew about it. How could I do that? What kind of person was I?

The door opened again and another man I didn't recognize walked in. He, too, was beautiful, tall with red hair and a short beard that really looked good on him. He walked up next to Jackson and smiled at me.

"It's good to see your eyes, love," he said, then leaned over and pressed his lips against my forehead.

I just stared at him. Who was this man? Were he and I together? Then why would I even consider doing things with Jackson, when we both had other men in our lives? I honestly had no idea who I was anymore. At least I figured out that I definitely am gay.

"Leo," Jackson warned. "Didn't Josh tell you? He doesn't remember us."

Leo. This was Leo. One of the four us who have been 'inseparable' since we met. Is that what he meant by inseparable? He and Josh got together and Leo and I got together? But then cheating must have somehow gotten involved. And it didn't look like everyone was aware.

I looked at the man who had just come in. "Leo?" I questioned, getting his attention. He needed to know this. I couldn't keep the truth from him. "I think I'm cheating on you."

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