Meet Me on Thames Street • Al...

By desolateheart

4.9K 147 8

BEFORE READING: This was my very first completed story and was written in 2014. My writing has improved vast... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen • Jack •
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Four

272 7 0
By desolateheart


               After pretending to consider Jack’s question for a minute or two, I simply smirked. Then the prick tickled me! He had known me all of an hour and he could already tell that I was ticklish. That bastard. So clearly, I tickled him back. Meanwhile Alex was laughing so hard he appeared to be struggling for breath as his best friend was under the attack of my fast fingers.

            Wow that sounded wrong.

            “I’ll take that as a yes?” Jack asked with a grin as he shook away the remains of the tingles from our tickling session. I nodded and watched in amusement as Holly and Carly’s eyes widened in excitement and Michaela simply looked confused.

            “I’m sorry, who are you again?” Michaela asked kindly. Alex started laughing even harder as a look of pure embarrassment took over Jack’s face. “I’m Jack Barakat. These sluts are Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, and Zack Merrick,” Jack introduced while gesturing his hands toward the other boys. “And we’re All Time Low.”

            “Well these are Michaela Ryan, Carly Montgomery, and Holly Smith. And I’m Marianne Wixom,” I said, introducing my own group of friends. The boys smiled and waved at us, unnaturally quiet.

“So what do you ladies want to do today?” Alex asked with a grin. I shrugged and looked at Holly and Carly since it was their first time ever in England. “I really want to see Big Ben,” Holly admitted with a sheepish smile. Zack and Rian’s faces brightened at the mention of the historic clock tower and we all agreed to go.

Jack and I took the lead of the group, having both of us been in the city before. Plus Jack wouldn’t quit following me around. You’d think the guy had abandonment issues or something. I looked back to make sure that the others were staying close behind, and didn’t fail to notice how Holly kept glancing over at Zack. She had had a crush on him ever since I introduced her to the band’s music a few years before.

Not that I could say much different, since I was classified as a “Jack girl” in the Hustler fandom. That’s right; I was a fangirl over the band that was currently making an effort to hang out with me. It was all I could do to keep the fluttering in my stomach and quick pitter-patter of my heart steady. This kind of stuff just didn’t happen to me; I had only ever dreamed of meeting the band who saved my life. But here we were, in one of the most romantic cities in the world.

            “So is this your first time here?” Jack asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. “No, I’ve been here a few times before. Not for such a long time though, and definitely not with my best friends and some American band who think they’re the shit.”

And with that, I mentally slapped my forehead. I’m supposed to be cool and sarcastic, not rude. But before I could have a mental panic attack, Jack saved me. “You’re definitely not like any of the fans I’ve ever met. Most would be suck ups. It’s refreshing that you seem pretty normal.” I proceeded to blush and thank my luck that he was welcoming of my sass.

“THERE IT IS!” Holly screamed as Big Ben began to come into view. Zack was grinning in amusement while watching her fangirl over the landmark. “You really are new here, aren’t you?” he asked her in a soft voice. Then she passed out, either from the excitement of the giant clock or the fact that her favorite band member had actually spoken to her. Maybe it was a combination of both. Either way, he hauled her into his arms and chose to take her to rest on a bench down the street.

“Let me guess, she’s a fan of ours too?” Jack asked me with a small smile. I nodded and told him how I had gotten her into their music years ago and how Zack was her favorite member. I probably shouldn’t have let that slip out.

“And who is your favorite member, little Miss Fangirl?” Jack teased with another one of his infamous smirks. “You’ll never find out. I’m not sure your ego could take it,” I said while trying to hide my blush. “Ah, so it must not be me. I’ll just have to change your mind then.” He responded.

“I think we’re going to walk around the city if it’s alright with you two,” Rian said awkwardly. And by awkwardly, I mean he clearly felt out of place. He rubbed the back of his neck and I surely wasn’t the only one to see the red tint on his cheeks.

“You’re a boring slut anyway,” Jack answered before jumping on Alex’s back. “Don’t leave me, baby! I could get lost, or even worse – killed!” Alex simply laughed and replied, “I’d hate to see the guy who tries to fuck with you.” That was a mistake.

“Don’t worry; you’re the only guy I’d ever fuck. I only have eyes for you, Alexander.” Jack said while batting his eyelashes in an effort to look seductive. In reality, he only looked like he had a terrible twitch.

“And with that, I think it’s our time to go.” Carly said, finally finding her voice after nearly two hours. Michaela and Rian quickly agreed, trying to hide their laughter. Alex rejoined their group and they all disappeared down the street.

“So now it’s just us, huh?” Jack asked with a wink. I swallowed the lump in my throat and replied, “I suppose so. What do you want to do?” He stared at Big Ben for a moment as if in deep thought before answering, “Other than you? I want ice cream!”

I actually tripped over nothing. I wasn’t even moving. I just fell forward and ended up scraping my elbow on the concrete. What did he just say? “W-what? Um, uh...” I sputtered. Then the bastard doubled over in laughter. “It was a joke! I’m sarcastic too, you know.”

Jack fucking Barakat actually joked about that. With me. And I acted like a star struck idiot. Maybe if I just laughed it off and pretended that it never happened, it would all be alright. And that’s just what I did. “Ice cream it is. I happen to know of a really good shop a couple of blocks over.”

After resuming his usual breathing habits and wiping the thin sheet of sweat he had earned from laughing so hard, Jack hooked his arm with mine. “Shall we?” he asked with a childish twinkle in his eye. “Yes, we shall,” I replied. Then we skipped down the street to get some ice cream. 

Hey guys! I just want to take a second to thank you for reading my story, and I hope you enjoy it! (: 
I'd love to hear what you think - good or bad, so feel free to leave a comment!
Also, I'd love you forever if you clicked that vote button. Seriously, I'll give you Nutella and hugs. :D 
Thanks! <3 

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