Marauders Mistakes (blackinno...

By hotchocolatexox

55.6K 1.5K 224

Blackinnon story, starting at Hogwarts and then carrying on after they leave. It will have Jily and Meadowpin... More

Part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fourteen
part fifteen
Authors note
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty-one
part twenty-two
part twenty-three
part twenty five
part twenty six
part twenty-seven
part twenty eight
part twenty nine
part thirty
part thirty one
part thirty two
part thirty three
part thirty four
part thirty five
part thirty six
part thirty eight
part thirty nine
part forty
part forty one

part thirty seven

1K 24 4
By hotchocolatexox

Marlene and Sirius were inseparable that night, holding hands, and showing even though they were dysfunctional at the best of times, they really were in love.

The guests eventually trickled away, and it was late into the evening when the marauders were left, sat about in varying states of drunkness.

Remus was sat, with Dorcas perched on his lap, her curled hair had fallen much looser, and her makeup had faded, but she was gleaming, it was evident she was incredibly happy. Remus had his tie loose around his neck and his top button undone, his blazer long gone. He looked tired, and for the first time Marlene wondered if it was near full moon.

Lily and James hadn't stopped smiling all evening, Lily's long auburn curls were now tangled down her back, still in the pretty white dress Lily was tipsy at best, hammered at worst, but she had calmed now. James had his jacket, but no shirt or tie after Dora had split a drink on it, his tanned, tone skin peeking through the jacket.

Peters suit was most intact, and he sat with his beer and Dora asleep on his lap. She had taken to Pete, and his endless supply of cakes, his funny jokes and his shoulder rides, although he was the smallest of the marauder boys he was the friendliest, maybe the most childish, so it made to everyone it made sense that the children would adore him. She was curled up on his lap, her head resting on his chest, fast asleep still in her bridesmaid dress, but her pink hair was back.

Emmeline and Mary sat on the floor, Emmeline's arm draped around Mary, and Mary's head on her shoulder. They were grinning from ear to ear, happy to finally be together, no matter the circumstances. Mary was in a pale pink playsuit, her mousy hair pulled back into a messy bun, with her lighter blonde bits falling around her face framing her cheekbones, Marlene thought she looked amazing, never mind what Emmeline thought. The girls looked like models, with Emmeline's long toned tanned legs, and her straight long hair, that was now waist length. They looked perfect together.

Marlene was sat between Sirius' legs on the floor, leaning back on his chest. In one hand he held a glass of fire whiskey, and the other was resting on Marlene's stomach. Marlene was lazily participating in the conversation, mostly resting her head on Sirius chest listening to his heartbeat. Her tanned legs stretched out, and her blond hair falling down her back with a flower crown to match Dora's, her stomach wasn't a telling sign of her pregnancy, even at three months, yet that was where Sirius' hand rested.

Marlene and Sirius were whispering now, only to each other.

"Sirius just one.." Marlene complained.

"No." He firmly stated.

"I'm desperate!"

"And you're pregnant."

Peter, who was next two the pair, had over heard. He frowned, opened his mouth, closed his mouth then opened it again and made an inhumane sound that he still can't repeat.

Marlene figured he had heard and burrowed her head into Sirius chest. "You can deal with this one... I'm asleep." He rolled his eyes.

"You okay Pete?"

The rest of the group was silent now, bewildered.

"I- you-Marlene-what?" Was all he could muster.

Sirius was laughing now, at his friends utter disorientated state. Marlene was giggling to, trying to hide.

"Don't be cruel!" Lily remarked pointing at the pair.

Sirius held up his hands, claiming innocence when all their friends, including Marlene looked at him, "Hey hey hey I'm not doing the talking." He just about heard Marlene murmur a please amongst the sounds of his friends demanding to know why Pete looked like he had seen a ghost.

"McKinnon has an announcement." Sirius announced.

"No she doesn't. Not if you ever want to have sex again." Marlene shot back.

Sirius looked torn.. knowing she probably wasn't kidding.

Emmeline laughed, "Merlin I'll do the talking if you want?" The pair both nodded.

"So I was stood with Marl before, by the drinks table missing Mary asking Marlene to get pissed with me, which she agreed to. I hand her this drink right, a glass of champagne, nothing disgusting or anything and she sips it, then turns away from me and I kid you not, spouts it back into the glass. Now, this might mean nothing to you.. But earlier today in the room us girls were getting ready in, in the bathroom bin I found a pregnancy test, a positive pregnancy test. I thought at the time it was Lily's, breathe James, it wasn't. So if it isn't Lily's, and it can't be mine, I was left with either Doe or Mar. I just ignored it after that to be honest, thought I would figure it out later. Then Sirius comes over with Lily, asking why we were laughing."

Remus speaks up, "Why were you laughing?" He looked pale at the turn in conversation, looking at his girlfriend and wondering if he had gotten her pregnant.

"In good time Rem, in good time. Basically Sirius pours us all drinks, fire whiskey this time and hands one to each of us proposing a toast to James. We all drink, and out of the corner of my eye I see Marlene take a sip too. I'm stood there wondering what's going on, when Sirius starts trying to get Marlene to talk, but she can't. Know why? The fire whiskey is in her mouth, she hadn't swallowed it."

"Why ever not Marls?" James asks. 

"She normally swallows." Sirius said, with a  straight face before Marlene wacked him.

"Oi you, shut it." Marlene threatened.

"I.." Marlene began. "Turns out Sirius and I are really bad at something." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Being nice?" Dorcas asked, jokingly.

"Being helpful?" Lily suggested, knowing what was really going on.

"Being-" James started before Marlene cut him off.

"Okay we get it ha ha ha." She deadpanned.

Sirius took over. "Basically I'm shit at remembering to use condoms."

"And I'm really bad at taking the pill.."

They looked at each other.

"And we both thought the other was doing the other thing.." Marlene said, half laughing.

"So we haven't really been using any protection.. for a long time.." Sirius said also half laughing.

"Wait a minute." Dorcas said, getting up of Remus' lap, she looked at Sirius, and then Marlene. It didn't take long for Marlene to realise that Dorcas had finally caught up. She nodded and Dorcas burst into tears running over to her friend and hugging her tight.

It didn't take long for the blood to flow to Remus face as he also caught up, the rest finally did, with Emmeline helping Mary and James being the last to figure it out.

"Again?" He muttered hugging the pair. "Bet if you ever tried to get pregnant you couldn't." He threatened. Sirius nodded, agreeing.

"How far along Marley?" Dorcas grinned.

"3 months Doe!" She replied.

"Have you got a bump?" The group fell silent wondering if Marlene did, because none of them had noticed, again.

Marlene smiled, "Hold on I'll change.." She wandered towards the house, and soon came out in shorts and one of Sirius's shirts. The group fell silent when she got back, Sirius stood and moved towards her, almost protectively.

Marlene lifted her top to reveal a small swell, tiny enough that nobody would notice, but big enough to notice if you saw her naked often. Like Sirius did.

He had felt her stomach through her top before sure, and he knew what was happening, but his mouth practically dropped to the floor at the sight of her usually flat stomach curving outwards.

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